Listen To Researchers Debate the Killing of Bigfoot

The Pro-Kill or No-Kill debate has been going on for years. There are those who believe that the only way to prove Bigfoot is by taking the creature's life. But there are others who believe that Bigfoot has already been discovered and we don't need a body. In this episode of Cryptologic Radio, two groups decided to debate the No-Kill vs Pro-Kill subject:

On the pro side of the debate our guests will be Brian Brown and Cliff Griffin of NAWAC or the North American Wood Ape Conservancy. NAWAC is well known for their research location dubbed Area X and the somewhat controversial manner in which they plan to acquire a type specimen for scientific acceptance and subsequent conservation. Brian Brown is an outdoorsman, naturalist, and researcher. He is also the creator of two renowned Bigfoot podcasts, The Bigfoot Show and the Bigfoot Information Project. Cliff Griffin is an outdoorsman, naturalist, and in the medical industry.

On the no-kill side of the debate our guests will be Corey J. Alarie and Jason Aiken. Corey has been an experienced outdoorsman for 30 years and a Sasquatch researcher for 10 years as both a member of NESRA (Northeast Sasquatch Research Association) and AIBR (Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Research). Jason is a lifelong wildlife enthusiast and an independent Sasquatch researcher.

New Science Internet Radio with CRYPTOLOGIC on BlogTalkRadio


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry, my cat jumped on my lap named Joe, I shot him after that.

    2. Just messing with you Joe it's too early and caffeine hasn't kicked in

    3. look into Count van Breber and his countess Hilda in the Harz Moutains. Weird werewolf story.

    4. Man, I love werewolf stories, you have my word I will.


    5. Theres one in the Shetlands called the wulver, but from descriptions it sounds more like a Viking raider or beserker.

    6. Amazing stuff! I'll check that out too. I love the stuff of Gerard of Wales in Ireland... The reports were taken so seriously that the Catholic Church were involved. A tribe of cursed bipedal talking wolves, reads straight out of like; the best werewolf film ever!!

    7. "There are several stories in particular that frame the majority of Irish folklore regarding werewolves. In Northern Ireland it is said that there were tribes of wolf-men living in the wild that ancient Kings would call on to aid them in battle. Other tales claim that creatures, half wolf, half man, wander the forests, sometimes preying on cattle and sheep, other times protecting the people. And an even older myth tells the tale of three werewolf women yearly emerging from a cave to slaughter sheep during a Harvest Feast, and who were finally lured with music and massacred.

      The most well known legend of werewolves in Ireland, however, was recorded by Giraldus Cambrensis, also known as Gerald of Wales, a clergyman and royal clerk to the British King in the 1100s, assigned the task of observing and recording political and socio-economical events. In his work exploring Ireland, Topographia Hibernica, he depicts the Irish as being savage and primitive with repugnant orthodox piety. He does, however, do us one justice: he records a tale of two werewolves of Ossory, which a priest had personally encountered, and Giraldus was requested to give counsel.

      As a side note, the wolf was the totem of Ossory, and for good reason. It is said that long ago, Ossorians had the power to change into a werewolf at will. Once changed, the werewolf’s human body would remain lifeless at home until the wolf could return to it and thus resume his human form. It is also said that if you were to harm the wolf form, corresponding wounds would be found on the human form; thus you could always tell if a man was indeed a werewolf.

      Yet, interestingly enough, Giraldus’ record was not of this Ossarian legend, but of another: a curse had been lain on a family to which they, although Christians, were condemned to wander as savage wolves for seven years. In his record, a werewolf was pleading with a traveling priest to come and perform the rite of viaticum on his dying wife, who was also in wolf form. The priest concedes and goes on to tell his experience to the local bishops who call Giraldus for counsel. Giraldus is unable to make the appointment but sends a letter instead. Eventually, the werewolf tale reaches even the Pope, who gives his seal on the account.

      There is also an intriguing Irish folklore that Natalis, a monk living in the early 5th century, cursed a prominent family for unknown reasons. The curse? Each member of the family was doomed to become a wolf for seven years.

      As far as my research can tell, there is a fascinating correlation between these two historical references to werewolves that has yet to be investigated. Is Giraldus’ account of the Ossarian werewolf couple somehow related to the original curse imprecated by Natalis, nearly 600 years earlier?

      In any case, the legend of the Ossarian werewolves has deeply founded roots, including a historical account by the Royal Clerk. Yet when and how the werewolves came to be is still a matter of folklore. You’ll have to sort it out for yourselves."

