Watch This Amazing Video of Bigfoot Tearing Up a Trail Camera!

Steve O'Neil is a name you need to remember. YouTube user snakesteve68 is a nature educator and conservationist who makes documentary style educational videos. When it comes to bigfoot, he comes across skeptical, but due to some strange findings he has had in one of his areas, he has began a quest to investigate the possibility of bigfoot. It started with a strange track find, and ultimately has led him to this point. He found what he believed to be a possible bigfoot bedding area, so he set up a game camera to record video. The results are absolutely amazing. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Your


    2. JOE, please answer these questions once and for all. Every time they are asked of you, you either deflect, or just ignore them all together. They are one word answers, and are very up front. If you dodge them or refuse to answer, we will know the score

      1.) Are you a relative of Bigfoot, or Rick Dyer?
      2.) Are you a bridge troll?
      3.) Do you fart here to influence fart traffic?

      I assure you, these questions will not go away until you have officially answered them. I expect that you will do what you do every other time, fart, shit, or shart, but your gas will tell the truth, b/c i assure you, i will fart enough to where you will most definetly smell them.

    3. In my best Christopher Walken voice,


    4. Here's something every single one of "us" struggle with.

      Joe is from Wales (supposedly).

      Why would someone from Wales have so much interest in Bigfoot. There would be no one from Wales that has more "interest" in Bigfoot in Wales than Joe.

      So...some people should "question" Joe.

      Rightfully so. I think. Nobody likes to be "played" (whether he has great and informative information or not!).

      If he were American. And if he had some experience(s) we'd cut him some more "slack".

      Joe, God love him, impinges on some nerves for some people....understandably so! Joe could clear some things up for us - but he chooses not to (or can't?).

    5. who cares where "joe" is from??!!
      No interest in BF because he lives in Whales?Are you saying no one in North America should have any interest in anything from Europe just because we do not live there?

    6. 5:43

      It's be like a guy from Sandusky, Ohio being an expert on Stonehenge.

      Think about it. :)

      Love what Joe contributes. Don't get me wrong. Although the Patterson-Gimlin stuff is................OMG getting so frickin' old!

    7. Jesus Christ the guy obsessed with Joe really really got his butt hurt bad. It's pathetic.

    8. Not that guy.

      And those two can (and will am sure)...go on ad nauseum.

      Don't give a care either way about Joe. Just offering a perspective is all. fwiw. If you wanna get all angry...your prerogative.

    9. Trust me. The guy "obsessed with Joe" (and he kinda is). Didn't learn jack squatch.

      They'll go on....

      And on.

      And on............they are both stubborn as a can be.

    10. This is a troll's blog now because of Joe's attitude.

      I'm a proud troll who, as you all know, has never mentioned an I'll word about Joe.

      But I am partly responsible for destroying this blog.

      Who am I? I'm the guy that says


      Keep up the good work fellow trolls!

    11. Cheerleader troll. Chart don't lie.

    12. ^angry that this is a troll blog now. Haha


    13. ^nah, not at all. But the chart don't lie.

    14. The most definitely doesnt lie in my case, does it?

      This is our blog now!


    15. ^Good for you, aim for the stars always say.

    16. Nice "bigfoot" blog you have here....

  2. I guess snakes and turtles weren't paying the bills. Probably a bear. Why not set the camera higher and farther back. Then you could see the bear.

    1. A bear.

      Haaaa...Did you even watch it ? Not a bear. The vocalizations are nothing even similar to a bear. And a bear would not care if there was a camera set up. A bear would not place leaves in a bedding area. God you think these skeptics would come up with something more original. :)

      That being said - it certainly sounded like it could have been a human. Those sounds were within a normal range of a human voice (IMO). Not to mention you couldn't see SQUATCH.

      North Carolina ??
      Likely hoax.

    2. Also convenient that the camera was undamaged.

    3. The "bedding area" looked like someone took a branch with some leaves on it and through it on the ground. That couldn't "cushion" a gopher for Christ's sake...

      I must say the "acting" is pretty good. I liked the "OH, I just stepped in SQUATCH shit I think?!" :)

    4. @4:53 ~ North Carolina has a history of Bigfoot sightings, as well as for other beings and creatures. We have wonderful forests with fresh water - unless Duke Power is in the vicinity - and lots of deer and other wildlife to eat.

      As for the video, I find it interesting, but will wait for later analysis to make my decision on whether I think it's a Sasquatch person or not. You do bring up a good point about the camera, 4:54.

  3. At the end it states that it was made for educational and entertainment pleasure.

    Nuff said.

  4. You can't rule out a black bear. Also, not smart to venture into the liar of the beast just before it gets dark, or while it's still dark. Are you nuts? Do you carry a big hog-leg pistol?

  5. Videos way too long. How about a time stamp reference next time?

  6. A big hoax shaped pig dog. One of the key features of this is an aparent 'skeptic' who doesn't track bigfoot as a rule suddenly happens upon the kind of evidence seasoned trackers haven't found in years. It seems the typical hoax cliché is now to 'pretend you never even thought about Bigfoot and then say you found him.' Squatch soundtrack or no squatch soundtrack - this guy is a work of fiction.

