Bigfoot emits orb? WTF?!

Orbs are supposed to be related to ghost and the paranormal, right? Well. It now looks like the rules have just changed. Ohio Bigfoot researcher who calls himself TheSquatchMaster (who also happens to be a paranormal investigator), claims this video shows a Bigfoot emitting an orb. The video was sent to him anonymously.


  1. Replies
    1. Probably sending a dead bigfoots spirit back to the 4th dimension

    2. bigfoots controlled by GRAYs - so it just be a signal to the GRAYs

    3. BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years

  2. Morning AC! Good first my friend! You believe in this orb crap???

    1. Watched it about 6 times or seems the "orb" develops pretty much at the time he has directed the camera toward the sun. Could be just some sort of light/reflection thing.

    2. Too obvious! Too real! Too common sense! Must take the oddball angle that this is all from some primate in the woods. Bigfooters will never, ever settle for common sense. Their disbelief requires it.



      ALL CAPS

    4. I think you'll find 90% of enthusiasts in opposition to what is being suggested up top and the reason presented at 4:47 is pretty plausible.

      What I find interesting, is the necessity to pigeon hole people for what I see is a lack of providing even a remotely decent argument for the most basic of evidence sources that are presented to you very frequently. There is a sense of community in pointing fingers and laughing, especially when presented with a far out concept like up top.

      There is a lot of what goes on around these subjects, along with their almost 'paranormal' ability to evade so well, that leads people to start thinking outside of the box like this, which is very productive, especially when we are at the dawn of developing fields of science such as quantum physics.

      I would suggest you tackle your heuristical mindset with regards to the topic in general, prior to me advising you to keep an open mind.

      ; )

    5. Joe is the perfect example of someone who kept their mind open so much that their brain fell out.

    6. That analogy is as old as your understanding of science.

    7. I have to agree , Joe , you obviously want it so much to be real that your emotionally attached the idea. Joe, you seem smart, but , yet, you seriously watch this video, and conclude a) thats a bigfoot standing there. And b) It burbs orbs of light. ??? Seriously? I mean, Id like bigfoot to be real too, but we havent ANY solid evidence yet. I believe it exists based on some eyewitness testimony, but the grainy orb spitting videos are still very lacking, and you know it.

    8. My post at 5:41...

      "I think you'll find 90% of enthusiasts in opposition to what is being suggested up top and the reason presented at 4:47 is pretty plausible."

      I also fail to see where I commented about any Bigfoot standing anywhere?? In fact, I commented very little about the footage and if you look down below you'll notice another comment I put to Chuck regarding an explanation for orbs.

      This video has nothing to do with the mounds of evidence that have been accumulated, I can list it all and make your allegation that there "isn't any solid evidence yet" look a little naive if you like? My stance is not one that I would merely LIKE this subject to be legitimate, I KNOW it to be legitimate. That's where my emotional attachment stems from. Please be careful not to put words in people's mouths, you come across a cool poster who I like, but it can get some people the wrong way.

    9. I guess it boils down to what we accept as evidence Joe. When the rubber hits the road, the majority seems to still be waiting for solid evidence.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. And we all have different acceptance levels of what evidence is, your's; reading between the lines, is a level that exceeds mine.

      I respect that bro.

    12. orbs are just like probes or drones sent out for reconnaissance

    13. Thats right Joe. I call it a healthy skepticism. This is a safe place to be, for instance, when Rick Dyer claimed his whack a mole hank, The healthy skeptics revealed it. You need us bro. :-)

    14. could be GRAY cloning they been cloning here for years

    15. Damn PJ you even copy and paste your own comment just a few replies down from your original. That's hardcore.

    16. My pants have been removed by the author

  3. I think he may actually have something here.

    1. it certainly demonstrates what people claim to see, hope it is the real deal.

  4. Replies
    1. bigfoots been astompin ans ayelpin gits me dogs all riled up!

  5. Replies
    1. sometimes bears kicks tham rocks so you thinking bigfoots abouts but it abin bear

  6. This guy spends a lot of time in the Salt Fork Lake area. He just may have filmed an orb, it sure does act strangely, in fact how one would expect an orb to act. To think a bigfoot emitted it is one big leap in my opinion. I am inclined to think orbs interact with bigfoots in the same way they interact with humans, and good luck figuring out the why and how. I had one (orb) at face level only one foot area, separated by only a window. It was the size of a good size grapefruit and emitted a dull whitish light. What the heck it was doing still mystifies me. It was on the outskirts of Camp Grayling Army National Guard Training Center, Grayling, MI if that meant anything. Only thing I know is they exist and the purpose is not clear.


