This Dead Bigfoot Photo Was Taken In 1894

This photo has been circulating for quite a while. It's made the rounds on all the bigfoot blogs and websites, but we never knew the story behind it or where it came from. Now we know! The story behind this one is an interesting one. Check it out:

"The story that this photo tells us is that in 1894 in the wilds of western Canada some trappers and mountain men encountered a bigfoot and shot him. It may have happened near their cabin. They took a photograph of it. But there is more: the photo had some writing on the back of it, maybe in the hand of Lyle Billett. The back of the photo bore this text:

Year 1894
Yalikom River Around Lilliott B.C.
Forestry- Hudsonbay Co.

They took the picture and the Guy that was in the picture went & stole them back from the forestry records (hudsonbay co.) I believe his last name was Holiday (Don't know the first name)

Never took all the pictures (only one) and took pictures of the rest.

(Glass Plate Photography)"

Close-Up of Bigfoot Body

There is also this photo below, which was reportedly taken in the Pacific Northwest in the 1940's. The origin of this photo is unknown. Is the government trying to cover these things up?

Another old photo of a bigfoot taken in the
Pacific Northwest in the 1940's

Close-Up of 1940's Bigfoot Photo

If anyone has any more information about the above photos, please contact us. We'll keep you updated with any new information or photos that turn up.

Video for those who don't like to read:


  1. Replies
    1. Recently on this very river I was fishing and landed an extremely rare trouse trout. Let me show it too you

      Pardon me while I whip it out !

    2. "Trouser Trout?" As in crotch crappie? DSA do leave it be. If you whiff the joke the punch will surely fail you.

    3. And fail it indeed did.

      Next time I will use both my hands

    4. And that's the truth Mikey.
      Mike H.

    5. Hope all is well with you Mike. Sounds like you have a terrible tooth ache.

    6. Bigdad it's bad. I tried several natural remedies. Like alcohol. They made me fairly happy but it still hurt. I believe it's an old Rudy's BBQ rib injury to a lower case molar. So I lowered a couple of cases in my Rover. But ultimately I had to see the dentist. Root canal on one tooth Monday. This medicine doesn't "affect me.......affect me at all". Nevertheless as Chief Dan George who played Lone Waddie in " The Outlaw Josey Wales " opined I must " endeavor to persevere ". Still. I thought about this statement for a while ....endeavor to persevere. And when I had thought about it enough. I declared war on the white man!!!! Take care Bigdad. And do not operate heavy equipment while reading what I wrote while medicated.

    7. Chief Dan George stole the show on that movie. One day maybe I'll be like him.The scene where he sneaks in bed with the squaw was epic.

    8. Just carry your piece of rock candy....but don't eat it. It's just for lookin thru.

    9. MIKE B,root canal,don't do it xx

    10. Damn. Is ketamine recommended for a tooth. Congrats Eva I know see my dentist as a Steve Martin figure from little shop of horrors. " when I was young, barely a kiyud, my Momma noticed funny thangs I diyud, like shootin' puppies with a BB gun, id poison guppies and when I was done, id a dentist! ". God Bless Steve Martin. He was born standing up. Happy Easter !

    11. Have a great Easter Eva.
      And Harry and that includes everyone!
      Mike H.

    12. Thanks Mike and Bigdad,happy Easter everyone xx

    13. Bigfoots bury their dead, so U got to start digging. and get that bigfoot

    14. There should be a rule. Anon "firsts" should not count. How we gonna keep score anyhow? BTW, Uno means "one" not first. Pendejo.

    15. sometimes one meaning 1 jist same way but different

    16. Primero or Segundo es asi asi por mi Primo!

    17. Anon 9:02 - HYPOCRITE !!! posting under anon. Who keeps score anyway? I'm secretly competitive.

      I know what 'uno' means but thanks for the heads up. The Count (Ernie) puts a '1' and it counts (pun intended) as a 'first'. As you skillfully schooled me, 1 and uno are the same.

      I was getting bored with 'first' and decided to mix it up. Get over your jealous self and up your game to beat me!

  2. Replies
    1. what abouts tham folklore oral history of what they experienced like BIGFOOTs


    1. Not sure which one of these to say good morning to you on, Harry, because none of these fit me ;-).

      I haven't made it to bed yet so not morning here.

