Is This Footage of Bigfoot Raiding a Garden?

This video, filmed somewhere in New Mexico supposedly shows Bigfoot running away after raiding a family farm. The witness, Brenda Harris has photos and evidence of this actually happening! It's mind blowing! Here's the raw footage:


  1. Replies
    1. thunkin mexicun border jumper

    2. Wild Bill is, as they say, a real character. He is the expert tracker, a superb tree climber, and a man who believes anything is possible if you are an ex-Marine.

    3. Wild is ok an everything,
      However! What about the allagation that he got a heck
      Of a beatdown at his local VFW!!! That's why his nose looks like the snout of a hog???

    4. Brad Pitt,Arnie Schwarzenegger and Madonna met up for a coffee,sat next to them an elderly lady with an air of mystery offers to sell them a magic truth mirror,Madonna not believing the elderly woman buys the mirror anyway to keep her happy.After their coffee they arrange to met up the following day for another one.The next day Madonna walked up to Brad and Arnie with a big smile on her face,she sat down and told them that she asked the truth mirror "who is the best singer in the world?"and the mirror replied "Madonna" Arnie was amazed and asked to take the mirror home.The next day they met again and Arnie had a big smile on his face,it's amazing he said,i asked the mirror "who is the strongest man in the world?" and the mirror replied "Arnie Schwarzenegger" now Brad Pitt couldn't wait to try the mirror himself and ask who is the best looking man in the world? so he too took the mirror home.The next day Madonna and Arnie met Brad for another coffee and as they approached Brad he had a very sad looking face,what's wrong Brad? they asked,Brad looked up and said "who the f*ck is Joe Fitzgerald?"

    5. gits U 1 of tham WILD BILL BIG KNIVES
      fer your safety

    6. Yea,, and when the horses ass looked in the mirror, the
      Mirror blurted out Big dum dum Jon!!!!
      Ha hhaaahaaahaaa

    7. Everybody shout! "Wild Bill' the PHONY Marine!


    9. Bigfoot drives a CAMPER VAN nowadays..kinda taken on the modern way huh ?

  2. Yes, there are bigfoot in New Mexico because they are in all the Mexican border states. Do a youtube search of Mexican Bigfoot and you will find plenty. Raiding family farms is the least of what they do.

    1. mexican bigfoots border jump lack tham border jumpers doin shure is

    2. Fer shur tham Mexican Bigfoot on youtube tho

    3. mexicun comin heers shure is, folks seein tham fer yeers

    4. when they finish raiding farms they make their way home to their trailer van we see in the final frames of the video..saves on food expenses and all the hassle of cooking huh ?

  3. Trapper and the Mountain Monsters Team (AIMS) going after the elusive GRASSMAN, U know Willy and Wild Bill will build a trap to catch that Grassman critter

    1. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ?

    2. WILD BILL needs to gits to his BIG KNIFE fast sos hes gots to whars tham pants ans he abin a old marine to boot

    3. Grassman Jeff best have his FLIR battery @ fill charged

    4. The AIMS team, should look for another line of work!
      They will make great politicians! They're BS is perfect, for this line of work! And. . . . they're just as in-competent as the Congress and Senators are, including President Obama!

    5. TRAPPER and AIMS almost trapped grassman last time out.
      WILD BILL and Willy trapped that hawgzilla

    6. Obama most transparent administration in history

  4. Customs and Border Protection has yet to brief its agents on the circumstances surrounding a shooting that occurred last week in South Texas, in which federal agents dodged heavy, military-grade fire from the Mexican side of the border.

  5. Oorah !
    Wild Bill is gonna set up a trap for this garden raidin' bigfoot there, heh

    1. WILD BILL gotz tham BIG KNIFE sayin come ans gits U some

  6. Obvious hoax. Guy in a suit staring at the ground so he doesn't trip over rocks. An actual animal would move far swifter, more gracefully, and without having to stare at the ground.

    1. They're all hoaxes, numbskull. Just figure that every video of bigfoot is a fake and you'll do okay. You don't have to break it down for us. Why don't you write a treatise on why the vampires in Twilight aren't real?

    2. animulls abin reel fer shure thay is

    3. @10:30
      Oh come on William Parcher, you've been pretending to be a skeptic so long that you're losing what little marbles you started with. Tomorrow you'll be analyzing the P/G film for the millionth time to try to prove to yourself that's not real.

