Bigfoot Research Group Gives Presentation on Bigfoot Across Ohio

Ohio is a hotbed when it comes to bigfoot. Sightings come in all the time from across the state, and the Southeastern Ohio Society for Bigfoot Investigations, or SOSBI, are doing their best to educate the public about it.

"CHILLICOTHE — Bigfoot has a presence in Ohio.

At least, so thinks Doug Waller, who leads the Southeastern Ohio Society for Bigfoot Investigations. He spoke to a crowd Thursday evening at the Northside branch library about numerous sightings reported by people across the state.
The Cambridge-based organization was formed in 2008 by Waller and Shawna Parks, who shared their experiences about their work investigating claims that people have seen what they believed to have been Bigfoot across the state.
“I’m not here to try to admit to anybody that Bigfoot is real,” Waller said.
Waller’s group, which meets every other month in Cambridge, has attracted Bigfoot witnesses, researchers and investigators, he said, adding it remains unclear exactly what Bigfoot is. There is a great deal of speculation in some circles about whether Bigfoot is a person, caveman or something else.
“We’re not experts,” he said. “We don’t pretend to be."
To read the entire article, follow this link.


  1. Replies

      ALL CAPS

    2. Bigfoot stole them! He left a ransom note demanding Zagnut bars and a swamp buggy.

    3. He's got to have stretched them out by now, Chick. I'd be super pissed!!!!! And I wouldn't pay the ransom now.

    4. You said it! And with those big sharp yellow toenails... Guess I will have to buy some new ones.

  2. This may be the group my friend Sam belongs to over by Cambridge, Oh. Hope to see him in about three weeks at Salt Fork Lake.


  3. Bigfoot is not in Ohio. Never was.

    1. Only in your limited head. If he was not in Ohio people here would not be seeing him.

    2. Many people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Are they telling the truth?

  4. Is it feasible that 8-10 feet tall 800 lb primates are roaming around Ohio with absolutely zero proof of their existence?
    No, it is not. Bigfoot is folklore, pure and simple.

    1. So the eye witnesses don't account for "any"'proof?? Or the footprints?? Or the strange primate sounding calls?? Wow! Respectfully...but Wow!

    2. There is no proof for the existence of sasquatches in Ohio or anywhere else.

  5. Why do non-believers bother to look at this site and comment here? Don't they have anything else to do?

  6. The only reason for bigfoot in Ohio is it makes money for people like Waller. He charges many hundreds of dollars to show up at a library (which are poorly funded there to start with) and then hucks some crappy t-shirts and his self published book of tall bigfoot tales.


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