Kelly Shaw Reports: Bigfoot Screams At Driver

Here's a fascinating report about a witness describing what the Bigfoot sounded like when it was screaming into his car. This took place in Redwoods, CA.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Jon!


    2. ^Daniel Campbell's nephews.

    3. I screamed at a driver once when he cut me up by Tescos at Warfield by the roundabout there,bloody boy racers xx

    4. I know that scream, and have heard it. Can not imagine how frightening it would be surrounded by 200 foot tall redwoods when you are on their territory. Most would crap their pants, I know I would.


    5. What happen to all the hot guys on here?!


    6. ^^^^^^ I have never heard the word "bloody" used as a curse word in Texas before. That's kind of odd really. You must be from that narrow piece of the state that borders Liverpool.

    7. this is clearly the result of de-evolution, fluoride, GMOs, vaccines, chem-trails

    8. I screamed at a driver once when he cut me up by Tescos at Warfield by the roundabout there,bloody boy racers xx

      I never knew you were English Eva? I have to give you more shit now.

    9. 1. Find out about sceptardery
      2. Decide you want to be a sceptard
      3. Deny all evidence, reports, declare all others liars
      4. Enjoy the various community offerings such as forums, organised avoiding of expeditions, The Big Meetings, Randi Prayer Breakfasts, Here be Dragons, etc

    10. How could anyone not have noticed that Eva is a Brit of some sort? Some people are obtuse.

    11. Brits needin to gos back arcoss da pond

    12. Meltdown archived, to lasted about ten days longer than I predicted.

  2. How'd ya like them lack of monkeys?

    1. The zero bigfoots found to date

    2. In other words zero bigfoots found and only suspect ambiguous videos presented.

      That's some good science there folks.

    3. Please don't lecture to anyone what science entails, ha! When one of those sources up top has an honorary board of scientists such as this;

      ... And with the physical and biological sources of evidence accumulated with consistent, impartial scientific methods, you are the one left avoiding anything scientific as a counter argument.

      Pseudoskepticism is a fundementalist quasi-religion.

    4. ^mad his mommy won't let him go outside and play

    5. Did Joe really just link to the rhi?

      Self Obliterated.

    6. 4:12...

      In that link, you will find the process respected and implemented to the highest of impartiality with some of the very excelled and accomplished scientists in their respected fields of study.

      That's some good science there folks.

      ; )

    7. In the months you have been here you have never once proven anything that you have said. In fact you have been demonstrably wrong on many occasions.

      You have about as much credibility as the Brazilian football team.

    8. That's nice Joe but still no actual evidence of an actual bigfoot. Funny that.

    9. 4:15... Actually, I have yet to read a counter argument from the likes of you, that conclusively proves me wrong. Just saying it over and over again like your "no evidence" chants says two things;

      1. You are too stupid to deliver any worthy counter argument
      2. You are butthurt from the past few months and out of ideas

      Pseudoskepticism is a fundementalist quasi-religion.

      4:16... There is a list of both physical and biological evidence that you neither understand or can handle, son.

    10. Nice straw man. You can never be conclusively proved wrong because you can not prove bigfoot don't exist. But as YOU can not prove it does exist (something which you can do if they actually do exist) then that means you fail miserably.

      Got monkey?


    11. Actually!

      It is the responsibility of those doubting those sources to test them, like any natural scientific process. What your biggest problem is; those sources are attained with the exact same tride and tested methods that result in you having no angle to wangle... Simple as that.

      I can't prove Bigfoot exists, because that would require a body, what I can do is deliver you unshakable sources that show that an unknown primate is leaving them.

      Monkeys? Plenty here;

      ... Old boy.

    12. Copy pasting from a pro bigfoot site is not a source.

      Try using peer reviewed papers as a source and then get back to me.

    13. "I can't prove Bigfoot exists" there we have it folks Joe acknowledging defeat

    14. Sorry!

      Like I said up top, you have the process honoured there for you with impartial experts from around the world. Shall I list those experts for you?? I quite enjoy it you know...

    15. Joe are your teeth as bad as everybody else's over there?

    16. What are you banging on about now? Where is the actual bigfoot?

    17. Here;

      ... Glad I could help.

