Jim Sherman Has Put Together an Awesome List of Bigfoot Vocals

Michigan Bigfoot researcher Jim Sherman is one of our favorites. Sometimes it's difficult to describe what you've heard to others, especially when you're not familiar with the sound. Sherman just wrote a BFRO report with some comprehensive vocals to listen to. Many of them are very interesting, but some vocals are just plain creepy. Sherman explains the compilation:

"When we hear something strange in the woods and we want to describe the sound it may be problematic. "It sounded like Bobo's howl" or "it was kind of whoop-like" might be hard for others to understand. If you check out the end of this report there are examples of many differing possible Sasquatch recordings and besides being fun to blast at the office it may also act as a template for describing future vocals that you encounter. Please use it and share it if you would like."

This one gives us the creeps: 1994 Ohio Moan.

Check out the BFRO report (with list of vocalizations) here: http://www.bfro.net/gdb/show_report.asp?id=32981


  1. Replies


      ALL CAPS

    2. Can't even prove a dumb ape exists^

    3. Dumb apes exist... I believe the subject matter relevant here is regarding giant hairy people?


      ... I can prove there's a monumental cover up that prohibits proving anything... And prove you're monuMENTAL.

      ; )

    4. Actually you cant prove it.

      You can claim it but you cant prove it.

      The fact that you have to resort to all this wild speculation as opposed to saying look at this body/clear footage/dna/live specimen like any other real species just goes to show that you are full of sh*t and bigfoot is basically an impossibility.

    5. Really?

      What significance do Smithsonian Bureaus have to proving you haven't the slightest idea? Scientific American? Archaeological and Anthropological studies that have paper trails straight to major institutions, where are the fruits of these studies? If it's no such big deal, then why aren't giant skeletal remains on display in museums up and down the country??

      I still haven't seen you provide me with an explanation why a scientific paper on a hominid skull that has anecdotal evidence towards a native legend of Bigfoot should be archived? Why is that?? You keep implying others don't deliver, but you keep ignoring that pretty well don't you???


      Why do efforts at peer reviewing a genetic study get thrown out the day of going live? Why do GenBank request signed consent from Sasquatch??

      Why does a subject that has an accumulation of physical evidence far exceeding most other fields of study, even examples of biological evidence, keep getting ignored???

      So many questions that I never appear to get answers for? Why is that??

      One of two answers...

      a) you're too dumb

      b) cover up

      ... I'm really hoping that for once today we can get to the bottom of this???


      The Ohio Moan is a classic, but some of the other recordings simply have to be listened to by all... The whoop and wood knock is excellent!!

      THANKS FOR THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. LOL. Someone is having fun with the minds of stupid people.

    8. Joe. Please tell Anon I'll have 3 eggs over easy. Bacon with white toast and take UCONN to win it all. Says a hungry person.

    9. Hey mike, weren't you supposed to release an hd footage something like 4 months ago? No?

      #looneytoon approved

    10. No. I'm not supposed to release anything. Period. I have given some hair samples and some vids to David Claerr. I do this stuff for FUN. Why do you log on a Bigfoot site. Certainly not to entertain or inform. If so, have at it. I'm here and await your knowledge and input with baited breath. And I'm glad you approve loonytoon and thanks for signing.

    11. 6:58...

      I do believe you just got served.


    12. No. He stated he had a clear footage. He was super excited writing about this while traveling in his car to some super secret location in east texas. You too joe, you were super excited.
      Then he started asking for patience. He was busy with other stuff. And the process was long, but he said that "we would have received the video", just be patient. Now he negates everything.

      That is called a tooner and a liar in my country. Do not know wales standards though. Or footers standards.

    13. Darling don't get upset. I was looking for an expert to collaborate with and feely exchange with and I found one. You seem to be down on a wide variety of countries and standards. Why not conform to and worry about your own? Don't be a squirrel chasing someone else's nut. Or for that matter a nut awaiting someone else's squirrel. Its apparent whatever country or continent you hail from, they have lofty standards. For those and for you I am proud and wish you nothing but the best. I have sent Joe and a wide variety of posters on this site underground evidence you simply will not find anywhere else. It was quite enough for them. I'm sorry it didn't meet these standards you reference. I'll try to do better and tend my own garden. Won't you?

    14. Yeah good excuses. Don't clear your words though.

      Anyway, share with us these evidence if they are so compelling, no need to keep them in your circle of lunatics if they are so great.

