Are People Seeing Bigfoot on Vancouver Island?

It seems like people on Vancouver Island want to believe bigfoot is there. Thomas Steenburg and Bill Miller will lead a panel discussion about the elusive creature on April 23— the second such event on the Island in less than a month.

"Along with his colleague, Bill Miller, Steenburg runs Sasquatch Country Adventures in Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. The pair have been combing the wilderness for the beast since 1978.
“In all the years I’ve been looking, I may only have caught a fleeting glimpse once,” Steenburg said. “But whether it was a sasquatch or a large man, I can’t say.”
Over the course of his sasquatch-hunting career, Steenburg has interviewed hundreds of purported eye-witnesses, and found tracks he believes are consistent with other reports, as well as the famous Patterson-Gimlin film of the 1960s. He’s adamant the animal exists, but understands why many are still skeptical.
“Quite frankly, the odds of sasquatch existing based on what has been found so far is not good,” he said. “But all we need is that one piece.”
Earlier in April, Vancouver Island University hosted biologist John Bindernagel, another B.C.-based sasquatch expert.
“The community had a lot of interest. It was actually one of our better-attended talks,” said Brian Kingzett, manager of VIU’s Deep Bay Field Station.
Kingzett said his department decided to host the talk because “keeping an open mind” is part of being a scientist."

Bill Miller (left) and Thomas Steenburg (right)

Below is a video of a possible bigfoot encounter on Vancouver Island in 2006. It has been heavily debated what's shown on this video, but no one knows for sure.

For more details on this event, and to read the rest of the article, click here.


  1. I have a lot of time for Thomas Steenburg.

    We may not always see eye to eye but there Is no BS with Thomas.


  2. I had never heard about this kind of creature and this all seems new to me. I would like to follow this blog and other (please suggest) that talks about bigfoots.

    I think we should keep high end phones like samsung galaxy S5 when we go for treak to capture bigfoots.

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    1. The samsung phones are NOT likely to film anything in any better way than any of the other so called "images" of bigfoot...they`re ALL of them nothing but blurry and extremely fleeting images of something dark...nothing else at all...just blurred film and shaky camera work.

    2. I think you`re on a commission so I will not buy one.

    3. I would like to personally recommend the circa 2001 Ttl Portable Mobile Device. It's no bigger than your forearm. Compatible with most huge Sattelite Dishes. And can easily be stored In the overhead bin of most industrial aircraft.

  3. There are NO bigfoot on Vancouver Island.

  4. There are many reports here on the island. Cowichan, Tofino, Even in the Western Communities near Victoria.

  5. It's pretty amazing there are any sightings or close encounters at all given the sheer ruggedness of the island. That tells me there has to be a healthy population if some are making the mistake of letting humans get close to them.

    1. One of the recent sightings was from a Fisheries Officer. It was on the news here a few months back.

    2. Take a close look at the odds and skepticism he denotes based on his personal experiences. He readily admits the odds of seeing one are low. The degree of probability for providing proof of ones existence after all this time are also low and yet he keeps searching. Now. Here is proof positive of a couple of things. One, that some researchers are as skeptically minded and aware of burdens of proof as any skeptic so to paint all researchers as fringe fanatics is absurd. Secondly, that despite his lack of encounter save a " fleeting glimpse" of one he continues this search which indicates secondly he has found sufficient proof in his own search to satisfy his individual curiosity abs threshold burdens that's this Subject exists. This is prima facie a reasoned and very honest and frank approach which is inherently credible. Not everyone is a Freeman Young and sees a Tree Peeker behind every shrub. Pay attention to whom these learned individuals are seeking out. John Bindernagle. Now. Ask yourself again that if the skeptically minded inherently trustworthy individuals in this field are seeking out John, why continually bash him for his recital of his experience with Standing. Too many Footers right now inserting Foot in mouth. WAKE UP. If I can put you on a Subject and I tell you I can. And people you should trust tell you I can, stop letting your screaming inner judgmental prejudiced self override the empirical logical leap before you!!

    3. MMG, Steenburg doesn't even admit he's seen a Sasquatch. Could have been a large "man". Would you comb the forests of your local forests for nigh on 20 years looking for a large man. Cautious to a fault. Vested in his work ethic, this serious man was interested in what Bindernagle had to say. Come on MMG. I'm trolling you now. Tell me John Bindernagle is finished based on his cautious endorsement of Standing. I need some purity this Easter weekend.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think peeps on Vancouver Island are enjoying some nice dank bud.

  7. He's been seeking them Big feets since 1978! that's 36 years of seeing NOTHING! Don't he thinks to change his search methods by now? He's only been FAILING for 36 years!
    Monsterquest did an episode on this island, so me thinks they are there!


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