Juvenile Arkansas Bigfoot Photo Revisited

In October of 2009, a woman from Arkansas released this photo, that was reportedly taken by her trail camera. Is it a juvenile bigfoot, or something more common?


  1. Replies
    1. You meant. "Still proof"

      Thanks for your confirmation


  2. I am surprised there wasn't a beheading in Ferguson..Hopefully the rioting is over with.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes and a Terrorist organization also known as ISIL!

    2. ISIS is yet another example of the mythological..in this case greek mythology...the other ISIS are a bunch of wannabee gangsta`s that would,once in power,deny the fruits of life to those they would oppress..yet another group of power hungry bigots that need to be eradicated..eradicated I say.

    3. Only the white man gets to be racist and a Bigot !! Sheesh!
      Catch a clue my friend!

    4. ^ wow...you really are blinded......I`ll put your name up for the program

    5. The Afro American community routinely displays more racism and hate for other groups than all races combined. Black on black crime is at an all time high when the violent crime rate as a nation has slightly decreased recently. If a black man spray paints the work "Honky" or "Cracker" on the garage door of a white man and he is caught doing so, they will/can be charged with a misdemeanor destruction of property. If the same white guy who had his garage vandalized goes to the black guys house and paints the "N" word on his garage door, the white man can be arrested and charged with a Federal felony hate crime. Go figure? And our limp wristed media tries to portray that our country is still attempting to oppress the black community. Truth be told, black extremists will not rest until every Honky and Cracker is put in chain and horse whipped daily because their great, great, great, great grand parents were slaves and treated this way. Hey, my ancestors were treated like dirt and whipped too but I am not holding it against my neighbors who try to be nice to me.

  4. This looks like it could be just a big bird, but does anyone else notice face in the most zoomed in pic?
    F*cking pareidolia!

  5. Isn't that an Obama daughter taking a shit in a field?

    1. If Oboma had a son it might 00kk like him!

    2. Its a Obama daughter in a bigfoot costume taking a shit in a field

    3. No...i shall not...i shall pass on my reign to another of the priesthood of my calling...signed,Pres.

  6. Its one of the woman's Guinea fowl, ask for the rest of the pictures. Also that last picture above has been messed with.

  7. Juvenile is right. Juvenile describes the entire bigfoot world's mentality.

  8. This image is strange because it almost appears like you can see through the figure. Who knows? Maybe it is a juvenile bigfoot in the process of teleporting into another dimension as the pic was taken. lol. Honestly, it is hard to tell what this is. I do know that Sasquatch are real. I had an encounter in 2009 that lasted several minutes.

    1. Can/will ya share your Sasquatch encounter/story friend......

  9. If someone would have asked prior to posting the pics above I would have e-mailed what I have to the site. The top 2 pics are cropped from the original first of the Stealth cam series. The 3rd was messed with from someone on another site.

    I am the one who by doing elimination set the stage for the belief that what was in the following pics was the guinea hen. When the oics ended up on yet another site someone noticed that what I originally thought was the birds cone was actually a play on light and shadow from the reeds, doing a gif I realized I had been incorrect, also another goof was what I thought was the supposed "cone" should have been "whitish" and not black. But then again without seeing what I'm trying to explain it's just another................


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