These Jim Sherman Audio Clips Gives Me The Willies

Henry May has been uploading an amazing amount of content from the Ohio Bigfoot conference last weekend. If you weren't there, a number of heavy hitters made it to the even, including Cliff Barackman, and BFRO's Jim Sherman. Sherman shared this amazingly clear audio clip:


  1. Replies
    1. I think not anon. You must have a name. How about I give you one. How about Who cares?

    2. Sounds eerily similar to the Ohio moan!!

    3. Hey Bandini, how's things with you my friend?!

    4. Jeff Bridgdes has never been first. Ever.

    5. Jeff Bridgdes can't spell bridges.

    6. Heroin,it's a helluva a drug.

    7. It's the best. If I'm having an intense conversation I like to interrupt the other party with either " Jackie Treehorn treats objects like women!"
      Or. " all the Dude ever wanted was his rug back". Let's me know instantly what kind of person they are.

    8. Hahah nice man!

      "nobody fcks with the Jesus!"

    9. Fuching fascist. !!!


    10. How do u get em back to the farm once they've met Karl Hungus?

    11. sometimes bigfoots sounds like owls so you thinking thats and owl but its a bigfoot

    12. Fascists + Progressives = Democrats

    13. KAOS is now the new NORM

  2. Holy shite.
    I listened to the audio above.
    Very unsettling. Not something I am familiar with, and certainly has potential to be bigfoot.

  3. At first I thought it was elk then it was like, nope! That is definitely Bigfoot!

    1. At first I thought it was a bigfoot then it was like, nope! Bigfoot don't exist!

    2. At first, I thought I'd read your comment... Got to the end and thought... Intel don't exist.

    3. At first I thought turtles are ok then it was like, nope! Then i knew i definitely like turtles!

    4. at first I thought your mom when I was banging her and then I was like nope cuz my dick was in her mouth the whole time

  4. Gotta agree with what JOE and John Melland wrote, especially that moan/howl which I have heard before, however mine was from a distance much further away, but still carried like gangbusters.

    I did not know Jim Sherman was at SFL but I did not have VIP tickets for the Friday affair and only went Saturday. Would have liked to have met him and listened in.


    1. Good Morning to you to JOE or Mid day for you.
      This was only the 2nd Ohio Conference I have been to. In 2012 it was at a Civic Center in nearby Cambridge and the auditorium held at least 500 people and there was seating for all. Now Salt Fork Lake is the traditional spot and well it should be due to the hotel, cabins, conference rooms and 1000's of acres of Sasquatch territory and make no mistake, they are here.

      This conference has grown so large and needs to address lecture seating as the main room probably only seats 2 to 3 hundred people ( VIP only that sell out before even announced if you get on Marc Dewirths email list ) and 1000 people or perhaps many more would have liked to listen in. I would suggest and will to Marc DeWirth to put up a huge outdoor tent for the main lectures that will accommodate all.

      It was said this is the largest annual Bigfoot event in NA. I do not know about that but it is big and the folks are enthusiastic and come from states a good ways away.

      I spoke to one couple who decided to put lawn chairs on the Park golf course the previous year. At one in the morning noise in the brush was heard and then a scream was made towards them, maybe not unlike Jim's recording. I asked them who ran first or was it Mutual? The wife said he did and she wanted to stay and look, however it really did not take much for the husband to convince her otherwise.


    2. Amazing stuff!

      I think audio recordings along with thermal are the way forward, as its one area that has consistently left skeptics without a successful means to deny. The accumilation of recordings is growing by the week and I never see any reasonable explanation put my way to doubt them.

      I thought the Brown's recording posted here just the other day really impressive... Did you manage to check that out, Chuck?

    3. Unfortunately not JOE. Been busy. Will go back and check soon.

    4. Not trying too be funny here but northern Michigan can be a
      very lonely place. When I here these audio clips I can not help but feel that there creatures sound very sad and lonely. As with most recordings from all over


    5. Interesting... But made me feel sad.

      Hey MMC!!