    15. Ah well Toon I tried old boy. Have a great weekend and try not to mind the free and open exchange of ideas of a wide variety of topics. Had I not reached out on forums such as these I would not have. 15-20 of the brightest and best that I am so lucky to share with. Even Dark Matter such as yours propels the universe forward at an ever alarming rate. I wish you the best. MKB

    16. If I were you I wouldn't call other people who actually research this subject "lunatics" and expect people to share said same results with me nor would I use a plural like "us" when clearly you are alone.

    17. Ahah self defense mode activated for mikey! I am done here, my job of pointing out your lies is done.

      Bye qnd enjoy your nothing!

    18. I think Mike has been very open about the reasons why he's not made his footsge public, and I'm one who has advised him against, among many others who have a considerable amount more knowledge about this subject than I do.

      Like all turds... Everything regarding this subject doesn't exist if it's outside of your imediate experience. Mike has footage, but you are a little quick to forget the negative response he had about his photographs.

      So what do we have here? Two people backing a claim of footage and a turd that thinks he's entitled to it and his 'job is done'.

    19. ... And that's just it! An anonymous turd who thinks he's tough and demands footage that he's already in preconceived is BS.

      Jeez... These aren't Einsteins people.

    20. On this site, You would have to be a complete FOOL, or a complete IDIOT and be completely RETARDED to show a Big foot Picture or Video!
      If shown, you will be labelled forever a Hoaxer, no matter how good or convincing it was!
      That Anon, that's complaining about Mike B's Video (he didn't show) is just foaming at the mouth, waiting to see it, so he can tear Mike apart, and call him a Hoaxer/Liar etc!
      Look how they treated my friend John W. Jones. Some Anon called him and his grandson Cory Hawk Hoaxers, and they never even shown any Big foot pictures or Videos here!
      Mike has smarten up! You get nothing and like it!
      Joe "Hawk Eye" Spoke

    21. Thanks Hawk Eye. Hope I can call you that. We've got a Joe on the floor already. Please give my friend John my best. He is missed. M

    22. PLEASE give John and all his family all my best. John is a good man, I learnt a lot from him and he's in my thoughts.

    23. you do know that your getting trolled right...hawkeye get nothing and like it..ring any bells??




      ALL CAPS

  3. Those moan howls are so similar to the one I heard late June 2011 out of the Huron National Forest, Iosco cty, MI. You do not get the intensity I heard with the recording of course. Played for the wife as she heard same as I did in Sept. 2012 from same area and agrees. Always early am after midnight. I suspect mine was from close to a mile away it seemed, but it sure did carry and immediately everything else went quiet.


    1. Really pleased this link has been posted... I'm majorly into these audio recordings of late!

      For anyone interested; MK.Davis discusses an audio compilation of alleged Sasquatch...


      ... Excellent stuff!!

    2. Joe and Chuck, What are your thoughts on why the Squatch are so vocal at times and sometimes to the extreme?? I have my theory and I might save it for a blog post. Just curious??

    3. I think that like us, they have preferences, temperaments and ever altering reasons as to why they express themselves the way they do. The possibilities as to why could be any one of a multitude in the same respect that we would.

      The main reasons that come to mind would be hunting, traveling and tactical proximity.

      I would love to hear your theories, forget waiting!

  4. Yes Joe. Is it Territoriaity? Are they trying to identify and locate each other? Mating rituals? Locating and identifying threats? Or do they just like to party? Cause I gotta tell you the truth Joe. Last night Steve S . Related. 3 strange tales to me about subjects who actually drink and enjoy beer. Sasquatch may not be an animal. But they do party like one. M

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Joe this is absolutely true. Story One involves an ex military guy who had a fight with his wife. He goes down a dead in road with a case of cold nods to blow steam. He kills about three when he hears rustling in the bushes. He tosses a can and is startled when something tosses it back at him. He thinks it's a joke so be tosses a full one into the shrubs. To his shock and surprise he is astounded when he hears the familiar pop and pour of a subject downing his brew. This goes on four more beers until a slightly buzzed Bigfoot steps out and simply ties one on. They are still friends Joe. He gifted him a razor and swears he wears a Mohawk. Now. The next one involves a female Habituator who leaves a six pack of tall boy cans on her deck at night. A handsome male Sasquatch appears each evening and Joe, his hair is allegedly perfect. Not only that but this Charmer allegedly has a perfect smile. Joe. They say this subject can out grin a possum. Finally. A tragic tale about an Oklahoma havituator who tries to spike gifted watermelons with grain alcohol to get a Squatch to pass out. A sad tale Joe, he awakens to a huge toxic like pile of vomit and his entire yard destroyed. Joe. It's apparent that you cannot take partying with Sasquatch lightly. M

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a ha ha ha ha aha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. In a nut shell I think it's mainly mating reasons. Assuming the population is as small as everyone thinks it is, a male would have to travel great distances to find a female that is ready to bread. The distance they Tavel is also extremely important in preventing inbreeding. So loud Vocalizations would be important in locating receptive mates.

