The Bouvier Bigfoot Footage - The Full Story [Bigfoot Times]

Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Daniel Perez of the Bigfoot Times. The full story is in the current edition of the Bigfoot Times ( (May 2014). Check out the Bigfoot Times website for more information.

In a recent episode of Finding Bigfoot, a film of an alleged Bigfoot was presented. The 8 millimeter Kodak film with 149 frames of the subject in it was shot in July 1962 in Colorado’s Roosevelt National Forest in an area called the Rawah Wilderness. The person who shot the film was Alfred Clifton Bouvier, who has passed on. He was a Boy Scout pack leader at the time in question and many people were on the trip but only the cinematographer was present when the film was shot.

Several researchers have pointed out that the Bouvier film predates the P-G film, 1967, by several years and it is the oldest film on record of a Bigfoot like creature.

However, there may be a much older one on record. The late Joan Jeffers from Bradford, Pennsylvania had an uncle who in 1948 not only saw what he thought to be a Bigfoot but shot 8 millimeter film of the thing in Mountain View, Alaska, north of Anchorage.

John Green, who provided this lead to me many years ago, noted, “uncle was always interested in Sasquatch information and told her father he had seen one and filmed it - just something tall and hairy walking through a field in Alaska. Film lasted only a couple of seconds. Joan first saw the film in 1991, on a video she had made of 8 millimeter family films. Knows no details.”

When I called Joan in 1994 she told me the film was shot with large electrical towers nearby and that her aunt witnessed the event as her husband shot the film while driving a truck along a road.

But getting back to the Bouvier film, Cliff Barackman provided contact information to the Boy Scout son, Gary Bouvier, who was 13 at the time the film was shot. Here is what he told me on the phone when I jingled him on April 27th. They were camped at the Hooligan Roost Campsite when the event happened and his older brother, Butch, was also part of the scouting group.

The film sequence came to light one day during a “big family get together” when his brother saw the film sequence in question and told them to “back it up,” in reference to the projected film.

Gary told me his dad didn’t talk about the film too much: “dad was pretty short...we pumped him off and on,” and what he did get out of it... eventually, was “it was upright,” and that it “turned to look at him [the camera man]” and “it was not human.” The film was shot above the timberline. He also told me that when his dad got this film it was just part of a larger filming sequence of scenery shooting.

Gary would later reflect about the time in question and much later make the connection with some of the odd commands of his father and the film, which he didn’t find out about until after they were back home. The boys were ordered to stay in the tents because of “Rocky Mountain tick fever” and that the scouts were ordered “not to leave camp,” and to only “travel as a group.”

Gary Bouvier is the inherited owner of the film and has since had the movie copyrighted with his name. Some work on the film was done at CinemaLab near Denver, Colorado. The film was cleaned and found to be a “real” film of something, unspliced from the roll it is on. Gary also mentioned that after so many years since the film was shot the Finding Bigfoot crew and himself could not find the exact location where the footage was shot. In the film the subject appears to be jumping from rock to rock in the snow but the distance to the subject is unknown.

Having spoken to Gary I don’t have the slightest reason to suspect this film is a hoax. My only comment is the subject is too far away from the camera to be of any real value. This film can be seen on YouTube by typing in “Finding Bigfoot Colorado film.”


  1. Replies
    1. Trapper John says the holy grail of Mountain Monsters is the Sheepsquatch which he describes as the size of a bear with white, wooly fur, saber-like teeth and goat horns.
      Trapper John swears it lives in all kinds of mountain habitats, including Colorado.

    2. just because DOJ tells the banks not to do business with gun shops is no cause for alarm.

    3. Yes it is it's cause for lots of alarms

    4. Agreed. If they take away my 12 guage this turkey will go on raising hell and gobbling and waking up the local school kids and all I'll have is this crossbow and they'll want that next. No way Harry. We can't let em. No one takes poor Mikes guns and no one puts Joe in a corner!

    5. Then we need to stop doing business with banks

    6. I need my guns to ring doorbells and answer the phone and such

    7. tham thar guns abin good fer huntin tham crittters and such

    8. or use rum bottles, no rum and guns together though

    9. stop doing business with banks Harry? who else is going to give you thirty eight cents in interest on all your money every year?

    10. too bad we pooped in all those jars, could've used them

  2. Joe would Steve kulls be the guy to ask about who to get money from if u have a real sasqwatch picture u think??? I feel like this guy would be the guy to talk to??? I can't really get a read on his character and almost feel like I should just stay away from him but what do u think????


    1. If I'm honest? I don't really know anything about him???

    2. Joe, whoever this Daniel is over at the Bigfoot Times, he knows how to research a film clip and how to write about it. I may have to check this site out myself. Let me know what you think.

    3. I know Chuck is a big fan... I don't know much but that'll change with your recommendation!

      I'll let you know what I think.

