Bill Brock Says This Cave Is Spooky, Now We Know Why

As we've been reporting, Bill Brock's TV show is slated to air sometime this year. A lot of the show will be about Brock and his team traversing some of the world's spookiest caves. According to Brock, the APACHE DEATH CAVE is frickin' haunted!:

There was some weird stuff going on in this cave...We spent time in here as you can read on our press release... There was no DOUBT some scary shit there!! It didn't want us there what ever it was... Be sure to keep a close eye out for our new Air date... SOON SOON!!! - Bill Brock

If you're interested, here's the gist of the story:

In 1878, a group of Apache raiders attacked a Navajo encampment near the Little Colorado river. Almost every Navajo man, woman, and child was killed in the raid. When the Apache finished looting the encampment, only three girls remained and they were swiftly taken prisoner by the Apache.

When the Navajo leaders got word of this attack, they sent out 25 men to avenge the fallen encampment. They employed their usual strategies, tracking the Apache across the land, and blocking the borders to the region. However their efforts failed and the trails went cold, disappearing into the river and volcanic cinder.

News arrived that another nearby Navajo encampment had been raided, which meant that the Apache were still in the area. Scouts were deployed again, two of which were sent to check the short arm of Canyon Diablo. The scouts had found nothing until they were startled by a blast of hot air that was coming from underneath the ground. Upon further investigation, the scouts discovered that the hot air was coming from an Apache campfire in an underground cavern beneath them, large enough to house both the Apache raiding party and their horses.

The scouts returned with news of their discovery, and the Navajo came back with a vengeance. After they killed two unsuspecting watchmen at the mouth of the cave, they gathered up the dry sagebrush and driftwood on the canyon floor and started a fire at the entrance of the cave. Now aware of the attack as smoke billowed into their hideaway, the Apache slit the throats of their horses and used what was left of their water to put out the flames, doing their best to seal off the entrance with corpses of their former mounts.

Read more here: Link

The Cave Entrance


  1. Replies
    1. Got understanding of editorial boards?


    3. Thank you sir!!

      I've got to say this cave looks amazing!!!!

    4. Harry do you have to call everyone names? I'm not trying to be a jerk and I know youre joking but it's very offensive.

    5. I read it earlier and cried. I couldn't believe such a loving man with such a beautiful wife could be so offensive.

    6. tham mexicuns border jumpin agains

    7. TSA Letter Admits Illegals Allowed to Fly Without ID. But U citizen got to bend over for U safety!

    8. Cave Creature Critter or Iam a FOOL !!!

    9. Ok I'll no longer be offensive or say bad words

  2. ah not this shit again! Here we go again....

    1. and da NRA sayin Obama comin fer ourn guns ans such

    2. ritely so caws NRA knowin tham things

  3. It's simple. Joe said scientists have stated the pgf is real. So we would like to know which scientists have said this and when.

    He tried to sweep this under the rug yesterday by providing a list of reviewers for a bigfoot magazine.

    The guy got smoked.

    1. Magazine Editorial Boards -

      "Editorial boards meet on a regular basis to discuss the latest news and opinion trends and discuss what the medium should say on a range of issues. The editorial board is a group of people, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take. Book and magazine publishers will often use their editorial boards to review or select manuscripts or articles, and sometimes to check facts."

      Journal Editorial Boards -

      "Editors have to be careful to select reviewers who have sufficient subject matter expertise to do justice to the manuscript. Therefore, highly technical papers or papers from niche subject areas may take longer to review, because it may take editors some time to locate appropriate reviewers. The journal editor or editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision."

    2. So?

      Which paper?

      Who reviewed it?

      What were each reviewers opinion?

      If they support it why no statement?

      You have said they have stated it so where exactly?

      Why did meldrum add a foreword to bills paper saying this does not rule out it being a man in a suit? That doesn't sound like someone convinced its real.

      Also it's not even a real journal. Try nature or something like that.

    3. *This paper;

      *the editorial board (duh?)

      *to send it to peer review (duh?)

