Finding Bigfoot Heading Back to Bobo's Hometown, Contact Them If You're Interested In Sharing Your Story

On Finding Bigfoot's Birth of a Legend episode a few seasons ago, the crew visited the Bigfoot capital of the world, Humboldt County. This place happens to be the hometown of James Bobo Fay, or better known as just Bobo of Finding Bigfoot. Being the biggest Bigfoot hot spot, we're not surprised that they've decided to return. Last time they were there, Bigfoot Books owner Steven Streufert of Willow Creek was one of the witnesses who shared his encounter:

Here's the press release for the town hall meeting next Monday:

NORTH COAST- A national television series is set to come to Humboldt for the second time in hopes of finding Bigfoot. Animal Planet's reality TV show called "Finding Bigfoot" is casting for individuals who have had encounters with the legend. It is the second time the show has been in Humboldt County but this time they are looking for individuals who believe they have seen sasquatch. There will be a town hall meeting on Monday Feb. 10, with producers of the show who are urging anyone who would like to share their story to contact them.

The location of the town hall meeting is undisclosed at this time but if you believe you have encountered Bigfoot and want to tell your story, email it to


  1. Replies
    1. Do you guys remember those times when Joe had atomic meltdowns and then deleted all his posts?

      Oh the laughter.

      I am the egg man. I hate eggplant. I am the walrus.

      Coo coo kachoo.


    2. LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!! Now thats good!

    3. Yes, we remember. Joe lost it worse than he ever has before. He was going raving mad. But you have to remember Joe's course throughout all of this. First it was, he liked the trolling, then he was flattered and immortal, then he was begging for mod help, then the complaints went in, then joe went guerilla for a few hours, then Joe came back and told everyone how posts under his were not him, then he went guerilla again, then he went anon, then he came back, then more complaints went in, then he melted down, then he went guerilla, then he went anon, then he came back, then he loved the attention, then he wanted more, than he cried to the mods again, then he went nuclear, then he went anon.

      And finally he harassed the mods so much that him, and his other account (Kent), both were given very special accounts so that they couldnt be trolled so hard. Yes you heard right, they got destroyed so bad on a bigfoot spam blog, that the cried to the admins for protection. LOLOLOL. You just cant make this stuff up

    4. My favorite part was when he said one thing then did another.

      King Hypocrite.

    5. BOBO made sharon walk bowlegged for a week

    6. I bet he poops Chunky Soup can sized turds. Must use big jars.

    7. The white text is freaking hilarious!!!

    8. Nice taterhole indicator you've got there!!!

      But all those hotel rooms aren't going to clean themselves Hoseph, CHOP CHOP!!!

    9. Joe said he didn't care. Joe said that he would have waited for trolls to go away. Joe said that he was pleased with all the attention he was receiving.

      Well, today, instead, we saw Joe going to pshychological meltdown, Joe flooding England with tears, Joe crying like a baby so much that Shawn had to give him the pacifier...

      In other words, not only he showed yet again his hypocrisy, but Joe lost completely his dignity.

      But guess what, he is wrong again. It's not over here...

    10. Apparently he is Welsh, not English...

    11. Welsh, English, Peruvian. Doesn't matter. He's a fucking loser regardless of where his moms basement is located. Think about it. This is his claim to fame and only contact with other people. Poop flinging chimpanzee's would have more social skills than this chump (chumpanzee?) He couldn't get laid in a whorehouse on payday let alone approach a girl on the street without projectile vomiting all over himself. Considering he spends far more time here than say, a dentist office for example, his teeth must look like Stonehenge. If there were scraps of Hot Pockets dangling from the rocks of course....

    12. I take none of it back. He's a fucking loser.

    13. ^ The correct spelling is "LOOSER" U dullard!!

    14. The word you're looking for "you". This isn't Twitter you twat. Feel free to use grownup words.

    15. No it isn't. Do you not know the difference between "lose" and "loose"? Let me guess. Public school?

  2. Is there video evidence of John Spoke being reprimanded and physically thrown out of the White Hall town meeting?

    Comedy GOLD.

    1. John spoke and his sons are proven hoaxers

    2. ANON 12:49: Where did you get this info, as John has never showed a Video here or on any other site! So where's the Hoax?
      Anybody on this site can claim ANYTHING!
      I claim your a child molester! You like young girls and boys under 10 years old! of course you don't state your name. But you don't need to, "We" already know who you are. Arrested 3 times for wife beating, Incest, and having sex with a minor! So Anon 12:49, would you like us to post your arrest record on Face book, for all the world to see? Are you still wearing your ankle bracelet?
      For Anon 12:41, John wasn't thrown out of the White hall meeting! there wasn't any White hall meeting! He doesn't get thrown out, he's
      the thrower, Asshole. Get your facts straight.
      Anyway, he was "Escorted out" during the Pawling Town hall meeting, in Pawling, New York. He was asking Matt Moneymaker to many tough questions, and John had proof, that the "Baby Big foot" episode was a farce! It was a Pet Monkey that got loose! Animal Planet went ahead and showed it anyway! Even though they knew the truth!

      One of John's friends!

  3. I am getting ready to post the hacked emails from Joe to shawn, begging shawn to protect him from the trolls, or he would leave. Joey, you better get your iodine, cause your about to go into full blown nuclear overload

  4. I just want to know what is up with MMG's creepy obsession with Don.

    1. Neither one of them can get laid. Maybe wearing girl-repellent as an aftershave wasn't a good idea after all...

  5. Replies
    1. Only 8 more hours until you can buy a hooker, toss her in your trunk, drive her up to the Oregon Caves and find Matthew Johnson, engage in some weird pagan necropheliac ritual and summon the mystical Wildman of the woods!!!

  6. Thank God you were so trolled off you had to get "verified"

  7. Oregon bigfoots eats U for shure - @ the caves & crater lake folks been on da bigfoot menu fer yeers

  8. BOBO ... tracking bigfoots for years... he a bigfoot guru....

    1. Matt on the bigfoot trail looking for bigfoots for years.

  9. Again, nothing but stupid fucking comments!


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