Bigfoot Loves Tomatoes

Check out this story posted on An elderly woman who lived in the swamps of Louisiana claims she raised a baby bigfoot she found in the woods. They became life-long friends, and the bigfoot's favorite food? Tomatoes.

"In the course of those three days, she fed the Bigfoot anything she had at hand, from lettuce and tomatoes, to eggs and goat milk. “And he liked tomatoes very much. He’d take them away from my hands and eat them whole. His favorite ones were brandywine, although he seemed to enjoy the cherry tomatoes too.”
Read the rest of this amazing story right here.


  1. Replies
    1. I was raised by an old black bigfoot female who fed me entrails and dirt.

    2. ^^ That there is the reason you are so sick in the head then.

  2. First

    For Special Ed

    You have a friend

    1. Picture of Ed at top of this post


    2. Everyone, me (gay fish/MMC), Eva, Chick, Fozzie, and non archaic human are all the same person. We have no life and love commenting back and forth. Even though its just one person doing all the typing.

      OH, and yes, i am a gay fish.


    3. That is a very special picture of you Ed. You really have a look of intelligence going on


    4. This is special Ed

    5. Hahaha.

      You people truly are clueless.

      This is exactly what I want! And you give in immediately! Chaos, distraction, animosity, off topic dialogue.

      Sweet Jesus am I good.

      So far DWA, Sweetcheecks, Pee face, Dmaker have all been blamed for my posts (well, some of my posts) and you fools are no closer on who I really am.

      ; )


    6. Apparently smart enough to know ^ means the above, ^^ means two above, and so on.

      Obviously you can't quite grasp that concept yet.

  3. Ok that's an ugly thing sheesh

  4. Hey where's that post by the guy who called me Leon

    1. So says little johnny computer , give us all a demonstration of this massive intellect. : )

    2. HEY ,,,IM HIP!! Im a "GAMER".... ^

    3. You know cause all GAMERS are Trollollollollers huh huh huh huh

  5. Look...

    We ALL know Joe is over the top. To what degree ? Some think a bit - some thing WAY WAY over the top.

    Whatever. If Joe tweeks you out so bad you really need to look inside yourself and say "why"? Why does a guy like this provoke such deep seeded passion(s)?!

    Evaluate that my friend.


    1. The uprising started before that when we all got sick of piss face and reading that terrible crap he would spew. You were in it with him. Still are.

    2. Not at all.

      That person is an idiot (and I think likely the same joker but doesn't matter either way).

      Nevertheless - I think Joe will do a bit of self-evaluation as well.

      I, on the other hand - am a random poster. Will continue as a muse...Bigfoot...Sasquatch whatever you wanna call it!? (and not let this petty stuff sway me too much.)

      Random Anon

    3. Quit writing like MMG dickhole.

    4. Gay fish (MMC), if i gave you a special kind of golden, would you hold it against me

    5. Anyone else smell a urine soaked brony?

    6. Joe, stop yanking your own crank. Nobody likes a know-it-all, especially a hypocritical self-relfecting know-it-all.

    7. ^^ Yep, thats the smell of piss face. He does it to himself as well as everyone else. He doesn't bother to take his saddle off anymore so you can imagine how that smells.

  6. Tech heads

    Monopole magnet breakthrough

    Will help find bigfoot. Hopefully


    1. Wow this is the first thing of note that anyone has ever posted here.

      I bet those Finns even have sleeves on.

    2. Yes they do. Short ones but they do

  7. We had two around are house last year that got into are garden, we left food out for them but they never took any and they only stayed around for about 2 months and that's the last we seen of them, also we only seen them one at a time in the garden the other one would always stay on the bush line, not a very exciting story but that's what happened.

    1. Certainly the tilled earth would have left clear and unambiguous tracks of a bipedal creature wearing several hundred pounds.
      Try massive amounts of Sevin dust. That'll slow them down.

    2. Someone here will:

      Tell you - you are lying.
      Tell you - you are mistaken (they were bears).

      fair warning :)

      Any vocalizations?

  8. The two bigfoots then took her on a DP train and she loved it, promising she'd never tell as long as they kept running that train on her from time to time.

  9. stand up anon . its time for the revolution to begin... viva la bigfoot. its time to cite a riot.

  10. . We had two around the house last year. Motherfuckers wouldn't put a fresh roll of toilet paper on if their lives depended on it.

  11. Dear Joe,

    Please come home. Every day we miss you getting shredded to pieces.

    -The world

  12. I had two around here for some time and Smeja did like three or four driveby's on the place. Got to where I couldn't even watch Scooby Doo. So when the circus came to town I stole the tent and made Justin some sleeves and they left town when he was tryin them on.


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