      *because it's not a necessary process of any editorial board.

      *in the actions of sending it to peer review (duh?)

      *a moment of reflectance is usually very common in scientists, I can source you so many instances where Meldrum States he's sure. Defintive Guide?

      *not even a real journal... But the best conversationists and primatologists have jumped on board.

      ; )

    4. Oh boy.

      Failed to answer all questions. You didn't even name the paper or which scientists were involved in reviewing it.


    5. Ummmm... Did you go to school? Seriously, are you one of these children that stayed at home flicking cards and smoking? Your questions were answered... I also stated that finding reviewers for niche subjects can take time.

      Bro... All jokes aside, get someone to read FOR you, it's tiring trying to explain things to you... I'm working on that PGF crap down below... Ha ha ha ha!!

    6. All we wanted was a statement. You failed to deliver. Smoked.

    7. I gave you a source you haven't the capacity to understand. It's our shortcomings bro, editorial boards speak for themselves.

      And I'll use that source until you have the epic of all meltdowns.

      ; )

    8. Your source is a list of scientists involved in a bigfoot magazine. Yet you can not find a single statement from any of these that the pgf is real.

      If your source was a published paper in say nature with statements from prominent scientists then you would have a point. You don't. You fail. Again.

    9. Magazine Editorial Boards -

      "Editorial boards meet on a regular basis to discuss the latest news and opinion trends and discuss what the medium should say on a range of issues. The editorial board is a group of people, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take. Book and magazine publishers will often use their editorial boards to review or select manuscripts or articles, and sometimes to check facts."

      Journal Editorial Boards -

      "Editors have to be careful to select reviewers who have sufficient subject matter expertise to do justice to the manuscript. Therefore, highly technical papers or papers from niche subject areas may take longer to review, because it may take editors some time to locate appropriate reviewers. The journal editor or editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision."

      You fail to understand comments... Poor guy. Also... When you have the very best scientists in relevant fields in said source, what can nature provide that they can't? Also... This is about Bigfoot, it's a sign of what measures require to be taken to get the info out. You still have nothing except denial, and you're too stupid to understand comments... Poor boy.

    10. Denial? What exactly is being denied? You footers are a funny bunch.

    11. Denial of the relevance of editorial boards. What's not funny is the level of stupidity the butthurt twonk is expressing... It's actually quite perverse.

    12. Anon 2:37........... Meldrum IS a believer in bigfoot...that is a fact...the fact that he adds a disclaimer is,as well you know,neither here nor there when concerned with his belief that there is a creature as yet unrecognised by "science" are well aware as to why the disclaimer is there and as is the case with you consistently,are using it for your own ends in an attempt to twist the truth.

    13. Meldrum doesn't believe in bigfoot. He chooses his words very careful to dance around the issue. He says things like "lends credence to", " the possibility of" etc. Watch any of his paid TV spots and you will notice it.

    14. The "editorial board" meets to discuss the latest bigfoot news and opinions (gossip) so they can decide which "tone and direction" to take. Too bad they don't use something like say...I don't know...SCIENCE maybe?

      Sounds legit.

    15. Cheers anon 3:51. Good ole bit of smoking right there

    16. 3:51... Adding things like " "'s and ( )'s doesn't really cut it I'm afraid... And when you have some of the best scientists in their respected fields in that number, I think you look rather silly.

      My comment at 3:51was for 3:45 who makes things up in his head.

      Unlucky 4:08... Leaning on another twonk who doesn't understand the relevance of editorial boards, or the resume' said people have, don't change the fact that you're butthurt and out of ideas.

      ; )

    17. Hoaxed footage, double stepped bear tracks, lie-witnesses, and NO (zero) unidentified primate dna, fossil record, or any remains for that matter, doesn't really "cut it" either I'm afraid. At least not to intelligent rational people.

