So Does Joe Rogan Think Bigfoot is Real or Not?

Ok Joe, I get it. You're on TV and Radio. You're in the public eye. You have to keep up the appearance of neutrality and skepticism. I really do understand. I think you're a smart and entertaining guy. But I just don't get it. Do you believe in bigfoot or not? The following is a comment Joe Rogan made on Twitter:

I guess when Joe Rogan "Questioned Everything" starting with bigfoot in his first episode, he wasn't too impressed with the answer he got. Check out the episode below.

That's ok Joe, I question things too. Such as your choice of "manccessory".


  1. Replies
    1. What's with the attempt to belittle the man because he wears a leather fanny pack? Guy actually talks about it a lot.

      And he's right, as much as it may sting to say. Outside of that dreamy little haze put over the subject by bleevers, there's just no real evidence put out to convince the masses that bigfoot is anything but a novel hoax.

      It took 60 years for the Loch Ness hoax to come out, the fake photo that stirred a thousand eye witness reports, all came crashing down 60 years after the hoax.

    2. It's either naivity, ignorance or another effort at rhetorical dribble to state that there is no evidence for this subject being legitimate.

      Even more audacious is the fact that once presented with the mounds of physical evidence, not to mention the examples of biological evidence, that there is never any come back to suggest that these sources should be conclusively ignored. This is the reason for tactics up top... Denying said sources prevents you looking silly trying to debate them. It took 60 years to find the giant panda too... And the same amount of time to successfully track mountain gorillas; what a coincidence in number?

      Lastly... Is it me or is Joe's head too big for his body?

    3. No, it's reality to state that there is no qualified evidence gathered in 50 years by proponents to further the discovery and classification of a massive North American man/ape.

      Easily hoaxed track prints, wind blown tree's, and ambiguous pictures and videos.

      Real evidence is scientific - Blood, saliva, semen, bone, hair, teeth, finger/toe nails, skin...or a body.

      No circumstantial evidence matters, at least until there is acceptable and repeatedly tested proof on hand.

      Circumstantial evidence includes stories, accounts, oral tradition, ambiguous film, track lines that mysteriously end, and opinions on things not proven to exist.

    4. Les Stroud showed you tree structures you can't explain away.

      Dermals consistent with species traits win toe bending and scar tissue, found States apart, decades apart... Ain't hoaxed.

      Nothing ambiguous about footage presented by an anthropolist, wildlife biologists, primatologist and costume expert, off the back of digitalisation and stabelization.

      Real evidence doesn't get archived;

      ... Got circumstantial excuse? Sudden we have biological evidence to back up those oral traditions... The same traditions that are relevant to every native tribe in the country?

      Too easy.

    5. First I all, I'd cool your jets with saying every Native American tribe has the same bigfoot stories. Many Native groups have no such "wild man of the forest" stories.

      Second, just because you or Les Stroud, or Bart can't explain how something happened, much like stick structures and blow downs does not mean Sasquatch did it.

      That is the ultimate downfall of footers. If you can't readily explain something then bigfoot did it.

      Only when you can prove bigfoot to the world scientifically could you attach bigfoot to a specific blow down.

    6. Your fist part of yor commet... Just ask an anthropologist named Kathy Strain.

      Second... Can't get more profound a source than a hero you celebrated until now.

      Third... We can explain the said sources with Sasquatch activity. Real things leave real signs that have been known to people for thousands of years, literally.

      Fourth... Hard to prove anything when you have scientific studies being archived.

    7. You act like anthropology isn't a course at most universities? 1 or 2 out of an entire field that graduates tens or hundreds of thousands of graduates every few years in 1 country alone are just terrible statistics.

      If one goes by typical statistics given, there are more Sasquatch in America than those with relative degrees that believe in them.

      Thousands of years of known activity? Well, those odds are just terrible. Thousands of years of doing known activities but nobody can or has acquired proof of them doin so, nor has anyone gathered proof of the creatures existence?

      Sounds darn fishy. As fishy as someone trying to tell me that Les Stroud is my own hero? You seem to lie an extraordinary amount, Joe.

    8. Joe, your head is way too big for any body.

    9. I can list a long line of anthropologists that endorse this species, and there are many more who are silent for fear of reprisals. Who's gonna come out and endorse a subject that would attract ridicule? People have livings.

      Again... Your argument is rhetorical in the extreme because you have to successfully debunk the said sources of evidence, not maintain they are not there in relation to the time span that people have agknowldeged this species. That time length transitions cultures and mediums, and a secret society of gorilla suit wearing schemers, when natives didn't know what a gorilla looked like... That has suddenly been a good idea to colonials... With the prospect of getting shot, is as funny as your obvious defensive stance about having one of your heroes come out and be as skeptical (proper skeptic) as Attenborough and Goodhall are.

      Yet... You know better than them, and the anthropologists that endorse this subject, don't you?


