Watch: Breakdown of Bigfoot Caught From Behind

Phil Poling over at ParaBreakdown takes a closer look at the bigfoot "watcher" video, and offers his own opinion of the video. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Amen Brother.

      I couldn't agree more.


    2. Your not worthless to DC. He's makin bank off of your blind ass. All those guys named Joe and Ernie comming by and tapp'in your rear ---------- aren't Joe and Ernie. There cliants of DC and Fasano is getting 10 bucks a piece to run them by your house for a gay romp. What a sucker you are. Tell DC you want your cut!

    3. Shawn should make it where only me, joe, mmg, eva and chick are aloud to post because we are the smartist

    4. Well, I'm not that smart though. Not really anyways.

    5. Congrats Bert!! You are now the biggest troll on this blog! You have finally achieved what you set out to do. Nicely done!

    6. Wow Bert, you so much nicer on your meds!

    7. Great job Phil! Got yet another hoaxer. Busted again!!!

    8. Hey Chick? What are the chances of a gal like you and a threesome of puppets like Joe, Ernie and I all jumping in bed together?

    9. Sorry Burt but I can't. You see I have this uncontrollable urge to cut you up with scissors. SNIP SNIP SNIP

    10. Last time chick jumped into bed Evan turned into Eva.

    11. The last time chick jumped in to bed with a guy, it was her father.

    12. Why do i get the feeling 1;56 that your talking from experience? xx

    13. Not every family does the creepy things yours does.

    14. Sorry Eva, that was for for 1:56

    15. Joe's mother sucks bigfoot dick.

    16. Good grief, grow up. Your parents should take away your computer. Go play outside.

    17. Go suck your father's dick again, chick. I heard you liked it.

    18. ^I bet this one is making a dress in his basement.

    19. Howdy Ernie! You crack me up!

      I think you are right. That dress must be turning out all wrong cause he's gone into a frenzy.

      Crazy dude, its all the same stuff every time and now I am bored of you.

    20. Wow Ernie, you ran em off fast!! LOL! Just so you know, I often give you back up even if it is anon.

    21. Hawt.

      Sall Good. I better get back to work. Back in a bit.

    22. Homos.

      Glad to see chick trolls too.

      Told you this place is nothing but a troll fest. Even the logins use the anon feature to troll.

      'Guerilla joe' LOL

    23. If you want to try and offend me, use Standard US measurements not the Metric system.

      Darn foreigners.

    24. ^That's what the say anyway. Ball boy as well.

    25. I am beginning to think that Chick and Eva are both Joe as well. We all know that Coonbo Joe is Ernie, but i wouldnt be surprised if Coonbo also operates the Eva and Chick accounts. That would mean that Joe is actually a tranny. Uh ohhh

    26. ^Lol, what a retard. Keep on tardin.

  2. Whenever a Big foot video is posted, the viewer, want to see it out in the open, and close enough to see details etc. It would be extremely rear (Like hitting the Mega Million jackpot) to get a close-up ideo of a Big foot.
    Sometimes it's the way a Big foot behaves, that "may' make it real. their sly, smart and woods savvy. I'm not saying this is real, but they do, when given the opportunity, sneak up from behind.
    But it doesn't matter, front, behind sideways etc. the people on this site will always say: "it's a Hoax", "Faked" and "Bloke in a suit". No video of a Big foot, will never, ever, be accepted here, no matter what!

    1. It's hard to take it serious when even the pictures on this site are hoaxes. You continue to hang your hat on a grainy film from the 60s. Give us something better and maybe you'll get some support. The problem is there's nothing better.

    2. Who would need better than that? Grainy?? What a joke... Have you not seen the stabelized, digitalized version?

      Makes me laugh when people want better than that.

    3. Digitalization includes adding color and imaging that was never there in the first place.

      I'm sure you have seen the episode of Monsterquest where the digitized the film, just adding what they thought would fit.

      Key word "thought."

      Besides, despite all of that stabilization and such, it's still a 16mm film from the '60s. Pretty weak.

    4. ... That shows a living hominid.

