If You're Not Convinced Patty Is a Real Creature, Check Out This M.K. Davis Clip

M.K. Davis just posted a long speech about why he thinks the Patterson-Gimlin creature is not a man in a suit and how it can't possibly be a suit. Check out the clip and see if you agree:


  1. No doubt the trolls will cause Joe Fitz to have at leasr 3 meltdowns on this thread.

    1. HEY JOE! He starts talking to you at 2:01!!

    2. I agree, a cheap suit. Poorly done hoax i might add

    3. Best thing Roger did was die so the hoax could live on.

    4. "Best thing Roger did was die so the hoax could live on." So true! Poor Gimlin has to keep lying.

    5. 8:45 1:43 take a cue from Roger then and do us all a favour. You are parasites.

  2. You just wait till Joe sees any criticism on this thread

    1. Fking Hell... This MK guy is obsessed with the PT film.

    2. MK is actually a respectable guy. Phil Poling was so jealous of MK's breakdowns, that he started up that poor excuse for an armchair operation. Phil has no more business in breaking down bigfoot videos, then he does stepping foot in the woods. He is completely ignorant of both. But Phil did have one thing, he had Shawn. And in exchange for the promotion, Phil gives Shawn some cash on the side.

  3. And you already started crying about it brfore he even showed up? Punks

    1. MMG, i'm surprised at you! Why does he deserve it?

    2. Sounds like 12:42 is JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      How bout some cheese for that wine.

    3. He deserves it b/c there is a law in Wales that you cant believe in bigfoot because the Queen (Elton John) said so.

    4. Well H, because he's a narcissistic jerk and a hypocrite as well.


    5. He deserves to be held underwater for 5 minutes then resuscitated only to be p**sed on and forced to eat random forest mushrooms while Dustin Diamond reenacts every episode of Saved By The Bell.

    6. Then have a pineapple shoved right up his pooter.

    7. Then have Ru Paul wax his mustache

    8. It's pathetic how the trolls have a man crush on Joe.

    9. Not as pathetic as a grown man posting as a children's show character on a bigfoot spam blog.

    10. Nope, that's the sad part. You're quite a bit more pathetic actually. ^

    11. Man, Ernie was schooled. Time for a special Ernie Street troll

    12. ^ Yah? No. Obsessed stalkers school themselves. But do keep up. It's amusing that you guys follow other posters around with your dicks out. Too bad you aint getting any. Pathetic.

    13. ^ Ernie mad b/c the anon's pwned him. Afterall, having a sesame street avatar is a sign of maturity and knowledge. Didnt burt and ernie come out as gay earlier this year? Might be an appropriate Avatar. Dont worry, the Ernie avatar clone is coming. Now, consider yourself schooled Ernie

    14. ^ Ernie mad b/c the anon's pwned him. Afterall, having a sesame street avatar is a sign of maturity and knowledge. Didnt burt and ernie come out as homosexual earlier this year? Might be an appropriate Avatar. Dont worry, the Ernie avatar clone is coming. Now, consider yourself schooled Ernie

    15. What's sad is that a guy with a sesame street moniker show's more maturity than anon troll boy's hyper stalking and obsession with other posters coupled with his delusional short comings that he's somehow "schoolin" when in fact he's merely droolin, That and the childish homophobia of your typical redneck latent homosexual.

    16. Man Ernie got schooled, got schooled real good

    17. See my comment above, rinse and repeat.

  4. this just gave me both a seizure and hard on !

  5. What I find fascinating is how the muscles move, the leg is at an astonishing bend and the enormous size of the creature. plus what amazed me the most is the fluid pattern of the walk, while looking hunched over. In my opinion, whatever it was is real. But everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I don't argue about it. It's not a big deal to me. If Bigfoot exists or is proven to not exists, oh well, life goes on. But it would be cool if it is found.

    1. It's a real bloke in a suit shot at a distance on a grainy, short, and unstable 8mm camera.

    2. If Joe's Mother a Whore, then YOUR mother is a whore too!

    3. Whorin' ain't got nothin' to do with a guy in an ape suit. Nothin'!

    4. 3:31 are you 12 years old or what? The other three below, the same mental capacity.

    5. Try a 16mm camera moron. And if it was a suit why go into such detail if it was meant to be seen at a distance while moving? P&G had no idea this film would be scrutinized in such a way as to have every frame digitally photographed, enhanced and stabilized. No way in hell is this a suit. The people who claim it's a suit will not look at the video breakdown or enhanced stabilizations. Because that would interfere with their childish game of inciting angry response. With this response it will feed their need for recognition and bring reason for being to their empty lives of trolling. No bro I'm not mad, but you're definitely an asshole.

  6. Only people who have "actually seen" a Big foot, know that the P/G film is REAL! Including, Me and my 3 team members.

    The ones that say "Bloke in a suit" or Bear, Fake Hoax etc these people are the type that never goes into the woods.

    "Most" City bred people, think Big foot aren't real.
    And Most "Country folks" KNOW they are real

    60+ years, and STILL debating this film! Fake, like hell!
    Remarkable ain't it?