    2. Those photos are really good and probably real xx

    3. To all those who want to shoot a bigfoot,even little monkeys have feelings xx

    4. There is one kind of monkey with no feelings and no regard for there fellow monkeys. Politicianous Monkeybusiness, or more commonly known a crook.. Don't go near them or give them anything.


    5. I here they like bananas. Little green ones


    1. You know what they say about Harry Bandini!

      That boy licks a meanie weinie!



    1. So does Marcy Playground. Morning Mr B

    2. Hello Harry,one after the other or both at the same time? xx

    3. Good afternoon Eva any order one before the other at the same time I can do some kinky things with some Reese's pieces and m&ms

  7. In 1894 trappers traveled the backwoods with cameras???

    1. Of course they did DSA. Read their old settler's diaries. One of their biggest problems was exposure ;)

    2. old folk been in the deeps woods, so they saw more type of critters than we do today caws most folks these days stay on the beaten path,

  8. Tonight. I'm taking an hour off my tooth treatment regimen of beer and squatching to watch Trapper and Company face off against a whole "damn family of Yahoos". Now. I've maybe seen some exploitative television in my life. But something tells me when these "yahoos" go after the AIMs team. I'm in for a rare treat

    1. tham YAHOOS all abouts in Nicholas County WV

  9. Where was I ? Oh yeah. If somebody truly wants to know what it's like to go Squatchin' with a group check out the Kelly Shaw thread. When Kelly's partner whips out the parabolic and everybody actually tried to be quiet it was funny to me personally. The reason? When I whip out a parabolic with headphones or Morley does and we hear vocals, here is my usual groups response. I try to quietly open a beer. POP! The girls whom I'm currently trying to sleep with a kids start hitting each other. My son gets mad cause nobody will shut up. A fight breaks out. The youngest child begins throwing rocks in the water. Then Morley threatens to go home. It's why Steve Summer calls me The Mark Twain of Bigfooting. Now. Because I'm so damn funny out there pissed and totally amused at the same time. The Subjects crowd in around us for two reasons. 1. Pure Entertainment. 2. They are afraid they'll miss something funny. Look guys. Bigfoots have a sense of humor. They know an epic failure when they see one. Summer said a group like mine were listening to barn owl mimicry one Night and one of the squatches coughed while doing a perfect barn owl and the other 3 Burst into laughter. Be yourself. Be funny and awkward. But for gods sakes be interesting. Kelly Shaw. Good Job.

    1. Got your emails Squatchin' expect a few back later my friend!!

    2. No problemo my good buddy! Turned out to be a false alarm anyway!!

    3. I can't sit around waitin for you to respond. I got a back Stabbing treacherous turn coat of a Squatch on my hands. He eats me food and then whittles sticks all night and plots to get me right between the shoulder blades. There's a movie called "The Long Riders" where the Keaches and The Carradines portray a fairly realistic portrait of the old James -Younger gang. In a scene late in the movie Coleman "Cole" Younger is called out by the notorious whore Belle Starr's husband, the rugged outlaw Sam Starr for a knife fight. He slowly pulls of an Arkansas "pig sticker" toothpick about the size of a civil war saber hatchet and goes to town on the man. Well. If this 90 year old bald subject wants to stick me, I've got something for him Joe. Lest he forget I'm an old MO farm boy who enjoys a bit of gratuitous violence myself. I gotta go Joe. My tooth hurts and I'm going to cry. :(

    4. For 20 points. Name all 4 sets of real life brothers to appear in that movie. NO GOOGLING! You're on the honor system!

    5. All right DSA. Here goes nada: David, Keith and Robert Carradine. Stacy and James Keach. Dennis and Randy Quaid and I'm thinking Chris Guest??? Well. Any movie that had Kill Bill. The head Nerd from Revenge and Cousin Eddie kicks ass on its own. But with lines like, " my family is something you don't talk about Cole Younger" being spoken in it how can l forget it. I think Powers Boothe was In this too!! How many did I miss?

    6. Who in the hell knew Chris Guest had a brother named Nicholas? Where the hell is all the pseudo educated Canadians when you need one. Hey DMaker u listening. DSA please send my 15 pints, you did say pints right? In a brown paper bag. You may reach me on Ttl's 2001 cellular device or a land line to be named later!