    1. Hey Chuck!!

      I think orb phenomena could be related to ball lighting and even 'ghost lights' (I forget where in the US this is most prevalent)... All concepts amaze me, especially that more people are witnessing them in wilderness areas.

      Your thoughts???

    2. he films at the zoo as well

    3. Chuck has experienced bigfoot, orbs, ghosts, aliens, and chupacabra.

      Next up on his crypto bucket list? Champ.

    4. Hey JOE. I am not sure about the association with ball lightning. People seem to see them in association with paranormal activity and in UFO activity. They may be one in the same or two different types. In UFO activity they can be several different colors and even change colors and intensify light. My thoughts go towards these being surveillance or monitoring devices. Correct me if I am wrong but orbs were seen in the Rendalsham Forest across the island from you at Bentwaters AFB ( a nuclear base ) in the famous case from 1980 were they not, of course along with actual 10 foot diameter craft, that eventually emitted a bluish light upon the nuclear storage buildings and witnessed by the deputy base commander, Col. Halt.

      In my case I was a passenger and my life long buddy Rick was driving his truck northward on the I-75 just outside of Camp Grayling, Grayling Michigan at about mile marker 259. It was the third Thursday of July, 1995 and aroung 8 30 at night, still a lot of light left. I became aware of noise in the truck bed and immediately looked back. Staring me at face level next to the window was this orb. It is possible the energy from the orb was causing metal objects below it to move, thus creating the noise I initially heard. I looked and was a bit freaked out. I yelled to Rick, you ain't going to believe this, look back. As he turned his head the orb shot straight up and disappeared into the sky in about one second. Rick caught just a glimpse of it. Mind you we were traveling at 75 mph and this orb stayed right with us one foot away from my head. Mindblowing indeed.


    5. Chuck... Your comment up top is the reason every time I read your posts, I go "wow!"

      For starters, the Rendlsham orb is an amazing example. We've spoken about this at length and it is my thinking that it could even be what is left from a craft penetrating our dimension if that makes sense? There is a theory that when we see blobs of light as UFO's, it is because this is quite literally something penetrating our 3rd dimensional space and time, therefore detail is relegated to a stamp-like effect on what our current sensory perceptions allow us to take in.

      This theory however goes out of the window with the Rendlsham forest case, as there were actual craft witnessed also.

    6. Hello everyone,Chuck,have you read this? xx

    7. Have not EVA R. I will later. I just got called out and have to go and thanks for the heads up. I like Nick Pope a lot.

      JOE. You may be right. Fantastic stuff. As we move from Newtonian physics to quantum mechanics who knows what doors will be open.


    8. ... And that is where we need people to have a little imagination to move forward as opposed to being statically dogmatic.

      Einstein had it right.

    9. Joe the best place in America to see "ghost lights" is none other than Joplin, MO. See the " spook lights of Joplm". Almost as frightening as when my ex wife's porch lights would come on in the wee hours of the night as I was scooby doo sneaking into the house. And I would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for you meddlesome kids!

    10. This video was what a viewer saw in my video titled "Secrets of The Sacred Sasquatch" but the truly amazing footage is the voices we recorded there during a return investigation a week later after seeing what he "saw". Once I get that in a video format, maybe Shawn Evidence will post it so all can see those results. Thank you.

    11. Jeff (Squatchmaster) You are, and always have been....looney tunes. Parabreakdown Phil pwned you long ago.
      Please post another video of you falling down and claiming later that it was Sasquatch that pushed you.
      Damn, that was funny shit.

  7. Replies
    1. and they wear boots !! You got to believe me!!

    2. Some fairies wear thigh high boots,
      Hello Ruff xx

    3. fairies wear boots and ya got to believe me

    4. fairy sightings have increased with the passing of new marijuana laws : )

    5. Whether it's fairies or Bigfoot DSA, you hang this dangling participle out there cause you know I can't resist. How many users of contraband were concerned about the legislative session involved in said passing?maybe the one guy who noticed while looking for a good easy glide mower or a new snow come machine in the trade section. :)

    6. Cone? Hmmmm. Point taken! Fairies are real.

    7. potheads knows fairies are real ...

    8. I'm glad you're fessing up DSA. Don't you feel better. Now put on your Wiz Khalifa tunes and do try to relax.

  8. Of course it emits an orb you burger flippers, its magic.

    1. sometimes GRAYs levitating items so U thinking magic - but its a GRAY

  9. For the record, the rules haven't changed as per this article. Orbs associated with bigfoot has been discussed in bigfoot circles for quite some time. But of course, it makes the topic even more controversial and you have different camps within opposing one another on this topic.

