Possible New Bigfoot Recordings From Russia

The following alleged recordings were captured in Russia by a man named "Islam". Last month, Russian Bigfoot researcher Igor Burtsev, who was unsure of the audio's authenticity, sent the recordings to cryptolinguist Scott Nelson in North America for an opinion. After some careful analysis, Nelson concluded the recordings were probably faked. The vocalization,  which bears a remarkable resemblance to Mike Patterson's audio in Ontario Canada -- which he claims to be legit. Ron Moorehead, the person who recorded the Sierra Sounds suggested to Burtsev that the language may not sound like the ones he recorded in the Sierras, but it does not necessarily mean the audio is fake. Burtsev explains his initial excitement in a Russian publication (Russian to English translation):

Recording just shocked me! First on our territory (I mean the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation) appeared such records! Previously, they were received and investigated only in America. I sent a recording kriptolingvistu Scott Nelson in the United States. Alas, his answer was negative ... But later, another researcher recordings bigfoot, Ron Morehead, encouraged me, saying that Nelson compared with a California records, and your may not correspond to the ... ( well, Russian language is also English is not like! - Encyclopedia ). Then I sent the recording Natalia Puzanov in the Chelyabinsk region. Natalya - years of experience with family "devils", she heard many times "Leshunyu" (head of the family). Natalia assured that the real voice and mumbling like. I also posted a recording Robin Lynn (USA). Robin - participant of the international conference on hominology in Kuzbass in 2011. Robin enthusiastically confirmed that, yes, it is - their voice is not fake, she heard many times such voices in research and the search of Bigfoot. In place of research Robin Lynn, too, by the way, there was "a friend" who has been given the name Black (Blackie). Growth as it was, roughly, about three meters. So - no doubt remains, the real record. Obtained were as follows: Islam put food into the trough, and under it - included recorder, closing branches. "Black" came and took the food and ate there muttering. And when he was gone, Islam took the recorder. Islam itself was expecting about 50 m from the feeders and saw the dark silhouette of the "Black." Islam also put hair on branches near the feeders. When it is possible, he will send them for analysis. December 29 Maxim took the camera and went to his mountain, again saw the marks and took them off to the camera now. There he also found hair on the tree where there were creases.

Recordings are below:

Interestingly, Islam, the 31 year-old farmer who recorded the vocalization lives in a secluded farm somewhere in rural Kazakhstan. The nearest town is about 30 kilometers away. Considering the fact that Islam has internet connection, it's safe to assume that Islam has access to YouTube and probably knows what Bigfoots should sound like. The Bigfoot community has accused YouTuber user Mike Patterson (Sasquatch Ontario) of faking the vocalizations he claims came from a habituation property. If this audio from Kazakhstan proves legit, then the community may have to reassess their opinion on Patterson's claim. Like Patterson, Islam appears to be habituating the Bigfoot. He explains the interaction with the creature on his farm (Russian to English translation):

Height exactly three meters - a giant, hands feet long, pointed head, neck seems to be no, broad shoulders, big eyebrows, big jaw, his hair longer, like the mane behind her stomach a little, walking legs bent, runs faster than my horse, I was convinced. Color it black with white spots on the chest, bearded. Sometimes rests hand side. Often comes at night, know it when he slams close, it seems to me, palms, and publishes a guttural sound - Yeah, it's a monster! But, you know, it seems we are getting used to each other. Previously, my grandfather told me about KCN-Kiik, but I did not believe, but once the ball sheep, I saw him. At first I did not understand it, I thought - a bull, but the dog began to run, and I realized that he was standing on two legs.

It felt creepy, wanted to run out of fear, but his legs would not obey, I wanted to cry. He remembered his grandfather said: see it - do not be afraid, and I did not run. He stood for ten minutes, then disappeared into the undergrowth. This was the first meeting. Later, I found such a place, though large holes inside the stacked hay, covered with branches. I think it KCN-Kiik house. Once, when he was near the hole, he threw a stick in my direction because of the thickets, I pricked up his ears, took his gun, but did not dare shoot - painfully, he looks like a man. I talk to him - in response get guffaw, not like the laughter, sometimes whistle. Tried to take it on your mobile - and all I can not get away either, dull or mobile buggy. Since then, I fertilize it, leave the bread and other products on an old fallen tree.