    8. Hunters @ a camp site smell a very strong rancid odor, not like rotting meat decay, just a putrid smell. They got a fire going and I put on a pot of chili. thinkin "something ain't right up hear tonight" . Then @ about 10pm they heard the first whistle/howl. Then all hell broke loose first came branches and sticks thrown from the tree line, the hunters gave out a warring that they were armed and for whoever was in the tree line to come out ! Loud stomping of feet in the bush then quite, the hunters braced themselves for what was to come next. Then large rocks were thrown into their camp one of the hunters said that it, and fired several warning shots into the air! Loud screams then more rocks and branches thrown @ them, the hunters fire some more to chase the intruder away! Not being able to see the creature the hunters pack up and left. Latter they talked to some older folks that lived in the area and they said we don’t stay up there @ night because strange occurrence happen up there @ night!

    9. luckie it wurnt WILD BILL caws hed goin to that thar tree lines ans usin that BIG KNIFE ons that Bigfoot critter he shure do

    10. Man, there's some great reading on here lately... Happy days.

  2. Joe thinks there's a monkey in the woods. Lol :)

    1. That's even more hilarious:)

    2. Considering the evidence, I think you're rather scared.

    3. Lol:) ignorance is bliss:)

    4. ^^ 1;22 you really are a simpleton aincha ?

    5. Thinking there is an undiscovered monkey in north america that knows what cameras are is a bit silly:)

    6. Stating that and then rhetorically stating all footage and images caught of Sasquatch are hoaxes, isn't silly, it's stupid.

      ; )

    7. Believing in a monkey despite the overwhelming lack of evidence is a bit silly:)

    8. You can't handle the evidence bro, never have, I wouldn't make up there's a lack of.

  3. Imagine deploying 50 trail cameras and upon checking the memory cards there are zero bigfoots yet you still go on believing. That's quite some faith these footers have.

    1. Shall we compare that number to the sheer size of somewhere like Northern Californa? It's quite some closure desperation faith these 'skeptics' have.

    2. Alask is 1,717,854 km² if you covered 1 km and could forget trees, line of sight, obsticals, ravines, valleys and even maintaining them all.

      Cost would be $515,356,200 just for game cams at $300 a piece.

    3. Actually each 1 km block would need 4. 1 facing South, North, East, West so mutliply the above! That is without batteries, positioning equipment, theft, maintenance.

      I get that to $2,061,424,800 again just for game cams! It would be cheaper putting your own satellite in orbit.

    4. My point? The cost involved...

    5. My point is the sheer size of areas being trail cammed. Thanks for that.

    6. All animals. But never a bigfoot. Funny that. Another smoking gun to add to the endless list of nothings.

    7. I knew what you meant, the above still wouldn't work as 1 km blocks are too large even with 360 degree, you would need say 50 foot for a good PIR to activate at. Do the maths on that one.

      Plus as Alaska has the lowest solar irradiance, you would have issues powering them and the cold temperatures! On top of that the PIRs inside the cams would need switched out for Pet immune ones so they only fired on items as large as bear and a GSM ID on each cam to upload it....

      A satellite would be much cheaper and more practical.

    8. I think people who put out game cams are doing nothing more than wasting money and taking a crap shoot.

    9. 2:51... Sasquatch are not a dumb animal, it's as simple as that.

      2:53... This is great stuff, thanks for this.

    10. There's away to do it using Chaos Theory and a cost of about $20,000 per unit, if the duty cycle is calculated carefully and just leave the little fell'as to do their own thing.

    11. There have been experiments with infared trail cams that have proved that these appear to omit what looks like a flashlight beam when on (according to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). Any creature with nocturnal vision would be able to see this and merely stay out of it's way. Whilst there is not a trail cam being manufactured today that doesn't omit an audio frequency that isn't audible to us... But maybe audible to a creature with heightened senses. It is widely theorised that Sasquatch are nocturnal in relation to their habits, further in line with their complex eye morphology. Those big black eyes suggest a large area to theorise, and a possible far greater ability range than anything people have previously studied. Pair this with an intelligence like our own; you get something three times as evasive as a dumb animal.

      When deer for example detect sounds, if the source is motionless, a deer will not bolt as it does not identify movement in connection with the sound. After re-examining a 100,000-year-old archaic early human skull found 35 years ago in Northern China, researchers have found the presence of an inner-ear. Our room to theorize is in fact your biggest obstacle on the flip side.

    12. A game cams PIR works on Passive IR that means in a way it sees and registers heat, be it a single, dual or quad element. Once this is activated it then 'Wakes' up the unit and fires the flash 850 nm etc., isn't visible then goes back to sleep. (Depending on the game cam, some have standard flashes that omit visible light)

      It will only omit sound while in duty cycle mode charging the flash. You have 10,000's of pictures of deers, cougars, bears etc which are none the wiser they have been photograghed. On cheaper models you do as the duty cycle whines while charging.

      Switch it out for Lion battery, ultra quick charge and a Pet immune PIR set to activate only on something like a person. i.e a larger heat source.

    13. Footers spend 100% of their time coming up with excuses why there is no evidence. For real animals scientists spend 100% of time discussing the wealth of evidence.

