Watch: New Interview with the Man Who Shot Bigfoot, Justin Smeja

Looking For Bigfoot News Hour interviews Justin Smeja, the man who really did shoot bigfoot. The subject of Ro Sahebi's Dead Bigfoot documentary sits down with the Looking for Bigfoot team to tell his story and take their questions. Will his story change? Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Woooooooo Wooooooo livin the dream AC


      ALL CAPS



      ALL CAPS

    4. Wow ALL CAPS, speedy first!

      Howdy all of y'all: Harry, ALL CAPS, Joe

      Smeja doesn't even TRY to maintain the lie anymore. What an unraveling.

    5. Hello Chick,if Justin shot a baby bigfoot i think daddy bigfoot would have snatched his head off in no time xx

    6. Good to see ya Eva! I do think you are right, that would have been his last minute on Earth.

    7. Last time i posted this series of questions, a mod deleted them about 30 min after i posted them. So i will post again. If they are deleted, i will simply come back on many different IP's and for every comment left on this blog, i will repaste these twice. So lets not play this game Shawn.

      JOE, please answer these questions once and for all. Every time they are asked of you, you either deflect, or just ignore them all together. They are one word answers, and are very up front. If you dodge them or refuse to answer, we will know the score

      1.) Are you a mod or associated with a mod
      2.) Are you a paid troll?
      3.) Do you troll here to influence blog traffic?

      I assure you, these questions will not go away until you have officially answered them. I expect that you will do what you do every other time, deflect, or not answer, but your silence will tell the truth, b/c i assure you, i will post them enough to where you will most definetly see them.

  2. Justin smeja is the father we never had

  3. Smegmas story changed between his interview with RO and his appearance on Bigfoot bounty. Dudes a flake.

    1. Look! The wine cooler guy! ^^

    2. Oh look, the guy that can't count his arrows^

    3. Kent is busy ordering girly drinks at the moment

  4. shots tham bigfeets fer shure, tham onrry critters gits U, atakin a rifle whit U when in tham woods

  5. His "buddy" that was with him "that day" - needs to come out and have a little chit chat with everyone.

    Rather than - turning tail and running away.........

    1. Imaginary people can run FAST!

    2. Last time i posted this series of questions, a mod deleted them about 30 min after i posted them. So i will post again. If they are deleted, i will simply come back on many different IP's and for every comment left on this blog, i will repaste these twice. So lets not play this game Shawn.

      JOE, please answer these questions once and for all. Every time they are asked of you, you either deflect, or just ignore them all together. They are one word answers, and are very up front. If you dodge them or refuse to answer, we will know the score

      1.) Are you a mod or associated with a mod
      2.) Are you a paid troll?
      3.) Do you troll here to influence blog traffic?

      I assure you, these questions will not go away until you have officially answered them. I expect that you will do what you do every other time, deflect, or not answer, but your silence will tell the truth, b/c i assure you, i will post them enough to where you will most definetly see them.

    3. Correct Chick

      It's all a bad lie



  6. let me save you the trouble blah,blah,blah lie,lie,lie period...
    give me a fr@cking break! I shot an unknown creature and didn't take a picture or a sample or know exactly where I put the body FFS!

  7. thar bez cryptids in tham thar woods fer shure,
    tham Mountain Monsters Team agoin gits tham critters fer shure

    1. Mountain Monsters is cutting edge. Especially when Trapper calls for a "strategic retreat " and then they walk slowly back out of the danger zone. Buck the rookie typically falls on his ass. I'm familiar with this method as I often employ it in my own night activities. :)

    2. Wild Bill is not a Marine! he failed boot camp! Their all phonies, just like the faked stamped in tracks etc. a show for the dim-witted!

    3. Last time i posted this series of questions, a mod deleted them about 30 min after i posted them. So i will post again. If they are deleted, i will simply come back on many different IP's and for every comment left on this blog, i will repaste these twice. So lets not play this game Shawn.

      JOE, please answer these questions once and for all. Every time they are asked of you, you either deflect, or just ignore them all together. They are one word answers, and are very up front. If you dodge them or refuse to answer, we will know the score

      1.) Are you a mod or associated with a mod
      2.) Are you a paid troll?
      3.) Do you troll here to influence blog traffic?

      I assure you, these questions will not go away until you have officially answered them. I expect that you will do what you do every other time, deflect, or not answer, but your silence will tell the truth, b/c i assure you, i will post them enough to where you will most definetly see them.

    4. It's Good to see you here Mike B. I mean it. keep up with the vids.

  8. Smeja has sausage fingers. Gosh dammit, he is even wearing sleeves.

  9. Only a complete MORON, would believe this guy shot 2 Big foots, Yeah right! I shot 2 Aliens, but got scared and ran off! anybody, can make up any story.
    He is just a loser like Dyer. these guys just AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH to find one, let alone shoot one!
    I would love to see the reaction if Justin and Dyer ever met!

    And. . . what about the driver? how come he isn't around, defending Justin's story?

    1. The driver should come forward and deal with all you wacky bigfooters??!!
      IMO the driver is doing what I or any sane person would do. Avoid all you nuts.
      Bye, Bye

    2. Not at all. The driver needs to grow a pair - come forward and set the record straight once and for all.

      Either it happened like Smeja says...or he's full of crap. Man up dude.

    3. Wow you really told "us"!

    4. Joe, the MOUNTAIN MONSTER show is more ridiculous than FINDING BIGFOOT! Did you ever see it yet?

    5. I've not seen it yet, no... I hear it's really funny!

    6. Last time i posted this series of questions, a mod deleted them about 30 min after i posted them. So i will post again. If they are deleted, i will simply come back on many different IP's and for every comment left on this blog, i will repaste these twice. So lets not play this game Shawn.

      JOE, please answer these questions once and for all. Every time they are asked of you, you either deflect, or just ignore them all together. They are one word answers, and are very up front. If you dodge them or refuse to answer, we will know the score

      1.) Are you a mod or associated with a mod
      2.) Are you a paid troll?
      3.) Do you troll here to influence blog traffic?

      I assure you, these questions will not go away until you have officially answered them. I expect that you will do what you do every other time, deflect, or not answer, but your silence will tell the truth, b/c i assure you, i will post them enough to where you will most definetly see them.

  10. Hey Justin, whenever you go on a podcast, especially if you've never been on it before, you are going to HAVE to tell the story for the umpteen millionth time. Don't be so annoyed by it next time.

  11. "Sometimes they soil themselves when you dispatch with them"

    Now someone help me tear off these sleeves!

  12. If you make up a story then you don't add a witness (the driver) to it--
    As to why the larger bigfoot came towards the shooter with it's arms up--The question was "why would it do this when any wild animal would instinctively run away" If he thought just for a second he answered his own question--It's not a wild animal--It has thought and was trying to stop Smeja from shooting it, or was trying to distract him, as it had young ones, nearby.


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