Islam has sent an image from the Internet, similar to Brown. Interestingly cooked meat does not touch, and taketh bread, apples, cabbage. I'm not about the next expert, but they remain, and quite large. Find summer construction of sticks and pieces of trunks and branches just above the hill, some creases on the big tree. Summer somehow twice faced Burym. It is not like Black, shorter, lower jaw - much stretched forward, frontal bone acts, face bright.

Currently sitting on the roof sheepyards, hence clearly visible edge of a forest, hear the sound of the slope as interesting beeps - so he's around. Now come the sounds - do not know how to say something like a knock on the trunks of trees, and here and claps. Sheepyards from prior forest about 100 m, the silence, only hear it. That dog fuss, is not alone, just in case I grabbed the gun - it gives courage.

Ksy-Kiik. From the Internet. Hear the crunch of twigs seem to think he's near the feeders. Though the moon, but a dark, ragged clouds appeared from somewhere, a little hazy.
Incredible! Igor Dmitrievich, he responded to my whistle whistle! Beautiful singing, responding to my pops, grunts. It's a pity you do not have here, the state of inexplicable little head began to ache, and feeling now as goose head, I even scratched his head. But laughter and rude, Igor Dmitrievich, it seems to me, do not know, we made ​​friends with him. Sounds of Silence ... branches already up the hill, I do not know, maybe he goes. Tomorrow will come out of each city, we want him to go on the trail, to establish his whereabouts. Silence does not respond to the whistle, no cotton, I think, is gone.


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. You take that back about Harry right now anon 2:17

    3. You know where I live harry......

    4. Your sister said it makes her hot so who am I to argue

    5. And I'm not driving to Texas just because your a jobless welfare recipient doesn't mean all here are

    6. 2:18... The complaint has gone in. Enjoy it whilst you can.

    7. 2:56... What's your problem, is your life really that eventful? Whatever can't happen to you behind anonimaty, just remember there's a little thing called karma that doesn't care what you hide behind.

      Mark my words bro.

    8. Look at joe! Pot calling the kettle black!

    9. don't worry, also Joe had no problems insulting harry and his wife


      ALL CAPS



    12. 3:19...

      It's like this... I don't believe you. Why would you come on a blog and talk wrongly about someone's wife? You're the same clown that was talking filth about me yesterday and then told Harry to pick a side. Man, do you understand how low that is? So much so that I'm pretty sure that the researchers that you claim are your friends wouldn't have anything to do with you, if otherwise; why remain anonymous?

      Our actions say far more about our character than anything else. If you were a real man, you simply wouldn't be doing this. Find something else to do bro, you one pathetic individual playing this crap and if you were in arm's length you wouldn't come across so tough either.

      Like I said.., the complaint has gone in so enjoy whilst you can; coward.

      ALL CAPS, man these clowns are playing some sick games, don't you worry bro. The likes of yourself, MMC and MMG should just get avatar's, it would stop this crap straight away; take it from someone who had to in the end.

    13. Joe complained about somebody! Things are gonna change round hyeah!


      ALL CAPS


      ALL CAPS

    16. Better be aware if Joe hints at your karma


    17. Mr. Joe, I admit its immature talking about soneone's wife. Harry just shot me an email and our beef is squashed. But like I said, if you what's going on than don't get involved. This anon 3:19, can't speak for the rest of these bandwagoners.

    18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    19. You didnt email me literally 45 minutes ago? You've only been on 1 expedition? You're not interested in finding bigfoot? Ok. Nice move Harry.

    20. Man, is your life that bad that you need this? I feel sorry for you bro...

    21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    22. Harry said he doesn't drink.... right before christmas he was on here talking about a hangover. New years resolution harry? If I recall, that was when you and joe were enemys.

    23. ^ Imitaterhole

      I like turtles

    24. Joe, stay out of shit that you know nothing about

    25. ^^°^this is joes blog, he will ban you. Right joe?

    26. You're all BANNED!

    27. Hitler and Stalin were friends. Look how that turned out.

    28. Ponies are pretty. You people are meanies.

    29. Hey Joe,
      Serious and important question.
      If i crapped in your face, would you hold it against me???


    30. ^^^^ no school today? Short bus break down? Run out of meds? Daddy walk out on you?