    6. Hello Joe

      There is a lot of nothing in Michigan. These creatures like anybody like company. Being alone is not good for anybody


    7. MMC is right. Hank Williams and Sasquatch have that high lonesome sound. Tonight I'm going to put on Hanks greatest hits and cry In my moonshine. :(

    8. Hank Williams Sr.

      I'm so lonesome I could cry

      I'll take a him of that shine please


    9. Regardless of what it is, that sound is similar to other recordings, and very eerie.

    10. Here on this farm we call it Potters' Brain Mash. It's so powerful I keep forgetting the gate codes and getting locked in. :). I'll send you a bottle MMC. Just please do not store it near open flames!

    11. "... When Hank drank... He drank for three days... "

    12. Yes Ern. It is the real deal. We've been recognizing Jim Sherman for a while as one of the best and most consistent audio men in the field. He has only a few peers and seems to be topped regularly by only himself.

    13. Let's just cut right to it. On any given drinking night. One need only arm himself with Hank Sr and Jr, Willie and Waylon and let us not forget Merle Haggard....

    14. Yup

      My neighbor cuts his with wine. Calls it the creeper or plum stumble. Many a women have loosened up over that stuff


    15. Ok. This haircut is bad. Back to the camo netting for me. Hey Joe, check out the crossbow in the video I sent you..... Technically you have to have a prescription for that thing. But since i present no real danger to these damn birds. It's all good

    16. Looking forward... Expect an email.

  5. Replies
    1. Morn TTL. What do you think of the recordings?

    2. I'd say it was some great stuff and good for him!! He did a great presentation as well!! I got some beef with this Rev Jeff he keeps on saying bad stuff about Todd S but won't answer any questions on face b when I try to help him or correct what he's saying while providing proof to back it up for him? Then I message Todd and he replys to anything with a answer within 24 hours!! I think there must be a saying about someone with the loudest bark!! Lol anyways I always liked listening to rev Jeff but now he's seemed to maybee get a big head about the subject and I belive he thinks he nows more than he does I hope he changes his tune in the near future it just looks bad on him!! Sorry mr Jeff Rev!!! TTl

    3. If Todd delivers... There'll be a few, not just the old Rev having to re-assess their ideas on the subject.

    4. I liked Matt K's take on the Standing alleged photoshopped pictures the other day... In that Todd appears to be driving home some truths as time goes by, so what does this mean for his other claims?

      As always, there are two sides to every story and I think sometimes some enthusiasts forget how hard it is for them arguing a case in such a one sided world.

      Patience, wait for all the facts and then pass judgement. I've learnt it myself in recent times with sources I once was way to quick to jump on without knowing all the facts; now I'm applying the same patience and trust in experts I have always trusted.

    5. Deep in the woods. Came to town for a haircut. :). Saw the great Jim Sherman as I waited. Couldn't resist. Man Joe. Sent you some video of remote locations in the Ozark Mountains. It's simply way cool like the audio above. I found a few old timber structures that included suspended trees. I'm headed back out to camp tonight.

    6. I'm not sure if I've recieved any videos yet... I'll let you know when I do. Glad you're alright.

    7. I'm not sure I had service. I'll resend them now. Joe. I'm going to kick these Turkeys in the ass so hard you'll see feathers and bird shock in Wales. Either that or they'll continue to mock me. I've heard a couple of barn owls that sounded like Barry White. Gotta keep my guard up. Talk to you soon. " barber, proceed sir..."

    8. Hey mike! Ttl! I'm still getting cell coverage in Canada can u belive it??? Do u have any interest in harvesting a sasqwatch ??? Tell me a story or something it's so cold here the birds r still falling out of the sky!! Wtf tTL!!