    14. Here's the source I used for my comment;

      "Hey Joe, just FYI. I was on an overnight trip last Thursday/Friday with the law and public safety class students I teach. We were in the field as I was teaching night surveillance, etc. I showed the students the difference between Generation 1 plus night vision and Gen 3. We used both to observe/collect data in total darkness. Gen 1 night vision uses the same technology that Infra-red trail cameras use at night to take photos without utilizing the "flash" that the trail camera uses during the day to take pics. (According to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). When using the Gen 3 technology at night it does not omit an infrared beam. The Gen 1 plus uses infrared to enhance its night vision. Although IR is invisible to humans, it is clearly visible to any animal that has nocturnal vision. I proved this to the students by allowing them to observe me using the Gen 1 plus while they viewed me using the Gen 3. The Gen 1 plus omits what looks like a huge flashlight beam when observed through the Gen 3. Although the Gen 1 plus cannot be seen with our naked eye, it is glaringly obvious with the Gen 3. Although I used this training to drive home a point about never using Gen 1 for surveillance (the bad guys may have Gen 3 or better night vision and they will know you are there, etc.) some of the students who are hunters immediately said, "any animal who sees in the dark could see the gen 1 plus."

      For those who are skeptical of this info. test it for yourself.


    15. 3:18... And some of the very best of those scientists; leading conservationsts, primatologists and wildlife biologists, quite often discuss the evidence and enthusiasm for Sasquatch. There are no excuses, just theories as to why we haven't caught one yet, to anyone not scared of the concept they've been found a long time ago.

    16. 3:22... I would say it is ya know. I'm not challenging you in any way, your info is first rate.

    17. The theory is quite simple: it's because they don't exist. I'm sorry that you cant accept that theory but that's just how it is bro. Keep looking. Im sure you'll find one "soon".

    18. That's the light source Joe or the lens NOT the sensor....The sensor is Passive IR it sees heat. It is the same technology that is in your alarm system that picks up body heat when you walk into a room.

      You also have sensors that are combined as duel-tech that see heat but also need their microwave beam to be distorted to activate.

      So a game cam is sitting looking for heat quitelty then wakes up and fires its flash (That under your condition may be visible) but those electrons are enhanced to the optics of the camera so it can see in the dark to take the photo.

    19. 3:26... If that was the case, you'd have better things to do. The truth is there wouldn't be any of the evidence if that was the case... I would say the one that needs to 'accept' anything is he who should try a little harder than saying something over and over again like a therapy exercise, and find something a little more significant to try and persuade those who aren't afraid of the facts of otherwise.

      Oh and plenty found, none caught.

    20. Your speaking to two people Joe 3:18 - 3:22 - 3:26 isn't me.

    21. I got you bro! Sorry... Bro, you know your stuff, quite awesome info. Are you enthusiastic about Sasquatch?

    22. No harm done, and not really or not anymore it's more of a mild cursioty these days.

    23. What made you change your mind, may I ask?

    24. Let's try again as apparently that response wasn't welcome by the admins.

      The bullshit, hoaxes, scams and more....

    25. Popular culture is a pain sometimes man, but that doesn't discount the evidence that holds up. I mean this respectfully; did your interest span a long time? Bipedal gorilla theories??

    26. I understand!! A decade maybe a bit longer.

    27. I'd never dare try and condescend someone with your obvious experience, but I would suggest keeping an open book. Things have moved on significantly in the last few years and there's remarkable evidence that stands up. A very close associate of mine has had through the roof results in the last 24 hours to which further verification is gonna put his name in lights. It can try people's patience; this field that is.

    28. I'll keep my ears open for when that is released.

    29. Great stuff, and thanks for the info, that was an education.

    30. Should I start posting past reports now? ;¬))

    31. or we can discuss werewolves again?

    32. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! We got plenty of time for werewolves! Get the reports out!!

      PS. Is that you as well with the trail can knowledge???

    33. Woooooooowwww, yes, Bob is very smart!!

    34. okay don't over do it. ;¬) what was I upto let me have a quick look while I still have some time spare.

    35. James A. Muelliner - quoting unnamed Floridian he considered entirely reliable.

      Several hunters spotting for grouse, turkey and deer, near midnight in a dried up swamp bed ( Corkscrew Swamp ) smelled a bad animal smell, heard footsteps in the brush on their rear flank, lights showed nothing. Then saw orangish eyes in reeds ahead of them, and 7-8 ft., hairy creature stood up and stared at them, arms swinging. They shot at it, it screamed and ran into the swamp. They tracked and found blood marks and footprints.