    31. Get a life you poser short bus reject. Joe, that wasnt me above. Im getting ready to make a change though and soon you will know its me when i post. I am also going to join a few organizations, i think its time




  3. I read bill munns paper but it wasn't very convincing. He did not prove it was a real animal he only seemed to compare details on patty with a real animal and note where there were similarities. He seemed to ignore all the things that are not found on real animals.

    Also that head mask he did was a bit silly. How does he know the size or how it was made? He gave 1 example of a mask that wouldn't work but that doesnt prove it wasnt a mask. Pretty poor really.

    Going to have to do better than that and publish it in a real journal to make any sort of impact on real science. As it stands science does not accept bigfoot and for good reason too (no verifiable evidence).

    1. Considering Bigfoot isn't like known animals and more akin to humans then that would be pretty much expected. It is such trait of denial that one wouldn't accept a paper on something as uncomfortable as this subject anyway.

      The proportions of the shoulders on a normal human would have to shift into the neck which would knock out of proportion the 'mask's' eyes for that of someone who would have to look through eye holes.

      Your comment was the embodiment of cognitive bias; better to deny sources of evidence as opposed to looking silly on do your counter arguments are thrown back at you. You want something verified, you have to have an even playing ground with an agenda-less attitude to accepting hominology, the same as any other field of study.

      You are of course entitled to your opinion.


    2. So... Bigfoot is 100% a human... that has nothing in traits/morphology/anatomy like humans

      makes sense

    3. Maybe a type of human? Maybe a relict population of humans that went through Microevolution?

      What's certain to me is that it's not an animal; it's human.


    4. Joe got thoroughly pwned. Poor guy.

    5. Debating joe is akin to a geologist debating a flat earth creationist. There isnt even a debate to be had here. Bigfoot dont exist and patty is a bloke in a suit. Far beyond reasonable doubt.

      Failure to prove your position is proof that your position fails.

    6. http://bf-field-journal.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/the-human-side-of-bigfoot-comparing.html?m=1


    7. Debating a denialist is akin to biology evolutionist debating a creationist. The denialist will focus on his own argument and close out any means of counter argument; this serves as an important level of self worth and belonging to a theory group that can provide some sense of community, whilst it also avoids the awkward reality of countering information that is without a counter point. If there wasn't such thing as Bigfoot and there wasn't even cause for debate; you wouldn't be here... Would you?

      My analogy would fit too... Your theory group is a religion based around cognitive bias, and for all your belief that you practice the scientific method; you actually stand against it.

      "Cognitive Biases are systematic errors that predispose one's thinking in favor of a certain viewpoint over other viewpoints. The scientific method developed, among other reasons, to counteract these biases in order to derive objective knowledge.

      Biases are often result from using shortcuts in thinking called heuristics. Such shortcuts allow us to make quick decisions about otherwise complex problems by following instinctive rules of thumb. Although useful in many situations (such as rapidly determining the mood of someone you just met), heuristics can lead us astray. Many problems should be thought through with intention and deliberation. When we settle for quick heuristics in our thinking, we often end up with biases."

      "In modern psychology, an important theory about how we make decisions under uncertainty is the “heuristic and biases” method of Tversky and Kahneman (1974; Kahneman et al. 1982). This posits that human being use heuristics, which are short cuts to solve problems that are not always reliable, and that we are subject to cognitive biases that might impair the success of our decisions."


    8. Hey joe didn't you get the memo? You lost.

    9. 4:28
      Ceationists don't believe in a "flat earth".

      But nice try.

    10. If this was all about winning or losing; you'd have won first prize for cheerleading court jester.

      Read my comments and you'll realize a counter point... If my comment at 4:41 was aimed at anyone; it was you.

      We also have examples of early hominids that are within the same species that have morphological differences.


    11. if Bigfoot is, with all his peculiarities and distinctions, a 100% modern human that went through microevolution, then there would never be species differentiation in all the animal kingdom. Oh, humans are also animals.

    12. So the New York Baby Bigfoot is a 100% modern human that has gone through microevolution backwards and went back to have the physical characteristics of a gibbon-like ape but has still a full human dna?