    9. Ha ha ha ha!!

      Go easy... Those turkey's, apart from being pretty ugly... Are a fair old size aren't they?!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    10. Ok TTl. Here's a turkey camp story. On night one I proceeded to camp at the party barn on Lonesome Pine ranch in the Ozark Mountains. As dusk fell. The brash young men at camp began to take shots at Texas and my resident status there. I chalked it up as boys being boys and after dinner I took a long walk and put out the camp fire and got ready to bed down in my vehicle. Apparently while I was away one of the humorous lads had taken the liberty of putting a young squirrel in my car for giggles. As I lay there listening to it chew it's way through my leather captains chairs I began to think of a way to pay it forward. I remembered when I took my constitutional that my buddy had left his tractor and road grader at the bottom of the hill and I had shined the field with the beams to look at deer. I also remembered seeing the fresh cabelas blinds that had just been hung by the same obnoxious high fiving idiots who were celebrating the squirrel joke inside the barn. So I quietly left the car with the door open and slipped down the hill, ignited the engine and drove over their new turkey blinds and returned to bed in my now empty car. Revenge is a dish best served .....old. And nary a word from them as they packed up and left camp this Sunday last. Take care Ttl. I am alive and well in this ..... Our nations' rapid heartland.

    11. Hey mike u didn't now your talking to the king of paybacks with my hunting and fishing buddies! If u want some good one to play on them I'm the guy for this job and if there really your friends they will hate u and come back for more on your next trip!! just tell me what u r doing next with your friends and I'll give u the medicine u need to pull a good one on them if it's fishing , hunting etc we've killed each other every year!! Without a good prank on your buddies every year it's not a hunting trip!! Lol TTl

    12. Hey ttl when you saw a saquatch did it look like a lifeless muppet? Is that why you believe standing?

    13. I think TTL is inclined to wait for the new sources of evidence that are backed by scientists who do not endorse his earier pictures.

    14. Once a hoaxer, always a hoaxer, nothing he puts out can ever be trusted.

    15. ... And nothing is ever totally certain.

  6. Jim Sherman is great. It's fun to watch him give presentations. You can tell he loves what he is doing.

  7. o cheesuz it can't be that good. all i know it can't be a bigfoot. bigfoot is for kids you silly wabiit

  8. Anyone is really at a disadvantage if they try to estimate the "percentage" of honest misidentifications as compared to fabricated (hoax) encounters that are reported.

    We hear of "several thousand" Bigfoot reports coming from some databases such as BFRO and Green and others. We can sit down and read these reports and for some we can say to ourselves "well that could have been a bear or maybe a homeless person or a hiker according to what they said" and for some we can say "well that couldn't really have been a bear or a person according to what they said." Maybe at some point a person reflects on the databases and gives an estimated percentage that are likely to be hoaxes as compared to mistakes and such.

    But again the problem is that the Bigfooter community has always aggressively censored (excluded) the reports that they think are fabrications. These would amount to thousands over the years. This means that we are all deprived of data that would reveal the real nature of the "Bigfoot phenomenon". What is happening is that Bigfootery is actively creating a false public character for itself. It doesn't want the world to know what it really is. Bigfoot believers don't want you to look at Bigfootery and see a myth. So they hide and cover up the reality of Bigfootery. They DO NOT want you to know that hoaxing Bigfoot is a kind of national pastime for over 50 years!

    You can't properly estimate the percentage of "honest errors" when you have never seen or accounted for even a fraction of the "dishonest errors". It's like throwing away the misses and only recording the hits. The databases are flawed because they are only what Bigfoot promoters want you to see and know about. They are censored specifically to make it look like Bigfoot is a serious and legitimate subject. The censorship is meant to deprive skeptics and others from seeing what is really there.

    It's like shaking a camera so that the audience doesn't easily see that it is a guy in a costume.

    1. Excellent comment 5:05. This needs to be copied and pasted on every blog post.

    2. "But again the problem is that the Bigfooter community has always aggressively censored (excluded) the reports that they think are fabrications."