    36. Internet, Rip Lytle, from Avis B. Davis, (address removed) sighting by herself, her husband Wm. (address removed)

      Driving on Penn. Rte. 522, a winding two lane road, Avis and William Davis and Sharon Barnes saw a very black slightly hunched over biped, shorter than their truck, walking towards them on the other side of the road. As they went by it stopped. Eyes were red, but not shining, and it had a red tongue and inner mouth.

    37. Keating MBE, Nov. '98, from Ron Schaffner, quoting two unnamed water treatment plant workers.

      Two plant workers going to lunch. One got out to open a gate and looked back and saw beside a pond a 7 to 8 foot tall biped covered with long black hair. It was watching them until he looked at it, when it duckedûdown. Later it stood up, then ducked down again. This went on several minutes until the men got scared and drove away.

    38. Internet, B. Marsen, quoting friend.

      Friend of D. Marsen biking home late at night on Vermillion Road, which passes between two cemeteries, a bumpy dirt road beside cliffs above a large gully where people throw trash into the stream bed. He saw in headlight a furry, hunched thing he thought was a bear, but it stood up on its hind legs, larger than any animal he knew, just as he was slowing down. It let out a low growl and he turned and fled. He thought it had been eating something.

    39. Ken Parenteau's mother was reading in the woods near an apple orchard when she felt she was being watched, looked up and saw a tall creature on two legs walking fast towards her but slightly to one side. It came within 25 feet, totally disregarding her. Very quiet and graceful, as if gliding. Very broad shoulders, no neck, long muscular arms, humanlike eyes. Height estimate 8 to 11 feet. She reported to police. Two days later another occurance, on the other side of the mountain in Kirby, was reported to police and written up in the local paper. Sawyers Mountain, off Rte 114. Son says 'in the woods', but also 'grassy mountain side'.

    40. Bill Green, Bigfoot Record #17, quoting Alice Haggerty

      Alice Haggerty filled in a sighting report form saying that in the Pine Barrens close to Mays Landing she saw an 8 to 9-foot creature from a distance of 25 to 30 feet, which stayed and looked at 'us' for almost 20 minutes, and left a stench that lasted for hours. It had red eyes, presumably reflecting, since encounter was after dark. Accompanying drawing is of a fairly thin creature, but weight estimate is 300 lb.

    41. Sam Sherry, quoting Ligonier, University of Pennsylvania student.

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania student reported seeing in Yellow Creek State Park a large, rusty brown creature, 7 to 8 feet tall. It came from the woods, scoooped up water from the lake in its cupped hands, turned and walked back into the woods.

    42. Scott McNabb: Randy Fink CIA questionnaire.

      Randy Fink and girlfriend sitting in tall grass on pipeline right of way heard a loud bird-like sound repeated for 20 minutes from a stationary location. Stood up and saw 20 yards away a 7 to 9-foot anthropoid standing in the woods. It was proportioned like a human, not fat or thin, and was covered with 2 to 3-inch grey/white hair. It ran, swinging its arms, breaking branches. They also ran.

    43. Bill Brann letter quoting a state police officer and a construction engineer.

      Bill Brann refers to findings in two locations ""deep in the interior of the Adirondacks"" in late December of 16-inch, 5-toed tracks in snow with a 4-foot stride. The witnesses, a state police officer and a construction engineer, wish to remain anonymous.

    44. Sioux City, IA, Journal, Aug.9, 1997 (internet McNabb) quoting JeremyûCorbin and Lori Gabriel,

      Lori Gabriel quoted as having heard branches breaking for four or five nights, and having seen big footprints everywhere in the back yard. There were also middle sized and small footprints. Jeremy Corbin, a tenant, reports seeing a 7-foot creature covered with reddish brown hair outside his window at 5 a.m. He could not see it well without his glasses ""then it just disappeared"". Gabriel says there were also footprints in a yard across the street.

    45. John Kiminas -

      Steven Jewett and partner observed two creatures crossing a dirt road in Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area, large oaks, sandy, ground covered with acorns and oak leaves, heading into deep cypress swamp. One was about 6'6"" tall, 200 lbs. minimum, lighter brown or buckskin colour. The other creature which came into view after the first, had breasts, was about 5'5"" tall, black in colour, and appeared to be carrying something with both hands at its waist. Partner is not identified

    46. Franzoni from Linda Proctor CIA, quoting her daughter and niece.

      Linda Proctor said that her brother, niece and daughter had seen tracks of abnormal size at a small farm they went to near Tupelo, so she asked them to take pictures, and they did. No specifics of the tracks noted, but pictures are available. On this occasion the girls, age not indicated, went exploring, and at a neighbour's yard saw a giant creature with hair all over its body, in the chicken pen holding a chicken in one hand with the other hand holding its beak. They fled. Brother didn't believe them, but they went to the neighbour's house and he said chickens had been going missing. The old man at whose farm they were staying said that Bigfoot lived on the other side of nearby Cedar Creek.