      Sounds legit

    13. Not true... I think you need to look at the examples of Microevolution on the Internet.

      Also, maybe Bigfoot isn't 100% modern human? Maybe it's an existing hominid??


    14. 5:23...

      If you speak to John W Jones; he states that he knew the person who owned that baby monkey (or whatever it was).

      There are in fact many accounts of Bigfoot with very long arms and human faces. If you go on Google Image Search and type in 'Harvey Pratt Bigfoot Drawings', then you'll see what I mean.


    15. John W Jones...

      enough said!

      Anyway, don't change the subject: you were the asshole dumbing us with the fact that Zana was a Bigfoot. So are you accepting you were wrong, PJ? Is this the end of your theory after all your net researches, PJ?

    16. For John W Jones to pull the lid off a hoax, that's significant... Numpty.

      I wasn't changing the subject; I was addressing a comment put to me... You may be used to shouting at yourself naked in the mirror or one way conversations with your oppressed wife, but here I try and address everything put to me. Furthermore, Zana could quite easily fit the example of what I presented to you in a previous comment... Sykes is still investigating the relict properties of Kwit's skull too.


    17. your wondering thinking is admirable, really.
      good to see how you start bringing the wife of your interlocutor when you're being ridiculized.

      Zana = 100% modern human
      Zana = Bigfoot --> Said by you
      Now you create the "new existing hominid" theory


      Oh, what's so special about Bigfoot having human like faces? Gorillas and nearly every monkey out there have them.


      That's why the Bigfoot community is not taken seriously PJ, is because of stupid armchair expertise like you. Come in the woods with me before making any judgment, you moron repressed little ol boy.

      - A true footer, not a lunatic

    18. Don't know if it's more amazing Joe's stupidity or his ability to upset the people that believe in the same thing he believes in

    19. When did John "pull the lid off a hoax"? If in fact he did know people that were there with a monkey, that would make it a misidentification. Not a hoax.

    20. Joe you lost.

      No bigfoot.


    21. Zana - 100% modern human DNA.
      Zana - described as a Bigfoot by an entire community before we had an idea of what Bigfoot traits were.
      Kwit's skull (her son) - very wide eye sockets, elevated brow ridge, extra bone in neck, nigger all round, bigger teeth, bigger jaw bone, all that "could suggest ancient as opposed to modern human origins" (Sykes' words, not mine).
      Possible explanation - Microevolution.

      Could this be wrong? Quite easily. Could Bigfoot be a relict hominid? Quite possibly... My victory here is that we are no more discussing the existence of Bigfoot; but what it is.

      Gorilla's are not monkeys (sigh) and they do not have hooded noses.

      Man, I'd rather take my chances on my own in the wilderness than go with someone who doesn't know the different between great apes and monkeys, and I think you'll find people like Attenborough and Goodall willing to consider this subject serious enough to comment.

      The fact that you not only seek me out and get your safe little world rattled by me every day, whilst over here; about your own backyard... Is what get's to you more than anything.


    22. Where I said gorillas are monkeys? Saying "gorillas and monkeys" doesn't mean that I include gorillas in the monkey group, ahahah!

      Is that how you reason, PJ? seriously? Is this how you make your mental associations?
      Well this pretty much sums up all.

      You have no victory because we have still no Bigfoot, like it or not, I personally believe it exists but I do understand that most people don't see the evidence.

      You're an idiot and always will be. Now continue to embrace your mommy's basement while I'm going out in the woods studying the creature in the field.

      Fuckin' loser

    23. I'd never imagined to say this about a footer, but... the guy above wins hard

      And Joe got pwned... like always

    24. 6:26... You ain't no Footer, you just a little geek with a vendetta... Who doesn't know the difference between great apes and monkeys.

      World of Warcraft don't count as 'the field' remember... You got bitch slapped hard.

      Schooled... And your cheerleader at 6:28.

    25. Oh and 6:26... If you believe it exists, then what evidence do you base that belief on?

      Don't think you know what you're talking about do you?

      Ha ha ha ha!!

      Footer my arss.

    26. I believe because I've seen it. It was the scariest experience of my life.
      But I understand people that does not believe, there's nothing fool about it.

