Is This a Pennsylvania Bigfoot Den?

The "Squatchmaster" recently posted this video of a possible bigfoot den area in south central Pennsylvania. Take a look and let us know what you think.


  1. Replies
    1. That could be anything's home! Anything that doesn't pay utilities and rent/mortgage! Did they have to put that music to a couple of still photo's? Really man this is getting old

  2. Replies
    1. Refer to anon 9:28 you ignorant moron!

    2. LMAO! The dumb troll is getting trolled by nerds!

  3. You stupid fuk. Look up the definition of den. Mammal dens are often made under "overhangs" you stupid, stupid troll. Wow!

  4. That den is chock full of trolls, like a clown car

    1. chock–full adjective \ˈchək-ˈfu̇l, ˈchäk-, -ˌfu̇l\
      : completely full

      Full Definition of CHOCK-FULL

      : full to the limit
      See chock–full defined for English-language learners »
      See chock-full defined for kids »
      Variants of CHOCK-FULL

      chock–full or chock·ful
      Origin of CHOCK-FULL

      Middle English chokkefull, probably from choken to choke + full
      First Known Use: 15th century
      Related to CHOCK-FULL

      brimful, brimming, bursting, chockablock, chock-full (or chockful), crammed, crowded, fat, filled, jammed, jam-packed, loaded, packed, stuffed
      bare, blank, devoid, empty, stark, vacant, void
      Related Words
      overcrowded, overfilled, overflowing, overfull, overladen, overloaded, overstuffed; abounding, flush, fraught, replete, rife, swarming, teeming
      Near Antonyms
      deficient, inadequate, incomplete, insufficient, short, shortish, shy, wanting; depleted, drained, exhausted

    2. That is your lesson for the night little Timmy.

    3. Little Timmy = Fartface the @sswipe.

    4. So how does that explain ur "chock full" of trolls comment u moron? Timmy?

    5. ^and again look at the time stamps he's trolling himself

    6. Your a FREAKING IDIOT!! Not worth my time, Im going to bed.

      Try not to break it off on the wall again, there are only so many wang transplants you are going to be able to get.

    7. My jar of poop is "chock full" !

    8. I love Chock Full o' Nuts Coffee. I highly recommend the New York Roast it's dark, bold, and intense!

    9. Look at the time stamps dammit ^^^^^

  5. That's definitely a Bigfoot den.

  6. Did they find any bodies in there?.... Nope? Ok then, not a Bigfoot den.

    1. Just because a Bigfoot has never been there doesn't mean it's not a Bigfoot den.

    2. Anon 9:36 are you trying to make up for not knowing that dens are made under under hangs sometimes? Do u think people don't know that most of the post on this thred are u playing both sides like u do every nite? Next ur going 2 insult joe or big jon or Shawn or matt. Every nite same dam thing

    3. Cool. I get to address two dolts in one comment! 9:42, actually that would be EXACTLY why it's not a bigfoot den. I suppose in your weird world, just because a parking lot has never had a plane on it, it doesn't mean it's not a runway, Logic isn't your friend is it? And 9:36. I know you want to defend the ones who argue your point of view (because you can't. Because you're a dolt.), But your not doing them any favors by spelling like a 15 year old girl. Use grown up words. There's no character limit here. And they are called over hangs. And if no animal is sheltering there, it's not a den. It's just a plain old rocky outcrop. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find your heroes. To insult them..

    4. That actuality a Colorado Bigfoot den. But it not actually a Bigfoot den. It just a Colorado rock overhang/ cave of some sort.

  7. Just thought I'd step in and say those Bigfoot dens are doing some really good stuff out there.

    1. ^same troll that trolls himself

    2. Hey goofball, who cares ! haw Haw Haw !

    3. Exactly! Nobody cares! So get a life!

    4. I have to agree, those dens should get some kind of award, they are doing some good work out there.

    5. Better Dens and Gardens used to have something but it kind of fizzled out. Sign of the times I guess.

  8. Replies
    1. Hey ok dude... Stop trolling yourself!! Ok the jig is up!!

  9. Big foot dens, give me A break. Just City folks that never been in the woods before!

  10. Saw no evidence that suggested this was a bigfoot den.

  11. Replies
    1. Come on Darth. No coffee table. Hello! Good lord Agnes...

    2. You'd never see me twist her cold wet nose

  12. Pennsylvania is full of outcroppings, overhangs and dens like this. I wish he would have added some video stating why he thought it may be a Bigfoot den.

  13. Not a Bigfoot den, it is too open


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