    18. *Got monkey suit?
      *In bear prints; you still have claw marks. Bears have dual tracks; the left paw and the right paw are parallel as they track through. In a Bigfoot track way; the right and left foot tracks are in front of each other; a singular track way.
      *Professionl consistency of eyewitnesses who have spent decades in the wilderness.
      *Archaic peoples have the exact same DNA as modern humans.
      *There are only a handful of teeth for a fossil trail for six million years chimps and gorillas have been in Africa.
      *150 years of archeological studies documenting giant human skeletons.

      Naivity and ignorance is one heck of a thing... Audacious you should out your shortcomings on others.


    19. Someone above unknown has stated Meldrum does not state full on his belief in Bigfoot. I assure you he does not have a belief, instead it is is a full blown knowledge of our cousins. He now uses terms like highly confident and I am certain when the camera is rolling. When he obtained full professorship that seemed to change his demeanor instead of interjecting hedging adjectives before.

      His several week excursion with the Greenwell brothers into the Six Rivers National Forest in I believe 1997 was a game breaker for him due to the activity that went on for several nights inside of their camp and the tracks they found. It can be found in Legend Meets Science a must read.

    20. True and truer still. He unequivocally and unabashedly admits finding a trackway and being astounded by Blue Mountain prints shown to him by the late Paul Freeman.

  4. Joe of course has never been wrong about anything in his life

    1. Oh I've been wrong alright... Just not too often.

      ; )

    2. The self admitted troll and bully ^

    3. I'm a bully of bullies... King of Trolls actually.

    4. Oh boy Joe is really taking to this bigfoot role playing fantasy

    5. You don't play the role of confident skeptic too well... Not at all.

    6. You play the role of butthurt deluded footer perfectly.

    7. Who's chasing who around bro, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Oh... And I've yet to see you challenge my 'delusions', you laughably dim character.

    8. Nothing to challenge. No evidence.

    9. That's your therapy exercise... You're mixing things up.

  5. How can anyone with a rational take on the issue ignore the following facts:

    -Its not just about the absence of fossils of large non-human primates in North America; its actually about their absence at the fossil register across an enormous swath of land which starts at Southeastern Asia (closest site to North America with fossils of large primates). Note that the closest primate populations to bigfoots' alleged habitats are in Mexico and they are New World Monkeys, not apes. Note also they have fossil register at the Caribbean islands. Even remains of these relatively small tree-dwelling animals can be found. But not bigfoots'.

    -Is utter ignorance, self-delusion or lack of honesty to say the small fossil register of chimps in Africa somehow excuses the absence of bigfoot fossils. Why? Simple. Because it ignores all the other fossils of great apes ever found in Africa (including our ancestors') and also because it ignores the fact that we know much more about North America's fossil register than Africa's.

    So, even if someone sticks to the "but I've seen one of them" fallback position, the believer's last stand, its actually impossible to ignore the fact that the absence of remains -recent and fossils- is something unexcusable. If they were real, there would be remains: recent and/or ancient. The honest position would be something like "I acknowledge its the key flaw in my position, I acknowledge I have no reasonable explanations to offer".

    1. So simply put... There is 150 years worth of giant skeletal remains in the Americas, Europe and way more places in the world.

      It's the mind of a child that points fingers for their shortcomings and naivity.


    2. That all you got for that thorough smoking you received?

    3. It's pretty somple... For all that, it only requires one answer. There are mounds of giant skeletal remains found all over the world for the past 150 years, I've referenced them inumerable times. I don't know if you can read properly; but this kind of knocks your three paragraphs aside comprehensively.

      Silly boy, ha ha ha!!

    4. Oh boy.

      Giant skeletons?

      Yea? So?

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! So? Sasquatch/Bigfoot are giant humans, dumb-dumbz.

    6. Oh they are? Any proof of that?

    7. No actual bigfoots though

    8. Well sloping foreheads and giant bones... Hmmmmm, do we need Sherlock?

    9. You can not point to one instance of a skeleton that is a bigfoot

    10. I can point to instances where giant human skeletons with sloped foreheads have been documented.

      Bigfoot are giant humans with sloping foreheads.