    Other communication like chirps, whistle, etc would be just normal
    Every day chit chat.

    I do need to save some of my theory for a blog post so I hope I answered some of your interest.

    Thanks for our feedback!

    1. Very interesting my friend! I'm very much looking forward to that post!!

  6. SLV is right Joe. Jim "Bear" Grant can bring in a gentleman Sasquatch caller to see the ladies with his ululating hoot moan call. You just might want to clear out when they do come In. You don't want to be about with an amorous male Sasquatch looking for love.

  7. John Morley has a sound file titled Texas Response to The Ohio Moan. In it a researcher, perhaps John, call blasts the Ohio Moan and waits. A presumably huge male subject let's loose with a deeper more sonically resonant moan which ends with a pitch ululating challenge that will simultaneously make you laugh and give you shivers. You can almost hear the Texas male inviting the Ohio subject to "step outside". I'll see if I can't get John to part with it today.

  8. Jim Sherman - keep up the great work.

    I heard a bizarre vocalization in the early 80's in Michigan (while hunting). At the time I described it as similar to an elephant trumpeting. I know it sounds nuts...but that's what I heard.

    I also heard wood knocks. At that time - it never even ENTERED MY MIND...! That it could have been a bigfoot.
    I was just baffled and after talking to a couple people about it and just getting laughed at...decided I just better shut up.

    1. Hey bro! I remember you posting that experience here a while ago. Very common report... People account.

      Hope you are well.

    2. I did mention this earlier. I'm good.

      I think the very important point/perspective that I'd like to share is this. I am no "squatcher" or bigfooter. I had no interest in it. I was not on some BFRO expedition looking for a bigfoot. I was not in some mode of trying to attribute every sound or whatever to a bigfoot. It never even OCCURRED to me it could be a bigfoot.

      I didn't think it likely they existed. If they DID...??? Well - then they would be out West (not in Michigan for crying out loud).

      Anyway - in recent past couple of years...I have thought this is could have been what I was experiencing. I was watching an episode of Ancient Aliens and Bigfoot and one of the people on the show described what he heard as similar to an elephant trumpeting. It blew my mind because that is exactly the way I described what I heard 30 years ago...bearing in mind I had never heard anyone - anywhere...say the same such thing.

      So...it is very fascinating to hear similar stories - and Jim Shermans vocalitions (in Michigan)!

    3. I was just about to reference that exact source as a similarity to your experience. And this is just it... The majority of researchers and enthusiasts are that because of initial experiences they have had. Don't get me wrong... There are plenty of those who are lucky enough to attain such experiences of the back of hard work (and plain good luck), but all too often does the excuse get used that people are seeing/hearing what they want to hear... Little in the way of excuses do they have when multiple people see or hear something unmistakeable at the same time off the back of having no interest or agenda to seek that of which changes their lives forever.

      Some are literally left traumatized.

    4. Oh - and I have listened to most of Jim's recordings. There is only 1 that I find similar to what I heard. I did not hear a "howl" or "whoops" or any of that. I heard two LOUD sounds/"vocalizations". One close and then heard it again about a quarter mile away...like perhaps "it knew I was there" and retreated...? Not sure.

      If someone has some other logical explaination of the sound I heard - am all ears. I want to emphasize it did not sound exactly like an elephant. (The comments I get are usual..."haaa - there aren't any elephants roaming around Michigan!!! ha..ha...blah blah blah).

      Um...Yea...I get it. Sounds stupid. I know.

      It is the only way I can describe it, however.

    5. It's my feeling that what you heard was an effort at intimation... Whereas whoops could be a means of communication amongst themselves... I can't be sure obviously, but thanks so much for that, I very much enjoyed reading your comments as before, you should post more often, sir.