      Pretty significant.

    5. Living bloke in a suit.

      I can give you suits, albeit not the one off production suit from the film and I can give you humans within the range of proportions of Patty that can walk with a compliant gate.

      All you have to do is provide me with that giant hairy "human" (lol @ Patty being a modern human btw) known as bigfoot. Just one.

      To have a successful breeding population, you would need at least 1,000 of these creatures in North America alone. They have to eat, they have to poop, they have to sleep.

      We can provide you with the only (singular) Wolverine in an entire state, which is tiny in comparison to a 8' 900lb primate, but you can't even provide a conclusive result on organic material let alone get one measly body.

      Ultra Burn.

    6. Danny Campbell...

      Got monkey suit? No?? Well there's your Bigfoot.

      Oh, the sightings and physical evidence are just that of which one would expect from a largely nocturnal creature that buries it's dead.

    7. Oh... And a wild human, evolved to stay out of our way for survival, ain't no comparison to a wolverine; as beautiful as they are.

    8. Ernie...

      Hominids are not human.

      Got one giant hairy hominid? Well, then there's your suit.

      If the field as a whole, full of actual in field researchers cannot agree upon things such as nocturnal and burying their dead, what makes you, the arm chair white knight of Wales, right?

      John Jones is adamant about them not being nocturnal and not burying their dead. I'd believe his tall tales over yours.

    9. If were addressing me, I was not apart of this conversation. Maybe you should read back through it.If were addressing me, I was not apart of this conversation. Maybe you should read back through it.

    10. Joe called me Daniel Campbell so I called him Ernie.

      I'm not DC and he's not Ernie, it was a play on his post.

      Maybe you should read back through it. Maybe you should read back through it.

    11. Your play on post didn't make any sense.

    12. I'm sorry you didn't get it?

    13. please leave me out of your rantings. I had nothing to do with this conversation.

    14. Oh wait, I'm apart of it now. Carry on.

    15. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you like to give parts to others?

    16. Give it up Coonbo Crazy Troll, you suck at this.

    17. Oh you are Danny Boy alright, I know you drivel anywhere... Same old nonsense too. Human... Hominid... I don't know, but what's for sure is their closer to us than we realize, and hominids had culture. 'Human' labeling gives them that respect.

      Furthermore, you love trying to play me and John against eachother, that's why I know it's you now, silly boy. Me and John don't agree with eachother on everything, but that's cool. That's how research develops and it self corrects. I'm one of many that suggests this creature uses night time to evade, that doesn't mean John is wrong either.

      Got monkey suit?

      Didn't think so...

    18. ... And I'll tell you what makes my opinion on burying their dead and nocturnal evasion work for me, is because it totally stumps you when you have no come-back for Smithsonian Bureaus and frequency of day time accounts.

      We'll consider these theories and methods being tried and tested like some scientists with monkeys... You being the monkey, Danny Boy.


    Bigfoot Spotted in D.C. Stowstorm

    1. Don't waste your time, idiot in a costume on the streets of Washinton DC.

    2. That was an Obama sighting!

    3. It's a great way to keep warm but have you noticed you can tell it's a suit,no comparison to Patty at all xx

    4. tell me about it eva.

      Patterson suit is way worse. that ridiculous diaper butt and shoulder pads, no wonder the camera was shaking so much I bet roger was in hysterics

    5. Lol 1:23,you know what i meant you cheeky monkey xx

    6. This one time, I saw bigfoot picking his nose at the Y, it was so gross. Why anyone would be interested in meeting such a gross dude is beyond me.

    7. Maybe bigfoot is just a tranny

  4. When I saw that thing stand up, I thought to myself, Phil hasn't done that in months. Hot Pockets and Mt Dew are no friend of yours Phil.

