B.C. Business Owner Petitions to Protect Bigfoot

Brad Hewlett's gift store, Two Rivers, recently acquired these stuffed, plush sasquatch dolls, and was trying to think of a way to promote them. So what did he do? He started a petition in the store to protect them.

"To celebrate the store's recent acquisition of its plush toy Sasquatch, Two Rivers has posted a petition to protect the beasts in Manitoba.
Store owner Brad Hewlett, with tongue firmly in cheek, came up with the idea. Within a few days of the petition being displayed, more than 45 customers stopped to sign it. Hewlett wasn't sure if all those who signed were having fun with it or taking it seriously.
While awaiting the shipment of Sasquatch from a Manitoba supplier, Hewlett kicked around ideas with his family on how to promote them. They settled on calling it the Prairie Sasquatch.
While researching strange Canadian laws years ago, Hewlett learned of an old law in B.C. that states it's illegal to kill a Sasquatch. As a result, he came up with the petition to demand Manitoba's government do likewise and protect the Prairie Sasquatch."
To read the rest of the article, click here. 


  1. Protect Sasquatch???

    Hell we need a body. Shoot to kill.

    You wont make it out with the full corpse alive so stick a hand on your backpack and RUN!!


    1. Well don't hire the sleeveless one then. All he's good for is a bad lie

    2. My favourite Sasquatch Chronicles Episode is the 2nd one with the two gentleman describing the aggressive group that wouldn't let them leave the mountain and cornered their car... Pretty shitty stuff (this is on YouTube). The description of the movement of two of them is quite remarkable too. Switching from bipedal to quadrupedal motion in a blink of an eye (like a spider, the guy explains), whiskt another literally bounces off the road like it's a trampoline.

      One of the best things I've ever listened to.

    3. ... My point being... I don't think they need protecting, I think they're doing just fine.

    4. http://youtu.be/-J74H7lgD0U

      ... Hope that works, it's pasted from my iPhone? If not... Just type in 'Sasquatch Chronicles Ep 2' in YouTube.

    5. Agreed Joe.

      These guys are not being hunted to extinction by any manner of means. Sure their habitat is constantly under threat but industry won't budge for wood boogers. Not until someone comes up with the goods of course....

      There is also the question of cover-up. Keeping those big guys safe and out of site of us good people who just ain't ready to know we share our woods and forests with 'hairy monsters'.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Seems they do fine without protection, I say skin em , skin em good. Im ordering a sasquatch doll and skinning it and hanging it outside my cabin to warn his fuzz ball friends.

  3. All he needs to do is make a hoax with those fake bigfoots he's surrounded with. Just look how far Todd Standing got doing that.

  4. Keep watching the show joe!! There's big things coming, it's just going to get better with a true understanding of the sasqwatch ! Ttl

  5. protection encompasses a great deal from hunting prohibition to setting aside land. Once/if verification comes along many mandated
    syudies will take place and classification. the thing is is to get the publics' input that would be benifical for BF. Otherwise the big money industries will just pass what they feel is comfortable for their intrests.

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