    11. Funny is your astounding ignorance... As in stupidity.

    12. Just saying it how it is bro. No bigfoot.

    13. " ... Said the sweaty Anon whilst removing his coat and climbing on to the sofa. The therapist wipes his brow, sighs... He knows he's in for a hard night...

    14. Crazy hobby this footery


    15. Whenever Joe gets obliterated he resorts to childish insults with a full on meltdown soon to follow. He will then claim some sort of victory thinking others will forget the fact that he was thoroughly PWNED. Only the SUPERTARDS are that delusional.

    16. Whenever butthurt boy gets obliterated he resorts to chronic denial fuelled by his inability to understand texts, with a full on meltdown soon to follow claiming every poster is me. He will then claim some sort of victory saying 'obliterated' a million times, thinking others will forget the fact that he made himself look silly. Only the SUPERTARDS are that delusional.

  6. Bigfoot Filmmakers Had Backing From Yakima Businessman
    The AP

    YAKIMA - Days after shooting their famous 1967 Bigfoot film, sasquatch hunters Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin were in Hollywood promoting the controversial footage, the Yakima Herald-Republic reported yesterday.
    Joining them as a full partner in Bigfoot Enterprises was Yakima business operator Albert DeAtley Jr., according to records in the Yakima County Superior Court archives.
    DeAtley, one of the state's largest paving contractors, withdrew from the partnership less than three years later and gave his one-third share to Patterson, his brother-in-law, the newspaper said.
    "The only thing I did was to loan Roger money," DeAtley said when asked this week about his role in the company.
    The authenticity of the film has come under renewed fire since a Yakima man said last week he wore a fur suit and posed as the apelike creature in the grainy, 60-second segment.
    The man is apparently negotiating the rights to his story, the newspaper said.
    Many Bigfoot believers are accusing the man - whose identity has been withheld by Zillah attorney Barry Woodard - of fabricating the tale in hopes of getting rich. Woodard said his client passed a lie-detector test.
    "It sounds to me like he's just trying to make some cold, hard cash," said an angry Erik Beckjord, director of the Sasquatch Research Project in San Francisco. "That should tell you something about his credibility."
    Patterson and Gimlin claimed that in September 1967, they filmed a startled sasquatch retreating across a streambed into the Northern California woods.
    Within 12 days, they were doing business as Bigfoot Enterprises in the movie capital of the world. The company was formed Nov. 1, 1967.
    Patterson, who died of cancer in 1972, had written and self-published a book about Bigfoot in 1966, about the time Yakima became a hotbed of sasquatch activity. He also was filming a documentary on the subject.
    By 1975, the partnership had soured.
    Records show Gimlin sued DeAtley and Patterson's widow, Patricia, claiming he wasn't receiving his share of the film's proceeds. The lawsuit was settled out of court. Details were kept confidential.
    Gimlin and Patricia Patterson both have declined comment.
    Asked whether he ever questioned the authenticity of the 1967 Bigfoot film, DeAtley said he purposely avoided the subject: "I never asked, because I didn't want to know."

    1. If you have just filmed one of the greatest pieces of footage in history, I think you'd probably resort to the same measures... Why not get your buck's worth? Roger was dying of cancer and wanted assured money.

      "The only thing I did was to loan Roger money," DeAtley said when asked this week about his role in the company."

      The documentary that was being filmed and the actual footage were two separate sources.

      This Yakima man is none other than good old Bob H... Who's been caught lying and promoted by a hoaxer.

      "It sounds to me like he's just trying to make some cold, hard cash," said an angry Erik Beckjord, director of the Sasquatch Research Project in San Francisco. "That should tell you something about his credibility."

      Damn straight. There's money in hoaxing a hoax.

      "... Within 12 days, they were doing business as Bigfoot Enterprises in the movie capital of the world."

      Man... If I'd have just filmed a relict hominid, I'd be doing more than that!

      "Patterson, who died of cancer in 1972, had written and self-published a book about Bigfoot in 1966, about the time Yakima became a hotbed of sasquatch activity. He also was filming a documentary on the subject."

