Did TheSquatchMaster Film a "Big Black Sasquatch"?

TheSquatchMaster in Ohio has made some wild claims in the past, and this one could be one of them. It's hard to tell exactly what this is, but it's definitely black. Since there is nothing to use as a reference, the thing could either be 9 ft tall or just 1 ft tall. This is what he wrote in the description:

Sometimes while doing these searches we catch something we just can't comprehend what our eyes are seeing. Such was the case in March of 2014...due to the sun glare on the view finder,neither one of us could tell what we were looking at but later we could sure tell. A very large black Sasquatch sitting on the hill across from us.


  1. Replies
    1. DSM - I'd like to see your pics, please!

    2. Stilldrunkandcan'tfindthespacebar.

    3. **smack** ... SHADDAP!!!

    4. DSA. I like your style ...no one but Mike ever called me DSM. Let's establish rules of exchange....First of all "ain't no body doin nothin to no water buffalo! I'm tired of bein ya trail donkey...actin like u some kinda one man GPS! All these fools actin like I ain't a real researcha!" Ya know back before the Bigfoot Troll Wars I was a sous chef in San Antone". Whys it gotta be called a big black Squatch. Fo four hundred years terms like that been keepin us down. But now we up in the big leagues. Guys like me n Bob Garett gettin our turn at bat...." Mike that's the theme song from the Jeffersons......" Just because it's a theme song don't make it not true". Sgt Lincoln Osiris. Anyone that wants to see some of the best audio and track casts and hair samples outta the state of Texas and some of the best audio in the world just friend me on Facebook or Google Plus. " I'll never put out a pheremone chip again Chief. You go in the woods......Sasquatch is in the woods. " fairwell and adieu to ye fair Spanish ladies.....fairwell and adieu to ye ladies of Spain...for we received orders for to sail back to Houston.....and never before shall we see you again ".

    5. ^
      yap yap yap. Your rants on nothing>

    6. Just like his "research".

      Team AIMS gets more convincing proof.

    7. Ok. Here is what I have to say about your attack on me and your recent shots st Big Jon and others. As to my research I sent my trail cam video to Alcorn today. He's going to look at it and see if the Subject is too close or can be cleaned up. As to my hair samples Bill Brock is having then forwarded by a third party and then to Disotell Now that takes some balls. Your baseless rabble about Big Jon's beard or my jokes on this blog are over for me. Bigfoot does need a reboot. Clowns like you offer nothing but criticism because you truly know less than nohing about these Subjects. It's a shame but when I start seeing too much of you it's like the bitter sad sack at the bar that makes you instantly say "check please". So I'll leave you with one simple thought to test your bona fides to treat with me. At what do u excel ? What have you ever done in this field or any other to even attempt to use your jealous monosyllabic banter to offer insult, especially when none by me was given. It's ok. Despite my relationship with Shawn and Joe and other bloggers and posters and multi media research groups I will make this my last poste. My only hope is that you come out of hiding and contribute or at least entertain. So in that regard I wish you well and bid you adieu. Now you can go back to calling Eva a dude and Chick a heifer and all your other manly commentary. If you ever want to reach me or talk personally about anything I've espoused feel free to contact Shawn or Joe. They have my info.and I offer them the right to release it to you provided you provide your own. Until then I truly hope you have something to offer and despite what seems to be your chickenshit character I wish you well and truly hope you ease up on whomever has taken the time to try and add a true experience, thought, feeling or humorous post. Good Luck and Goodbye.

    8. Ah well. I guess I wasn't being very nice to the critic above. I'm signing off now. We've got some mean spirits attacking again and I'm not into all that. See you guys around.

    9. And by signing off I mean due to the clown above I'm done here. Love u guys. Been a blast. You're always welcome in Texas. Especially you above. I'd love to see you anytime. :). Adios

  2. For me, it looks like a guy in a suit. I like his videos though, especially the snow tree-breaking video he did.

    1. Then your as dumb as him. It's probably a wrapper... You wanna know what it is? Walk on up on it and poke it with a stick.