    47. Bigfoot Co-op, April '98, from Peter Guttilla,

      Dave Gannett, his father and sister, canoeing in a series of lakes formedûin old gravel pits, saw a sasquatch about 100 yards away. It caught a bass, and when Dave said 'Hey look' it stood up, dropped the fish and walked away. Six to seven feet, apelike but erect, dark brown hair with reddish highlights.

    48. Henry Franzoni from Don, CIA, quoting friend James andDon's brother.

      Don and brother lived in a cabin on Corydon Ridge Road. They started hearing 'howl-screams' in the woods behind the house, which scared the dogs, and Don took to shooting into the woods toward the sound, which would stop it for a night or two. Friend James camped back in the woods, but came back in a few hours saying he saw something humanoid, hairy and tall walk between two trees. He left. Next night Don's brother woke to find something at least 8 feet tall staring in the window at him. Another night after howls right by the house two 2x8 planks in the back steps were found broken and the door frame splintered. There was a strong, unpleasant smell. They moved out.

    49. Don Keating MBR Oct. '98, Mark and Dawn DeWerth quoting George G. and friend.

      George G. and friend were trapping in Mohican State Forest between Butler and Belleville. Over a three week period they heard ear-piercing cries in the forest, especially around dusk. Great volume and intencity, but sometimes almost musical, like whistling. Next they found 3 or 4 five-toed humanlike tracks in soft soil going up a very steep hillside, at least 15 inches long and with huge strides. A week later they saw 100 feet away a creature with medium length brown hair everywhere but on its face, which watched them for a few seconds then took off up the hillside. Low forehead, small dark eyes, huge hands, bulky body, nasty smell, but size and posture not specified.

    50. There's always later though bro!! I'm no going anywhere!! Ha ha!!

    51. Problem with trail cams is well documented. Fact is they have taken some pics of bigfoots, however these animals feel safer at night when moving about. But when dealing with creature built so similar to a human only covered with hair they are always dismissed as a hoax or hunter in a gillie. I would also think there are some pretty good ones out there that have never seen the light of day for the obvious reasons.

    52. There is no problem with trail cameras. The problem is blaming the trail camera when you aren't getting photos of something that don't exist.

    53. The only thing that don't exist here bro, is your brain.

    54. Actually, Chuck brings up a great point... What's that trail cam photo of an alleged juvenile bending over? Isn't there a shot of a bear in the same place that clearly shows the difference??

    55. The Jacobs photo I believe.

      Still Bob but drinking coffee and working on something, why watching a movie and updating other bits. Man can I multi task.

    56. Like a king! One thing though... What's your thoughts on the Jacob photo??

    57. I always thought it was a bear with mange using a salt lick.

    58. The "Jacobs creature" IS a bear with mange. Case closed.

    59. I agree.

      If you don't know about this Joe have a read! It's why I mentioned Alaska above with the trail cams.

    60. Jacobs photo out of NE PA is correct, still widely debated. Then you have the vermont apple gatherer on that was researched by Cliff Barackman thoroughly and photos analyzed by reknown expert Dr. Bruce Macabee ruling out an owl and shadow casts were determined to put the suspect in same area as Cliff with apendages on the ground and it was much larger than Cliff.

      The truth is if a Sasquatch decided to stand still and have his picture taken by a trail cam at the most opportune distance in great light it would still be dismissed as a hoax and that is what we are dealing with with trail cams.

      Nice to see you back JOE. Hope holiday has been good for you both body and soul.

    61. It could be I don't think it's 'case closed' though... The comparison shots of a bear are quite interesting.

    62. The jacobs photo is no bear with mange as the wildlife officials like to think it is. Fact is the pose the creature exhibits is only sees in young children and young primates and it is clearly taller than the young bears that were there a half an hour earlier. An analysis of the appendages and their ratios as conducted by a university put these ratios in the primate group. Mange might change the hair structure but not the appendage and anatomy.

    63. I would agree with you 100% there Chuck.

    64. See that was really codial, we agreed to disagree without reverting to childish remarks or personal insults.

      Joe, Chuck believe that, a few others this...I always liked Dahindens statement "whady'a mean footprints arn't evidence, if I smack this over your head it's real" while holding a cast. I would have loved to have sat down with that guy.

    65. Chuck. Primary Scale Pattern on my hair sample is microscopically consistent with primate hair. Broken or interrupted medulla consisted with Sasquatch sample. But there could never be a great ape in North America. Right?

    66. I mean, in the words of Gamora to Peter Quill, these Texas women will not "succumb to my Pelvic Sorcery!" Now where was I on this 8 track....oh yeah " I fooled around and fell in love!!!"

    67. Awh Mike, I knew you'd let the cat out the bag! Ha ha!! Chuck, it's great news! GREAT NEWS!!!

    68. Joe I've been petting the cat since I was about 15. What can I say. It's a good ----- :). Regardless. We have to have a little fun.