    7. Now that is phunny Mikey. TTL and his 2001 phone. Yes sir. Yes sir indeed.

    8. That's some pretty funny stuff at 3 39 MIKE. I can just see the big people coming in saying what are these clowns doing now. Duno but it must be good for a laugh, lets go check em out.

      For my nephews and myself the trick was 2 cases of beer, ( mostly for them I promised my sisters to take care of them ). And these boys did a good job finishing 40 out of 48 beers and the laughter rolled heavier toward the Au Sable river with each beer, but it worked.


    9. Chuck. My man. When I roll with old school Footers like Buddy Britt I'm not allowed to drink or cuss. Buddy's been out with Coonbo and Bear and he doesn't like nonsense. But Morley as a biologist is distracted by all the flora and fauna. So when he's not Lookin I pull a Kid Rock and go behind the shed....and .....

    10. Chuckie, have a great Easter.

    11. Good job Mike. The Guest Bros played the Fords. Scumbag assassins. By the way, I'm a Missourian myself. Clay County as a matter of fact. If you haven't been to the James Farm in Kearney, it's worth the trip. Cool stuff for any history buff.

    12. Okay. I thought of a bonus round question. Chris Guest and Randy Quaid appeared in another movie together but never appeared on screen at the same time. (I think?) What is the movie? Again, no cheating and the clocks ticking!

    13. Clay County. I've practiced law in that jurisdiction. I represented a total jackass who tried to rob a Do Nut house full of cops at 9:00 am on a Tuesday. Well I'll be. Ya know I went to school at Westminster in the Kingdom of Callaway. As to my buddies at William Jewell, they like to brag about how many times Jessie and Frank hit their bank in Liberty. Hell I'll be home for spring Turkey season to drink home made wine and be taunted by the same damn Gobbler who trips on his beard and rolls down the hill laughing at my lame calls. You know Brad Pitt tried to bottle that lightening in " The Assasination ....." But to tell the truth. Tremendous acting. But it never captured the sheer violence the boys were famous for. Still any movie an old Springfield boy like he, and the ever great Sam Rockwell not to mention Bradley Cooper and Jeremy Rennet can't be that bad. You should look me up. Ask anybody in the Texas woods. I'm pretty easy to find. ;)

    14. Was it Marty Shorts' old Jiminy Glick shtick cause that's all im holding ?

    15. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Guest played the husband of Julia Louis Dreyfus. The neighbors who here blinded by Clarks Christmas lights. And Quaid was Cousin Eddy of course. As for Pitt's movie, I thought it was awesome, but that title is a mouth full. Casey Afflect made that movie a stand out IMO.

    16. Actually it was Nicholas Guest not Christopher.

    17. Yeah Casey is a real treasure. Loved him in " Ain't Them Bodies Saints" with the ever cool Ben Foster. We all have out cross to bear in life. Casey's is Juaquin Phoenix. Can you imagine your brother in law being a hard hitter like that. I imagine the only person who could brother in law. :). Man. Thanks DSA MO. You cheered an old hurt footer up today. Happy Easter.

    18. My pleasure. Careful on that turkey hunt. You never know when they might return fire! Sneaky sumbitches...

    19. Matt been tracking bigfoots for years, he say he a guru on bigfoots

  10. ^ ladies and Gentlemen Mr "Mad" Matt Knapp. Don't let him fool you. He may seem like an uber Bigfoot blogger and multi tasker extraordinaire, but he's a real Footer. He's made his bones tromping through the brush at some sites I'm quite familiar with , mornin Matt. I'm headed back out now! Don't you dare white this out. Go Slip!" !MKB

  11. You do it Joe. You're the PR face of this group. I'm just a heavily medicated guy with a toothache who almost got stabbed by a Sasquatch with a sharpened stick. Bastard tried to shiv me. And they said they were our forest friends.

    1. Well, I'm gonna call this subject the Big Balled Bruiser, as to me he looks like he wouldn't need to creep up on anyone, though everyone's tactics are different, no doubt! The shoulder size is immense and if I'd have noticed this subject behind me in a photograph, I would have pretty much pantsed it!!

      When are you thinking if showing the said subject?!