      A very natural thing for researchers I do, bare in mind Patterson was a pioneer in the field. I find it humerous that he's condemned for actually being successful to which he set out to do. Rhetorical, fearful mess.

      "By 1975, the partnership had soured.
      Records show Gimlin sued DeAtley and Patterson's widow, Patricia, claiming he wasn't receiving his share of the film's proceeds."

      Well the significance of the source is pretty much a good money maker, I'd be a little pis*ed too.

      "The lawsuit was settled out of court. Details were kept confidential.
      Gimlin and Patricia Patterson both have declined comment."

      A very natural process and Patricia's an old woman who's fearful of being targeted; simple as.

  7. "You have some of the very best fore cod specialists, wildlife biologists and primatologists telling you that there are unknown primates living in North America. " Joe f

    Got any statements you can link to?

    1. I would say you need to get on YouTube and watch a few Bigfoot docs, son.

    2. No... I mean, basic stuff man... Brush up and come back.

    3. It is very basic stuff. Bigfoot dont exist.

    4. Of a 7-10 foot creature that can twist your head off like a soda bottle top.

    5. Hahaha. What an imagination this guy has ^

    6. Me hats evident is your lack of... You're running out of excuses bro.

    7. Your naivity for this subject, old boy.

    8. Joe has never ending excuses for his naivity(sic) of reality.

  8. "Because you claim it's a suit in the face of scientists telling you better" Joe f

    Which scientists? Where have they said this? Please enlighten us.

    1. I would say you need to get on YouTube and watch a few Bigfoot docs, son.

    2. No... I mean, basic stuff man... Brush up and come back.

    3. ^ 3:07 once again,as in every day,we have the consistent and willful objection to actually visiting sites with evidence..a willful ignorance and outright refusal to consider anything outside of or other than your own limited capacity for ja vu anyone ?

    4. Indeed de ja vu of Joe getting thoroughly smoked

    5. Says the guy rocking in the corner. Man... You just got whipped.

    6. Whipped? Haha. You believe in bigfoot:)

    7. Whipped? Haha. You believe in bigfoot:)

    8. Just trying to educate people. You're welcome.

    9. Answers? The answers have been found and documented. Its humans. They are hoaxing and lying and misidentifying.

    10. Educating who? By asking the basic questions a ten year old who's spent ten minutes with this subject would know? You're fooling no one bro.

      Oh it's humans alright... Giant hairy ones that leave physical and biological evidence after it. The only hoaxing on this thread is the mention of Bob H, looking for a little money cause he's to fat to get off his backside.

    11. I hope you understand that you're not fooling anyone here. It's obvious every ounce of you wants to believe that bigfoots are real but your inability to think out side the box prevents you from admitting it to yourself. So you spend every day here searching for the proof that would satisfy your inner struggles to accept it by trolling others.

    12. Oh boy.

      Why can one not be interested in a subject that is of a mythical nature or be interested in human psychology.

      It truelly is fascinating.

      All I am ever asking from Joe it's something to back up his claims.

    13. Whenever Joe gets obliterated he resorts to childish insults with a full on meltdown soon to follow. He will then claim some sort of victory thinking others will forget the fact that he was thoroughly PWNED. Only the SUPERTARDS are that delusional.

    14. Teacher: What does your daddy do for fun at home when he's not working ?

      Kid : He looks up Bigfoot stuff.

      Teacher: Oh.

      Kid : He posts about it on a bunch of different websites and he also watches Bigfoot shows and has some books about it.

      Teacher: So he's a footer ?

      Kid : No, he says he's not like those idiots cuz he's a skeptic.

      Teacher: LOL"

      You're fooling no one bro... You need to understand grown up talk before you can make claims about others comments. Oh... And no, it's not the actions of someone confident of this being BS. My friends don't believe in this, and wouldn't even dream of coming here.

      You're as obvious as you are rhetorical, and pretty dumb too.

    15. Haha! Somebody seems angry! Jealous much?

    16. Jealous of playing an adult role playing game? Not particularly. I'm sure the camp outs and things that go bump in the night are fun though.