      Really? I think you'll find quite a process of elimination under way if you actually spent the time to research your accusations as opposed to spending the time writing inaccuracies it up, for the following correction to occur;

      When you have a transition from ten thousand years of native culture in modern civilization, with the sheer frequency of people, a lot of the time multiple persons, maintaining consistencies that simply cannot be any another subject; i.e. bipedal, long arms with hands, human face, from credible people (look at the BFRO wildlife biologist's account on a previous thread), then it is down to denial of people such as yourself that is the issue... Especially when you have scientific evidence to back up the said sources. If this accompanying evidence was not a reality, then your statement would hold water. If an accumulation of accounts was not true, then it wouldn't leave physical clues to it's existence.

      You also do not consider the possibility that said fabrications purely don't make it into such databases out of the interest of those enthusiastic and knowledgeable enough of the subject. I don't particularly want to read an obvious hoax account and the people researching the subject do not want their professionalism brought into question. Why would that be beneficial for a field that already has an uphill struggle against dogmatic systems? I know of no Bigfoot place place where things have been 'aggressively censored' and like always I am going to require you reference an example to back up that claim or it's meaningless. Not to mention ridiculously audacious considering the genuine censorship this field's professional experts endure on a daily basis.

      "These would amount to thousands over the years. This means that we are all deprived of data that would reveal the real nature of the "Bigfoot phenomenon".

      Really? Obviously, it is a real possibility of someone using their knowledge to log a hoaxed scenario on the database, but would the reports amount to thousands? I think you'll find hoaxing restricted to YouTube hits since the this subject came into the realms of popular culture, for the plain and simple fact that YouTube hits can generate a lot of money. Why would someone waste their time for literally nothing? Also... You will not find a more attacking point of view when these reports come out, than from the enthusiasts that promote the legitimacy of this subject. I in fact have an issue sometimes with the way the BFRO for example, handle some reports... I find them too judgmental and too critical a lot of the time, but this would not be known to someone making wild assumptions like yourself.

      Shall we discuss the tens of thousands of reports that are NOT recorded due to people's lack of understanding of where to log such information, not to mention the threat of being totally ridiculed?

      "Bigfoot believers don't want you to look at Bigfootery and see a myth."

      I think that a statement like yours would be the polar opposite, especially in light of your eluding to all forms of evidence that is denied daily. When does a myth stop becoming a myth? When it has the accumulation of steady scientific evidence, accumulated by experts that have years of experience in their respected fields... Sometimes excelling way higher than the average expert?? It is a further indication of the level of audacity employed, that people like you should suggest that there is a mask of truth when in fact such simple examples of inconsistencies regarding scientific evidence can only warrant the same hypocritical label in the most extremes of impartiality.

    3. You can't make accurate percentages, no... But the sheer majority of reports that are logged now a days because people have the courage to come forward now there is better understanding and the development of the internet to hide identification, would indicate a far greater percentage of reports that don't surface... Compare that the the alleged reports that are being 'aggressively censored' with no proof of actually being the case, then we can call it evens me thinks.

      To hell with evens, I tell you what... For such a sincere claim... Why don't we compare? I will list the instances where this subject has been censored by the skeptical majority, with the mounds of scientific evidence to support the subject matter...

      And you list me the instances of an alleged cherry picking of reports with a solid example to not consider the exact same scientific fields that contradictingly, are good enough for you every day.

      For your claim that things are being censored with no evidence, I can a stronger claim that suspicious reports are professionally excluded, with the actual evidence there is to back up that claim.

    4. Joe doesn't even realise he got obliterated as per.

      Still no bigfoot? Carry on bleeving bro.

    5. Plenty of Bigfoot... No sign however of intelligence in someone with the self obliterating debating skills of a small bag of chips.

