Real Life Man-Bear-Pig!

This is the strangest creature I've seen in a while. It looks like a man... a pig... and a bear. Is it possible that the werewolf man had one to many drinks and passed out before his metamorphosis was complete? Or is this the elusive Samsquatch everyone's been talking about? Zoomed images below:

Disturbing eye sockets



  1. Replies
    1. Can't be a bear. Dead bears are never found in the woods, the woods melt the bones and hide down too fast to find, which is the same with bigfoots. So there's no way it could be a bear. No dead bears are ever found in the woods. Therefore it has to be a fake. If it's not a fake, then uh oh, there goes that theory and excuse for never finding bigfoot remains.

  2. poor joe, stories like this make him look like an idiot

  3. But you poor anon 2:40, don't need any stories to make you look like an Idiot tell your mother i said hi!

  4. A mad scientist experimenting with nature.

  5. That's definitely a real life dead bear.

  6. Satchquatch? Yowie or Yeti.

  7. it's a werewolf alright.
    The silver bullet finished his moon madness

  8. Its fake retards.

    p.s. Shawn, you're a douchebag.

  9. Al Gore was right about something!

  10. Hello children.

    It is me, your hero, AlGore. I have finally slain the biggest threat threat to mankind ever!


    At last everyone is able to say "Thank you AlGore! You ARE super awesome!"

    I will continue observations from my manbearpig cave in case one of the many rapes commited by this beast produced offspring.


  11. You bunch of blundering morons, that's a bear. If any of you footards had ever been out in the woods more than a picnic at a park you would know what a dead bear looks like. Damn, skin one while its hanging and you would think it was a human. Your not going to find shit sitting on the couch idiots.

  12. Looks like a mix of a halloween costume and wax dummy, It does not look real to me.

  13. Yall act like you never seen a duck before.


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