    10. Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of anthropology graduates every year...all scraping tooth and nail to make a name for themselves, to get a new discovery to their credits...

      But nope, nobody really wants to find it, I guess. Too worried about reprimands and mediocre reputations. Everybody agrees not to spill the beans and continue a charade.

      No legitimate scientific evidence has ever conclusively been produced. Most evidence fails under scientific scrutiny and never makes it past the initial stages.

      If the creature is real, it must follow the Laws of Nature and unfortunately, it seems it doesn't.

      Oh but I forgot, you know hunters of 200 years, texans, and other things...all through a medium in which nobody lies over, 5000 miles away.

      Sure. In reality, it's up to bigfooters to prove bigfoot to the world and so far all the field comes up with is loonies and laughs.

    11. ... And there's a hominid study in the process of being peer reviewed by one of the biggest names in modern science! Let's not forget that!!

      Things are changing and soon people won't have to be so concerned with refraining from expressing their interest in this subject. People need to know that there are more and more reputable and credible scientists out there who are open minded enough to contribute to this subject and it is slowly turning away from a fringe subject with some of the biggest names in modern science beginning to ask the questions. Some of the greatest minds of the past 60 years; Russian anthropologists who literally invented hominology, have been contributing to this for all this time, yet it is evident that the idea of wild people living in remote areas is far too mind bending for the small minded to look at the wider facts without resorting to a conclusion that sits better with their safe little preference of the world around them. This conclusion is heuristical at best and avoids answering key areas that are a restriction for a field study to develop. These restrictions do not would account for an accumilation of evidence like tracks & dermals, hair, scat, footage, archeological & anthropologocal studies, verified and published audio recordings with language, unknown primate DNA, ten thousand years of native culture, tens of thousands of eyewitnesses many of whom are multiple person.

      All this very relevant for the time length you maintain tarnished the credibility of something that has a frequency of sightings that are exactly what one would expect from a highly social, highly evasive and largely nocturnal people that bury their dead and have plenty of space to do so.

    12. Oh! And you still don't seem to have an answer for this?

      ... I'll be waiting a little longer it seems.

      ; )

    13. Your argument seems a little odd considering your fair across the board scientific model acted so oddly and out of character???

    14. You're goin to be waiting indefinitely if you're waiting for bigfoot to be discovered.

      I'd offer to hedge a bet with you but I was here last year when someone else did the same thing and you freaked out.

      I don't care as much, I guess. You like to believe in bigfoot, that's cool. I enjoy a mystery even when I know it's malarkey. Just as I enjoy Tolstoy, Little Red Riding Hood, Gremlins, and the AMC Eagle.

    15. Danny Boy... You ain't fooling anyone, and you still haven't provided me with an explanation for your out of character science?

    16. "Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of anthropology graduates every year...all scraping tooth and nail to make a name for themselves, to get a new discovery to their credits...

      But nope, nobody really wants to find it, I guess. Too worried about reprimands and mediocre reputations. Everybody agrees not to spill the beans and continue a charade."

      Next comment...

      "I enjoy a mystery even when I know it's malarkey. Just as I enjoy Tolstoy, Little Red Riding Hood, Gremlins, and the AMC Eagle."

      ... You answered your own concern why these anthropologists don't even suggest such studies. The very fact that you are here, spewing denial and attacks is reason enough for such professionals to steer well away from any interest they might have regarding relict hominids. This is yet more evidence of not only a failure to keep up with your own charade, but also a evidence of this funny rhetorical standpoint and therefore your efforts at trying to argue anything about anthropologists is mere BS cause you're well aware of why they don't openely invest. Tolstoy, Little Red Riding Hood, Gremlins, and the AMC Eagle don't leave tracks.

    17. 1:32 demonstrates a typical case of sceptomania by announcing that one Loch Ness photo miraculously debunks all other Nessie sightings.

      This is due to the hyperventilating gasping grasping obsession with a fulltime attempt to debunk any and all phenomenon in a neat buttonholing fashion:

      Tick the box next to Nessie as debunked (due to one 60 year old photo), and move on neatly down the column to the next phenomenon.

      Sceptomania is in the OCD family of disorders: The boxes must be ticked, they simply must be ticked, so sufferers of this malady move into far reaching fantasies in order to get those boxes ticked. Whatever it takes to get the boxes ticked, they will grab it and run with it.

      An example of a far reaching fantasy is that just cited, which is that one 60 year old photo debunks all other Nessie reports.

      It's a pathetic, obsessive reach, which is a specialty of victims of sceptomania.