    18. ^So not believing in bigfoot is leaning towards being cult like now? I'll be damned. I hope you guys don't have your version of Sharia law. There won't be enough people left alive to burry the bodies after you're done stoning us to death. Would it be possible for you to put me towards the end of the line? I want to see if the Royals make the playoffs. It's been a while. Thanks in advance!

    19. Not believing in Bigfoot is fine, not recognising consistent science and then rhetorically demanding enthusiasts present proof you're only gonna scoff at, is cult-like and as fundementalist as your comment tries to portray anyone else.

      Yes... Pseudoskepticism is a fundementalist quasi-religion.

    20. Noone will be scoffing at actual proof and you know it. The scoffing you refer to is at the nonsense you put forward as evidence.

    21. Yet you deliver not one reason not to consider said sources, because you are both rhetorical and without such a means. The real 'nonsense' here is you suggesting me drawing upon scientific methods is nonsense. Maybe you just don't understand it all?

      If you were presented with proof, a body let's say... You'd just require another body.

    22. Failure to see the bigfoot field as a fundamentalist quasi-religion by either proponent or skeptic is hilarity itself.

      Unfortunately the field requires belief and faith, that is why is is classified as a cryptid animal. There is no proper, accredited, accepted evidence to say otherwise at this moment, Sykes just confirmed this a week ago.

    23. Dermals that exceed decades and States with same species traits found 50 miles into wilderness areas. Unknown primate hair confirmed by primatologists & wildlife biologists... Multiple examples of it with species traits and morphological consistency means it cannot be hoaxed or from any known animal, found near tracks and sightings. Tracks are what wildlife biologists conduct much of their research on. Add a complex application of forensic scientific methods, a study of dermal ridges that outline a species then you at the very least, have 'something' that is undeniably leaving such a physical source. Pair this with sightings and the hair accumulation sometimes in the exact same instance, then that's as profound as you like. These two sources of evidence are accumulated and verified by professionals that have used the exact same scientific methods that have excelled them above the majority in their respected fields.

      There is nothing more fundementalist than people who not only don't understand consistent scientific method, but those that desocrate interpret the true meaning of skepticism and it's application to denounce tens of thousands who have had impartial and unprovoked experiences that, which in turn have undeniable physical and biological evidence to back up.

      Pseudoskepticism is a fundementalist quasi-religion.

      "A conscious entity practicing science can only draw on its subjective experiences to form beliefs. This means that no matter how objective science appears to be, there are generally only assumptions which must be taken entirely on faith."

      "The fact that none of these samples turned out to be [Bigfoot] doesn’t mean the next one won’t,” said Bryan Sykes, the Oxford researcher who led the study, according to the Associated Press."

    24. I don't know why you feel the need to post all of that to reiterate my point? At this moment, there is no accepted and reviewed evidence supporting Sasquatch existence, as confirmed by Sykes last week.

      You need a woman.

    25. ^ He could just as well said "The fact that none of these samples turned out to be (Bigfoot) doesn't mean the next one will either. Or the next ten. Or the next thousand" I wouldn't lean on that statement too hard. I'm sure he threw it out there too soften the blow.

    26. 8:51... I think your comment got addressed comprehensively. Nobody's suggesting hair, dermals, footage and anecdotes should confirm a species, but what it does, as does my comment, is point to you requiring to reassess facts and reflect on the way you think. Drop the safety net rhetorics, everyone knows you don't classify that way, but an unknown primate is leaving it's signs about the place.

      8.57... You 'interpret' things in a way that you probably shouldn't be allowed access to that desktop; friendly advice.

    27. And you shouldn't be allowed out of the basement, you fucking loser. If my entire life was wrapped up in this blog, I'd shoot myself. Get a life dickhead.

    28. LOSER - I paid good money for this basement ask me MOM!

    29. Cripes 7:14, it's the sceptards who are militant round here and wish to enforce their imaginary law here daily, and the sceptards who would be the stone-chucking Sharias. Every day on here the sceptard troops come in and attempt to enforce their bleefs. They'd love a law which shut down and shut up enthusiasts of this topic.

