Is This Proof Todd Standing is a Hoaxer?

We caught this post over on Bigfoot Research News and then saw it again at the SquatchDetective's blog. We're not sure if there's a rational explanation for this, or if it was in fact some sort of photo manipulation. Either way it will be interesting to see how Todd Standing responds to this latest accusation, and how it will effect Bigfoot North. The following was posted on Bigfoot Research News:

"Thanks to Sweati Yeti over on the Bigfoot Forums for noticing that Todd has been using the same images with different settings and backdrops. Another person stated "I suspect there is only one source photo, with obscuring branches added in via Photoshop."

As you can see, some tree limbs seem to vanish or appear, depending on which photo you saw first. We're not sure what's going on here, but we'll keep you updated as we learn more.

To see the original post, follow this link.


  1. Ah, it's been a long time. Hatertole!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're not sure if this is a photo manipulation? Yes, it is a photo manipulation. Draw your own conclusions.

  4. Eye darkened a bit as well.

  5. The branchless looks so fake--he had to hide the dead eyes with a branch. Meldrum is Toast for believing this liar.

    1. This had been sent to Meldrum.

      We await his response.


    2. Meldrum likely so covered in NDA's that he will not be able to fart until next October. Don't expect anything from him.

    3. Awaiting his response? We already crowned you King of the Dupes a long time ago my friend.

  6. If you go here

    Top left hand corner in the montage. Outside of the shot being flipped, the branches seem different yet again. They don't look crappy compared to what's being show in this article.

    So where did the shot displayed within this blog come from? Was it an original image of Todd's that changed over time? Or is it someone else's work?

    1. Sorry I meant collage. not montage. ;)

    2. The source images used are Todd's and Todd's alone.



    3. Patterson was a conman.


    4. So then you're saying Standing changed his images over time? Just asking since those branches are not the same as the current ones on his page.

    5. Did someone else add the teddy bear glass eyes as well?

    6. Yes Standing has manipulated this original image.

      As someone speculated above, it was done most likely to done to hide the right eye which Standing would quite rightly be unhappy with.

      The branches are very editable as you can see.

      The images used by Sweati Yeti are available from many sources online. Google and you will find.


    7. MMG. Staring contest. One two three....GO!

    8. MMG, can you honestly say Standing isn't a guide who can take you straight to em. 3 out of 3 Bigfoot TV personalities agree....;)

    9. Ernie must be Standing. Never saw a person that defined himself as "skeptic" to make such an effort trying to defend what is such an obvious hoax. What is more probable, that Standing is an hoaxer or that someone has hoaxed Todd's pictures? Please...

      Also, I have no idea why this stuff is brought to the table after so much time. I was one of the first buying the sylvanic documentaries back when they were firstly available, something like 3-4 years ago. Yes, you had to pay to see them. And they were obvious hoaxes, that's why nobody has ever considered Todd. This particular video with the puppets is like Todd talking nonsense for 10 minutes, then Todd screaming in the absolute dark for 2 minutes (pretending to be chased by Bigfoot), then 10 seconds, I mean, literally 10 seconds of absolutely static Bigfoot faces, no movements of any part of the face, never a zoom change in the shot, never. Days of filming, you got the close up shot, but nothing less closed up.


    10. That was then and this is....hmmmm ok......let me ask it a different way. Do you think there's a chance Todd Standing is putting people in a great location and using sound researching techniques to create real experiences with these Subjects?

    11. Mike, Todd may be taking these folks to 'something'.

      Is it to the BFs the guy has on tap? Or something/one else to keep this charade going.

      Oh Mike I need to get back to you on those pesky Canadians. My lengthy response didn't post for some reason. Managed to get Mike and Jim confused somehow.

      TGBF is highly dubious but not quite in the bat-crap crazy zone as Mike P!

      Have you got a full blown hab situation down on the farm Mikey?


    12. 4:04 are you dense? I define myself as a skeptic? When was this? And Ernie must be Standing? Really? This is a discussion blog. I'm not defending anything. I am merely pointing out the items I noticed and asked questions, regardless of whether he's true or not. Maybe you need some reading compression classes.

    13. Reading compression is WAY more fun than compression garments.

    14. The only habituation Mike B. has is in his shorts.

    15. MMG, I pulled a camera trap Sunday night that had a subject approach it and move the camera and it captured part of it onscreen. I woukdnt call it that. I guess Id just say I have a clan or two that survives quite well in the area and for some strange reason find me interesting. The comments since yours indicate that I've probably been posting too much recently and the familiarity and jocular nature I employ has led to some base and tasteless jokes. And while I do enjoy such banter on occasion, maybe I should give it a rest for a while. Take care MMG. Shawn or Joe or Rummie know how to find me. I've got some video and audio stuff from the last 4 to 5 weeks that's fantastic and you're welcome to it. It's been a blast. But Thursday it's back to the ranch. Goodbye M

    16. Awe, it was good having your around as much Mike. Take care and good luck!

    17. Thanks Ern. Hey Ernie. Arent we friends

    18. On Google plus.? Cause I left you a little goodbye present in your inbox. Please do not forward or copy as I have not protected this image. M

    19. Couldn't find you Ernie. Hit me up on Google Plus first chance you get and I'll give you your gift. You're gonna love it. M

    20. Ah gottcha. I think I had two Ernie accounts because with the first I messed up the password and forgot it. I'll check it.