      It's actually much worse a guy that lives in Wales and tease a guy that actually saw a Bigfoot

      Hope that you'll come here one day with me, you'll die after one minute in the woods

    27. And still you fail to read, "gorillas and monkeys" is not equal to "gorillas are monkeys", but maybe is too much asking you to be able to read instead of making absurd mental associations.

      But hey, bet you failed and fail pretty much in every field of life, so I can't ask too much.

      I salute you, loser.

    28. Joe, what's up?
      I see that you're becoming harsher and harsher, it's ok that you school trolls, but you cannot argue like that with one of the few out there believing in bigfoot and that actually had an encounter.

      The rage is consuming you bro, you'd should show some respect to this guy.
      I'll call you soon


    29. And that's the issue isn't it? Any footer without a problem would see that what I'm doing is trying to support your experience.

      Just because you might have a hard time validating your experience, that's not my fault cause I can hold my own ground... Be it from over here, from anywhere.

      You simply have a problem with me... Face it bro.

    30. I meant no offense, just calm down bro. Not everyone is a dick out there. You risk to be it if you disrespect one of us, even if he hasn't your same way of thinking


    31. I have a problem with you because us, as footers, should concentrate on going out, do our researches, and on bringing to the table hard indisputable evidence.

      People like you that stays behind the desk making one leap to the other fascinating about all the possible theories of what Bigfoot is and then being a dick on the forums pretending other people to accept that, is pretty much useless and make us look more and more pathetic to the scientific community

    32. and the result of this behaviour is that we are joked, of course we are joked, it's the natural consequence. And that hurts me, because I know Bigfoot is out there.

      What we need is a much better PGF, we can do it.
      But you... you're not helping the cause, you're hurting us. Honestly, I'm starting to think you're a duplicitous

    33. Man, your fake MMG is probably the worst I've come across, has to be said.

      6:41... You know nothing about me, you know nothing about what I've achieved in my life and you sir are a first class pratt that is trying the old tactic of pretending to be a footer. You're not a footer, I rooted you out; your just a sad little troll that get's all pissed because I do what I do... Deal with it bro.

      You've been served.

    34. Continur like this man, you will reach high peaks in your life and in your bigfoot war, be sure. It's a pity that you will never leave the basement of this blog and go out actually making something practical to help the bigfoot cause, but hey... if your choice is to be a loser, then be it. I'm out now, time to go squatching here the olympic peninsula

    35. Hard to believe, but joe got schooled by a footer.
      You are reaching new accomplishments, my hero!

    36. 6:51... Rooted and tooted like the troll he is. The only joke is you bro, got your arss handed to you on every comment and now you have to resort to this?

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      For your information I have close fiends who are researchers that, if you were a real Footer; have ten times more experience than you and ten times more success rates than you.

      But you're just a troll, angry because I school you about what a in your own back yard.

      Man up and deal with it or cry me a river.

    37. Yeah joe, name your friends researchers... mmg and spoke does not count, easy to say

    38. "Well, there's my mom, my dog, me... then me, my brother, me... my mom, my cat... are we to ten?"

    39. Oh and 7:00... I rooted you out on the go today, on an iPhone that's claimed a lot of Tard's fragile little minds.

      On a thread with a fake MMG, a fake Footer and a bunch of kids that have the productivity of a p***y that hides at the back whilst his pal get's his arss handed to him.

      Notice we're not arguing the points I put to you anymore? Hard times for your theory group guys... Hard times.

    40. Well that's the end of the discussion.

      We salute you, our hero, dumbass PJ!

    41. still no names of your friends researchers

      just another thing said by PJ with no real background

      One of the many

      We salute you, PJ!






    42. ^ the sound of you talking shit again. My researcher friends are obvious; consider it some homework once you wipe your mouth, you pathetic insignificant.

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    43. if are obvious, why not naming them?

      I know why...




    44. You think you know a lot of things; shit breath.

    45. Oh my gosh Joe, i totally agree. But, have you thought about this question:

      If i pissed in your face, would you hold it against me???

    46. Why all the hate on Joe and Harry bro? Did they do anything but advocate educate or entertain. Most real researchers really do know Joe. And they appreciate his efforts. Harry gets out in the field with guys like Stevie Strings. So, why all the hate?

    47. Still lacking names here, guys!

      Hey Mike, got footage!