    6. Could be? It was almost directly behind me. Probably 60-70 yards in fairly thick woods. (I was in my hunting blind.) I had layed out corn and apples at my "bait pile" about an hour earlier. This was roughly 7:30 a.m.

      I remember thinking that I wanted to turn to see what it was after hearing the vocalization, but I feared that making any movement would be easily noticed and would scare "it" (whatever it was) away. So, I thought it best if I just stayed as still as possible hoping it would come into my line of sight.

      Which, unfortunately - it never did. About 5 minutes later I heard the same vocalization in the distance. And my heart sank a bit because I knew then, I probably wouldn't see whatever it was.

    7. I am in awe of your bravery... Being out here, I can't imagine coming close to a bear, let alone something like that.

      Much respect.

      How long was it before you went hunting again??

    8. I continued to hunt, Joe! Although startled, stunned and confused - I had a high powered rifle at hand so wasn't really "afraid". I was trying to rational what known North American animal could possible make such a noise?

      Remember - I was not thinking about bigfoot AT ALL! I was trying to figure out - for the life of me...what the HELL it was? I knew elk bugle quite loudly, however, there are no elk in Michigan...(other than a transplated small herd in more recent years in an isolated area nowhere near where I was). And this didn't sound like a "bugle" anyway. The other thought was a moose. I was kinda going through my little inner "rolodex" ;) in mind of all the animals. I had never heard of a moose making such a sound. But I knew it had to be a large creature to be so loud so that's why I thought "moose" (??)

      There were 2 doe eating in the bait pile at time. They began looking "back up the trail" and that was my first queue that something may be coming. I thought of course...another deer. Perhaps the big buck I was waiting for. Then about 30 seconds later this thing did it's vocalization. The 2 deer leaped into the air about 8 or 10 feet high. Like they had bounded off of a trampoline - and took off.

      And there I sat. Like I said - waiting for this thing to come into view. It was a somewhat enclose blind that I entered from the back. I could see out the sides and the front. I could not see out the back.

      I tried to make sense out of it - justifying it as some sort of bizarre sound that some animal may make on a rare occasion...hell I didn't know.

      If I had any inkling whatsoever it may have been a squatch who knows how I would have reacted. ?!?

    9. I moved out of Michigan a year later - and have never hunted back there since. So, I have no idea what it's like there anymore. I do have access to the property and will make a point to visit it again next opportunity.

      I had a couple other experiences as well. I've mentioned wood knocking as well as a more personal encounter that may well have been a bigfoot yet at the time I attributed it to a prank...a prank I never could resolve. I don't care to share that story. I will just say when a prank is perpetrated on someone - typically they will "come forward" and tell you about it...laugh and make a joke out of it. This never happened.

      Anyway - I do find it interesting all of the stories and vocalizations Jim Sherman has recorded!

    10. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your comments buddy. Thank you so much for that, you come across as someone with a lot of experience of the outdoors. I really hope you post more often, your insight is very important and one that I can draw a lot of information from.

      Very much appreciated.

  9. 8:41. Not a thing you've related sounds stupid and thank you for sharing. The BFRO is so lucky to have a guy like Jim Sherman, who for me was the first person to accurately describe or depict the cacophony of sounds associated with an approaching clan of Bigfoots. It's like you can cue the differing farm animals as they approach. Your elephant noise just smacks of sincerity. I heard a hyena like laugh wants. It was beyond creepy. I appreciate your post and encourage you to ignore negative commenters. They know not the true perspective from which they speak and therefore cannot give any real constructive criticism of a subject matter at hand. Kudos. M

    1. As time as gone on...(I guess "age") I have gotten a little thicker skin - and am not as "quiet" about my stories as I used to be.

      The heck with it. It's all true. People can think what they want and let the chips fall where they may.

      I'm sure I'd be alot more skeptical if nothing had ever happened...so I get that. I really do!

      However, nothing like an experience or (two or three) to alter your mind-set.

    2. So sage and so true. It's been a pleasure.

    3. 2:06

      Not at all dude. Deal with it...

  10. Shawn Evidence. Kudos to you too for this Jim Sherman thread and the many others you tirelessly post. I'm going to encourage you to pay careful attention to the comment above about the Dangers of mixing Bigfoots and Beer. Perhaps we can do more on this blog to promote alcohol awareness among the Sasquatch People. After all Shawn, Step One was Bigfoots admission that he was powerless over alcohol. Have a Great Weekend. ;) m


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