  2. Rogan is wearing a fanny pack!

    1. Wise and practical choice Mr. Street! Rogan like many of us still has the 90's in his blood ;)

    2. I use one when I go fishing. But it's camouflaged and has two beer holders so I can keep my man card.

  3. When I saw him on his show so stoned running through the woods truly, like a little girl yelling "DUUUUUUUDE!!!!" after he thought they heard something. How can WE take a jerk off like that seriously?
    Really, who CARES what Joe Rogan thinks about Bigfoot, we are all on our own journeys to find truth, Joe is on a mission to keep himself in the public eye-whatever it takes. Tough way to try and be open-minded.

    1. He was OK in News Radio. Just ok really. He was no Any though.

    2. No Phil Hartman either. But who else is? Man I miss that show. Thank God for DVD's.

    3. I heard him interview two years ago Bobo Fay. It did not take long to realize he is quite clueless and was dealing with a subject matter he had no business doing. May be a lot of subjects he has no business doing based on one thing. When the extent of his vocabulary is on par with Joe Pesci in any movie with Robert Di Nero - it is a pretty good barometer of what is between his ears.


    4. You're referencing the JRE, right?

      Bobo was a class A moron on that thing.

      First, it was before the Smeja story fully broke and Bobo spent most of the podcast talking up story after story, including the Smeja story. Talking about how he was involved in the search for the bodies.

      Honestly, you sound peeved because he drops the F bomb and use of expressions.

    5. He does not drop it. It is the only word he knows.

    6. There are episodes like that but most of them aren't bad. It's not a play-out-loud-at-work podcast to begin with.

      It just won an award I think for podcast of the year.

    7. Wrong cbrippee, he is also well versed in speaking "DUUUUUUDE!!!!"

  4. Joe who ...?

    Who gives a shit what that goofy turd thinks?

  5. Pretty sure the one on the left is pregnant.

  6. Of course Joe Rogan doesn't think bigfoot is real. None of the front and center footers do. They are simply all trying to be the biggest fish in this small pond and will say and do almost anything to make that happen. In the 400 plus years of the existence of the US as colonies and then as states and the 56 years since the discovery of "tracks" in California there is exactly zero biological evidence and no unambiguous photographic evidence of a 7 to 10 foot tall ape man on this continent. This is a hoax driven phnomenon and that is the only thing keeping it alive. I have not posted or viewed this site in awhile but it is the same as ever. Mathew Johnson, Jeff Meldrum, Rick Dyer, et al, are either nuts or in it for the money and no proof of bigfoot/sasquatch is forthcoming. When you log in here, ther is a series of stories/posts that appear on the right side of the screen. Look carefully at them; they are all hoaxes.

    1. So every sighting, every picture, every footprint that has ever been cast, every story for hundreds and hundreds of years by native Americans, the PG film and every witness who has ever told a story or written about an encounter, every single one of them is a hoax as far as you're concerned G.Mardhall? None of any of the examples I cited have any truth or relevance for you? Your "understanding" of the Sasquatch phenomenon as "a 7 to 10 foot tall ape man" tells this truth seeker exactly where you stand and how far it is you still have to go to even BEGIN to see in your own mind what all of these "liars" have been THINKING that they have been seeing. Not a putdown at you, because I too, used to believe that they were another undiscovered primate species, which to me would be very plausible since the gorillas in Africa were only discovered like a hundred years ago.

    2. Great post Jim.

      This Marshall's ignorance to the facts is what steers people to places like this to thinking they're truth telling heroes... I'm afraid.

      They don't know of the documented archeological and anthropological studies on biological evidence, and steer right away from the physical evidence because it maintains their rhetorical, heuristical standpoint, & helps them avoid looking silly when all out of excuses to debunk those said sources.

    3. Or Joe, they just choose to ignore it all. I believe there is some hidden agenda, just like there was for so long with the anti-UFO crowd. So much fear out there, people afraid of anything that will shake up their little worlds. Me, I WANT to know more, see more, be open to understanding more. It's called humility, which has NOTHING to do with being humiliated.

  7. Replies
    1. T REX up in yur butt keep duh squatch from gobblin yup,,goats an hogs too.

  8. better still - does Bigfoot think Joe Rogan is real ?

  9. seen him on question everything? he did a bigfoot show, he looked liked he was puzzled by some of the bigfoot everdence,

  10. I was one of the ones he interviewed. He was only thinking as far as his next joke (he's a comedian, not a scientist). And, he took Tod Disotell's word for it when Todd said Canis lupus is the same as domestic dog (Canis domesticus) and coyote (Canis latrans). It was a horrible scientific blunder by Disotell in front of a national audience that was completely missed by Joe, and everyone else. (It's right at the end of the episode). Nice enough guy, but Joe is in over his head on the science angle. I gave them six samples. They offered analysis on two. What happened to the others? Todd swept them under the rug. Sadly, the show was definitive "schlock science". I can't blame ANYONE for seeing an attempt to whitewash the subject, especially the more you know how that show really went down. Don't get me started...

  11. Stick to MMA broadcasts. Who really cares what he believes.


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