    2. I have given it to Shawn to use. I told him it was to talk up to him. Figured I owed him that for all the hell I raise here. Collaborate with him Joe. I get more excited about other people's stuff. Sorry about the audio. I gave it to Claerr to enhance. MK took the vid and did what he could. I lean so heavily on those guys. I need you to do the public stuff if you choose. I can only relate to wild men and loose women and my level of emotional maturity allows me to have point counterpoint arguments with my 11 year old. ;)

    3. Okey Doke!

      I'll get in touch with Shawn but let me tell you something... I'll be very much looking forward to hearing that audio, do you feel it's anything like the Islam Recordings????

    4. Dude I know this. Twenty hard core footers congratulated me on it. Here's the funny part. Before I sent it to DC I didn't even listen. I just can't handle my own content. I rail against "Appeasers"
      and "California Purists" and PGF Footers all the time. Truth is I should move to Sacramento myself. Hell. I left my wallet in El Segundo with Q Tip!!!

  12. The big problem with this photo is that the creature would have only been two or three feet tall (the snowshoe right next to it gives a handy sense of scale) so it's pretty darned tiny for a Sasquatch. Also the photo is clearly cropped since the writing on the back mentions a "guy" in the photo who later took the photo back from the forestry records and he's nowhere to be seen in this version.

    The earliest modern appearance I can find for this photo was in Janet and Colin Bord's 1982 book "The Bigfoot Casebook" so you might have to ask them where they got it

    1. Exactly. Where I'm from we call that a swamp rabbit. We use a .410 and some good beagles. Tie him to our belt. Gently roll in flower and serve with Miller lite or Coors Banquet beer to taste. :)

    2. like I been using a 12 gage : (

    3. It's all about the head shot when dealing with the rabbit in the black pajamas Dude. A .410 to win if you see them grin.

    4. me bud Jeb hebe usin his AK fer tham crittters

  13. Hey joe ! Ttl when u tryed to send me a email what did it do or do wrong? Remember I'm not email guy, not to Shure how it works but I do remember it being pretty easy?

    1. Ttl. I've been meaning to ask you about that circa 2001 cell phone. It just triggers the imaginary glands. Any chance you could fed ex me a Polaroid of it ?

    2. Hey TTL!!!

      As soon as I sent it I had in bounce back to me saying that the email address did not exist????? No worries my friend, take it from two people who are as technologically backward as me and Mike! You'll work it out in the end!!

      ; )

  14. When I look on my phone that's the email it gives me ,

    1. Hots 69 69???



    2. Still not working TTL?????? It keeps bouncing back???

      You may need to make a new email address my friend.

    3. Speaking of Purists look who came to the gypsy encampment. My old better brain MMG. MMG, the floor is yours......

  15. I wanted to send u a article about were I live and how the first Indian settlers witch was two small trading groups got run out by sasqwatch And something to do with beavers? Obviously it was the sasqwatch part that caught my eye and they also discribed our home town as basically the assh$&le of lake superior due to the location and cold cold climate! Lol ttl

    1. You'll still be able to do that my friend, just as soon as we get the bottom of what's going wrong.

    2. Still not working TTL?????? It keeps bouncing back???

      You may need to make a new email address my friend.

    3. Sorry joe !! Ttl just went to my friends house he said he needs to make me a new email and it would take like five minutes and that that email does not work cause of the password or something so sorry about the trouble I'll get a new email for u

    4. ^ Ttl you are quite possibly the best troll I've ever encountered. 3 to 1 you are none other than DC!

    5. Ask him for "mug shot" lol!

    6. Mike,I believe Ttl stands for To Troll Long.
      Mike H.

  16. The guy who posted it was nathon stranges! On face B about two days ago, pretty good article on his wall!

  17. Ttl please send me a stenographer's copy vis UPS if possible. I once had an unpleasant experience trading for beaver with a Native American so perhaps I can relate.

  18. Have a great Good Friday people.

    1. You too Bigdad!

      Got a BBQ tonight and I'm a little concerned I'll be drunk for another two days again!!

    2. Git R Done Joe.Smoking 5 briskets and bookoos of ribs and sausage for Easter Sunday. It's a family tradition.Y'all enjoy and stay safe.