    69. MIKE. I would also assume that your hair sample shows that is was never cut. Neat to hear this buddy.

      JOE. I assumed in your earlier post you were dealing with MIKE and he had something very interesting. I look forward to seeing the sample. Keep me informed if possible. Great news indeed.

    70. Studying primate hair is a passion of mine now. I never realized id been doing it so long. In the back of cars. Before someone's parents got home. After someone left with their parents. I guess the important thing to remember is that each strand looks microscopically different than other species. Time will tell what the source renders. But I'm reasonably certain there was no orange orang or grape ape hanging out in central west Texas. I'm thinking it was something much closer to a man, baby....but let's not be could have been left on my tree by a natural woman. And that's the thought I like the most.

    71. Will do Chuck. I'm taking the sample to the lab this week. It's just nice to FINALLY get a positive microscopic exam back. All joking aside, I've waited along time for this, and as you all know I've conducted myself in uh most mature fashion I possibly could. Now I'm going to go do some whippets and celebrate. You guys have a fantastic day.

    72. Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Great stuff... You've worked damn hard Mike. And Chuck, I'll be in touch.

  4. Replies
    1. Do you read your own comments out in the mirror whilst naked having a Gollum exchange?

      Pro tip; the smoking usually comes in the comments under yours.

      ; )

    2. Yea your lack of evidence to back up your claims usually does it.

    3. You can't handle the evidence bro, that's why you treat it like a taboo.

    4. Man, you need this spelling out for you every ten minutes...

    5. No evidence then? Nice nice

    6. I think you know the evidence bro, nice, nice.

    7. I think the problem is not the lack of evidence, it's the fact that none of it has ever been confirmed. This is also backed up by the fact that a lot of the evidence has been confirmed to be created by humans as tricks/hoaxes. Its a cool idea this bigfoot thing but in reality it's just a bit of fun:)

    8. All evidence, every single last piece that can be submitted in the court of law can be falsified, but it does nothing to quash the authenticity of those processes. Tracks that have been attained 50 miles into wilderness areas, can't be hoaxed. Hair that has been verified by primatologists to be of an unknown primate, can't be hoaxed.

    9. "Tracks that have been attained 50 miles into wilderness areas, can't be hoaxed."

      Really? So the person finding them couldn't have hoaxed them?

      There is no unknown primate hair I don't know why you keep repeating that lie.

    10. No, the person who found him can't have hoaxed them, it's as easy as that. When you have species traits that transcend States and decades; not hoaxed.


      ... Scroll down about half way. The lie is you having the bal*s to look.

  5. I am watching a re-run of the show feckin` anus-holes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. ...tho` it has to be said that the Africans were buying and selling slaves for millenia............along with the Arabs.......................y`ALL feckin` anus-holes

    2. And dats the truth!

  6. I shot the sasquatch
    but I did not shoot the deputy

  7. Sheesh..........YOU FECKIN` YANKS HAVE SOME ANSWERING TO DO.............remember THIS...........EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO is ADDED to the LIST...........myself included.

  8. This bigfoot role playing stuff is a crazy hobby

    1. You don't play the role of confident skeptic too well.

    2. It is legal to shoot a bigfoot thru the eyeball if he "bum rushes" you.

  9. Bob gimlin sued al d'eatley? Interesting

  10. Zero unambiguous photos.

    Zero unambiguous videos.

    Zero DNA results.

    Zero body parts.

    Zero fossils.

    Zero bodies.

    Zero captured.

    Basically yea bigfoot don't exist

    1. PGF.

      Cro-Magnon share the same DNA as us.

      150 years of archeologically documented giant skeletons.

      There's only a handful of teeth for six million years of chimps and gorillas.

      Plenty found, none caught.

      Basically... You need to know the facts.

    2. That the best you got? Very weak evidence for your claimed 9 foot hairy ape.

    3. ^ Face it..nobody cares whether you believe or not...nobody at all.

    4. 6:55... Counter claim them before you claim 'best you got'... This is how it works son. Oh... And there's so much more.

    5. just like them giant squid - for centuries seafarers reported these creatures and scientist discounted all of these reports NOW the giant squid is a know species

  11. Ironically using Patterson's plagiarised bigfoot drawing which just happened to be identical to his encounter he was to have the following year. This stuff is realy really funny.

    1. If you drew a picture of a lion and then filmed one... You catch my drift.

    2. If I drew a picture of a dragon with specific traits and then filmed a "dragon" with those same traits...

    3. 5:49... So do Sasquatch.

      5:51... People don't see dragons, you've been told this before.