    2. ^Finally someone has a plan.

    3. Amen to that thought

      Make something happen for gods sake. When a person has the opportunity right in front of him/her to make history you just don't set there. Throw a stick at it or yell at it. Anything to force a response. Unless its all fake.


    4. I've had it with this site. For the few nice and friendly people on here, they are dwarfed by the amount of retards that don't even believe in Sasquatch that come on here just to troll.

      Rant over. Peace out.

    5. Joe, I hope all good for you and you are having fun,and not embibing in excessive amounts of swill, that bieng said,I am in the process formulating a theory. (Semi d.vandermini based) .
      I want to bounce some ideas off of you. Big doris

    6. Yea Richard there are always going to be trolls on the ole interweb. Just give us your opinions and ferget the trolls.
      they dont have enough fortitude to register like you did,so IGNORE them

  3. Of course, if you are filming what you might think is an elusive North American primate that people have been searching for for decades, which, if you had captured proof positive video of, would provide fame and fortune for you and make headlines world wide, while stunning the scientific paradigm with what could be the greatest discovery in human history.......just turn the camera off. Don't make any attempt to get a better view. It's either fake or he's a moron or both.

    1. " fake or he's a moron or both". I'm betting on all three...

    2. Are you sayin we are actin like a moron... To be moronical....like the dumbest mutha fuka that ever lived? Simple ass Jack...we fartin in bathtubs and laughin". SLO

    3. At the present time the bigfooters are NOTHING more than the same as children that believe in fairies...nothing more than that...no proof...just the same old bollocks...are we meant to think that a dark patch in a video is a huge unknown creature ? ...go on...mek me laff...!!!!

    4. 7:59... No you're not meant to believe the video up top is anything, cause it could be anything in my opinion... What you are meant to do is consider the facts prior to posting literary diarrhea.

      There is plenty of evidence accumilated by scientific methods that have propelled fields such ad wildlife biology and forensic science to what is widely percieved as one of the stable and reliable branches of science today.

      Fairies don't leave physical evidence.

    5. Hello dear Texan! Not for long though... Gotta a BBQ tonight for the England game!!

      Did you get my emails?

    6. Mike, short answer? Yes, you're a moron. If you want to devote you're life to something that may or may not exist, may I suggest the Kraken? At least that way you can hang on the beach while you're proving nothing

    7. Alright Joe !

      GO ENGLAND !!!


    8. Hey MMC!! Hope all is well with you buddy?!

  4. Wow if ONLY the new High Definition cameras were out!!!

  5. There's something on the hill!

    1. Wha??? My sister likes to sit on the hill???

      Ouch that stings

    2. What a coincidence. Three days after I banged her, I said the same thing.

  6. With the World Cup mania sweeping the globe, I'd be a selfish dick not to point out soccer was invented for kids who can't throw a ball. Or catch one..

    1. It's been around long before your fairy ass American girly catch games. Sorry.

    2. So has wife beating. You're point?

    3. I think you'll find games where you use your hands to play with a ball is for wankers with no talent.

      hence Americans embrace the little girl sports like baseball and basketball

      better know in Europe as rounders and netball. Games played by girls. seriously

      the whole world embraces football[soccer for some reason in US]. its the biggest sporting event in the world easily dwarfing the Olympics. South America, Europe,Asia and Africa etc...everywhere bar north America, is glued to the world cup for a month

      I went to the world series[game 1] the year Boston won it[2008 I think] and watched the Yankees win that one at their stadium it was the dullest experience I've ever had at a sporting occasion. this at your premier sporting occasion alongside the superbowl[a 5 hour snore fest played by black gangsta wanabees and all amreican wankers]

      face it Americans don't do manly sports. if it wasn't for black afro Americans you'd have no world class athletes of any kind. maybe a dope cheating cyclist and a couple of swimmers!!lol

      anyway how is the search going for the 9ft 800pd magic monkey in your national parks

      still no luck]
      I reckon 2015 is the year of the squatch

      keep up the good work Yankees. the world loves ye

    4. 5:42, In defense of soccer, street kids in Brazil are given the option of being the next Pele or shot on sight. Apparently, getting shot is the popular choice. Why else would they put up with being murdered? Cause soccer sucks?

