Todd Standing Talks to the Calgary Herald About His Research and Projects

Todd Standing is all over the bigfoot news lately after teaming up with Survivorman Les Stroud for a special bigfoot series, and recently announcing ranks with Dr. Jeff Meldrum and the formation of the Bigfoot North group. The Calgary Herald sat down with Standing and spoke with him about what all he has going on.

"Todd Standing’s home office teems with all the trappings of an obsession he shares with few adventure seekers. His desk is littered with camera equipment, a six-propeller drone for flyover shots and hard drives jammed with images he believes are evidence of a beast known only from legend.
Near his computer is a field guide to finding Sasquatch, a handy pamphlet that identifies the mythical creature’s diet, habitat and characteristics that distinguish it from bears. There is also a recipe and instructions for casting footprints in cement.
The Calgary man has long made it his business to convince anybody who will listen that Bigfoot is not a myth, but a species of primate that walks on two legs. Now, the size of his audience is expanding dramatically.
Standing has appeared on reality television and Internet radio in his bid to convince the masses. He’s producing his own feature film, the proceeds of which he plans to spend on a major expedition with scientists and specialized equipment to recover the crown jewel of evidence, the thing that believers the world over have claimed exist but have never produced — a Bigfoot body.
“I have seven different crystal clear Sasquatch videos that people can’t look at and say, that’s a bear,” Standing said. “They look at it and go that’s either a man in a suit or that’s a new species of primate that’s alive and well in North America. There’s no other option."
For the rest of the article, including video, click here.


  1. bigfoots all abouts for sure

  2. Mountain Monsters (AIMS) going to get 1 of them bigfoots

    1. The AIMS team are a bunch of phonies! Their show "Mountain Monsters" is for low IQ people.

    2. not shure tham traps abin feel fer shure

  3. Trapper + Buck vs Matt + BOBO = bigfoot found

    1. sweet just got to get them together and then its GAME ON!

    2. BOBO with a shotgun !!! DUDE

    3. You forgot to throw in the tube tops and swamp buggies. Then you'll have yourself a real capture team.

  4. I'm on the fence about Todd Standing. He probably did Hoax, but, that does not indicate he has little or no knowledge about Big foots.
    Sometimes you have to pay attention to the littlest details.
    on one of his Videos, he mentioned how a chick-a-dee bird, peeping, gave his position a way. only someone that has good Woods-Man-ship skills, know that. He seems to know the relationship between animals/Birds and their reaction to "Humans in the woods" again shows me he has the right skills to be a very effective researcher.
    As a Native American, I know all about our relationship with the animals and birds of the forest.
    for example, The Crow, is a guardian of the skies, They see a "Human in the woods", they will send out an alarm call. All the animals/birds hears this call, will be "On their Guard". Any Big foots will hide, watch and see if the human present, are a threat or not. Then they will react accordilly. Hide or Run.
    A lot of Big foot researchers, never mentions any animal/bird reactions to their presents. That tells me that they don't really knows the woods to well.
    also Todd was one of the first to mention "Day watchers". Big foots rarely ever travel alone, With 2 travelling together, one can sleep, while the other watches out for danger. Again this is rarely mentioned by other researchers, and because they don't know this, that's one of the reasons they never see a Big foot.
    So Todd has, it appears to have a lot of knowledge, and must of been taught some of this by Native Americans.
    So, believe what you want about Todd, but for Meldrum, Les and others to team up with him, it may be because Todd has way more knowledge and experience, then most other researchers.
    Joe "Hawk Eye"


    1. Knowledge doesn't give him the right to hoax!! Obviously he is a hoaxer and why people even for one second believe in him is just what he wants. How can Jeff Meldrum an ''anthropologist'' and professor of a university even team up with some one that has footage of animatronic dummies pretending they are real life Bigfeet!!! He's probably getting paid for his time. He's no different than Rick Dyer hoaxing. The only difference is that Rick Dyer is sloppy and an idiot but just because Todd has knowledge of the woods still doesn't take away the title of a known hoaxer!!!

    2. Beautiful post... I'm looking forward to more from you a Joe!!

    3. 11:20...

      Meldrum, Stroud, Bindenagle... None of these people are gonna associate themselves with a hoaxer.

    4. Only problem is that once a dog has been in the chicken coop you cannot trust him loose.^^^^

    5. You absolutely nailed it, I am an old woodsman and I know how to stalk animals in the forest like a native American and I have been saying for a long time it takes stealth and knowledge for anyone to have a chance of seeing bigfoot

    6. The whole industry is full of hoaxers, liars, swindlers, and people who turn a blind eye toward others indiscretions for whatever reason.

      Meldrum associates, dare I say flirts with hoaxers very frequently.

      Somebody as old and traveled as Bindernagle has worked with and along side many hoaxers.