      No thanks in advance.

  3. Man the YAHOO sownded like a locomotive when he let that big ol squall out scared the living daylights owt of WILD BILL fer shur!


    2. Wild Bill the phony Marine!

    3. Yahoo real, Trapper and the AIMS team almost bought it, when that orny YAHOO fell a tree near team AIMS! Trapper said that was too damn close!

  4. Joe would probably argue that Brazil played well yesterday

    1. No, I would say that that Brazilian side has over achieved for far too long and had it coming, run out of luck and Germany were far superior.

      When you have defenders worth 50m not being able to defend, then it kind of puts things into perspective a bit. PSG must be wondering what happened.

    2. Usually the Krauts start off strong and then peter out towards the end. I don't know if that applies to soccer though.

    3. Or two pieces of the puzzle were missing and the whole thing fell apart like a burnt bulb on a string of Christmas lights, but Joe is biased and unaware of himself.

      Joe needs Hari Krishna.

    4. I'm sorry, why would I be biased? It's cute you're trying to understand football... Stick at it.

    5. You are the only futball fan? Adorable.

  5. Anyone else liking the new Big Jim Rennie?

    1. He absolutely bossed it at that funeral. He is the man!

    2. Hey joe it's TTL!!!! Send me a email at my new email address!!

      Thanks ttl!

    3. I have done buddy, several times and got no indication that the email I was using was wrong, so I'm assuming you've got my messages there but aren't accessing them maybe?

    4. You're getting trolled dumbass

    5. Why not? You believe everything else.

    6. I believe what materialises into facts. I don't believe you have the capacity to know what that means.

    7. Fact: you received no emails.

      Fact: u sent many emails.

      Fact: he's here time after time sayin email him then disappears.

      Fact: ur gettin trolled thick skull.

    8. For someone who doesn't know facts, I find it humorous you should be trying to draw on any.

      I know TTL... I know people who know TTL, and I've had plenty of email exchanges with TTL.

      You know nothing.

    9. You know someone masquerading as a TTL. TTL is a troll.

    10. And Joe's a pasty faced loser. What's your point?

    11. Beware of TTL, hacker troll.

    12. trolls lack tham cave critters

  6. Replies
    1. What?

      That may be the lamest comment you ever posted. I'll have to check my folder of all lame PJ comments I've saved to be sure but that's gotta be top 5 for sure.

    2. I would bypass that folder, as thin as it is, and place it firmly in the folder labelled 'backside handed'.

    3. MY GOD!

      You get lamer with every comment. Gonna need a bigger drive.

    4. Did unverified just give you a hand job?

  7. Redwoods bigfoots eats U fer shure

  8. If U ever been to the redwoods U could loose and Army in there!
    SO a bigfoot or bigfoots could be abouts in them deep woods !!!

    1. some folks go into them redwoods and never come out!

  9. According to John W. Jones Spoke, he says that the Big foot live high up in pine trees, and us humans never look up!

    1. Agreed. Though I would never correct someone with his experience and knowledge, I would change the word 'live' with 'negotiate' in that statement.

    2. YES in Maine where the lumber jacks used to be harassed by wild men in the trees - these wild men would hurtle projectiles @ the lumber jacks to hinder there logging efforts!

    3. They're negotiating in the trees? I wonder if I can get my landscaper to trim a few branches so I can see one. Or a park ranger. Some of them carry chainsaws in their trucks to clear fallen trees off of roads and to dispose of campers who saw to much.

    4. No, no... Let's try and keep up with adult definitions now; 'negotiate' as in 'find a way through', not 'negotiate in'.


      I expected as much from someone who required a Welshman to point out the oil resources in his own back yard. But hey! You've got that instance of a miss-pasted comment to make up for the lack of so much... Eh?

      ; )

    5. Okay. So you mean negotiate TROUGH the trees. Got it. Now. Why the hell would a 800 plus pound creature try to travel through the tree tops when he could accomplish the same thing on the ground with much less effort? As for the oil thing, I have no earthly idea what you're talking about. You might as well dropped a yoga reference. I think you've under estimated how many people around here think your an ass. So try to keep track of who you're addressing.