    4. Joe f,mike b,,,,I cant belive you guys never herd of dan perez.,he has been around for 30 yrs at least!! BD : )

    5. Doris my darling. That is precisely the number of years I've been hard at it. But I promise to check Dan out :)

    6. Mr Doris... There's loads I don't know if I'm honest.

    7. ttl stay away from kulls he would throw you under the bus at the drop of a hat

    8. No worrys joe, you know plenty enough, this guy dan perez will most definitely add your repertoire..the real big doris..: )

    9. Oh, good luck with your hunt!! Mike, Im jealous..TRBD,, : )

  3. Replies
    1. Oh, grow up. One of them has a bit too much to drink and lets Bobo get his hand under her sweater and suddenly they're "sluts"?

  4. What's with the first thing??? Haha

  5. "The film was shot above the Timberline". So how come there are pine trees?

    1. DSA. Please take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to Google the subtle distinction between the " tree line" and timberline. If that doesn't provide you a sufficient answer please place one large chicken at your computer and allow him to peck at the keyboard. ;)

    2. Ahhh screw it. One is the end of the area of habitat with moisture and temperature sufficient to grow trees. The other is simply the end of the forest canopy. Now I'm rained out of hunting today DSA so I'm gonna need you to raise the bar until the Spurs game starts.

    3. Big doris say's, Wild bill weres his pants tight to make,his cock&balls smell all the more "DANK" , hey you said raise the bar..: )

    4. ^ Swing and a miss. Again... Have you considered hiring someone to write your material for you? Or stealing it? Under the circumstances, I'm sure no one will press charges. Sorta like breaking into a remote cabin during a storm.

    5. We've got three men's the bottom of the ninth. DSA steps to the plate.....he's hunched over, crowding the bag.....:).....and there's the pitch. It's a high slow change up ..right over the center of the plate.......

    6. thinking Wild Bill to the rescue

    7. LOL, i think anon 1:40 might be looking for a job? .. Well if that was the case, I would ask someone like m brookreson, however he would probably want too much money!!! .YOU (anon 1:40) HOWEVER would,be to CHEAP! And then I would feel guilty.

    8. 3:33, I'm fat, happy and retired. I piss away more dough than you make. As I was trying to decipher ( I know. Big word. Google it if you need some help) what the hell you were trying to say, it occurred to me I should spend some of my free time mentoring idiots (like you) who can't string together basic words into something resembling a sentence. You could use the help and I could use the laughs. Do yourself a favor and stay on the porch son. You're not ready to run with the grown ups yet. Moron..

    9. ^ Kool,,your a fat old retired slob, now I know more about you than,you know about you!! Oh yea U piss money!! Hey get to the doctor, an get your bladder stones removed,, ya old fool, HAAA,HAA. HAA

    10. Who said old? I'm only 48. And retired! So suck it, you incoherent jackass. Learn where to put the commas. They serve a purpose. Unlike you.

    11. Only 48!!! Why u old fool,,you are a freekin fossil. By the way the only money you have..ever made is off the sweating backs of HARD WORKING MEN, or you are a just a freekin liar,or you could be just be a rich punk!! Now which one is it??

    12. P,s, try shoving some comma's up yur linguistic Ass! Lol, by the way thnx for the fun!! Blonde boy,,,,

    13. I'm a retired UPS driver if you need to know. Let me know if you still think 48 is a "freekin fossil" when you are dragging your ass to your cashiers job when your 78. Assuming you can fill out a job application of course. I'm thinking you can't. Because you're an idiot.

    14. Ups, haa,haaa, Ups?? Wow,and your 48??? Retired? HMMM! And has so much money he thinks he can just piss it away,, hey buddy go see a shrink.

    15. Are you familiar with the concept of using money to make money? I am. I'm good at it. On that note, I'm out of here. It's been fun and no hard feelings. Good luck. Sincerely.

    16. The hell with that,, I wanna hear about all the sasquatch that JUMPED,,, out in front of mr "retired"UPS mans truck,,

    17. I told you i was jokin at 9:39 and to be honest i thought you were sombody else, by the way i learned along time ago,on this blog its all,,

  6. What did u want to see? People driving down the hwy? Or the top of your computer with city buildings in the background ?? Lol


  7. Wild Bill + BOBO = a traped bigfoot

    1. Wild Bill + Bobo= Two retards!

    2. BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years -
      Wild Bill and " tracking expert"

    3. I really want to see that show, survivor man style! Just drop the 2 of them off in the middle of nowhere!

  8. Replies
    1. and maxwell smart is the man to thwart kaos

    2. That's the second truest comment I've ever seen.....

    3. The first truest is never turn your back on a wild turkey. They're the Al Qauda of the bird world

    4. sometime bigfoots sounding like turkeys, so you thinking that be a turkey but its a bigfoot

    5. some indians say bigfoots are shapeshifters, or @ least can mimic things.

    6. question...

      They generally walk around as bigfoots...and then when they may be sighted by random white people - shape shift at that time??? Into a bird..rabbit...beaver...whathaveyou...??

    7. bigfoots fer shure abin trickie critters you gotz to be awares

    8. Swing an miss again, There dufus?

    9. He's going to set the league record for strikeouts by the 6th game of the season. I can't wait for ESPN to do one of their 30 for 30 specials on him.


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