Bigfoot Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS, Nominates Matt Moneymaker

Bigfoot makes a public appearance in support of ALS sufferers by doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

He calls out the Yeti, the Lochness Monster, Bigfoot Fans, and Matt Money Maker of Finding Bigfoot to participate in the ALS Ice bucket Challenge and/or donate to the ALS Association to do your part!

Please visit to donate today! and don't forget to do the Ice Bucket Challenge!


  1. Replies
    1. Morning werewolf reading for ya.

    2. The leather strap is a new one on me also.

    3. The 'devil's belt' is also something legends refer to.

    4. Bob, you're an encyclopaedia... Honestly...

    5. Did you hear of the David Paulides story; another rare case in which a little girl was found. Here, the search party came across the little girl from afar and noticed her being in the company of something 'big and black'. On approaching closer and calling out to the little girl, whatever was with her jumped into the near by river and swam away with considerable ease very quickly and went out of site. When the search party eventually came up to the little girl (exceptionally relieved as you may imagine), the girl appeared extremely confused and this persisted for sometime until she explained some time later that she was looked after by "the big wolf"... And that "the big wolf cuddled her and kept her warm at night"... And... "Fed her berries with his hands and ate her hat off her head"?? Very bizarre story and one that personally sends chills down my spine.

      There are some reports of forestry officers informing family members without going into too much detail, that there is a particular way of behaving when in some of the national forests... There are never any reasons for this, merely that it is sound advice to follow;

      "My Brother has worked for the US Geo. Survey for twenty-one years. I was engaged to a Park Ranger who worked at Yosemite for eighteen years and I want to tell you that there is a lot of truth in this book (Missing 411). Both my brother and my fiancée made me promise to behave a certain way while in these areas and both were extreamly serious about it. I’m convinced they both knew something more than they would say out loud. I believe that there is a big cover-up and has been for years. Even the older people that worked for these two would become abruptly quiet and leave. Odd reaction concistently? agencies got the strangest looks on their faces when this subject was broached, became deadly quiet and excused thrmselves."

    6. Never read Paulides book due to his past actions and comments so have always boycotted him.

    7. I'll check that film out, I'm a massive Dog Soldiers fan! Man, if you ever change your mind and want a great scare based on real cases... Give the 411's a go.

    8. Oh, and the quote at the bottom of my Paulides comment was a different source completely from anything Paulides has done... I find it fascinating!

    9. Dog soldiers truly was awesome, it's a pity Fresh Meat (Dog 2) never made it past discussion. It's rumoured it may be getting a new lease of life again picking up from when Ryan leaves the building.

      As for Paulides if I can get it free or order it from the library maybe as I have no intetion of giving that guy a dime.

    10. I haven't seen Fresh Meat, something to look out for.

    11. It's supposed to be released this year but I wouldn't hold your breathe.

      Pvt. Laurence Cooper (survivor of first film) is picked up by a team of American soldiers who are on maneuvers. Cooper's story of werewolves in the woods is met with skepticism until the soldiers return to the now-destroyed farmhouse and discover evidence that something strange indeed went on.

    12. mmmh is correct. 10 years almost later and.....The make-up may cover the wrinkles.

      If you want a laugh try this. It's Spanish with English subs but is hilarious.

    13. "Never read Paulides book due to his past actions and comments so have always boycotted him."

      Would you please explain your comment...I am interested in what you have to say ?

  2. Replies
    1. Got understanding of editorial boards?

    2. Yes I do. So where's the statement?

    3. T'is a stamement to recommend something for peer review. If you didn't find the source worthy of holding up, you wouldn't do that.

      Basic stuff man.

    4. Magazine Editorial Boards -

      "Editorial boards meet on a regular basis to discuss the latest news and opinion trends and discuss what the medium should say on a range of issues. The editorial board is a group of people, usually at a publication, who dictate the tone and direction the publication's editorial policy will take. Book and magazine publishers will often use their editorial boards to review or select manuscripts or articles, and sometimes to check facts."

      Journal Editorial Boards -

      "Editors have to be careful to select reviewers who have sufficient subject matter expertise to do justice to the manuscript. Therefore, highly technical papers or papers from niche subject areas may take longer to review, because it may take editors some time to locate appropriate reviewers. The journal editor or editorial board considers the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision."

    5. hey...i think i`m on the other thread !!!!!!!!!!!!

      de ja vu......anyone ?

  3. Shawn you were nominated, stop being a pussy. Making a big deal about other peoples videos but your too much of a ball sack to do it yourself. Bitch


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