Creepy, Strange Bird found in Venezuela: Mothman?

This is the strangest bird ever! According to our Mulder's World poster, this bizarre creature is a Potoo, an unconventional looking bird found in Central and South America. A collage of the bird is below:

A Mulder's World commenter posted this interesting tidbit:

This is probably the animal that started the Mothman phenomenon. People saw the "mothman" as a type of entity of omen... they describe it as a large strange owl thats normally seen at night and is incredibly stealthy. I wonder why it's coming out in the day now? Considering its a symbol of omen... maybe it means something? =P



  1. Replies
    1. ^ Twin chumpsters choking down enormous portions of tardcake. Back to Toonerville for the both of you.

    2. spoken like a tenth degree smoketard

      show us the specimen, or stfu. not some grainy 47 year old snippet

    3. Got monkey suit? No??

      Well there's your specimen.

      ; )

    4. Sure sure. More like a huge absence of specimen.

      Just like it's impossible (according to you) for humans to transition from bipedal to quadrupedal motion fluidly.

      Shawn tater'd you deep yesterday silly numpty.

    5. There was an 'absence of specimen' until science got on board with the Bili Ape.

      No doubt there are very exceptionally talented and rare cases where a humans can transition from bipedal to quadrupedal motion very fluidly, you don't need a rocket scientist to tell you how unique that guy was the other day. Even so... Bigfoot are human and even if I was to agree with you; this would bring credence to accounts of Bigfoot achieving such.

      Didn't think that one out too long did you?

      ; )

    6. I unzipped my parachute pants and a Potoo flew out!

    7. Joe, if the Bili Ape, gave you a primate sized golden, would you hold it against him????

  2. I've seen moth man that is not him sorry

  3. "I wonder why it's coming out in the day now? Considering its a symbol of omen... maybe it means something? =P"

    Actually they usually roost in the open during the day and use their plumage to camouflage them against tree trunks. The ones in the photo just chose bad places to roost. It happens.

  4. Hey Foz it's Gonzo!

    Pretty freaky actually, especially that open mouth shot.

  5. How bout this shit...they masquerade as tree stumps and the babies have the real Muppet eyes:

  6. well, potoo bird exists but those photos looks rather photoshoped...

  7. What is the the name of this bird so I can find out if its real or not

  8. Choosing to linger in the midst of mysticism and ignorance in times of great scientific progress is mental disorder. The bird is Great Potoo (Nyctibius grandis). I believe in supernatural but this right here is plain ignorance

  9. This is a Potoo, they are from south america, and there are 7 species. These birds are highly nocturnal, this one was out in the daytime which is rare but not impossible. It's eyes are just reacting to the light, just like when you see a barn owl in the daytime, all black.

  10. Potoos are nocternal and their related to Nightjars whipoorwills and nighthawks


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