    48. I understand that everyone needs a tension release. And everyone likes to blow off steam. Why not pick on someone who isn't as affable as the guys you referenced above. Hell make fun of me if you wish. I've submitted more Blobsquatch cell phone pics than anyone. I haven't released anything. And I used to make fun of everyone. But Joes here to do real research and support researchers. And Bandini is flat out cool and funny and open to all possibilities. So. If you need an outlet for your suppressed rage. Just make fun of me. It's easy. Lots of people do it. But why don't you cut the other guys some slack?

    49. Brother. I still have the footage. I was working diligently on it when some personal issues arrived. You want to email me ill send you the raw stuff off disc. No obligations. You can tear me to shreds for all 90 minutes.

    50. Actually a researcher is someone that does a research, that is going in the field of where the subject of the research is. Joe just sits on his ass 4500 miles away.

      I'll admit it Mike, at least you do that, you go in the field. Even if you promise HD footage without having it

    51. Mike, **** this loser; it's attention he wants and essentially... We're providing it. It's the same clown that's been trolling the entire page.

      Hope you are well buddy. Sent you an email...

    52. Is that what I promised. Or did I promise to review what I saw and proffer it if I taped. Dude I'm terrible with equipment. But I do have some footage. It's shot from a long ways away. And look. I've tried to get the state biologist on my team, the videographer, and others to accept it. They are truly afraid to touch the original discs. Furthermore. I haven't even had time to contact David Claerr, do you know who that is?

    53. Look, it's like this... This Anon clown hasn't a life, he hasn't a girlfriend, he hasn't friends and he hasn't any taste of the world outside his cyber world.

      This is the best drama this clown is gonna get. Deny him his drama and his life remains as dull, uneventful and artificial as his actions suggest.

      Glad to see you post again though Mike.

    54. Look. We get attacked alot. So we develop false personas to protect ourselves online. Autumn Forest once called me a Bigfoot Harasser and a cyber bully. I'm neither. I simply ask you to consider that some guys are hear to educate and debate. Others to entertain. I'm asking for a little tolerance and forgiveness in light of the new year. And if you truly want me to try and send you some images my email or google plus accounts are easily accessible. But. I took the time out of my day to address you because I sensed that your attacks on these other individuals might have their genesis in frustration rather than hatred. I would be open to posting every "Bigfoot Pic" I have here including the potting shed imagery. With Shawn's permission and consent and then we will have something to debate. If you would agree to stop the Joe and Harry baiting and bashing. M

    55. "This Anon clown hasn't a life, he hasn't a girlfriend, he hasn't friends and he hasn't any taste of the world outside his cyber world."

      Said by the new record holder of 12 straight hours posting, PJ! And continues even today! How many will be today? 13? 14?






    56. And Joes right. I haven't been posting much. But the first thread I read today was this one. I am going into the woods Jan 24. Before I do I will finish all potting shed business and we will see what we have. What I have been doing today is discussing with a 25 year researcher and supporter 2 subjects. What Bigfoots do in the winter to maximize caloric intake while minimizing activity and whether another researcher that I referenced above has been studying my subjects much longer than me. So. With that ill await your response. It's a fair offer. Everything I possess if you agree to stop bashing the fellas. Your call. M

    57. I think your response at 8:29 says it all. Oh well. I tried. Brother. You are to smart a man to make toilet humor the gist of your insults. Why don't you listen to the 22 minutes of raw interview that Sasquatch Canada just posted with John Green. And then ask yourself what the significance is of that posting and the pictures they posted with it. He flat out demands a body. And he sticks to the ape theory like my ex wife on a credit card. This is my appeal to you. Whether you choose to listen or not. Happy New Year. Michael K

    58. And that Plop from me was the worm falling into my Tequila glass. Let it go. I beg you.

    59. Joe Fitz. It's been a long time brother. Good to see the people on BFE again with some regularity. I almost gave up research altogether. I will watch the discs again tonight and transfer mediums. Get in touch with me. We need to speak to this David Claerr and we need to do it very soon. It appears that just like my ex wife. There was a man there with that subject before me. Ah well. Ill be checking my email throughout the day. Hell. Call me if ya wanna. Very Truly Yours. Michael

    60. "People like you that stays behind the desk making one leap to the other fascinating about all the possible theories of what Bigfoot is and then being a dick on the forums pretending other people to accept that, is pretty much useless and make us look more and more pathetic to the scientific community"

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!