    6. A very well thought out and written reply JOE, Indeed.
      I have heard from a couple of folks that had reports turned down, and it will happen from time to time even if they are honest. I would not be surprised if the author, who stays hidden like they like to do, did not try to sneak one past the bfro only to have the project fail. Maybe not but it has that kind of attitude. I guess he/she thinks it must be a hell of a conspiracy going back 10k years to fabricate in what amounts to countless tens of thousands of reports ( with an estimated ratio of 10 to 1 of people not reporting what they witnessed for the obvious reasons. Incidentally these reports more or less describe consistent detail and behavior. This conspiracy to be true easily tops all others including the free masons and knights templars.

    7. Comment got deleted as usual. Obliteration of Joe gets censored.

      Anyway to sum up what it did say

      You are wrong.

    8. Chuck! Well said sir! I also think that the poster had to be a male... No female would resort to that type of effort without thinking things over a little better!

      Self Obliterated at 6:58... Oh, we're back to making wild claims of a deletion of comments are we? I think you simply can't muster a decent response to be honest.

      I'll acknowledge an 'obliteration' when I see one... I've only seen you give yourself one so far. Remember my past advise; give the desktop a rest.

    9. "Plenty of bigfoot"

      Yet not one specimen has ever been produced. That's all we need. Just the one.

    10. 5:05 and above.

      Please "enlighten" us and tell us what you is on the recordings? Not what you THINK "may be" on the recordings.

      Tell us what they are....please....?!

    11. 8:27...

      ... From a species that has no apex predator to contend with and buries it's dead and evades in social groups, with an archeological cover up going right up until the mid 20th century, not to mention a logging industry to look after... Would you hear about it a specimen was produced anyway?

    12. Frustrating. Bigfoot skeptics will tell you that it's not bigfoot - but won't tell you what it is.

      Notice that..?

  9. Bigfoot does not exist. Period.

    1. Sorry about your period lady

    2. Intelligence does not exist at 5:07...

      True, dat... True dat...

      (unlike you, I answered my own comment in the same post for convenience)

    3. No north american apes I'm afraid

    4. Correct... Just giant hairy people.

    5. Not 'dumb apes' like was implied. I could apply literal thinking just as well and say the correct classification is Hominidae.


    6. dumb apes = AMERICAN ZOMBIES

  10. I'll tell ya, you've got to get the AIMS team on it. They will capture one that fur shur! Wild Bill My Marine lover will break a Big foot's neck no problem! Wild Bill he's my man! I just got a full size poster of him in those tight camo shorts1 Boy am I happy, happy happy!

    1. I like huckleberry because he looks like Hillbilly Jim.

    2. Wild Bill knife in hand going take it to that sheepsquatch

  11. MMC I once "befriended" a girl while intoxicated on brain mash who still bore the scar where her husband had pinned her arm to a table with his knife. You meet all sorts of interesting people at a shine still.

  12. Trapper, Wild Bill and the AIMS team take on that onry sheepsquatch, sure that old Marine Wild Bill and Willy will rise to the occasion and trap the critter

    1. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ?

    2. Reliable witnesses. A sound trapping method and a team of fit and ready experts. Who could argue?

    3. tight pants cawz hebe a old Marine

    4. I think the producers make him wear tight pants so he can be eye candy for the ladies.


    6. ^ I thought they all were!!!

    7. Wild Bill be a reble has them tight pants being an old marine and all, showing he still gots it

    8. ^ ALL OF THEM!!!! They are all guilty,, Of being redneck beerbelly sharecroppers,, as always,,,

  13. Bill has to be ready to leap Into action at a moments notice whenever Trapper recognizes it's getting " damn personal" or orders a strategic retreat he has to fly into the fray. Tight pants keep the circulation pumping and Wild Bill at the ready!

    1. But they can't be good for his man marbles.

    2. stragtegic retreat - thats BUCK speciality and taking the point in dangerous situations, BUCK the goto man....

  14. today VE day................

  15. 8:45, you have successfully made me a diabetic.

  16. I wonder how many of this is a Bigfoot researcher, recording another Bigfoot researcher trying to record a Bigfoot lol!
    Give it a fucking rest unless you have clear video or DNA FUCK OFF!


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