      But some people are too deep down the rabbit hole to acknowledge or care about that.

    7. I agree with Joe and Joe also sometimes when i go out in the garden a black bird will make a right racket,now i know why xx

    8. Absolute BS.

      I find it hilarious that any Anon poster can call into question someone who's a full Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and a Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University, who's also Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy... Not to mention a former wildlife biology advisor to the UN.

      But let's see this list of hoaxers Meldrum flirts with... They'll be the same tired cynical crappy list all the denialists have without an ounce of proof to back their shoddy claims.

    9. that why Mountain Monsters going to set the record straight

    10. Muppets, puppets, and pathetic hoaxing

    11. ... That managed to deliver one of your heroes (Stroud) is first experiences and full affiliation.

      ; )

    12. money and fame make honest people do dishonest things its really that simple

    13. So why didn't Meldrum so this sooner?

    14. Joe you seriously believe that the video with the blinking bigfoot is real??? I love to think that there is an undiscovered creature such as Bigfoot out in the woods but Todd Standing is hoaxing all of us!!! Now the PG film is to me the best proof of the existence of such creature, to this day no one has been able to de-bunk the footage or a costume that resembles Patty!!! Even in the movie Mighty Joe Young some of the back ground when the gorilla is running looks Hollywood!!!

      Don't be fooled by Todd please!!! Sorry to bust your bubble but Meldrum, Stroud just associated them selves with a hoaxer.

    15. Some of you anon's have got to learn to read comments better. Whether Todd Standing probably DID do some Hoaxing he still impresses me with his skills and knowledge that I can relate to.
      Let's face it, everyone that has shown a "Supposed Big foot Video" on this site is labelled a Hoaxer. Name one that was not. Dr. Meldrum, is no fool, nor is he stupid. same goes for Dr. Bindernagle (Whatever)
      I do not see them hooking up with Matt MoneyMaker, or Cliff Barackman.
      Speaking of Money Maker and his B.F.R.O. they attack anyone that gains some fame. They feel threatened by Todd Standing and Les Stroud, Dr. Meldrum teaming up together. And they're Jealous too! Matt wants all the attention.
      In pursuing Big foot, many researchers, after years of searching, sometimes gets real close to them, then they slip away. It is very, very, frustrating, knowing that your so close, you can taste it, but then it's gone!
      so some very experienced researchers, may crack, and resort to Hoaxing. In the BF community, even if a man like Todd Standing neer did any hoaxing, if he got close to catching one, Guys like Matt MoneyMaker and others, will do their best to dis-credit him.
      when i see his new show (Les Stroud) i will be watching everything Todd says or does. i will then know if he is a phony or full of it.
      Joe "Hawk Eye" Spoke

    16. ^Hoaxer. How's the book coming along?

    17. Any footage or photograph of an alleged Sasquatch is going to be attacked... ANY! Yet Todd has total transparency with anyone able to go with him providing they can keep up, and all of a sudden he has someone like Les on board?

      There is not enough pixel quality to make any fair determination from the pictures taken from his documentary that show an alleged Bigfoot climbing a bank. I would also like to remind you that Sasquatch, or a type of have human proportions. The kinisthetics expert that studied the subject in that footage, determined that the time it took 'it' to get from point A to point B, was out of the range of possibility for a 'normal human'. These are just the wider facts regarding the stuff, and like I have said; I have not totally committed on these photographs & video until I can get to the bottom of the accusations (that's the correct way to go, not conclude on possibilities and probables) take off your blinkers and read my comments properly.

      Oh and lastly... If you have seen the Sylvanic documentary, you would have been aware of a comparison shot that Todd does... Here you get a little idea of comparison scale of both a 'normal human' and the subject. Furthermore, the bank that the subject negotiates as easy as it does, is seemingly very difficult for a normal human to do, as easy and as quickly as it does.

      Again... Just putting the wider factors out there. You're not gonna prove those pictures either way until more evidence towards Standings legitimacy accumilates... But if he's getting Meldrum and Bindenagle on board, you can bet your bottom dollar something very significant is stewing and you'd be stupid not to take note of that.

  5. 10 years of slamming Todd Standing as orchestrated by the BFRO, down the toilet.

  6. About as authentic as Mountain Monsters!

  7. “They look at it and go that’s either a man in a suit or that’s a new species of primate that’s alive and well in North America. There’s no other option."
    So it's a man in a suit.

    That's sad.

  8. He's putting it out there, you decide

  9. to joe at 154..because bigfoot is big business right now. at its peak of popularity. so if your going to try and cash in now is the time dont you think?

  10. If Fraud Standing is involved, you can automatically dismiss it as BS.

  11. That wasn't strouds first experience joe!

  12. The people Joe! That's where it's @. Don't ever forget!


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