    17. Both of my encounters were in the day time when I was on duty. No camp outs or night bumps for me.

    18. I have to go make my wife breakfast. See you tomorrow Joe's stalker.

    19. 4:11... You don't play the role of confident skeptic too well, your actions speak way truer than anything you vomit on to your keyboard.

    20. Joe will never back up those claims because he can't. Why do you think he resorts to childish insults and claims that people are scared of something?

    21. (Pfffffffffft)

      Bro, I've backed up my arguments a million times, if I don't want to repaste the same things I have done here now, then I'd recommend you look out for a time when I see it worthy of doing so.

      I'm baby sitting here, nothing more.

    22. Joe. Will you get me my bottle. It's the silver one in the cooler? ;)

  9. Has Joe ever proven his claim or is he like all other footers?

    1. Bro... You need to understand grown up talk before you make claims about proof.

    2. K so wheres the proof and why hasn't this proof been in a worldwide media frenzy of the greatest discovery in modern history?

    3. Whenever Joe gets obliterated he resorts to childish insults with a full on meltdown soon to follow. He will then claim some sort of victory thinking others will forget the fact that he was thoroughly PWNED. Only the SUPERTARDS are that delusional.

    4. 4:04... What you need for proof, is a body. Science doesn't start at type specimen though, and has been applied with consistent scientific method to which has pointed in the direction of an unknown primate leaving physical and biological evidence. Unless you're brainwashed, scared or in denial, that's what's worth being enthusiastic about.

      Whenever butthurt boy gets obliterated he resorts to chronic denial fuelled by his inability to understand texts, with a full on meltdown soon to follow claiming every poster is me. He will then claim some sort of victory saying 'obliterated' a million times, thinking others will forget the fact that he made himself look silly. Only the SUPERTARDS are that delusional.

    5. So are you admitting that you, Eva,Chick, Big Jim, Ernie, and the rest are in fact SUPERTARDS?

  10. Apparently when it comes to bigfoot the standard of scientific methodology no longer applies.

    1. Says the guy ignoring the best scientists in their respected fields about this subject.

    2. The best scientists?

      We have Sykes who published a paper offering an explanation for bigfoot that did not involve a new primate.

      We have disotell who strongly believes there is no bigfoot. I think he said 99.9% when he was on after hours.

      Don't know if any others? Meldrum?

      So that makes 1 scientist.

      Where are the hoards of them?

    3. You forgot Ketchum, who Joe actually supports but is to afraid to admit it.

    4. Yes... The best scientists. Sykes published a paper to which did not yield Bigfoot DNA from a certain bunch of samples. He then comes out staying it doesn't nothing to quash to subject, still wants samples and theorises that what people are seeing could be relict Neanderthals. He 'hoped' to have found that sequence.

      Disotell is on the editorial board here too;

      ... And lists cryptozoology as one of his subjects of study... Been seen hanging around with Stacy Brown too. Scientists like these;

      George Schaller, PhD is recognized as the world's preeminent field biologist and conservationist, studying wildlife for over 50 years throughout Africa, Asia and South America. He is a senior conservationist at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society.

      John Bindernagel, PhD
      Courtenay, BC, Canada

      Colin Groves, PhD
      Australian National University
      Canberra, Australia

      Chris Loether, PhD
      Idaho Sate University
      Pocatello, ID

      Jeffrey McNeely, PhD
      Chief Scientist IUCN - World Conservation Union
      Gland, Switzerland

      Lyn Miles, PhD
      University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

      John Mionczynski
      Wildlife Consultant
      Atlantic City, WY

      Anna Nekaris, PhD
      Oxford Brooks University
      Oxford, England

      Ian Redmond, OBE
      Conservation Consultant
      Manchester, England

      Esteban Sarmiento, PhD
      Human Evolution Foundation
      East Brunswick, NJ

      Zhou Guoxing, PhD
      Beijing Museum of Natural History
      Beijing, China

      ... Not to mention Jane Goodall and Sir David Attenborough who's very open to the idea too.