  10. My honest opinion about orbs is that it's spirit energy! Spirit energy is everywhere and there are no defined rules that say spirit energy must remain locked in the spooky old house on the hill. I don't "think" that this spirit energy has any connection to Squatch but who the hell knows! The spirit energy that people have been documenting in the woods and forests could be Native Americans. I don't think I need to write a thesis explaining how important the woods were to them. Just my thought!

    1. Have you seen that guy from the UK's videos where his flat is supposedly haunted? Some say he's a hoaxer of course, but it's interesting stuff. Plates flying off the shelves, stuff opening and closing on camera. Orbs. If it's trickery it's well done. Although I haven't looked at it in over a year. The fog bit was a bit hard to choke down though.

    2. That is pretty damn good SCOTT. I totally agree that it is spirit energy manifesting itself as an orb and bringing up it could be Native Americans could be correct.

      The one I saw I think was UFO related, but as you said who the hell knows.

    3. It took awhile to fully come forth, but this is position Sasquatch Ontario is in now.

    4. Hey Ernie. Do not think I have seen this one. However American television is full of shows showcasing same type of activity. Of couse the shows are re inactments and I would like to see the real thing.


    5. I'll see if I can find the links to his channel. Not sure if it was exposed or not since it's been awhile since I've viewed it.

  11. squatchmaster + faker just be glad there was no wendigo in the vid

    1. Squatchinluver!!

      Working on it... It'll be with you soon my friend!! Hope you are well!!

    2. Forgive me, I hadn't had my coffee yet.

    3. But you have no pants?! Is this a phantom wendigo? Kinda like phantom limb syndrome??!!

    4. Ernie doesn't wear pants? What kinda sick mofo was Jim Henson?

    5. bigfeets been astompin ans ayelpin gits me dogs all riled up

  12. Joe, hurry the hell up!! Lmao.....just kiddin my brotha! Told you before take your time! No worries : )

  13. Hi Chuck! This convo is getting heavily into the paranormal world lol I watch Ghost Adventures and they document orbs all the time in conjunction with Electronic Voice phenomena, and physical interactions, etc. So it's hard to dismiss orbs as natural phenomena when the other non natural things are occurring with them!

    I stay away from UFO's and alien talk! Not a big fan of the subject!

    Hope your well Chuck! : )

    1. just the GRAYs been collecting DNA and making clones and hybrids

    2. If the Ghost Adventures crew was around my buddy Zach Baggins would kick that orbs' ass. Zach is not afraid to wear tight shirts and threaten spirits such as this " Hey.... I heard you pushed an old lady down the stairs ....why don't you try pushing me?" We need more action Heros like Zach. As to the orb video. I agree, it's interesting and it's a phenomenon that's been documented and yes....S.O. has offered opinions on it as well.

    3. One of my favorite orb videos is that one from Gettysburg!

    4. Ghost Adventures ever run into GRAYs because sometimes people thinking ghost but its a GRAY using a cloaking device

    5. "Four whores and seven beers ago today, I set forth with Morley to prove these Subjects existed, and so far I have 50 blob shots and a fuzzy white out conceived in the notion that not all photographs are created equal and that some are endowed with the inherent weakness of the photographer !"

    6. At the very least Joe I do hope that when I'm savagely gored to death by a wild boar that Morley is over on the other side of the ranch discovering a new species of wild flower.

    7. And I do like the fact that it appears The Squatchmaster is using the old John Williams classic Emporer Palpatine music for his footage. Darth Evidence would be proud.

    8. Man... That's one pretty hilarious thread!!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    9. GRAYs they find U U dont find them

  14. I have a bridge in Brooklyn anyone interested...

  15. DHS buying 25 million shotgun shells
    for your safety

    1. now thats some cash $$$ where they gets the money to buy all that ammo!

  16. Great effort Joe, but it will end and a flood of newbies will start it all over again. Better to write your own blog and link here, so it doesn't get lost. No "search" the archives button here anymore. If you accept this video, the real conversations on this phenomenon and Bigfoot are in UFO circles. The only people still hanging on to unknown apes are not much brighter than they imagine their prey.

    1. GRAYs control bigfoots and send bigfoots to conduct DNA collection.

    2. My concern was and ever will be the dangers of walkabouts. When you have a moment would you remind me what they are?

  17. folks on walkabouts bez awars tham Whirling Whimpus critter gits U fer shure


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