Watch This Possible Bigfoot Encounter with a Young Turkey Hunter and His Grandfather

The co-founder of Ohio Survival on YouTube, Brendon Keaton, talks about his frightening encounter with what he believes may have been a bigfoot while out hunting with his grandfather. Keep an eye on these guys, they are the future of bigfoot researchers.


  1. Replies
    1. He said after the noise that we better get out of here cause we might get hurt. This coming from a kid who is carrying a rifle. Also anyone who is doing a testimonial with dark glasses on is probably lying. And the joe-cool look is to camo the eyes and the eyes tell you about that person. I for one ain't buying hollywoods bigfoot tale one bit!

    2. huh? o.O He was clearly telling the truth. It's not like he told some crazy outlandish story. He told what many people have experienced. No doubt they encountered an angry Sasquatch that was pissed because they scared off his turkey lunch. So you can't be scared of a seriously frightening sound which makes you question wtf is out there, just because you're carrying a gun? ok mate. lol You don't have much life experience do you? The amount of encounters told by the people they happened to explained how they froze in fear when faced with a massive hairy bipedal creature whilst out hunting. And they were carrying shot guns. They said you just can't move. You're stunned. And part of your brain is telling you that even if you did shoot, that all it would do is piss the thing off. The gun feels very small and insignificant when faced with a 8 - 9ft Sasquatch.

    3. Butcher Wing is 100% right! Most likely the kid is carrying a shotgun with #4-#5 shot. That would probably if shot at, piss him of more! Rarely does one use a rifle to kill turkeys.
      when you see one, as I was Deer hunting with a 30-06 (Which SHOULD kill them) I to was frozen1 I didn't even think of my gun! When you see one, your mind, cannot register, what your eyes are seeing. Plus the Stench, these creatures put out, over powers you to. This is the main reason, why not have been killed by NORMAL hunters. Justin Smellass whatever, is a lying POS! he couldn't of shot one, let alone two! Why isn't his driver buddy saying anything? They poached a Bear, that's what they killed, and knew a Game Warden was waiting for them at the end of the road. They left the dead Bear in the woods!
      Also, when/if you get to see their face, you almost know THERE HUMAN! Only a demented sick F. . . would try to kill one!
      Joe "Hawk Eye" Spoke

    4. Morning, John Jones--who are we today? Hey, bring back Tina Running Bear, she was a hoot.

  2. I though all that nice wavy hair was a girl! Sorry Charlie!

    1. *thought

      It's late and I haven't gone to bed yet.

    2. He is the Jimmy Paige of turkey hunters.

    3. This was me in the video. I was sdeer hunting with my grandfather. Now listen people.... Why in the hell would I make this up? My grandfather was with me, we both heard it. I was carrying a 12 gauge shotgun.. It was a scary experience. I don't know what it was and you even hear me saying I DONT KNOW IF OT EVEN WAS A BIGFOOT because I'm not a full blown believer.. It was something big, I can tell you that

  3. Replies
    1. Harry, assuming you tied one on last night the best hangover cure on Earth is Folgers, Marlboros, a Sausage McMuffin with Egg and a shot of Jack. In that order. Works every time.

    2. One addendum: It is perfectly okay to have a cigarette dangling from your lips while your shaky hands attempts to pour water into that moving target called a coffee pot.

    3. Love my cigarettes coffee not so much and that's why kuerig is a good thing

    4. As a rule I steer clear of things I can't pronounce. I'm a simple man I suppose..

    5. Hey, if it works for ya, go with it.

    6. Me either my wife wanted it it makes a cup at a time

    7. How could a breakfast burrito be a sexual innuendo? Wait....oh. I see.

    8. I have found that a shot of Wild Turkey 101 while sitting on the can reading the poems of Rod McKuen will cure any hangover.