    4. That's a Man in a Gorilla suit!

      Ranae Holland of Finding Big foot

    5. I am William Parcher and I have been pretending to be a skeptic blah blah blah

      Who the hell is the William Parcher that this moron keeps bring up? Everybody is william Parcher to this idiot? I'm not up on all the fools in the bigfoot community. Is William Parcher someone I should automatically know. Geez, I've heard of Matt Monemaker, Bobo, Loren Coleman, Stacy Brown, Melba Ketkum, Meldrum but no William Parcher.

      Who the hell is William Parcher? Someone only this squirrel knows about?

    6. Joeski!

      What have you done with Crampz?

      Are you keeping him in a box in your back garden?

    7. William Parcher is a JREFer continually asking for a monkey.

      He's looking for some primal simian action.

      Got Parcher?

    8. "Who the hell is William Parcher?"

      He's some moron on JREF who's been pretending to be a Bigfoot skeptic for some 15 years now and has posted under numerous sockpuppets no the BFF. Should you be ashamed that people sometimes will confuse you for him ? Yes. But I wouldn't worry about it, You're posting anonymously anyway, aren't you ?

    9. Parcher is one of our lower apes.

      He is worshipped by several other lower apes.

      Many of these lower apes are paid-up card-carrying members of the JREF and regular attendees of services at The Temple of Sceptardia.

      They bleeve in the rise of the apes.


    10. Thank for the 411 on William Parcher.

      How did this JREF bombardment of the forum start? Do they do this to every bigfoot site? I've seen the leader Randi on tv in the past debunking spoon benders but it looks like he now has his own cult.

    11. Parcher pwns you all by default.

    12. ^
      An asshole like you posting day in day out on a Bigfoot blog pretending to be a skeptic is like a guy on the down low bellying up to a gay bar every night and claiming not to be gay.

    13. @ 11:49

      That's sig line stuff right there.

    14. Yes it's cultish if not an outright cult. Randi exhorts his members to 'take action' in the name of their tenets. Apparently many consider invading blogs such as this one as effectively taking action.

      Members such as Sharon Shill (Hill) would come here and declare enthusiasts footards, etc. Shill attends The Big Meetings, essentially Randi prayer fests.

      They are extremists, perverting sceptism into a belief system. They aren't sceptics but sceptic extremists, sceptards. They are Atheists who nevertheless self-attribute godlike knowledge, a self-destructive state of auto-contradiction. They regularly state they 'know' bigfoot or whatever other thing, doesn't exist. They regularly claim to prove negatives.

      In a hyperventilating effort to debunk any and all, they grasp at any hearsay contrary to whatever claim or topic, and declare the topic debunked. It's very silly when they claim to worship science, yet daily aver that they have debunked something, based on their chosen piece of hearsay.

      They seem to ignore that many enthusiasts are sceptical. They go into phoney circular logic arguments and quote catchphrases from their playbook over and over again: 'Occam's Razor, not a shred of evidence, nothing more than, a proven hoax,, an admitted hoax, a logical fallacy,' etc.

      It's too bad they can't be normal, reasonable sceptics.

    15. If you are trolling then +1 if being serious then you REALLY should see a medical professional.

    16. Stating that bigfoot don't exist is more than reasonable. It is not a belief and isn't just plucked out of thin air. It is based on the complete lack of any bigfoots anywhere ever.

    17. 10:57 was Parcher pretending not to be Parcher.

    18. 12:13, the correct statement is, 'I do not believe bigfoot exist.'

      'Bigfoot don't exist' is incorrect, especially for an Atheist, because you would have to be a god or demigod in order possess the knowledge which that statement claims. The statement is unreasonable.

      Just come here daily and say 'I do not believe bigfoot exists.' That's reasonable, no one minds. That's a reasonable opinion.

      It's the declaration of claimed fact that they 'don't exist' which is incorrect, unreasonable, and ridiculous for an Atheist to state.

      Is it that hard?

      12:11, your inability to intelligently reply to 12:05 disqualifies you from recommending anything or anyone medical, professional or unprofessional.

    19. But it is a fact that bigfoot don't exist.

      And no it does not require "godlike" knowledge to know that. Just common sense and if you really care then basic inference skills.

      Your butthurtness is showing buddy.

    20. Someone broke into his garden and stole his cucumber^

    21. 12:43... You've been served. You know nothing but hope.

    22. "Hope" the buzzword of the footer community.

    23. I 'hope' you lose your level of denial one day, nothing will hurt you, there's no need to be frightened.

  7. Did that frothing at the mouth footer "Drew" end up getting the reckless endangerment charges levied against the NAWAC dolts for the incident that was resolved by the police 2 years ago? Or was that raging simpleton dragged out of the police station in a straight jacket ?

