Does This Video Show a Bigfoot Hiding Under a Log?

Bigfooter Scott Carpenter caught what he believes is a bigfoot hiding beneath a pile of logs on video. He has taken the time to go back and enhance the video to show us what he sees.


  1. Replies
    1. innyways tham abin a dang Mexicun Bigfoots

    2. Everything stinks on ice except jack and gold schlager

    3. Scott has complete bat shit for brains! I'll grant you that he thinks he's serious ... but every time I've gone to this guys site to see wut's up, all I can see is totally pixelated nothing.

      Yah, total bat shit!

      Hey Scott, next time why don't you just rush the damn position and look for yourself? One of two things is going to happen:

      a) Your going to find out once and for all your bat shit.


      b) Bigfoot is actually going to be there and will rip your head off and save you the trouble of having to do all this ridiculous video editing.

      Either way is a win for us :)

      k, NOT bat shit for brains, singing out!

    4. Harry, it started August fourth. We are on a lay day. We have one more day to fish. A 180 lb tuna won $400,000 yesterday.

    5. ^^ he`s got hisself a new toy and consequently is subjecting all n` sundry to vague images of nothing...must be a slow year for bigfoot this year.

    6. yeah to bad the stick didn't blink or move on camera. My gawd you complete fools think anything and everything in the woods behind home depot is a bigfoot. Dumb ass footards

  2. WILD BILL needin to gits that thar BIG KNIFE out ans gits it reel sharp sos he cans bes reddy fer bear season
    WILD BILL abin a bear huntin ans all

    1. "Wild Bill" got that big knife stuck up his arse, by REAL Marines, after they found out, he was a PHONY!

    2. Look it up smart guy! Public record!

  3. The JREF Forum will be off-line for a short period to allow time for the removal of all bigfoot related threads - JREF Staff.

    1. not shure whut types of tham thread yuns sayin

    2. ^ do you have a penis in your mouth ? or just up yo` ass

  4. Vice President Joe Biden believes the massive influx of children illegally entering the United States from Central America are the responsibility of the American people.

    1. central american women with their perma-tans are quite beautiful.

    2. Unless you're a Native American then your family were immigrants too so quit your bitching and read what it says on the Statue of Liberty

    3. You`re ALL immigrants so shet the feck ep...they`s all coming fo` yo` cash,cars,n` dirty women

  5. AIMS team huntin tham cryptids in tham hill of west virginny thays shure is

    1. Yeah, after they all leave their beach front Condos!
      "Wild Bill" the PHONY Marine!
      "Trapper" the PHONY trapper!

  6. To be fair, perhaps's Justin's bear was bipedal. Would have freaked me out too.

    1. Lots of bears are bipedal: Yogi Bear and Boo Boo, Smokey the Bear, the Benstein Bears, Bear Bryant, BJ and the Bear, the Chicago Bears, the Baylor Bears, UCLA Bruins, Cal Golden Bears, etc. . .

  7. Hey Scott Carpenter--
    You might want to look to the right of that creature you are focused on--You know that big red brown thing with the big eye and domed head, looking right at you.

  8. TRAPPER and the AIMS team needin to trade in some of tham shotguns fer some AKs
    ans old Marine WILD BILL will knows what to do with ans AK

  9. Scott Carpenter has captured literally hundreds of potential sas and dogmen on camera.

    As much as I love Scott's enthusiasm perhaps a little quality control wouldn't go amiss?

    When you claim you have a whole host of encounters then folks rightly switch off after a while.

    Hope the hard work pays off eventually though buddy.


    1. His sister Karen had such a lovely voice.

    2. ^ isn`t she the one that took up woodworking ?

  10. no the vid has no bigfoot and i don't even need to watch it.. yea you know why..

  11. i have to admit the bigfoot world has the some of best hoaxers. and a lot them to boot. no pun intended

  12. This guy makes mmg and Joe look intelligent

  13. it may not be anything but at least they went closer for a look unlike a lot of other so called sightings


    "SCOTT … you have not just ‘THE ONE UNDER THE LOG …’

    You have at LEAST 31 (thirty one) of varying sizes. To repeat — 31 … and the way it’s stacked — you were maybe facing a ‘NEST’ as the BIGGER ONES were further back and you can see how the ‘layering’ goes of GUARDS, LOOKILOOS & ADULTS."

    1. OK — buckle your seat … here — we — go:

      1) FREEZE FRAME @ 1:17.2 … and in the area BETWEEN THE TWO TREES — in this upside-down pyramid … STARTING with the one LEFT SIDE OF FRAME you first saw: BLACK FUR, GRAY SKIN - BLACK EYES, with a hint of reflection on the top of the orb — not exactly a huge face, so perhaps a LARGER JUVENILE …

      2) SEE THE SKINNY TREE CENTER FRAME? Just to the RIGHT OF IT. Another creature — as you rock back and forth frame by frame, you’ll SEE GRAY CHEEK / his LEFT EYE right at the corner of the upside ’L’-shaped branch / black torso fur.

      3) GO TO THE RIGHT - just past the OUT OF FOCUS lazy ‘D’ fg branch. Again, BLACK FUR / GRAY SKIN and a hint of an eye.