  4. Nice to see these serious Whippersnappers out and about searching for the Ohio Grassman. Best of Luck to this group.

  5. This is the future of big foot hunters? I think bf got nothing to worry about.

    1. The local turkeys aren't sweating him either. The kid needs a haircut. Today, if not sooner.

    2. They can smell the scent of ass and patouli oil from 1000 yds

    3. Which would explain why Moneymaker can't get near one. It's all starting to come together. Moneymaker reeks, Cliff concentrates his searches around 7-11's, Ranae intimidates the males and Bobo's well, Bobo. They ain't ever going to find that sucker, are they?

    4. That's why the show got canceled. Lol bigdad how's it goin sir? I'll catch ya in a bit gonna go fishing on the lake behind my buddies house freshwater good day fellas.

    5. Enjoy the fishing Harry.
      Going good so far.
      Talk at you later.
      Mike H.

    6. Harry, A Bomber Fat A in a baby bass pattern or a shad colored buzzbait kills them in the spring!

    7. A shad jig kills the bass here in Michigan in the spring. When the bass go on their spring feeding binge, it's not unusual to catch 20-30 in an afternoon.

    8. I didn't catch shit not even a cold hey did anyone know crossbows have recoil how come no one told me

    9. But I caught a tan and some lizards good times

  6. Replies
    1. yep, most likely as a decoy to draw out a male sasquatch

    2. bigfoots goes after chicks fer shure they been atakin me chicks out of me barns fer yeers

  7. Not enough red circles for my liking

  8. There are no bigfoot in Ohio. Never was.

    1. just the Grassman in Ohio : )

    2. But. . . What about Dallas and Wayne? Aren't they seeing and talking to Ohio Big foots?

  9. not enough firepower to take down a bigfoot

  10. Mountain Monsters almost got da Grafton Monster!

    1. But like all their episodes before, they never caught anything! Maybe their "Just not good enough" to get any monster?

    2. Well of course. No less than 2 deer hunters and a part time squirrel hunter took off work to testify as to the size and cunning of the Grafton Monster. Now, if he had been just a might bigger than 7 ft and 1000 pounds and hadn't roared like a lion every 20 feet they might have had trouble. But Trapper knew they were being toyed with. He did exactly what I would have done and ordered Bill and Willy to construct a 3 story wooden trip wire building with an elevator. But par for the course the Grafton Monster merely used it as a buffet table. I'll be waiting patiently. Fool Trapper Once Shame on you!

    3. DSA 7 am. I resent the implication that Trapper's crew is not good enough. When chasing a first cousin to the Cave Troll from Peter Jackson's LOTRs you have to have a high tolerance for failure. Just as Trapper and company were closing in on the Grafton Monster he was employing old ventriloquist techniques and throwing his voice. You could sense Trappers angst by the number of superfluous curse words he threw in like, "the Grafton Monster knew damn well we were here because he's one cunning son of a bitch". In the end, I believe Trapper will take out this pent up frustration on the family of deadly Yahoos they square off against next week!

    4. The AIMS team are fools and Clowns! Almost as bad as the FINDING BIG FOOT team was! When will the T.V.producers, use real serious Big foot hunters like JWJ Spoke?

  11. The Grafton Monster(s) ( more than one ) had the best of Trappers gang fer sure. They did build an awesome cage and it just might hold a bigfoot, but this bigfoot is smarter than the average bear. Wants whats inside the cage, well I will just go on the roof and reach in and grab it. I must say these hillbillies are hilarious.

    Next week they go after the yahoo. Just another bigfoot. Daniel Boone bagged one over two hundred years ago, maybe they will also. It would not count on it.

    1. Chuck the Yahoo is no laughing matter. The week after they are chasing the deadly Google of Marin County.

    2. Deadlier still is the elusive Firefox. If you ever come across one, just slowly back away. Then run like heck.

    3. Got to tell you Mike. Read that twice then busted a gut laughing. There is monster to big or small for these characters.


