Did Someone Skin a Bigfoot at Bluff Creek?

Was there a massacre at Bluff Creek? M.K. Davis originally brought up this theory called the "Bluff Creek massacre" theory back in 2008 at a Bigfoot conference. The controversial theory was immediately rejected by the Bigfoot community and Davis was shunned from ever speaking about it again -- at least for a while. According to Davis, based on his expert film analysis and color enhancements of clips from Roger Patterson, he theorizes that the Patterson party had been to the Bluff Creek site at least once, before returning to capture their famous Bigfoot footage. His theory also suggests that the party probably murdered a family of Bigfoots and buried their bodies. Davis points to an enhanced anomaly resembling a bloody dog print, a pool of blood and even a skinned Bigfoot as proof of his theory.

"This is the second skin in the film clip. It has been rolled up with the hair to the inside as taxidermists do. If you've hunted big game, you should know what you're looking at." - M.K. Davis

"This is the place that Patty kept returning to. This was over a period of time. The filmer positively knew she would reappear. He was ready. This is a transparency that I got directly from Patricia Patterson. This was taken in her back yard. I put a piece of typing paper behind the image and held it to the sunlight. That's my thumb showing in the corner. Patty kept returning here." - M.K. Davis


  1. Replies
    1. If there is ever any doubt that Shawn reads the comment section, I think this post erodes that.

      ; )

    2. For communication and safety in the field you could buy a Spot


      However the Spot has appalling reviews and issues with connecting to a satellite as it does not offer 100% global coverage as it uses the Globalstar network. Hence, you have to wait for a satellite to come into orbit with no confirmation that a message has been sent or received.

      Inreach by Delorme resolves this by using the Iridium network which gives 100% world-wide coverage, and adds the ability to send and receive text messages even if you have no cell hpone coverage.


      Stay safe while hunting Bigfoot and buy an Inreach.

    3. Man... You should do a blog, hands down... You have the craziest info.

    4. ^ hey joe,where ya goin` wid that gun in yo` han` ...da daa da da daaa,

      ahs a goin` over yonder...shoot that anonmyous fella down ...da daa da da daaaaaa.

    5. When hiking in the field always select a rucksack with 'GOOD' YKK zippers, as nothing pisses you off more than being 20 miles from anywhere with a zipper that breaks and you have to duck-tape or attempt to para cord that sucker together.

      BTW Lostgirl left on a cliff hanger....Drat.

    6. Joe got smoked so hard that he now is a fart

    7. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Right, question heading your way... How many years experience of the outdoors have you??

    8. 3:10... Great sauce;


    9. The one your resided in for a start, ha ha!!

    10. Have you ever come across it heard anything that made you think twice? Now I know you're rather skeptical, but I thought I'd still ask...

    11. Twice...2003'ish I think I need to look at the time frame on the video and 2007

    12. Really?? Have you ever made the video public??? May ask what happened exactly???


    13. Yep really! and yes but to people I trust and you can but I won't say, well not on this shit pit of a blog anyway.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. you can delete that I have it now

    16. Cool, take your time, no rush... I'm not going anywhere.

    17. Shawn sure knows how to spark the debate.

      Standing, Fasano, Dr Johnson and a whole host of other whackjobs who may be mildly enteraining in their own way but contribute nothing to the progression of this subject. Nothing wrong with popcorn footers and subjects here of course. BFE is Sasquatch 'Lite' afterall.


    18. I may mail you this, it's means nothing to me. Let me put it together.

    19. don't make me regret this you have an e-mail

    20. Lost for words... And the info is very safe with me... Totally lost for words though.

      Thanks for this, it's confirming a lot of what I've been thinking.

      My word.

    21. It's not hearsay, it's back up with images and mulitple parties...That is what is so f*cking freaky...The other one is weirder

    22. Well if you are ready to share, then I'll be honoured. Seriously, I can't thank you enough for this.

      Means a lot.