    1. He is an odd character. Maybe the BFF should screen for mental illness before they let a moron like that post.

    2. If they screened for mental illness at JREF, I'd expect at least half of the JREF footers would not be posting over there. Do you JREF lemmings actually bleeve that AlaskaBushPilot has more exploits than Dos equis' 'Worlds Most Interesting Man" ?

    3. Lol^ resident butthurt footer is seriously pissed today. Cheer up mate, I'm sure its not that bad.

    4. Leave em alone I think hes amazing!

  8. wish he was further away..this is way too close

    1. Yeah I don't like my Bigfoot to be more than four pixels tall, anything more than that is just too much definition

  9. Crazy coonbo troll seems to be gone today, guess his weekend pass is up.

  10. bloodless howler - fer shure
    TRAPPER had that critter and it gots away from WILD BILL and Willy trap!
    bloodless howler 1 trickt critter outwitted TRAPPER and the AIMS team!
    GRASSMAN wonts gits that lucky

    1. Every animal they go after gets away!

    2. devil dogs and hawgzilla in the trap!
      bear beast KIA confirmed by Trapper!

    3. "Joe F" is a Phony Welshman!

    4. WILD BILL gots a the BIG KNIFE : )

  11. mexicun comin heers shure is, folks seein tham fer yeers

  12. Haha so many butthurt BFFers on here today.

    All pwned by parcher no doubt.

    Probably banned from JREF and pay for tarpit membership.

    Butthurt Footers Forever.


    1. So Parcher owned people here but is banned from JREF and has a tarpit membership? What the hell are you talking about?

      Are you Parcher?

    2. ^
      Parcher pretending not to be Parcher.

    3. ^Resident butthurt footer and poster boy for footer stupidity aka MMG aka Mulder aka DWA aka backdoc etc etc

    4. Is DWA the insane guy from Cryptomundo?

  13. I saw a Big foot once, I think? Now! Im an Expert! I charge $1500 to take "City Slickers' out on weekend "Expeditions". I'm booked solid for the summer and Fall.
    Who's the Dumb ass now!
    I'm only 18 making a lot of money off this Big foot obsession. Life is good! BS walks! I'm still learning! Lie, Lie and then Lie some more!
    Sure beats Mowing lawns!
    You Dummies!

  14. "Got monkey?" - William Parcher

    Check mate footers.

    1. You had the wreckage which was once your arse presented to you last week on a silver platter, by one exposing your ridiculously nutty contradictions.

      Your worship of and claims for Packham, which are the opposite of what Packham said and intended, make you an embarrassment.

      You are consistently exposed for your bezerk ignorance; you misquote your own heroes to the point where you are saying the opposite of what they said.

      That's just flat stupid. You were exposed last week and many other times for being stupid. I guess you are re-proving and re-demonstrating your stubborn stupidity by returning here 6-7 days a week with your lunatic regurgitations which are shot down at a 100% success rate.

      Stupid is as stupid does. Just plain stupid.

    2. Shot down with what monkey exactly?


  15. Hey Joe got talking planet of the apes suit?

    No? well then there is your talking monkey.

    1. Great logic numpty. Keep doing your theory group proud.

  16. the man shaped figure walks up tp a man owned mobile hime

    could it be a man wandering about the /grass/DESERT then walking back to his vehicle. either way since he was walking on sand the next film will be ALL THE FOOTPRINTS IT LEFT!

    we all know it wont. this is oddballs knowing well fine its a guy

    they got their goal,a bigfoot evidence hit!

  17. Highly if not totally doubtful. That's just someone walking around.

  18. Has anyone done a height comparison on the walking figure? Or been able to close in on the image?

  19. Brenda Harris is the witness.This woman has had more sighting then anyone . just google Brenda Harris in new mexico. Every year she has something new. Maybe Hank got loose from Rick

  20. Brenda Harris is the witness.This woman has had more sighting then anyone . just google Brenda Harris in new mexico. Every year she has something new. Maybe Hank got loose from Rick

  21. Bigfoot is not fealisticfaction of interminable concrete evidence of poorman vaughn's recent paper at columbia university quoted by Gilman Trapper. If once it were to be plausasion of rectal incontinece of said bigfoot only then will the determining factors of the overall quotient lack folicles for further up the turnpike was where the encounter took place. Otherwise this evidence will be as they say carte blanche pole of northern statistics per diem.

    Signed; Crapper, wiley, Jed, wild Phil and Duck a.k.a. mountin mobsters


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