Classic Rene Dahinden Beer Commercial

Kokanee Beer did an advertising campaign in the late 90's starring none other than bigfoot research pioneer and hunter Rene Dahinden. Check it out below:


  1. First. Hi Guys how is everyone?

    1. Go away Eva (gay fish, nonarchaic human, chick, fozzie). We dont want you here

    2. You Gay, Immature, lame fucks are ruining this blog!

      Grow the fuck up, assholes!!!!!!!

    3. ^ Gay fish (MMC), Eva, Chick, Fozzie, Nonarchaic human. They are all the same person

  2. Joe, i think what your readers really want to know is, Has the complaint gone in yet???

    Gay fish (MMC)

  3. It's just a matter of time before the idiot ruining this comment section has the teacher bust him on his cell phone in class.

    1. Joe fitsgerald are u still razing hell on here ? It's Erin B!!

    2. Correct, and then 5 minutes later, the same idiot is back with a new IP. Funny how that works, aint it

    3. Keep acting like it's one person numpty!

      There are just that many people that don't like me.

    4. Even dan campbell, who had many excellent debates with Joe Fitz wouldn't resort this Bullshit, As he (dc) has way too much pride.. B D,,,, at least I hope.


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