Soldiers in Vietnam Had a Bigfoot Creature Sighting

As if having to fight in the Vietnam War wasn't scary enough, some soldiers also had the additional fright of seeing bigfoot type creatures roaming the jungles while they were there. These creatures match the typical descriptions of bigfoot, only they are much shorter, around 5 feet tall.

"It was a hot day. The six men from the 101st Airborne Division were taking a break in the middle of a mountainous jungle when the event took place. They had been carrying one hundred pounds equipment under the unforgiving sun in a mosquito infested environment, full of unfamiliar sounds and views that were nothing like the American soldiers were used to in their native land. Despite the momentary resting time, they kept their give senses on, for they were aware that the Viet Cong could have very well tracked them, something the natives were exceedingly good at doing. Suddenly, according to the men, a few small trees located fifteen yards uphill began clearly shaking. The soldiers had trained for this, and as they got ready for combat to fight the expected VC soldiers jump out the bushes, they never imagined what they saw next.

A long, cucumber-shaped head showed up. The face, the soldiers said, was covered in red hair with a pair of dark eyes and a huge mouth. The creature then stepped out of the vegetation into a clearing, allowing the group to observe the rest of its muscular body, which was also featured by the same type of red hair. The purported cryptid wasn’t taller than 5-feet and it walked upright. It stopped, looked at them as though scrutinizing each and one of the soldiers."

To read this entire article, follow this link.


  1. A 'cucumber shaped head'?

    And the winner of Cryptid of the week is....


  2. Replies
    1. SO WHAT IF IM A QUEER FFAAAGGG,,Someday we will rule the world.
      Hollywood, obama, mainstream news, = babysteps,,,someday the word "HETERO" will be deleted from the bigfoot dictionary,,,,,LONG LIVE QUEERALITY....

  3. im sure the sightings had nothing to do with the rampid lsd and drug use. also the new style of gorilla warfare that the us had not seen before

    1. ^Rampant. Guerilla. Punctuation.

      The Grammar Police

    2. bwaaaa ha ha ha ha, them drugz a bitch

  4. Well they don't exist, says the Anon's. So these brave soldiers must be lying!

    1. Orang Pendek is the name of these creatures. Already recognized as real by many "scientists". Their foot prints are found all the time, more gorilla than human

  5. They called them rock apes, many sightings by GIs.

  6. Charleysquatch gonna get ya fer shur

  7. Bigfoot eats asians...but hes always hungry a half hour later....

  8. So the war was justified, then?

  9. GRAYs all abouts for sure - controlling bigfoots and they been collecting DNA for years and making clones and hybrids


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