Something Ate This Great White Shark... But What?

This film crew tags a number of great white sharks to study their movement patterns along Australia's coast. When one of the devices washes ashore, could a killer whale be to blame?


  1. Replies
    1. Really...?
      Is that the best post that you could come up with in reply to this video?
      Jesus Christ

    2. I just found a dingle berry.

    3. Betcha that dingle berry is attached to your beard.

    4. yeah, the beard on my starfish

    5. And by starfish, you mean penis, right?

  2. That shark looks so sad and lonely. I never felt bad for a shark before.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The data suggested a predator body temp would be 78 degrees. Not a megalodon --it's a shark--if you really think they are still around--even mackerel sharks that can generate a little body heat don't get more than 10 degrees warmer than the water.

    Not a whale--their body temps are close to humans'.

    Not squid--they are cold blooded.

    The 78 degree range suggests a reptile, such as croc or alligator type thing.

    However, modern salties or alligators only dive to about 70 feet or less. Not any 1900 feet.

    To eat a 3 meter shark......a big-eyed, long-jawed, giant crocodilian about five meters or more, perhaps with an unhinging jaw, like a mosasaur. ? But that is a deep dive....

  5. Three possibilities: 1) Killer Whale, 2) Sperm Whale, 3) A larger White Shark. A nearly doubling of the temperature reading tends to rule out a larger White Shark, but not a sperm whale. They live off the coast of Australia, tend to hang out in very deep water, and are homeothermic. At any rate, it's an interesting conundrum. Aye, mates, don't go in the watah when Whitey's about!.


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