Bigfoot Standing Up And Running Into the Forest?

We're beginning to see a lot of footage these days from people driving (or skating) down the road. This type of sighting is actually pretty typical, and now that everyone basically carries a cellphone camera around with them, it's only a matter of time until we get a clear shot of Bigfoot. Here's an interesting footage from Northern Ontario. According to the uploader, the creature got up and "ran" into the forest:

While driving up in Northern Ontario to go camping on Canada Day on ON 631 just after Hornepayne Ontario I noticed something large at the side of the road. I first I thought it was a bear and I told my daughter if I saw any wild life I would try to catch it on video. I grabbed my camera and drove a bit closer as I got closer what ever it was got up and ran into the forest. And I mean ran. You can see in the video how huge it was. It was standing in a ditch.Not really sure what it was. People in the area said that they have seen a Bigfoot like creature in the past and that it could be possible I caught a Bigfoot on camera. Check it out and tell me what you think.


  1. jessie two family's jackson saysSaturday, August 23, 2014 at 1:44:00 AM PDT

    To hell with peace. just ask those nogs in Ferguson. And yes al not-so sharpton is related to a sasquatch. Damn I feel bad for the sasquatch.

  2. The guy driving must be a midget. Cause if he thinks that bear/moose thingy is standing up then he must be laying on the ground. There is no standing up what so ever in this video.

  3. There is no way that whatever animal that is can be determined.

    1. Agreed, try 1080p on a 50" TV it is too inconclusive and could be anything.

  4. there`s always a mug like sharpton around...securing themselves a top notch job and salary...while secretly enjoying the fruits he deny`s others...utter fecking hypocrites

  5. I'd say Bear 99% have to go with the most logical answer.

    1. Agreed. Looks like a bear. Looks like it had a snout. It never stands up - stays on all fours. Besides, everybody knows that BFs play chicken with cars by crossing the road in front of them!

  6. Wow, you just exactly described your Republican lawmakers. Racists. Why bother with the nog. Too scared to say the real thing? The real problem is you people are too big of pussies to do anything without your guns. The clue is when you have to start shooting kids because they are whooping your asses.LOL

  7. That thar was the dreaded Ditchfoot.

  8. The dreaded " Ditchfoot Monster"! Get "Wild Bill" the phony Marine, with the big knife, and small dick on it!

    Oh, wait, I forgot, "Wild Bill" can't drive. His License been revoked since 2010 for D.W. I.!

  9. If I had a LIPTARD like you in my gun sight, I would definitely eliminate your gene pool!

  10. You would commit murder because your political ideologies are different? Humans will never change.

  11. Why would Bigfoot be the first thing you think of? It looks like a bear with little to no evidence that it is a Bigfoot.

  12. It's not a bear or a Bigfoot. It's mayor Ford lost in the woods on meth.


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