  7. Super Ernie to the rescue!!! Now every time Todd is called a hoaxer Super Ernie will appear out of no where to save his credibility!!!

    You have a valid point tho!

    1. Nah was just asking questions. There's different branches it seems with a number of pictures and that face.

  8. Sweati yeti.


    Amazing that he can spot this fraud but misses the obvious fraud that is the pgf.

    Thats religion for ya.

    1. Oh so the PGF footage is fake as well? If that is a fake I would love to know who the guy is that made that suit cause they are a rockstar. What year was that filmed? Wasnt it oct 1967? Google guerrilla suits of that era for one and then link me here a copy of that suit. then go watch the footage really closely and tell me how they get fake feet/shoes to have toe raise and fall as they do on the original footage. How tall is the figure in the film ? I wasnt there when it was filmed but those few things I just mentioned are a little hard to fake today let along in1967

  9. Glass eyes from a stuffed animal.

    Tried to fix that weakness on the next creature photo so he used a guy wearing special effects make-up. Thats why the eyes look better on the next one. Unfortunately it still has a fake appearance.

  10. Replies
    1. Your Meldrum goes to college

    2. But you didn't make it pass grade school!

    3. And you didn't make it PAST elementary my lovely friend ;)

    4. Maybe its a Liger It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.

    5. 4:56:00... it's PASSED. Not PAST. Passed is to go beyond. Past is a point in time. As in: in the past I passed grade 2 and learned the difference between two words. Antonyms can be tricky though. Either way, all Big foot evidence is equally fake and real. I want to believe, but I need a body or some NatGeo when animals attack videos before i'm on board with anyone.

  11. This all stemmed from a thread on the BFF where someone asked Bill Munns for his view on the Standing images.

    Bill chose his words carefully due to his links with Meldrum but of course dismissed Standings efforts.

    Expect more work to be done to expose Standing.

    This man is no friend of Bigfoot.


    1. MMG is a poorly misinformed nincompoop.

  12. Jump people jump, the merry go round is about to burst into flames!!

  13. This comment has been removed by God.

    1. ^Take a pic of yourself and post it here so we know what God looks like, OK?

  14. mmg = micheal merchant gang, sweaty yeti, tazertard

    1. User of old, dead, tired material alert.^

    2. ^^^^God, will you give me a pony? Thanks.

  15. Ketchum gotz da teshnology in giting tham bigfoots D&A fer shure

  16. golly hoaxing a hoax photo. how low can these people go.

  17. This doesnt prove he is a hoaxer...what proves it is, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BIGFOOT.

  18. Remember the old days when we discussed mature matters such as the exchange of bodily fluids?

  19. Didn't we get past that and graduate to the consumption of bodily solids?

  20. It ALL revolves around the TATERHOLE.

  21. Busted like Daniel Campbell working a glory hole.

  22. You wonder why Joe is not posting anymore?

    Because he has been knocked to the ground strongly! Now is in a hospital!

    AHAHAHAH it was just a matter of time before it would happen

  23. What a Croc! You people are sooooooooo GULLIBLE! That's more polite then saying STUPID!

  24. Todd Standing is the best and most knowledgeable Big foot researcher out there. He's not a BURBFOOTER like Cliff Brackman or Tim Fastinio, or a BS'R like Matt MonyMaker. He'll run rings agound Derek Randles, Stacy Brown. He's not a POS like Dyer or Biscardi!
    Todd Standing is the last hope for the Big foot Empire. The Big foot Farce, Oh, I meant, The Force is strong with him. He's are last hope!

  25. Mmg, why back Smeja and slam standing?

    1. Hi Rush

      I certainly don't 'back' Smeja. I have grave concerns like everyone else.

      Smeja is just telling a story. With very little evidence to back it up. Interesting however that Cutino got his therm footage from this same area so maybe there is something in it.

      Rush, we've discussed Standing many times. The pictures are undoubtedly fake and the guy charged money for folks to see them.

      Red flag after Red flag after Red flag.

      Nothing personal Rush but you know I go after hoaxers in a big way.


  26. I just want Todd to unzip his pants and feed me his Canadian goodness. Is that too much to ask?

  27. Well joe fitz!!! It's TTL I was telling u this about these photos, but no worries like I was saying the real videos and images are coming soon and maybee sooner than later after this little boo boo!! Have a good week everyone,! Sleep tight dont let the pictures bite !!ttl

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Well no sh!t Sherlock those are some of the laimest pics I've seen


  30. Todd Standing is quite possibly the saddest most pathetic sack of fecal matter in the "bigfoot field".

  31. I will never win a staring contest with that bigfoot
    and I will never win a standing contest with Todd

  32. The end is near for Todd Standing. Too bad he had to take Meldrum, Bindernagel and Les Stroud down the toilet with him.