    23. It doesn't exist I need to type it and try and dig out my friends video

    24. Ok... Thanks again. Bob, I'm learning from you bro.

    25. Whuts tham thar animulls critters skins usin fer aniwhos

    26. Roger made the Patty suit out of the bigfoot skins.

  2. n` joy...........g`mornin` fella

    1. like MATT he been tracking bigfoots for 25 years and he a expert in tracking them bigfoots

  3. Did Henry May break the story as he doesn't know how to told his own piss?

    1. You know something don't you 2:33. You certainly saved me some typing. Yes. He was the first person if use this term.

    2. I know many things but not how to stop jock itch

    3. Why do we trot this story out every so often like shark week? No one is going to come forward with a Bigfoot rug. MK didn't even use the term "Bluff Creek Massacre". I guess it fill up blog space well enough.

    4. 8:30 I recommend Kersosene. Works ever time. If you can't see where you're applying it, just use a lighter to illuminate

  4. is joe fitz special needs?

    he spends his days trying to be witty on EVERY article on this site! whats that about

    I would get it if he was witty, thought provoking etc... he isnot

  5. Hey Eva R and Chick and all Superfriends and hey Joe!!

    1. Morning Ruff!!!

      Had a party with my friends last night. I had red wine and white wine and wine with bubbles...... and CHEESE!!! The rest and best I cannot add for fear that it will incriminate me lol! I will say this- southern women are the MOST DANG FUN!!! I hope the group selfies dont go viral...

    2. Dang darlin' you got me imagining things now hahaha!!

  6. Vice News Inside the Islamic State:


    1. I can assure you... This is jaw dropping.

    2. you mean this :

      go to: Drudge Report .com

    3. Britainistan is coming. Thank God we have the second amendment.

    4. Well except in Chicago. Thanks libtards.

    5. The UK is conservative to it's core. It'll never happen... There'll be efforts at being culturally diverse & religiously tolerant, and there will be way more terrorism by the end, but your extreme scenario won't happen.

    6. Hello everyone,what are your views of this? xx

    7. TRAPPER ans AIMS ben huntin ans trappin tham critters fer yeers

  7. So far 51 comments on this thread. 25 made by one guy. Too much maybe?

    1. I mean... Complain to the admins, it's nothing that hasn't happened before.

    2. This is the acting Admin, I'm sorry the main Admin doesn't care and neither do I.

      - Peace

    3. An anonymous administrator that about says it all now don't it

    4. and WILD BILL gots a BIG KNIFE fer skinin tham critters

  8. Success at last. Not a single person here has give credence to MK Davis "theories", and have chose to completely ignore it. There is a God, after all.

  9. Pretty sure joe has a finger up his butt.

  10. Not meant as a smart ass answer, but there are really 2 choices you have. Not post to the Internet, problem solved, or not worry about your material being borrowed. The internet is what it is, always has been , always will be. You put it out there, and it's fair game. You could fight it, but it would cost more time and money than it's ever worth.
    Easiest to just not worry about someone asshole borrowing.

  11. Man Cleared of Gun Charges Using ‘Joe Biden defense’
    Clark County’s prosecutor said Tuesday he will dismiss a firearms-related charge against a Vancouver man who said he was merely taking Vice President Joe Biden’s advice on how to defend his property from car prowlers.
    That is a reference to the vice president’s answer to a question in February 2013 about home defense. Biden responded that Americans don’t need to own semiautomatic weapons because a couple blasts from a shotgun will scare off intruders.
    ITS ALL GOOD : )

  12. Energy drinks. Pastries. Swisher Sweets. That Ferguson place is like paradise.

  13. Josh Gates searches for THE TRUTH

  14. It's like a playpen for adolescent chimps.

  15. I've finally figured out why I've never seen Bigfoot and never will damn damn DAMN

  16. whars that dang - at key - agains ids sorelie needin ones shure do

    1. yous needin a big knarf laken them warld folk ?

  17. Gee...it`s saturday night guys n gals...doncha wanna spend your night here among the trolls n sicko`s ?

    1. tham trolls abin onry critters thays shure is

  18. Looks like the average Joe knew what he was talking about.

  19. I wanted a bear skin rug for making sweet love on by the fire. Now I want a bigfoot rug...

  20. Joe skinned his dick tripping over this thread.

    He's jakcing over matilda and preparing his everdense

    Poor little cokk joey with the posting habit and the no proof thingy


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