    6. Nope, I think negotiating trees would suffice; you're learning something, that's a good thing!

      Firstly, how do you know how an 800 pound subject would prefer to travel? I think the physical traits reported would indicate a subject that can get through any means, be it trees, water, brush, mountain or wilderness. Considering the size of some trees out there and the reported tree break sounds, accompanied with the eyewitness reports, it leaves enthusiasts at least, maintaining that an unknown primate would naturally access tree tops and any number of wilderness obstacles to maintain evasion and travel.

      What's the matter bro? Quick to keep on about landscaping, quick to forget your shortcoming about oil, eh?

    7. Again with the oil. I don't know who you think this is but I haven't a clue what you are referring too. Now back to business. I would have got back sooner but I had to work today. The number one flaw in your bigfoot playing the Gibbon Theory is the fact that a 800 pound anything leaping from branch to branch wouldn't make it five minutes before his fat ass comes crashing to the Earth. Do you think trees are made of reinforced concrete? Every stupid idea you pull out of your ass ALWAYS has a giant fucking hole in it. Get me a photo of a male Silverback up in the jungle canopy. It might take you the rest of your life to do it because they can't get up there. Know why? Because they are TOO HEAVY! Moron.

    8. You're the oil guy and I find it hilarious you'd deflect when you're so ready to attempt little jokes at others, come on bro, you've got laugh at yourself if you can laugh at others.

      I think if you read my comment properly you can ascertain plenty of answers without requiring them in writing from me. Limb breaks could indicate such a large subject doing exactly what you're implying, whilst there are plenty of eyewitness accounts of hairy bipeds jumping 30 feet out of trees and landing quite comfortably. For example, JP Smith's first encounter was of an 8 foot grey subject jumping about 20 feet from tree to tree. Also, there's a reason why silverbacks can't achieve such motion, and it's because they don't have the physicality to achieve such. The average oak tree can weigh 14.5 tonnes... Suddenly you have a situation where an 800 lbs subject could at least swing and propell itself through such dense woodland quite easily.

  10. So it wouldn't "drowned" out the camera? Listen, I'm no English major man, but come on ... That kind of blatant disregard for the English language is completely unnecessary in this day and age. One of his friends with half a brain should let him know when he goes off on a 3rd grade dropout tear and smack him around a little bit.

    1. In this day and age? This is the age of destroyed language via texting, internet commenting, it's dragging it all down.

      A comma can mean life or death; people should learn to use the damned language.

      Many semi-literate people get rich though. Many millionaires and billionaires are semi-literate, because no one cares. Language isn't important to the average person, they don't care, just "give me the money".

      Donald Trump is semi-literate, most US presidents of the last 40 years have been semi-literate. They all say "There's lots of" which is atrocious. That = "There is lots of". Awful. "There are lots of" it should be. The contraction is "There're lots of". "Lots" is plural, not singular, so you don't say "is", you say "are". However "There's lots of" is standard in US and UK now, what a disgraceful mess.

      There is no such thing as "There's lots of" in the English language, but Trump, Obama, all officials, commentators, speakers, all say it, and mangle the language. They sound like idiots.

      Flunking yourself around saying "There's lots of", uck. Semi-literate messes.

      Watch the news and listen for all of the "There's lots of"s used by "Ivy League" jokesters and Oxford "pros". Once you realize it, you'll see how poorly they use the language. All of the government officials say it. Terrible. If you're going to speak publicly, learn the language first. Don't say "There's lots of".

      I've witnessed semi-literates get rich. They do it by being single-minded: they simply pursue money no matter what. They focus totally on the money and don't care that people are laughing at them for their manner of speech and writing. It's just money money money.

      "There's lots of", yeah sure, "There is lots of", yeah right. Awful. Idiotically awful. No such thing exists in true English.

    2. "Your a sick,anal retentive"
      It makes me crack up to think this neurotic tick!! Fluster's you so...
      Your so stupid i bet you couldn't change a lightbulb.
      And if you could, I'm shure you would be Obsessing about it here, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  11. Well, I uhhh, and uhhhh or maybe uhhhh and then uhhhh


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