      4) RIGHT ON TOP OF THE PREVIOUS ONE: MUCH SMALLER than the previous ones — likely a YOUNG JUVENILE as you can see judging by the closeness of the EYESHINE

      Now we need to JUMP BACK in the TIME CODE to:

      5) FREEZE FRAME @ 0:49.2 — and LOOK just to the right of LEFT TREE — perhaps a YOUNG to MID JUVENILE as seen from CALCULATED-COMPARED TO OTHERS HEAD SIZES. You can make out a DARK EYE under the FIRST GREEN LEAF … then — UNDER THE MIDDLE LEAF … that might be a MOUTH.

      6) SAME TIME CODE AS ABOVE — FAR RIGH SIDE OF SAME FRAME. There’s a JUVENILE-SIZED HEAD — and as a BONUS(!), part of his SHOULDER that leads down to what appears to be a CLENCHED FIST.

      7 & 8) FREEZE FRAME @ 1:29.1 … LOOK FAR LEFT OF FRAME — then between the fg tree and the distant one — at LEAST 2 MORE. SEE the TALL ONE peering around the tree. Then, LOOK DOWN to the base of that distant tree — A LITTLE ADOLESCENT … the shape of his HEAD and partial TORSO all BLCK FUR.


      10) FREEZE FRAME @ 1:38.6 … Now — LOOK UPPER CENTER of FRAME. All you can make out is ONE LARGE EYE. And from this distance — it may just be an ADULT for an orb that big.

      11) SAME TIME COADE AS ABOVE — have your eyes follow UP the in focus tree TO THE left and there — TOP OF FRAME — a HUGE, GRAY-SKINNED FACE. ADULT.

      12 to 14) BIG DARK, ADULT FACE RIGHT SIDE OF FRAME — looking at us in a 3/4 face angle and ON TOP OF HIS HEAD — a SMALL ADOLESCENT hitchhiker

      15) 2:43.7 … LOWER RIGHT SIDE OF FRAME at LEAST 1 BABY with EYESHINE & CRESTED HEAD under the TREE. As the camera moves —The EYESHINE changes — possible its LEFT EYE BLINKING.

      16 to 30) SAME TIME CODE AS ABOVE: LOOK ACROSS LOWER FRAME panning your eyes LEFTWARDS .. first in the FG and then letting your gaze follow the LOOKILOOS peering out of the FOLIAGE and then UPWARDS in the HARD LEFT FRAME TREES till MID-FRAME LEFT.

      THERE ARE EVEN some GRAY-BROWNISH ONES — in the FG LEFT SIDE that are hugging the Earth,with only EYES AND HEAD CRESTS showing.


      Conclusion: SCOTT — I am wondering if ‘they’ have more than just ‘INFRASOUND’ that as we know to be something they emit to scare the begeezuss out of us …

      … as there were, once again, a ton of SASQUATCH here with an ability to hide close by in plain site from you almost later walking on them.

      It is with confidence, I venture to say, as in other forest studies of yours — you were literally SURROUNDED. (And this was just the camera LOOKING FORWARDS —

      I shudder to think how many more of the creatures were on your FLANKS & REAR POSITIONS.

      ULTIMATELY … I counted AT LEAST 31 (thirty-one) of them — most all are ADOLESCENTS and JUVENILES with a couple of ADULTS.

      I hope you realize I’m not just spit-balling these. Each one was studied — frame by frame. Over several hours. Often with a MAGNIFYING LENS up against my monitor of your 1920p UPLOAD.

      As always — I am ever so amazed of your courage and dedication out there in the wilds. Me myself, I’d be a puddle of nerves & ‘Help me Mr. Wizard’ & ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ noises!

      Bigfoot Truth owes you much, and we’ve just only scratched the surface! Onwards, ever onwards we proceed ...


    2. Yes folks, this is a REAL comment for this video.

      Be afraid.
      Be very afraid.

    3. Posting style is a lot like Joe....

    4. It looks like a small deer

  15. It is a shame they weren't packing, they could have collected a specimen or two...

  16. Hey Scott, drop another hit of acid!!!! Same goes for the idiots above who think they see something. In fact drop 2 hits!!!

    1. In fact he HAS captured footage of creatures in other video` need to see the Dogmen video...they DO exist.

  17. Okay, if is was in fact a creature(s), where did they go when they made it to the scene to investigate? If it, or they, were ever there to begin with then they would have seen them leaving as they approached, correct? And why doesn't he show the same exact spot when he arrives at the scene so we can tell if it were simply a case of matrixing? There never seems to be much common sense involved in these cases. If I were to come across something I thought was a creature hiding...I would wait there just as still...until hell froze over to catch them leaving, least advance toward it until it did.
    And something else that's never made any sense to me, why is it always a question of whether to kill or not to kill? I realize that not every Bigfooter has the capabilities but...surely some of the better funded ones would have the option of just using a tranquilizer gun!
    No one would love it more if they were proven to be fact, but until I see more common sense in action I'm going to have to remain on the fence.


  18. 10 minutes of horse shit shadows and small woodland creatures!

  19. Scott Carpenter - blobsquatcher extraordinaire! Even enhanced video artifacts in video taken from his back veranda are bigfoot! I don't know why he bothers walking around in the forest every weekend when the blobs at home are good enough.

  20. Scott Carpenter is an ass hat. He sees bigfoot every morning in his breakfast cereal

    1. And on the walls of his stucco'd house along with his Popcorn's ceilings. A TRUE ass hat TARD to the MAXIMUM. Serious mental issues. The pareidolia MASTER! Praise Scott Carpenter, praise him!!!!


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