    4. Amazing as it may sound the dragon seems to have a basis in fact and it still haunts the wild, and sometimes not so wild corners of our strange little planet. Modern sightings include a huge, winged reptile that terrorized the San Antonio valley, Texas for several months in 1976. A house sized, long necked, scaly, green dragon with formidable teeth that has eaten fishermen and livestock in Lake Wembu, Tibet, and a horned, black-scaled dragon seen by five hundred witnesses in July 2002 in Lake Tianchie, northeast China. In fact there are so many modern dragon sightings from around the world that I have written a book on the subject, "Dragons; More than a Myth?" that is due out in Spring 2004.

      Some dragon sightings are much closer to home. In the early 19th century folklorist Mary Trevelyan interviewed many elderly people living in the Glamorgan area of Wales. They recounted memories from their youth (early 19th century) of a race of winged serpents said to inhabit the forest around Penllyne Castle. They had crested heads and feathery wings. The serpents were brightly coloured and sparkled as if covered with jewels. They rested coiled on the ground but if threatened would attack by swooping down at their aggressors.

      The snakes killed poultry and were described as "the terrors of farmyards and coverts" many were shot for their depreditations of livestock. One woman recalled that her grandfather shot one after it attacked him. Its skin had hung for years on the wall at his farm. Tragically it was discarded after his death. This would make any modern day cryptozoologist wince.

      A dragon skin was once said to hang in the church in Sexhow, Cleveland. The forest dwelling worm was slain by a knight and the skin kept as a relic hung on pegs in the church. The skin has long since vanished. Cromwell's men probably destroyed it after the Civil War.

      A portion of the hide of the Lambton worm was supposedly kept on display at Lampton castle. It was said to resemble cow's hide. The specimen was lost when the castle was demolished in the 18th century.

      Smoked you pathetic moron.

    5. now you believe in dragons for which there are no reports or evidence yet wilfully ignore the evidence and reports of bigfoot of which there is a huge amount ?

    6. I wouldn't hold a book up by Richard Freeman as evidence as he's a known liar.

      Start from March 2010 making sure to read the comments and work your way forward to the final post in December.

    7. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      6:54... You believe a couple of reports of dragons, but not ten thousand years of Sasquatch anecdotes, cultures, footage, tracks, hair, scat, thermals, archeological studies, etc?

      Man, did you just call someone else pathetic?

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Man, I'll remember this for a while, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    8. Yea. Duh.

      The point is people make stuff up all the time.

      Bigfoot is no different.

    9. No, you made yourself look silly whatever angle, son... You cannot compare what you're pasting to what I can.

      Keep at it though, I enjoyed the reading, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    10. You said people don't see dragons.

      You got given multiple accounts no different to the standard of bigfoot sightings.

      You got smoked.

    11. Oh, people see dragons, mothman, ghosts, all sorts of things... I'm not questioning that, silly boy... Ha! What I'm saying is, to compare this subject to dragons is futile, because people don't see dragons in the frequency that they do Sasquatch, and they certainly don't leave physical and biological evidence after them (excluding dragon fossils).

      You've searched the Internet and probably found me all the dragon sightings you can find, ya see? Is there a database for dragon sightings?

      Thanks though, I enjoyed the reading, ha ha ha ha ha!!

    12. I think it came from here as it's the only complete source I can find.

      ...anything with Freeman's name attached I tend to move on.

    13. I only skimmed a bit to match it on google. I really dislike anything to do with Freeman, I have my reasons.

    14. Lol.

      What a retard.

      The plural of anecdote is not evidence.

      The number of sightings merely references how popular or fashionable a subject is. Bigfoot is way up there.

    15. I bet you think armed Kangaroos are a myth also, eh?

      Mutant Marsupials Take Up Arms Against Australian Air Force

      The reuse of some object-oriented code has caused tactical headaches for Australia's armed forces. As virtual reality simulators assume larger roles in helicopter combat training, programmers have gone to great lengths to increase the realism of their scenarios, including detailed landscapes and - in the case of the Northern Territory's Operation Phoenix- herds of kangaroos (since disturbed animals might well give away a helicopter's position). The head of the Defense Science & Technology Organization's Land Operations/Simulation division reportedly instructed developers to model the local marsupials' movements and reactions to helicopters. Being efficient programmers, they just re-appropriated some code originally used to model infantry detachment reactions under the same stimuli, changed the mapped icon from a soldier to a kangaroo, and increased the figures' speed of movement. Eager to demonstrate their flying skills for some visiting American pilots, the hotshot Aussies "buzzed" the virtual kangaroos in low flight during a simulation. The kangaroos scattered, as predicted, and the visiting Americans nodded appreciatively... then did a double-take as the kangaroos reappeared from behind a hill and launched a barrage of Stinger missiles at the hapless helicopter. Apparently the programmers had forgotten to remove that part of the infantry coding. The lesson? Objects are defined with certain attributes, and any new object defined in terms of an old one inherits all the attributes. The embarrassed programmers had learned to be careful when reusing object-oriented code, and the Yanks left with a newfound respect for Australian wildlife. Simulator supervisors report that pilots from that point onward have strictly avoided kangaroos, just as they were meant to.