  7. All cameras should be deployed in groups of two or more, each camera covering another camera. Bad camera placement. Very convenient that the 'creature' stayed on the blind side.

  8. Hi Funky monkey Rush Eva Chick Joe good afternoon all

    1. How has everything been getting back to normal a little?

    2. No harry, you still have a pic of your ugly wife on your profile.

    3. Harry has been mad ever since Tim Fasano punked him.

    4. Yeah that's exactly what happened unfortunately all my friends aren't on the computer

  9. Everyone jumps to the "it is a hoax" theory immediately I see.
    The reason we never see videos like this (that could be legit) are because of all the negativity.
    And even if this was ever proven to be an authentic sasquatch video (probl'y never will) but these things do not appear very peaceful and friendly or wanting to make contact with humans whatsoever.
    They WILL EAT YOU given the opportunity people!

    1. It could be legit. Not likely however.

      Need more than what this presents.

      (and it don't present a lot if you look at it objectively).

      A skeptic eye is required.

    2. And you appear to not be very good at drawing conclusions from trail camera video. He just as well could be a movie star with a paparazzi sticking a camera in his face. And then he rips it off of it's mount in order to remove the intrusion into his private space, or in this case, his man cave.

  10. I want joe's opinion on this video please!

    1. You mean the Patterson Gimlin video ?

      (ha...! ;)

    2. Unless you can produce the suit, then Bob Gimlin is real.

    3. If you can't prove that this video is a hoax, then its real.

      -Clueless Joe

  11. He just shot himself in the foot by stating at the end of the video that it is for educational and "entertainment" purposes. That alone makes me question authenticity.
    Big thumbs down!

    1. What the hell is educational about this?

  12. how is this amazing ? All I see a bit of hair which could have been easily faked. There are no clear shots of anything else. It could be real but sorry , just not impressed to say wow

  13. It's a Sasquatch, inside of a Bloke's suit, imitating a Sasquatch.

  14. It sounded like a pissed-off gorilla. But why did it have so much trouble getting the camera off of the branch? Thought they were strong. And I would think it would have smashed it. One good whack and then a fist crunch. Also, looked like the person had long hair getting in front of the camera as he leaned over it. I dunno. Seems more like a feral human than a Squatch.

  15. Replies
    1. They must of practiced for centuries, just trying to get the authentic grunts and breathing down. Eh?
      Of course, they would have needed an actual authentic recording in order to imitate it. Which kind of defeats your attempt to imply that they are not real. Doesn't it?

  16. a lot of people are calling it a hoax just because we've been fooled way too many times in the past that we are jaded when a new video shows up. It could be the real deal although it was convenient that the creature was not in full view or maybe they are really camera shy.
    Having said that he does appear to be a legit filmer of nature so he may just have stumbled upon something pretty out there.

    1. ^And you're one of the most gullible fools on the Internet. Congratulations on your accomplishment.

    2. Everyone knows that you put the camera right on top of the supposed bedding area. Don't put it back so you can see the entire area. A complete HOAX! You got me to watch the whole thing though. Good Job!

    3. Everyone? I don't think that there is any common knowledge in regard to the placement of trail cameras. Therefore, your statement is incorrect, and consequently, your conclusion would be totally without merit. But nice try at attempting to turn it into a hoax based on some sort of nonsensical logic.

  17. Bigfoots Tear up a trail cameras, because they want to remain as unknowns.....

  18. Should have put the camera 100 ft away

  19. Everybody knows that the culprit was a wild pig with opposable thumbs. Saw one just the other day, hitchhiking along the interstate, with his thumb up. You could smell him before you got to him. And once you passed him up, the stench almost caused me to pass out at the wheel.

  20. What's amazing to me is how these idiots who post their garbage here every single day in every single thread actually THINK that their opinion matters at all to any of us who are studying this phenomenon as it seems to be unfolding right in front of our eyes in real time. We aren't stupid people who do not possess the ability to think for ourselves, and make up our OWN minds as to what we watch, hear, read, and see. We know the difference between what oh say a Rick Dyer does and what Dr. Meldrum says and does. Your glibness has no effect whatsoever on our opinions. Many of us are weighing each bit of evidence on a case by case basis, while you proud trolls have simpler minds that can only pound out the word HOAX to any and every thing you see here. I feel sorry for you guys-wait, no I don't and in fact screw you all. I know your ilk, I have been battling your ignorance for the past 20 years on political boards

    1. I Agree, they remind me of the liberal democrat, "THOUGHT POLICE", and the negative troll neysayers Never bring anything new or worthwhile to the discussion..

      Big Doris, : )

    2. Lighten up. Although you may have not figured out that Bigfoot is real, many of the rest of us have. Although videos like this are compelling, ultimately you find the absolute proof that you are seeking by actually going out into the deep dark woods at night, and getting the living daylights scared out of you. Sitting in you most comfortable chair and staring at a computer screen may be the safe way to find evidence, but it is not the best way to find absolute proof.

  21. If this is real, shouldn't there be plenty of DNA from the camera and all the pieces that were smashed at the end of the video?

  22. NSA is always watching for U safety : )

  23. At least the BFRO does not own this video.


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