    4. No Chuck. You are absolutely right there is not. I'm currently using some reinforced re bar to construct a Trap for the nefarious night Opussum of Alamo Heights. When I run into trouble I just think....what would Bill do? Hoo Rah!

    5. Holy Sh. . . !~ The Apllichican mountains are just full of Monsters! Yikes! i'm not going hiking along that trail, that fer sure!
      Hey! How come nun of these Monsters were shot or seen during the Civil War?

  12. They better be careful... Traffic sounds in the background of bigfoot and "survival" videos - that is SWAT cosplayer Deep Woods Jim Lebus' territory. You don't step on Superman's cape. You don't spit in the wind. You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger...and you don't mess around with Jim. Because he might think you are a squatch and use his homemade bigfoot fireball gun on you.

  13. to find the answer of what he hear just listen in the background and soon as he makes his *cough* bigfoot sound you hear the same sound in the background. its a cow people. wake up. the thud was the cow after he fell of the cliff and when it came to that was the cow moaning from the fall.

    1. DSA 7:22 you are making light of a serious situation. The old "whiskey cough" was obviously intended to provoke the Grafton Monster to disguise his voice as a cow thorough sheer mimicry. Either that or the looped lion roar for stuck. I prefer to believe it's the former.

    2. Man you guys are breaking me up. I get the sense you fellows thinks Aims are nothing more than the three stooges times 2 on steroids. Wait tell they bring back Curly no Shoes to get the lowdown on the Yahoo or maybe the killer chihuahua of Fayette County, all five pounds of pure inbred beast that would just as soon rip your throat out as look at you.

      Well it is the first day this year to hit over 70 degrees I have miles to ride and dames to tame. So like my old buddy Ronnie Montrose I am going to jump on my bad motorscooter and ride.
      Have a great weekend.

    3. I like how Wild Bill's tight pants showcase his manhood.

  14. The red circle is the most compelling Bigfoot evidence of 2014.

    1. It is so compelling, I named my newborn boy Red Circle. Red Circle McKuen McGee.

  15. Agreed. Now we need to all form our own monster hunting teams. I'll take Harry, Clive, Whiskey Joe Fitzgerald and Dan Campbell. Chuck I'm gonna need you to build the traps. I gotta go now, my Carharts are stuck in my still.

    1. Lol I'm in better bury he still so the man don't catch on

    2. I was going to murder Bigfoot last week and put this mystery to bed but I couldn't get out of work. He has know idea how close he came to a dirt nap. Poor fool.

  16. People,there is a side effect taking the Extenze Male Enhancement Pill.Although I went from being 1/2" to 1",my foreskin is dangling down to my knees.Do you know how hard it is trying to find that 1" when you have to pee.Woe is me.


    1. Oh the calamity of it all !!! Poor Dan's got a dangler! And NOT the appropriate one!

      On the bright side Dan, at least you are searching for 1" now instead of your original 1/2" under all that dangling foreskin.

      PS - Women don't like turtlenecks!!!

    2. LMAO!!!!!

      Still loving the Campz updates!!!

    3. Great--now I have to throw out my turtlenecks. What's next, women don't like nose hair?

    4. As long as it stays within the confines of the nose, it will pass as okay. Once it breaches the exterior border, it's got to go!

  17. Are there any good movies or photos of bigfoot since that old 1960s film? I have seen nothing convincing since.

    1. Mind you don't trip over that foreskin xx

    2. ^ :D

      If there is a foreskin, is there an afterskin?

    3. Foreskin and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth a great nation...

      Kate Bush rules! She is coming out of retirement, Eva, did you know that?

    4. Once it hangs down to your knees, I think it can be classified as an afterskin.

    5. And if I trip on it while I'm walking?

    6. Cut it off! Make a tissue donation for reconstruction to help others!

  18. bigfoots are controlled by GRAYs in UFOs lots of folks seeing both UFOs with bigfoots @ the same time and location

  19. Is that a girl or a guy in that pic?


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