    3. Don't do it. You'll just end up like me. Mystery lipstick ..and bruising.....missing wallet and cell numbers written on your body. Hey least give em Ttl's Space Odyssey phone number back. Let's all keep it real. Laters Joe. :)

    4. every Friday be a good 1 : 0

    5. Ya mike ! Ttl I could send u a pic of the first motarola flip phone and a Nokia I still have if I could get this stupid email figured out!! Good things come to those who wait,!! In my case 2001 sence last email! Lol ttl

    6. Ttl. You make it real for me. I have heard the old school Nokia Flip phones will survive a Nuclear Holocaust. I suppose Dr Manhatten would be the only person capable of testing that hypothesis. Other than yourself of course. Screw it man! We can go old school with tin cans or string or staight up with the Forrest Whitaker carrier pigeons onit!! DSA. Good luck with that one. Now you're on said honor system for a movie reference !

  19. i learned a new word - shiite

  20. LOL, have a great weekend y'all.
    - DSA

    1. Thank you. With no abbreviations and from my heart. Happy dear sweet very contemplative Anon!!

  21. wow they were hoaxing back in 1894 to? that cabin fever must of got to them so they decided to go create a boogey man and fool the kids and townspeople

  22. Come can't bust Standing then post this old dog picture!

  23. interesting that the face on the second supposed dead one has that same Chewbacca look as Matilda.

    1. DSA 6:41, Ern's right as usual .......that's no dog...... That's a wild man baby!!

    2. Well spotted Ernie,also i didn't realize the second one was dead i thought it was standing up xx

    3. bigfoots bury their dead - gots to dig 1 of tham bigfeets up!

  24. Moneymaker + BIGFOOT + Mountain Monsters = BIG $$$$ : )

    1. lots of $$$ to be made finding that bigfoot!

  25. tonight Mountain Monsters (AIMS) huntin down that YAHOO critter

  26. This has been a good thread. If you don't mind. I'll close it my way...." Pancho was a bandit boy, his horse was fast as polished steel, he wore his gun outside his pants, for all the honest world to feel, you weren't your mamas only boy, but her favorite it seems, they said she cried when you said goodbye, and sank into your dreams ..." Later in the song Merle is woken up by Townes Van Zandt and Willie, " The stories tell how Pancho fell, and Lefty's living in cheap hotels, the deserts quiet ...and Cleveland's cold, and so the story ends we're told, Pancho needs your prayers, it's true, but save a few for Lefty too, he only did what he had to do....and now..he's growing old ".

  27. Trapper on tham critters fer shure

  28. bigfoots eats - hogs, chickens, deer, elk, coons, folks on waklabouts and bigfoot investigators ....

  29. AKs fer all your crypids needs ; )

  30. Isn't that the music from Home Alone?

  31. Great! You should post the video first!!! What good does it do me when I already read the article!!!

  32. Are those supposed to be sasquatch sized snowshoes?

  33. Who wants to color some eggs with me and squatch??

  34. Finding Bigfoot got a new season in November : )
    Matt and BOBO on the trail to get that bigfoot ....

    1. And they will fail again! Boring repetitive, predictably show for MORONS!

  35. So this old photo has been floating around on the net and I haven't seen it,...What a crock of shit!

    1. The Internet or the photo. Please don't upset Ttl! He's trying !!

  36. This thread was a fun read :)

  37. Yes it was. Funny peeps. Happy Easter to all.
    - JKH

  38. Looks like a huge dead dog , wolfhound of some kind

    1. The first picture is a Photoshop. The second picture wasn't taken in the 40's either. It was taken in 1996. Bigfoot is BULLSH*T. If you believe in it then you have to be brain dead, period.

  39. WAIT @!@ - I think this is the suit that Bob Heironimus wore in the PGFilm of Patty just lying in the snow. Mystery solved

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Good grief you would think I was a drinker with all those spelling mistakes. Lets try this again!

    OK OK I have an idea on this dog squatch photo. My idea is that this photo was taken by a mischievous trapper back when the settlers still kept diaries. I think it is one of 2 things going on:

    1. A dog dead or laying down dog with a pile of furs arranged around it to make the arms, legs, and body look longer.

    2. Just a pile of furs arranged into foot like proportions.

    If you blow up the image, it looks like the head has another head wrapped around the neck to me.

  42. OH yeah,and the second photo has little short stubby arms like a t-rex wrapped in a bear fur.

  43. It is interesting that now there are snowshoes in the photo....


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