Best Explanation of Bigfoot Cloaking I've Heard - A Close Look at Hair

This is an article by Sharon Day of Some people believe that bigfoot have the ability to "cloak" themselves, basically turn invisible. I've never been a fan of this line of thought, but this article sheds some light on how cloaking might be partially true, and how it may take place. This article takes a close look at hair structure and purpose. My only question is how do you know it's bigfoot hair to begin with?

"If you have hairs that vary slightly in their overall color tone (some are dark, some are reddish some are rather colorless), a skin base beneath (anywhere from deep blue gray to gray tan to copper reportedly), and the nearly translucent hairs, you have the ability to blend into just about any scene, capture dappled light from the sun filtering through the forest, and the darkest of shades of trees and forest floor. If you stood still, to the viewer scanning the woods, you would become truly camouflaged. If you were overall dark, you would be a tree, if you were overall auburn, you would blend into mid tones such as foliage.

When you consider that translucent and reflective hairs would also have a tendency to reflect back what is around and in front of it, as well, the entire body of hair would be mirroring what's surrounding it. Cloaking? Of a sort, yes!"
For the rest of this great article with lots of photos and examples, click here. 


  1. monsters and mysteries in america cover all types of cryptics

    1. I've got to say I was absolutely landed reading this, well done Sharon Day!

    2. ... And I would recommend this highly;

      ... Nôs da.

    3. Thats very cool. Why hasn't anyone noticed this before?

    4. That is very interesting, and could explain the theory of prints just ending with some sightings while tracking. The creature could just be standing off to the side, hiding in plain sight, as it were.

    5. Then of course we have people like the good Doctor. that claim they just materialize out of no where.....*scratches head.

    6. mindrape is a terrible thing

    7. Sharon and Shawn kissed and made-up? Impossible. Wait till she gets pwned by TROLLANDIA and cries to him.

    8. Joe, when you post as Ernie, do you like to attribute the title of doctor to random nobodies who hold no doctorate?

  2. Replies
    1. could be a reptilian humanoid hybrid, they been here for years

    2. geckosquatch is a real cryptid

  3. whats purple in color has blood-red eyes, wings like pterosaur, and a head thats a cross between a primate and a bat.

    answer: a Batsquatch

    1. batsquatch is the horniest creature ever they be multiplying everywhere

    2. Batsquatch onrry critters attackin folks gits tham critters fer thay gits U

  4. Good ol' Autmnforest is still kicking I see.

  5. AK47 fer y all cryptic critters fer shure

  6. sheepsquatch be steelin your turkeys

    1. and tham hawgs tham bigfeets atakin me hwags fer shure

  7. When the website name is ghost hunting theories, then yea... probably best not to bother

  8. Please sign online petition so barrack Obama can run for another term. Love livin off you suckers. I have no job yet get three checks from the fed. Workin on comp claim . Please vote dems in November. Thanks guys.

  9. When my grandfather was alive, he use to tell me that "People are stupid and blind". He use to use Burlap sacks to cover himself along well used hiking trails in a local state park. Many people , he estimated 60-100 would hike right by him, and they never noticed him. so its easy to hide by these creatures too
    Cory Hawk

    1. Your grandfather was a nut case.

    2. Amazing stuff Cory!! Hope all are well!

    3. Zana has 100% modern human dna and is a bigfoot.

      Patty is a bigfoot.

      Pick one.

    4. Patty is a Bigfoot... (And there a several types of Bigfoot).

      Relict properties (???)

      And a good night to you all.

    5. ^^^^^^^Was your grandfather John W. Jones?

    6. Why? Was John W. Jones an idiot too?

    7. And how do you come to the conclusion there are several types Joe? Science cant even prove one. Keep on trolling Joe, even the trolls are starting to realize that you are here for blog traffic

    8. So if Joe is here for blog traffic as you say, does that make you mad? Does it annoy you?

    9. Yes it makes me wanna shove a pineapple up my ass with no grease.

    10. So if it makes you mad, and this is what you actually believe, then why is your dumb a$$ here falling for it hook line and sinker? Why are you adding to the blog traffic, as you say. Seems to be some illogical behavior if you truly believe that.

  10. Maybe thers a blurry pic of your grandpa on this site.

  11. shoot if bigfoots are disappearing then they must be alien hybrids. how else could they utilize such technology. that is probably the reason no one has ever seen a real one too. then you get into the third dimension. but then that gets into the metaphysical realm. with so much wizardry the bigfoot posess its no wonder none have been captured , bagged or for that matter seen.

  12. Matt, are you trying to get Shawn and Sharon back together? ;-)


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