  33. Standing, Survivorman and the rest of the "Bigfooters" have turned this into a money making venture instead of legitimate research. Run Jeff Meldrum! Those bigfoot faces are obviously human if you look at the lips and chin on these creatures. Looks like a felt material covering the top of the head and made into a form fitting mask. Eyes lack tear ducts and even lifelike form or even eye moisture. Todd Standing disappeared for two days to get everyone into makeup and out into the woods is my bet. Biggest Hoaxer of all time.

    1. How do you know what bigfoot looks like have you seen one? and do all bigfoot look a like? I know all other primates dont look alike just google image any great ape and you will see they all look different. It depends on age, sex and who knows what else but I know enough that they dont all look alike , just saying

  34. Money making instead of research, absolutely. "But it will fund more and better research so we can A: protect these animals, B: kill one of these animals." All self-serving BS.

  35. Serious question? Did he use these as a DRAMATIZATION?, REENACTMENT ? I honestly was just wondering.

  36. This thread is so funny, It is common knowledge that the clear shot of the the two pictures here is Photoshopped. I can go on for paragraphs explaining how the image has been altered but anyone that understands CGI software can see it plan as day. It is also common Knowledge that a fan of Todds did the picture to help others see what he (the artist) see's in the picture. The artist never claimed that this is a real picture of bigfoot. Its been claimed by armchair researchers and uninformed people that have stated it as real. So you guys can go on and on about how this proves that Todd is a fake but the truth of the matter is you or I dont know anything of the sorts unless you know something the rest of us dont know. I dont know if they are fake or not but I dont know anyone else that can say they know for a fact that its fake either. I just dont have all the information needed to make those claims and from what I have read and seen on video those that have seen the uncut videos ect. seem to think they are looking at the real thing. what that means I dont know and untill the information is publicly released for the rest of us we will have fun conversations like this one. Now the haters can put my opinion in there cross hairs and put down my statement =-) before It is said, No I am not Todd standing, No I dont know him personally, No I havent seen the uncut version, and No to all the other foolish things that will be said about my statements. The fact of the matter is we dont know and anyone that can link me to indisputable proof that they are fake then I sit and wait =-)

    1. "a fan of Todds did the picture to help others see what he (the artist) see's in the picture. The artist never claimed that this is a real picture of bigfoot."

      That doesn't even make sense.

    2. what part doesnt make sense? The artist took the original picture. Then Played with it with some graphics software then posts his version of the picture as what he thinks it looks like behind the branches. There is nothing more to it then that. No one intended to pass off the artists version as real, the magic of the web did that. I am glad I am not the artist that did it because he would so be attacked for it. This is a good example of someone just trying to share there idea and the web just took it and ran away with it. I still really like what the person done I think its great work. Is it what the creature behind the branch exactly looks like imho no but its a great rendition all the same.

    3. There is this show on the tube thats called "your bleeped up brain" its really awesome. It shows how your perspective is changes on what you think you see by the information you are given. For instance, You take statements from witnesses of a car accident and depending where they are standing what they heard and what they actually seen. There statements will be so much different then a person standing 20ft away from where they are. My point is until we have all the information all we can do is speculate.

  37. I would like to wait and see what todd films in survivor bigfoot, the photos may just be enough to draw veiwers in, real or not.

    1. I have watch both episodes of the suvivor man bigfoot and as far as video of bigfoot images they used stock footage that was taken a few years back. What was new is the big tree structure and bent trees that Todd thinks the sasqautch use to mark there territories and tree knocks an few calls (woops) ect . It was pretty interesting to watch. I wanted more but I always do =) I hope this wasn't a spoiler alert for you. If you are open minded its not a bad watch. If you want to criticize it and put them down its not a bad watch =-P it was good IMO. What I am interested in is the new stuff that is rumored to be out there and is being worked on right now or is done and waiting for release I dont know but. If what is posted on the web is true there is new footage ,new people involved and the buzz is that whatever the new stuff is, it has many excited. What does that mean I dont know but it has me looking over my booth to see whats going on at the other table haha. There are communications out there (video,interview,articles) where people who are held in high regards in this field have been given the opportunity to see footage that hasn't been shown publicly and it has them excited. what that means I dont know but it has me looking over my ..... haha. Its nice to have new things coming in on the topic. Soon enough I think we will all know without a doubt it is real or fake and all this fighting and name calling and childish crap will be over and we will either start to study the sasquatch as a newly found bipedal primate OR we will all move on and find the next unknown species to argue about. either way It keeps us thinking and entertained =-) I have to say some of these threads are really entertaining and its really interesting to see how the human brain works and how people approach a problem and interact with one another. Its a study with in its self =-)

    2. ^TL, DR.
      Todd Standing said it was a photo of a living Bigfoot.
      It is no such thing.

    3. And you know this how? So for the last god knows how many years people have been misidentifying bears, hairy tall people, and whatever else for Sasquatch? Ok then Im good with that then =). Those pranksters have sure been busy all them years making suits, faking foot prints, running all over the place not only in North America but in many other places around the world placing fake foot prints and doing photo ops with there suits. Is this coming of a little to sarcastic? If so Im sorry I just need a little more then " it is no such thing, period"


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