      Couldn't have said it better myself.

    61. Mike... I got your email, I'm out and about for the minute but as soon as I'm home I'll email you and get the proverbial ball rolling. I agree that we need to get in touch with this guy. Gimme a couple of hours and we'll.


    62. 8:55... That should have read;

      "People like you that research behind a desk in close affiliation with field researchers, expanding upon possible theories of what Bigfoot is & then schooling the ignorant and bitter types on forums, is pretty much offering as much support one can from across the pond, supporting all the hard work proper researchers are conducting and helping provide a platform for which scientific cognitive bias can be eroded for more progressive thought."


    63. 8:55. I cannot tell what you are espousing. This whole behind the desk argument is pointless. Footers and Enthusiasts need to work together like researchers and Habituators. Even the big dogs like Derek Randles are arming Habituators like the Brown Family with equipment I have found some pretty cool stuff that I didn't know had significance until I began to collaborate with other researchers. Do you think Todd Standing benefits from having Les Stroud in the field with him. I learned more on my property with three experienced researchers than I could have observed in a month. Joe has had many field researchers reach out to him for his research alone. All done behind a desk. Look. If you truly are a person who has had an encounter, it's a very humbling experience. It makes you ask alot of questions and seek support from others with a similar experience. So. Why would you ridicule others that do?

    64. Oh, and 8:55... The ignorant type I was referencing. The clown who originally posted it was the bitter type who got his arss handed to him and has a melt down.


    65. You're still failing to produce the names of your friends that are successfull researchers

      Failing like in all the other things of your life

    66. Use the same imagination you use in what to troll next and work it out for yourself.

      ; )

    67. It's pathetic that it takes so many skepflunks to try to bring down Joe. They are like fleas bouncing off an elephant.

    68. still no names

      like still no bigfoot

    69. Still no brains.

      Like still no common sense.

    70. ... And funny point of the day? The guy that thought gorilla's were monkeys.

      ; )

  4. It was nice of Bigfoot to grunt directly into the recorder

    1. Yea. Thought that as well. Whatever it was (likely a dude) was pretty much "talking" right into the recorder.

      Sounds just as stupid as Sasquatch Faketario.

    2. But... voice.tones... non human frequency variations... bla bla bla


      - Joe

    3. If a high gain mic was placed at a food source or in a bedding area--you would get this close sounding vocalizations--Those postings were hard to read but I enjoyed this line---"Since then, I fertilize it,…"

  5. I confirm this info. More over, another person there, third one, called Nikolay, communicate with Forest People there, hanging bottles with milk and water and packs with pop-corn on a tre's branches, and FPs take the food and drinks. I put a photo of that tree in FB.
    Igor Burtsev

    1. In my country, we dress up like gorilla and chase tourists. We celebrate with vodka and hookers.

    2. Thank you, Mr. Burtsev, that is interesting.

    3. Thank you Dr Burtsev. I found these recordings compelling.


    4. Dr Burtsev, I hope you return to see this message...

      Do you think there will be a steady accumilation of these recordings? Can we expect anymore??

      Much respect.

  6. I call bullshit on this one. I listen to gore-grind sometimes and it sounds like a dude using a pitchshifter.

  7. Joe, in your opinion when do you think a Bigfoot will be captured alive and when is this supposedly olympic project going to happen?

    1. 7:31...

      I don't think we'll capture a live one for a very long time; but recognition and broadening of understanding will come from DNA and communication; like any indegenous peoples.


  8. When I came on here, I saw 107 comments I knew Joe or Daniel was on here arguing again! Plus hardly any comments about the Russian Vocalization, just calling each other names! amazing!

  9. What i cant understand is Joes perspective. I mean if he had so many researcher friends, why couldnt he name them. Its like he has never been asked if it was okay to pee in his face. I mean cmon Joe, get with it, i know youve been asked that question before. If i pee'd i n your face Joe, would you hold it against me?

  10. I'm still thinking about Katana! ;) She's a cutie pie...

  11. to deeps fer huntin dogs to trax thems fer shure

  12. 不跟踪他们的人民需要独自离开了大脚怪

  13. Haha zana = modern human = bigfoot.

    Id almost forgot about that.