      -Peace ;¬)))

    16. Backed by physical evidence; another story. The frequency of anecdotes that this subject can back up with physical and biological evidence, spans thousands of years. Lessening it to a 'plural of anecdote' is as irrelevant as your dragon comparison.

      8:40... Do you mind if I'm no set and ask those reasons??

    17. You can't have all those sightings and no confirmed proof. Don't add up.

    18. Confirmed proof? You have some of the very best fore cod specialists, wildlife biologists and primatologists telling you that there are unknown primates living in North America.

      8:51... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I just checked a list of wildlife in North America and BIGFOOT did NOT make the cut.

  13. You should have asked the best conservationists & primatologists in the world, they seem to be ahead of Wikipedia ya know.

  14. Good idea Joe, let's take them this hair, this week, how about the good folks at Primarily Primates?, they seem to know their business.

  15. The late John W. Jones killed or trapped (Beyond any shadow of a doubt) A Wolf in the Catskill Mountains of N.Y. state several years ago.

    The "Experts" at the Department of Environmental Conservation said it was a large Coyote!

    His Mohawk friends, also trapped and killed 2 Wolves a year later, in the same area. The "Experts" at the D.E.C. told these "Native Americans" The exact quote is: "You people, don't know the difference between a Coyote or a Wolf"!

  16. ^ the sum total of "modern" knowledge seems to be vastly over-ridden by the sheer weight of ignorance.......time and again.......after all,what would the native indians know,they`re just backwards and primitive,eh ?

  17. "Master craftsman" Bill Munns' book would be a lot more impressive if it didn't have the all-time ugliest, most amateurish cover design in the history of self-publishing, which is saying something.

    1. But he says bigfoot is real so it's all good right?


    2. Yeah, it takes many years to get the science right, and 20 minutes to design the cover in Microsoft Paint so your hard work has that special aura of doesn't-suck.

    3. Sweati yeti also uses Microsoft paint. I don't think that's a coincidence. That is solid science. Bigfoot must be real folks.

    4. Haven't you heard the saying... Never judge...

      Are for Christ's sakes...


  18. Why do the guys at BFF always say it's proof that Patty is real because Patterson only had NINE WEEKS to modify the costume, according to the time line? They mock it as though it was nine HOURS. It's not like Patterson wasn't an unemployed mooching scammer with time on his hands **cough Dyer cough cough **

    1. The first fallacy is that patty is a convincing suit. Its not. It's a laughably bad suit. Anyone claiming otherwise is in serious denial.

    2. My word... Knock one up in your garage then bro, it's that simple right? The BBC and Blevins had to have been working on materials found in your kitchen, right?

      46 years and counting... That's the fallacy.

    3. Why should I or anyone bother?

    4. Because you claim it's a suit in the face of scientists telling you better... That's why. The audacity then, is that as soon as someone does it for you and admits to not being able to accomplish it, you call him a hack.


    5. Scientists? Ey? What scientists?

    6. You linked to a bigfoot magazine? Where are the statements from scientists saying the pgf is real?

    7. Check out the editorial board and honorary board member.

    Attention all JREF paid scoftics, today we swarm the BE board and swamp them with BS. Bring out your best stuff and do not be afraid to cut and paste from the Bigfoot Disinformation database as prepared by Karl. It's there for a reason. Freelancing BS is good but Karl really dialed in that database so we don't want it to just sit idle and not be molding American's minds that Bigfoot is not real. This is not a game. This is your job. You will have plenty of support today. The more BS artists, the better.

    1. No drama needed. Bigfoot don't exist. Is boringly obvious.

    2. What's obvious is your lack of confidence in that statement, or you wouldn't be here.

    3. CODE RED! CODE RED! And don't forget to replace your batteries in your vibrating butt plug.The anal stimulation helps to pour on the BS.That is all.

  20. I love that the comments here have nothing to say about "NAWAC" and their horse manure.

    1. I would have and will as soon as I have the wi-fi listen to it.

    2. I think they couldn't be more wrong with their wood ape theory, and their goal of "proof". That's ok, I don't think they'll succeed. BB is still a jackass.

    3. Yeah, I'm not down with wood ape theories at all. Thanks for the head's up.

  21. In the common, practical case, absence of evidence is evidence of absence. When you check your pocket for car keys, and you don't find them, does this throw you into an endless loop? How many thousands of times must you pat yourself down before you decide that it's pointless? When your kid makes you check the closet for a monster, are you forced to admit, even after you've looked, that you really can't say that there's not one there?

    There's such a thing as conspicuous absence, and bigfoot is a good example. We'd know if bigfoot existed or not, and actually we do know: bigfoot was never real.


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