Dr. Jeff Meldrum Clears the Air About His Involvement with Russian Yeti on Discovery Channel

Discovery channel's Russian Yeti - The Killer Lives  television special is still creating buzz a day later. We recently posted an interview between Dr. Jeff Meldrum and Guy Edwards about Meldrum's involvement with the Russian Yeti episode. Today, Dr. Meldrum cleared the air himself with the following post on Facebook:

"In order to head off more comments such as the fore-going, let me clarify my involvement in the recent show Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives (Discovery). First let me remind everyone that I don't have cable TV and do not follow these shows, or even see them unless the producers send me a DVD. I was asked for an interview about the relation of the Russian "yeti" and the sasquatch. Off-camera it was mentioned that there was a curious incident that occurred in the Urals back in the 50's and a theory that a "yeti" might be involved (Note the Russians use the term "yeti" in a generic sense of an upright hairy hominoid, In this case it is not equivalent to the Himalayan yeti. It often conflates the more human-like neanderthaloid form with the larger more ape-like sasquatch-like form), I was casually shown a picture on a smartphone of a shadowy figure emerging from the treeline, which was allegedly on one of the victims' cameras. I wasn't given an opportunity to closely examine or evaluate it. It wasn't until the recent press release that I was made aware of the unfortunate title of the show or the particular emphasis on this incident in the Urals. I expressed my concerns about this when asked to provide comments fro the media in connection with the promotional interviews. One was with Guy Edwards

Bigfoot Lunch Club

(note: the transcription of my comments is pretty chopping and rife with misprints, but thanks for a thoughful interview Guy). In the end, one ultimately has minimal influence and no control over the editing and spin of a particular show. The positive opportunities and and potential for lending a grounding influence through most undertakings far outweigh the occasional disappointments. So if you think I have somehow compromised my authenticity, integrity or the trust of believers --- get over it -- and stay tuned for upcoming programs." - Don Jeffrey Meldrum 


  1. Replies
    1. What up mr. Rum I thought aliens did it or the government wasn't there supposedly high levels of radiation and this is what a 20 yr. old story why the big stink now

    2. Shit even older in the middle of the atomic age and people wonder about curious deaths linked with radiation really how about let's see what it does to the human body this is Russia we are talkin about

    3. probably vodka guzzling commies Harry

    4. Harry's probably guzzling vodka right now. He ain't a commie though.

    5. No radiation, no Yeti picture/Snowman note, and injuries are grossly exaggerated.

    6. You sound like you're on a mission there Danny, this show got you all Panicin' Skywalker??

    7. And I can't tell you how thankful I am. Please expect a massive response in the morning. I'll leave you all with this;


      Goodnight Jon.

    8. I have a massive "response" every morning! Much to my wife's horror.

  2. I'm on the fence about Jeff these days. I respect him and believe his class a encounter but his theories continue to get more and more looney as of late.

  3. Did he ever actually even have a "class A" encounter?

    I didn't think he did. He said he 'saw something' one (or two) times but even then couldn't be sure of what he saw. ??

  4. I was to understand that he in fact did and his wife was there also. I could be wrong, I'l have to look it up.

  5. Jeff really needs to consider the gigs he's signing up for much more carefully.

    Aligned to even more trash. His stock is rapidly dwindling.


  6. I didn't have any problem whatsoever with him 'aligning' with this show. It was an interesting show and and bizarre story.

    (unless you are like that one guy who thinks everyone just got drunk and killed each other).

  7. I'd be putting some distance on this sensationalized turd too. Who the hell sets up a tent in a cave? Other than a film crew who needs a dramatic shot of our hero rushing back to "save" the girl?

  8. 3:21, they got drunk and MOTHER NATURE killed them. Hyperthermia is a bitch. And so is stumbling down ravines. Dumbass.

  9. How much did they pay you Jeff? Oh, I forgot, it's all about knowledge, truth and that other horsecrap.

    1. Going to wager 5-15,000k

    2. I need to get in the " providing quotes for bigfoot documentaries" racket. Sounds like a good way to get beer money.

    3. Is that Klondike Rubles?

    4. Will 7-11 accept rubles for beer?

  10. Big Jon, Robert Lindsay is the person who spread those rumors about Don Meldrum's "sighting." It was supposedly at Standings site, at night, and he saw "something" pass through the trees.

    Hardly a Class A sighting. Not to mention he has barely said much about it, only enough to put the little weasel RL back into his cage.

  11. Never once did I ever think about attributing these murders to a yeti related incident.

    For me a case of 2+2=5


  12. Hey Daniel! I remember the Standing incident but I was referring to his initial encounter while camping with his family about a decade ago.

  13. I find it difficult to believe somebody who is a devout Mormon. Belief in bigfoot is less 'out there' than the Book of Mormon.

    Nicest people but whacky Joseph Smith Golden Tablets Magical Seer Stones crap is for the birds.

  14. I was DAMN DAGGIT NAGGIT NABBIT NABBITDAMN DAGGI NAGGIT Yeti that killed, killed, killed those Ruskies. Y'all making me mad now.