    That is probably the most retarded of arguments joe has put forward.

    Let's not forget.

    Zana was 100% modern human as proved by sykes. That is an undisputed fact. BUT no joe can't just leave it there he had to go on and STILL claim she was a bigfoot. I mean come on joe what are you even thinking? So here we have these 100% modern human dna bigfoots of joe that look like patty with completely different morphology and attributes. Insanity. Joe loses due to a lack of education.

    If zana was 100% modern human then she was 100% modern human. Not a bigfoot, not a knuckle dragging magic ape, not an infrasound yielding night visioned 10 foot hyper aware hairy monster.

    100% human. End of. Now fuck off.

    1. Zana - 100% modern human DNA.
      Zana - described as a Bigfoot by an entire community before we had an idea of what Bigfoot traits were.
      Kwit's skull (her son) - very wide eye sockets, elevated brow ridge, extra bone in neck, nigger all round, bigger teeth, bigger jaw bone, all that "could suggest ancient as opposed to modern human origins" (Sykes' words, not mine).
      Possible explanation - Microevolution.

      Also... Last time I checked Sykes was investigating the relict properties of Kwit's skull.

      Don't let it ruin your day, I wouldn't want that to happen.


      ; )

    2. "Microevolution is the changes in allele frequencies that occur over time within a population.[1] This change is due to four different processes: mutation, selection (natural and artificial), gene flow, and genetic drift."

      "Microevolution over time may lead to speciation or the appearance of novel structure, sometimes classified as macroevolution. Contrary to claims by creationists however, macro and microevolution describe fundamentally identical processes on different time scales."

      You were very welcome.

    3. Sykes is still working on the Hominid Project. His book is coming out this year supposedly. The publisher said it had dynamite information. If the publisher wasn't referring to Zana and what was covered in the last TV special, we can consider what this dynamite might be.

      The TV series used very few of the samples submitted to Sykes. He has yet to offer results on these many other samples.

      Well look here, the publication date has been postponed until 11 Sept, 2014:



    4. Very intersting Zorro! Did you manage to hear the coast 2 coast with Rhettman Mullis as well? It's now been taken down from YouTube but he basically confirmed three projects within one... Living human/Bigfoot hybrids, what Bigfoot actually is, and the Zana results.

      Some of the stuff Mullis said was beyond exciting too... Seriously bro, it made my year.


    5. Joe,
      As an experienced researcher, would you say that you like it better when people pee in your face or crap in your face. If i crapped in your face, would you hold it against me??

  14. I just dropped my bucket and all my turds fell out on the kitchen floor.Oh well,deep fried turds tonight,again.Damn I wish I had some ketchup to go with it.

  15. 中国,所有的人民开始

  16. Damn look at all the ball scars on Ricks chin.

  17. The third recording is very strange and interesting.

  18. Art Bell or George Noory both deep in the bigfoots

    1. George Noory is an illuminati dissinfo agent

  19. Wow! 167 posts about a guy grunting into a microphone. If only we could somehow harness this energy, do something really good with it...

  20. And like the write up suggests; what does this mean for Sasquatch Ontario? Interesting that Ron Morehesd should comment in a more positive light to Nelson too. Remember that we have several types of Sasquatch; two notably being the ape like type (that are still human) and the more native type that have limbs in proportion. Could the Sierra Sounds; baring in mind the 'Samurai Speech' (that sounded Native American) be of the latter type and Saquatch Ontario and now Islam's recordings be the of the former?

    I very, very much respect Scott Nelson's opinion however and don't think for one second he has anything wrong regarding this recording, merely a difference in opinion as to different types of Sasquatch.

    It will be very, very interesting to see if more recordings come out of Kazakhstan and I for one will be one who makes an effort to look out for them.

    Communication will bridge the gap; not trying to catch them out like a dumb animal.


    1. joe fitzgerald, I justreceived a new record - of communication between that Islam and Sas called Blackie. It was astonished! Islam was speaking Russian, and that one roared and whistled... Between them was 5 meter distance... Blackie likes Islam, and I hope - me too. I intend to visit them soon... Igor Burtsev

  21. sounds like a hog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwazdGn6ldc


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