Brand New: Bigfoot Chasers - Playing Back Proof

In this last video from Bigfoot Chasers, Joe and Craig hear some strange things while shooting an interview.


  1. Replies
    1. well they`re pretty lame now

    2. I just noticed something rather distrubing with the line up above in the bigfootweekend. They all have facial hair of some sort or another.

      It's like a damn deliverance revival party. Scream little piggy, scream........

    3. This place sure is quiet when Shawn's not around to troll under his Joe account

    4. THam GRAYs taken your DNA making clones and chippin you so theys can find you for more testing THE GRAYs

    5. These 2 jerks have the same chances, at Finding a Big foot, as all the rest of the "Big foot Researchers"!

    6. they both wearing dirty "footer" t shirts ?

  2. GOOD MORNING bada ba bada ba GOOD MORNING. rise and shine peter puffers

  3. these guys seem as though they`d be run off far and fast by any bigfoot encounter they`re just high school jerks by the look of them

  4. Chrisd Noel in all his stupefied glory.

  5. combination of the DOJ, Communist agitators and members of the radical New Black Panther party have descended on Ferguson, Missouri to hijack what were largely peaceful protests that have turned increasingly violent in recent days.

    1. All being done, according to Obama's plan!


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