  5. Just got back, did joe post the link to a published paper yet?

    1. Not yet. He had to go pick his mother up at the health clinic.

  6. game set and match bleevers

    read em and weep

    its over

    pgf was a bloke in a suit

    1. Ouch. So much for inhuman proportions.

    2. Nice try 1:36,i'm off to bed in a minute and i will sleep soundly knowing that Tom Pate doesn't fit Pattys proportions,xx

    3. LOL what^

      those lines are straight, you know, showing the proportions are the same

      too easy

    4. Yeah umm clearly Eva is in denial.

      Picture shows that it's not inhuman proportions.

    5. The arms aren't as long (that show bending fingers), the thigh is shorter on Patty and the spinal erectors attaching the never to the head are higher.

      That's just what I noticed from a two second look.

      Too easy.

    6. I said that Patty has clearly inhuman proportions, so it has inhuman proportions, Bill Munns said this too!


    7. Joe, do you know that there is a certain grade of variability in body proportions between two beings of the same species? Anyway:

      1. Bigger costume hand

      2. No

      3. No

      Worst day of Joe's life, his dream is over

    8. Really? Special pleading by you I call it.

      1. Bending fingers means they can't be a costume hand

      2. Yes

      3. Yes

      Actually... The way I schooled on the Sasquatch Chronicles thread; today's been one of my best days here.

    9. ^Denies that straight lines are straight.

      you cant make this up folks

    10. We are talking proportions, not arm length. Human arm and leg length vary from person to person. Many people have arms much longer than what it "should be."

      UFC LHW Champion Jon Jones is just a quick case in point. 6'4" with an 84" wingspan.

      Do you watch any sports at all? Boxing and basketball are prime sports where it's highly noticeable.

      As for the neck/head, it's in line with a man in a suit.

      These "inhuman proportions" are not so inhuman after all. Anything within a couple of inches is very normal.

      Now if the proportion of the humerus and radius/ulna was more than 6" you may have a case, may, but this clearly shows she is well within human proportions.

    11. Joe, seriously, the arms proportions thing that you say is just absurd.

      Have you ever watched an NBA player?
      For example, take Kawhi Leonard of the San Antonio Spurs. He is 6 ft 8'' tall, but he has two very very long arms that arrive at least to half of his thigh.
      Look here:,d.bGQ&psig=AFQjCNGEdBbAOc7xsFZuCuDWes-cJYg7Gg&ust=1393971452156109

      So, by your logic, Leonard is a Bigfoot, right?


    12. I'm about to go to bed, but I'll leave you with this...

      You see... A lot of what Bill Munns does is mere common sense. Something that you people are actually overthinking in your cartwheels of worry. When Bill Munns compares the proportions of Patty to a 'normal human'; we see something very obvious in the junction of two points of the right leg when pasted on top of eachother, from the hip socket. It is here where you have an amazing example of the posture of the upper and lower leg of Patty; the upper leg is far shorter. The crotch area of Patty is far more higher than the average human norm and like Bill States; "when you put a costume on, it always adds, it never subtracts". If you were to put the 'costume' on a human being, then we would expect the crotch area to be lower than what is clearly not the case when comparing the proportions. The arm length of Patty is 10% longer than that of a normal human in comparison proportion & scale, the 10% being in the shoulder area. When matching this over that of a normal human, the problem is evident when trying to accommodate this in comparison to a normal human, Patty's knees fall way shorter. Bill even extends this to show the possibility of using football shoulder pads, and it still cannot match the proportions of a normal human. Bill also extends the comparison image's scale of Patty by 25% , but you still have the arm with bending fingers reaching far lower than the proportions of what a normal human can achieve in a suit. The shoulder joint and base of the neck of Patty require to be shifted forward actually into the neck of a normal human for the eyes of the 'mask' to align with normal human proportions. It is therefore impossible to get the mask to fit on the shoulders of a normal human and maintain the rest of the proportions to fit on a normal person in a suit.

      Shall we talk about the materials that weren't even in production then and the reality of a broke cowboy attaining such materials?

      Nighty night.

      ; )

    13. Jeez, that joe fellow should give up. Everyday they make this guy look dumb.

    14. when the copy pastes come out you know joe is a beaten man

    15. ^^he's not dumb by any stretch, just ignorant. Look how he posts and than runs off to bed to avoid a friendly debate. In his head he feels like he's schooling folks.

