Detailed Account of Bigfoot Encounter in Missouri in 1997

A couple goes for a fishing trip at a secluded lake, and find a large human-like footprint. At the time they dismissed it, but they couldn't ignore what happened later.

The couple dismissed the print and continued toward the lake. They were observing the surroundings when they heard heavy branches snap.

“If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you hear animals moving in the brush. It’s not that rare. I didn’t think much of it until we heard heavy breathing – heavier than a horse. It caught my attention,” Robert Stayte said.

“It was like a human, only 1,000 times magnified,” Cynthia Stayte said.

The breathing seemed to be coming from something right next to them.

Then the growling began.

“It was a snorting sort of growl, like gorillas in the zoo,” Robert Stayte said.
“They were snarling grunts, very deep and guttural,” his wife said. “I turned to my husband and asked him if he heard it.”
“I said, ‘Yes, and we’re out of here,’” he said.

The Staytes began running up the hill to their car. Robert Stayte took the lead, his wife said.
“I said, ‘Wait for me!’ I didn’t want whatever it was to come up and get me,” she said.

For the rest of the article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Nice MMG at least I don't feel so bad for sleepin on the job

    2. Still got it HB.

      The buzz of firsting never gets old.

      The Sport of Kings/Hobos.


    3. the real MMG would never first.

      poor fake.

    4. Sure is Mr Bandini. I hope all is well with you and your kin.

      Kicking ass as ever I see.


    5. Sure is hope all is well with you and yours as well.

  2. Replies
    1. only goal in life to be first on a blog....dream crushed oh the horror..onu = elohssa

    2. Damn it Joe you're getting out of control

    3. I wish I had time to first like a champ as much as onu

    4. Who am I kidding damn it I'm out of control the people in my head are forming their own lives shits getting weird

    5. Everyone in the world is Joe!

  3. MMG is a poor mans DWA, who in turn is a poor mans Mulder

    1. Yeah, he's like a third generation Mulder clone, each generation getting dumber and weirder looking.

    2. pwned like Mulder in the dark.

    3. pwned like randles after checking 50 trail camera memory cards

    4. Sounds like I'm in good company.

      I consider both of these fine gentlemen as friends of mine.

      Trolls will be trolls will be trolls will be trolls....


  4. mk davis is a poor mans bill munns

  5. My great-great grandfather was a blacksmith in southeast MO around 1900. Riding a mule home through the woods from a horseshoeing job at a neighboring farm one night, the mule spooked and grandfather smelled a terrible smell. Suddenly an animal jumped up on the mule from behind and grabbed grandfather around his body with strong, hairy arms. The mule reared and the creature fell off. The mule kicked it and bolted. Grandfather was a lifelong country boy and knew all the animals in the woods but had never seen anything like that before or after.

    1. Mules are great. I totally agree. They'll kick the shit out of things that jump out of the woods, they do it regularly. I've only had one real life mule encounter in my life but I'll never forget it.

    2. Mules are Awesome!! Except when they are stubborn. Then you think they are just asses.

  6. Shawn compatibility issues don't sound good maybe you should listen to this guy

  7. harry bandini is a poor mans backdoc

  8. Bipedal pavement apes continue to loot and riot in Ferguson, MO.
    No bigfoots reported yet.

  9. KK's troll thread on the Roger Met Patty book over @ BFF has died down.

    If you haven't read it go over and read the posts by DWA. Wow. He has surpassed Mulder I do believe.

    Doing a quick skim of the BFF it does seem it has more or less died. My impression is posting there is way down.

    1. This doesn't look like a troll thread to me, just Kit trying to discuss Bill's book with a bunch of 6-year olds.

    2. Only tards take US superspy, double agent, 007, Hong Kong Fooey Kita-Krazy seriously.

      The half Canadian, half Japanese, half Head injury keeps footers amused with his latest bouts of insanity.

      Not sure what is worse. Kit not yet being carted off to the nearest asylum or enduring the small pathetic band of skeptic JREFers for who Kit-Krazy is still a god.


  10. Then there's this DWA ****-for-brains who apparently escapes from the group home regularly to post.

    Originally Posted by DWA
    Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:02 AM ^^^Never happen. Wanna bet?
    We're still waiting for the first shard of the critical thinking that bigfoot skepticism claims that it prizes.
    But we are not holding our breath.
    To compare PGF to "Alien Autopsy" is like comparing an elephant to that elephant-like barhanger in Star Wars.
    All technical analysis of the PGF points to: authentic. That doesn't seem to be changing.
    Still waiting huh? And yet Kitakaze apparently thinks these maroons are still worth wasting his time on.

  11. Gangstersssss, wasssup guysss


  12. Chris Noel listens to 8 hours of audio each day from the night before.

  13. Bill Munns is super duper awesome:)



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