    - Henry May

  15. Hey Daniel I'm apparently getting my researches confused. Void my last post

  16. yeah, stones make crappy glasses, not even on the flintstones

  17. The only incidences that I'm aware of is the Snell Grove Lake pebble tosser and the Standing encounter.

    Unless you chop and splice Meldrum's words, it's hard to get him close to declaring his belief in the Squatch in the first place.

    Honestly, I think the guy went nuts a couple years ago and saw how much money the Bigfoot field would pay him. As you may or may not know, much of the Mormon income is sent to the Church. He's just being a good follower.

  18. I think his belief in bigfoot is primarily based on his research in their footprints. I know he's been casting since the mid 90's.

  19. And I agree, my wife's brother's family are mormon. Wonderful family oriented people but a bit looney and their beliefs are a bit far fetched but who am I to judge? It works for them.

  20. I seem to remember maybe a Monster Quest episode where he said he thought a sasquatch approached his tent on night while camping. Too bad he didn't think of the peeps holes like the Rooskies did. But then he wouldn't have a tongue anymore... Poor guy can't win for losing..

  21. ^
    I believe that was Stroud and his wife .

  22. It always makes me laugh when people use shows like this and MonsterQuest to back up their arguments, these shows are about entertainment NOT education. The producers and networks are only bothered about selling ads and sensationalising the content to keep people watching, you noticed how it's getting worse by the year? The adding of cheesy dramatic music, the dramatic sound bites taken out of context, the engineered situations to add to the drama and unfounded claims reported as fact with zero evidence to back it up. Hell, sometimes they'll just plain make the whole thing up and put a disclaimer on there saying "some scenes are recreated" but not tell you which ones because the whole show is scripted 'cept for 2 or 3 mins! MonsterQuest was a great show but they misquoted and misrepresented quite a few of the scientists on there but compared that doc on the Wolfman of the Swamps and the Russian Yeti it was like a David Attenborough documentary! Watch for the fun because they're ain't no facts being "documented" for sure.
    I don't think Meldrum is a Mormon anymore either, could be wrong tho?

    1. so says the guy that has watched every monster quest episode ever^

  23. i'd like to clear the air to. the russian yeti was apparently another mockumentary like mermaids. they showed a bigfoot *cough* picture (cali - tahoe) maybe and superimposed someone say menk! menk1 after the interview with the local natives. I say this probably shot in colo. mountains. and they borrowed someone elses vac pics from russian to make appear they were in russia. also the disclaimer said "some dramitization" was used. wow the length people go to make a buck. we already know the russian yetis are bear.

    Dr big jack "black" johnson

  24. I'm sure that is part of his logical reasoning, Jon, as he did start that mock up "classify animals by tracks" science crap nobody takes seriously.

    He has also authenticated several hoaxed prints as legitimate. He may have modified his position on those casts, but he still passed them initially.

    And I agree, I have several Mormon friends and they are wonderfully nice people, almost too nice, but it's one of the whackiest religions out there.

  25. Dum, dum, dum,dum dum! You gotta love South Park!

  26. No it was not a yeti or alien radiation that killed the people. They got really drunk and started giving each other vodka enemas. Someone farted and the fumes were ignited by the lantern. We don't need a Phd. to explain the rest of the story.

    1. Boom crack a lacka crack a lacka
      Boom crack a lacka

    2. Boom dat DA DA dat DA DA just shake your crack

    3. hello harry bandini man! i'll shake mines if you'll shake yours!

      small caps

  27. That is one sad sack looking Yeti. Patty would kick his skinny ass up and down Red Square. USA! USA! USA!

  28. MMG

    Could you explain the deal with the Sells tape and MKDavis



  29. http://seesdifferent.wordpress.com/2013/08/27/whats-up-with-dr-jeff-meldrum-the-bigfoot-professor/

  30. MMC,

    Mike Sells was (died of cancer a few years ago) a serial hoaxer out of Paris, Texas. There was ongoing investigations on his property for a long time.

    All these MK Davis "white bigfoot" and the majority of non-PGF or viral videos on his channel were bought in mass from Sells.

    Some of the titles are as such,

    "Bigfoot wears a poncho."

    "White bigfoot rides bike."

    You get the idea. When I started surfing bigfoot forums and sites, MK Davis was a pure laughing stock. As seen with Dyer (and many others) the bigfooters have a very bad memory.



    Much more info available with a quick Google search.

  31. People say the Bigfoot community is rough and unforgiving. That is true. It has to be. Like science this community has standards and they must be upheld.

    Honesty is the ONLY policy

    Once a hoaxer ALWAYS a hoaxer

    Guilt by association

    Thank you MMG and DC


  32. It may be rough and unforgiving, but unfortunately it is very forgetful as well.

  33. It's OK to judge Mormonism. If the whole thing sounds realistic to you, you are either a small child or insane. Some guy (Joe Smith) created a religion by pulling it out of his ass. Just because it's a dearly held belief, doesn't mean it can't be thought about critically.

  34. Hey you guys dont want to use Russian money man!!! Their economy is in rubles!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I think BIG JON was thinking of Dr. Matthew Johnson who with his wife and Kids had a Class A sighting in southern Oregon.


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