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Your a hoaxer, and so is Corey Hawk Spoke

    2. Prove it! Show your EVIDENCE!
      Your an Asshole!

    3. Spoke has been caught hoaxing on numerous occasions, along with Mohawk, his wife, who doubles for a throwing instrument

  7. Spot on Mr. JONES. It is a suit though. It is called a birthday suit. She was born with it and most likely died with it by now.


    1. Hey Chuck, I commented back to you about Roger Rangers seeing a Big foot during the French and Native American wars, but Shawn deleted it!

    2. 3 42. Really. Now that is one I would love to hear. Big fan of George Rogers Clark. Put it back on even if tomorrow. Thanks

  8. Mohawk Legends say these "Forest people' can live for over 100 years+. There are written stories about a Big foot seen in Vermont, that was very unusual in appearance, way back in the 19th Century, then seen again, and killed? in the 20th Century in N.Y.
    There is so much, that we don't know. That's why it's called Big foot research.
    The Skeptics, think Big foots started in the 1960's, but always discount documented reports from the 1700's till now.

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. 100 plus years. You are right. We do not know, but that would not surprise me. Eat healthy foods, no smoking, stay away from humans and their infectious diseases, - who knows. It might be amazing what one could find in the journals of the frontiersman of the 1700's. I know Daniel Boone talked of killing a 10 foot yahoo. Also the Viking wrote about them circa 1000 ad on the Canadian shores.


    2. Chuck,
      Don't forget Roger Rangers of the French and Native American wars about 1754, or so, they sighted them just north of Whitehall N.Y. on their raid into Maine. not only did one of his sergeants Duncan? wrote in his journal, but the British soldiers that went with them also wrote about their encounters too!
      So "to give me a break" guy, You don't know shit! What were they lying? They wanted to get on CNN? Dumbass!
      Chuck, just keep up your good writings, It still amazes me why the Non-believing trolls are on here!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    3. Here's an idea:

      How about you old lying f*cks shut up and go email each other.

      Nobody gives a sh*t.

    4. Here's a better idea 9:29:

      Take your parasitic lying microscopic brain off this blog and shut your fat Doritos-gobbling Cheetos-smeared face.

      Bye bye now. Wave your pudgy little hand, bye bye, that's a good boy.

    5. Seriously 929, you are one worthless piece of shit. Go crawl back into your mom's pussy.

    6. we all agree with anon 9:29 completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spoke is a hoaxer

    7. Well present your evidence! Since I've never shown a Video or anything, how am I a Hoaxer?
      But, your all assholes, aren't Youall!
      John W. Jones Spoke

    8. John, on Valentines Day, do you shave the Mohawk??

  9. Just look at the freakin' way it walks. It walks like a guy in a suit trying to walk like a bigfoot. BOB GIMLIN IS A MUTHAFN LIAR!

    1. Frederick Johnson McGillicuttyMonday, February 17, 2014 at 9:39:00 AM PST

      You're not even close. Plus too cowardly to publicly accuse Gimlin of such under your own name, showing your miserable excuse for a face. Why don't you get on television and say that? You're on a field trip from Fool School today or what?

  10. I thought this M K guy was proven hoaxer. Why should I believe a hoaxers analysis of a possibly hoaxed movie.

    1. No not 'a proven hoaxer'. That's a treasured phrase in the land of sceptardia.

  11. No. I am not convinced. It's a guy in a suit. It's all it ever was.

    1. No. You are wrong. Convinced or not, you are wrong. A female in a birthday suit (per Chuck above) yes. A suit otherwise, no.

    2. its a squatch in a human suit who thought it looked cheap so made a decent squatch suit. simple when you add logic

  12. ^ Cynic alert. Walter Peck is in the house

  13. Today, MK Davis annouces that (after a long drawn out discertation with lots of ands and uhs):
    1. The planet earth is round
    2. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
    3. The law of gravity still applies, don't break it
    4. Humans need oxygen to survive
    5. Beaches are composed of sand
    6. Water is wet, very wet
    7. Earth's moon affects it's tides
    8. It is colder at the poles.
    9. etc., etc.

    But you be the judge.

  14. It's a guy wearing an ape suit.

    1. Walter Peck I know it's you. Keep it up and I will call the Mayor

  15. Chuck,
    Don't forget Roger Rangers of the French and Native American wars about 1754, or so, they sighted them just north of Whitehall N.Y. on their raid into Maine. not only did one of his sergeants Duncan? wrote in his journal, but the British soldiers that went with them also wrote about their encounters too!
    So "to give me a break" guy, You don't know shit! What were they lying? They wanted to get on CNN? Dumbass!
    Chuck, just keep up your good writings, It still amazes me why the Non-believing trolls are on here!

    John W. Jones Spoke

  16. Shawn, why are you deleting my historical comment about Roger Rangers? I don't understand how you can delete that, but let some anon, cann someone's mother a whore?
    What gives?

    1. He deleted them b/c your a known hoaxer Spoke, that and you believe that in sky burials. You were caught red handed with Mohawk and Corey choking that chicken around the back of your barn, which you had nicknamed "the whakin shack"


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