    5. Poor 6:07. Not only are you a racist, you're an idiot. The whole world doesn't embrace soccer. They just don't have cable yet. If you have two monkeys in a zoo with limited options and throw them a ball, soccer will occur by chance. But with more action and higher scores.

    6. Because Europeans are so manly while they play cricket, snooker, or flop with other grown men on grass.

      We have the Lumberjack Games for goodness sake.

      And this may come as a surprise to you but many Americans don't pay attention to baseball anymore, it's a dying sport.

    7. Do the soccer people still use that magic spray can that cures everything from broken bones to bruised ego's?

    8. Miss Kimberley's boo boo spritzer?

    9. ^ If you want to get technical, yes.

    10. You had to bring up World Cup didn't you DSA. We lost a good man in those games. No one has stepped up and filled his shoes......"Leaping Russian Yeti". " Strange Skull found in MKs closet ". http/:/spurswinbig/Utube echocharlie. I guess it's up to me to be the dear sweet Texan he used to call me. Seems like only yesterday, but it was really last week, that he was here.

    11. Id like to post one last Settler's Diary for a welsh drunken Soccer loving hooligan who " mammma ama....made me happay.......... " Winter of 1827......Possum Grape Arkansas" My Dearest Catherine, I knew your parents didn't approve of this union ...but last night your father trampled my garden, whist he was in his cups no doubt" waylaying my cabbages and cale and tearing my corn out by the very stalk, do not tell me it wasn't him, his bare footprints lay about and I saw his drunken amber eyes out of the window, as he beat his walking stick against my Maple Tree in a threatening fashion. I am leaving the Little Red River valley. And if your family will not have me then this engagement is over!" Harrumph to you and all your kinsman, A Spurned Man, ". Cecil Jeremiah Potter.

    12. It wasn't the same without u. Sent u a sample of two years work. Holla when u can.

    13. Got your emails, apologies for not reading them sooner, been working like mad and drinking to the same level!!

      Sent you some emails, really, really cool stuff Mike, Morley is the best. Should have a new video put together for you by early next week.

    14. Possum Grape Arkansas? Obscure Doosh Reference for 200.00 Alex!

    15. Why don't you two just blow each other already? Couple of off-topic daisies intertwined in some melodramatic homoerotic love triangle.

      You'll sooner find each other's prostate than bigfoot.

    16. Awh, what's the matter sweetheart? You want a friend??

    17. No thanks. A flesh bigfoot would be nice though.

    18. http://youtu.be/lOxuRIfFs0w

      You're very welcome.

  7. Uhhh, the elusive Ohio Black Bear.

  8. thats a bear and he is someones pet called dick johnson.

  9. This is stupid... Unidentifiable black mass in the woods. It can ONLY be a sasquatch. No way it could be a bear. Actually I'm not convinced that's even a living thing. I'm all about sasquatch but when people make claims like this its no wonder the scientific community don't want to take sasquatch seriously.

  10. They forgot to outline the facial features, coned head etc... talk about sub-par blobsquatchers! At least they fully identified the unidentified dark shadow with no animal-like features at the end, that's something I suppose.

  11. Hooray!!! another darn crappy hoax video.....

  12. Replies
    1. American footballers always patting each other on the bum. Now that's gay

  13. here's a great idea- how about going closer to see what it actually is ?
    Too much thinking involved eh ?

  14. STUMP.
    Otherwise get off your ass and do what no one else thinks of doing: WALK UP TO IT, DUMBASS.


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