    5. Afraid to admit? I have in fact stated on many ocassions that I support Erikson and therefore have a feeling the work Ketchum did for him was legitmate, but I'm not going to condemn or support Ketchum's work until another DNA study is conducted with positive results.

    6. "I'm not going to condemn or support Ketchum's work until another DNA study is conducted with positive results."

      That's like saying you're not going to condemn Rick Dyer and Hank until someone else shows up with better dummy.

      Wow. you just obliterated yourself with that one.

    7. Erikson would have had a documentary out by now and that would have put things into perspective a lot more, amongst other things.

    8. 5:30`s a novel idea...why expect others to do the work for ya ? ...if you`re not interested then find a subject you ARE interested in and then you can pursue a life af happiness...otherwise,get off your butt and do your OWN work finding the many sources that point to the existence of the creature...Chillcott,Meldrum are just two of many to gecha started.

    9. You mean Chewbaccasquatch? Even your prophet Bill Munns called BS on that one. He hasn't released a documentary because everyone knows he is a hoaxer.

    10. Actually... Erikson was hoaxed by the landowners with the Chewie mask. The documentary is going to show some serious stuff once it's released.

  11. When a guy says the moon doesn't move then you probably should ignore him

    1. You can locate the moon at all times. Numpty.

    2. It was a filthy brit who beheaded the journalist.

    3. I'm sure that 'filthy Brit' didnt consider himself British. You seem to have a problem with me being British, what would you like to do about it?

    4. Britain is on the fast track to becoming Britainistan.

    5. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head. Filthy Brit.

    6. List of serial killers by Country, the USA has some many it has it's own page. ;¬)

    7. 8:34 we have a typical example of a quote that is oft deliberately misused...the quote ends with the line "and vengeance shall be mine" so sayeth the Lord...the meaning of which is that it is NOT for YOU or anybody else to enact retribution for a crime...but will be dealt with in due course by a far greater power and far more just source than that offered by the go feck yo`sel`.

    8. Bob!! You haven't the same weird fascination with seriall killers as I do as well?! Do you??!!

    9. No, I prefer a Korma, Tikka Masala with wholegrain rice and garlic and coriander naan.

      Just trying to prove a point on that filthy Brit comment.

    10. Oh right... Oh well. Personally, I'm a Jahlfrezi and kima rice man... A masala goes down nice from time to time though.

    11. Sorry catching up with season 4 of Lostgirl on Netflix, but a Jahlfrezi is okay when mild...I tried one once, well not one, just a spoonfull made with Ghost peppers and nearly lost my tongue.

      I think I insulted the chef by crying and pouring water over my tongue.

  12. LOL, Joe been getting spanked here the last couple of days!!

    1. That's all I've come across is a whole bunch of ignorants that appear to disperse as soon as facts get brought up.

    2. yous meen bie norml intelegeshun innyways

    3. Hey there joe fits! TTL!!! What's new ??? Anything on bf u would like to know? Right now for the next 3 weeks everyone has a good chance of mabee finnaly seeing a bf get harvested, I'm keeping my fingers crossed! ttl!

    4. TTL!!!!! Where you been bro?!! I hope you're well buddy and that you're keeping busy. Nothing new, same old crap around here really... Plodding along as usual!!

    5. By get harvested, you mean an innocent animal possibly with mouths to feed gets killed, right? Maybe people should give it a lot more thought, just sayin.

    6. Me and TTL have discussed this at lenght and it's something we agree to dissagree on. I can't do anything to change his mind nor the thousands of others that are in the woods looking to do the same thing.

      Kill or pro-kill, the field is certainly divided.

  13. HILLARY will RULE US ALL in 2016

    1. ans HILLARY knows nothing about Benghazi

  14. Dollar Demand Falls Against Other Currencies
    Dollar begins losing its global appeal

  15. @ JOE FITZERALD, fawk off buddy... Look up, this entire string is your bullshit.. shut up bud!


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