    16. Joe, I stopped reading as soon as I saw you were citing Bill Munns again. Everyone does.

      Seriously, this man would win the race for the stupidest man on earth!

    17. That copy and paste is the reason why King Hypo had his breakdown.

      ... Oh, and you need to counter those points before you suggest anyone looks dumb.


    18. Common sense, huh?

      Like the earth being flat and the sun revolving around the earth?

      PJ just got destroyed in this comment section.

    19. Uh, uh, uuuuuuuuhhhh... Get to work boy! You got some rebuttals to find before you can say anyone's destroyed!

      ; )

    20. So Leonard is a Bigfoot then. Good to know.

    21. You see, Joe, unlike you I don't "find rebuttals."

      I actually possess a working knowledge and do not rely on Google to find my responses, I actually own the paragraphs I post. That is more than I can say about you and your folders of obnoxious, spell checked copy pastes and quotes.

      I have also been around the field and have read and witnessed first hand all of the arguments or points provided. You do not bring anything new to the table and honestly are a bore.

    22. ^you know Joe is pwned when he responds like this.

    23. Psychiatrist of patient known as bloke in a suitMonday, March 3, 2014 at 3:22:00 PM PST

      I thought bloke in a suit had something new. I went to the link and this is old news, this Pate thing. This comparison not only doesn't explain the hands and spinal erectors, but doesn't come near covering the issue of the upper back, trapezius, neck, and skull.

      Also, you are blindly trusting this Pate to have not photoshopped anything in either photo. Why is that? Why the blind trust?

      Bloke in a suit is so over-zealous to debunk the PGF he's frothing rabidly at the mouth.

      Why are you hyperventilating over this? Why does this thing existing or not existing threaten you so much? Is your house going to fall in on you in the morning if bigfoot exists? Why obsess so hard that it must not exist?

      #jokeinasuit approved

    24. Hey, it's Timothy Fasano!

      Musta had the night off from his van cab.

    25. Looks like Coonbo Joe is hard at it, getting burned over and over again like normal, and blaming it on others. As your King, i command you to kiss my member Coonbo

    26. 3:22... Total obliteration! Ha ha ha ha!!

      King Hypo, in for the meltdown mode!!

  7. Can someone tell me why 99.9% of the bigfoot field are medically considered obese?

    There have been a few bigfoot shows replaying in the last day or two so I have been flipping to them when a commercial comes on and all the footers except for say 2 or 3 have been clinically obese.

    Kathy Strain is particularly very obese in the skookum episode. Looked like she threw her back out just taking a knee on the ground.

  8. Wasn't Pattys height estimated at around 7 6" plus Pattys much more bulky,that picture's a con xx

    1. Actually, no one can determine her exact height, even Mr. Munns.

      She's between 5 and 8 feet tall.

      And that still wouldn't matter when comparing proportions, especially extremity proportions.

      Do you understand that concept or do you need it explained to you like a dumb blonde joke?

  9. Can i have the joke please,i hope it's as funny as the picture lol xx

  10. I've seen the enhanced version of Pgf. I also know doing that can distort the images. I think in this day and age with all our tech we can get something better. Till then. Your fighting an up hill battle

  11. When I said , I will smash the faces of all bigfoot believers and Coonbo Joe, I men't it. You think im just a fat little geek that cant get hot women,, Nope ,,IM 6-5 260lbs of muscle and a14"johnson..soo when I say I will smash your faces, I Mean it. and I dont live in a basement...

    1. You mean a 14 millimeter Johnson!

    2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

      Looks like King Hypo's having an epic meltdown!!!!!!!!!

      I'll never forget this!!!!!!!!

    3. Millimeter peter HAHAHAHAHAH!

      Mission control in the basement!

    4. I'm gonna smash all of your faces , you'll see!

    5. HAAA, HAAAA,HAAAAA ,ROFL, at 2:53.

    6. There he goes again, King Hypocrite himself, blaming his meltdowns on other people. Oh yeah, you know what time it is


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