What is Bigfoot?

What the heck is Bigfoot? Is an animal closer to gorilla, gigantopithecus, Pleistocene homo, or is it the missing link scientists have been looking for? Jason Judd has put together an awesome 8-minute-long analysis examining the competing theories. Watch it below:


  1. Replies
    1. Published on 2 Nov 2013
      This is the first episode of "Team Tracker, It's Time To Believe", featuring Jason Judd. The Only Authentic Source Of Information On Sasquatch, authorized by RICK DYER, The Best Bigfoot Tracker In The World, this mini-documentary series explores the trials and tribulations of Rick Dyer, and Team Tracker as they present to the world, The Truth, The Proof, and The Evidence of "The Greatest Discovery In The History Of Mankind...Sasquatch".

      Anyone affiliated to Dyer after all this time must be ripe for institutionalization.


    2. This still does not explain Sheepsquatch!!

    3. Not sure anything can.

      So are they saying that a Squatch and Sheep got frisky?

      That's pretty messed up right?


  2. Bigfoot has NO earthly origins..

    1. Think you're right there, mate. They're not apes goes without saying or we'd found those thousands of primates by now, forget it. Forget the old Meldrum Moneymaker Green Meldrum nonsense, those guys are either in on the cover-up or stupid and I doubt it's the truly latter. Bigfoot's most likely not even a human but some extraterrestrial or interdimensional being, hence all the authority unwillingness.

  3. Okay, so Mr. Judd claims that a non-hooded nose (like that of known, extant nonhuman primates) would not be present in a primate inhabiting a cold weather region because it would freeze to death. However, this is not true at all, as Japanese Macaques live in regions where snow covers the ground for months.

    1. And NO, Gigantopithecus is not "just a gorilla"!!! He obviously hasn't bothered to check scientific classifications, as gorillas are of the subfamily Homininae and Gigantopithecus were of Ponginae.

    2. Did you really expect a Team Tracker apostle to care about science or actually do proper research?

    3. Macaques must have the hot springs as well.

    4. They don't in the Himalayan region.

    5. Besides, it's been proven that the hot springs are solely for the Matriarchal family and stragglers are not allowed in. Occasionally they push the boundaries but on average most don't feed or soak in the hot springs.

    6. Yep, all eight years of their symbiotic life with humans....rather smart of them.}

  4. Jason Judd!! Do you realize who he is?? Team Dyer's "head of research"!!! GMAFB!!!!

  5. A non-hooded nose is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community.

  6. Also, trying to demonstrate Gigantopithecus proportions using a gorilla skeleton which was simply made larger is an extremely inaccurate demonstration. Gigantopithecus and gorillas have evolved to different environments and lifestyles with differing ecological pressures, and thus a Gigantopithecus skeleton would not look exactly like a ten foot tall gorilla skeleton.

    1. Forget all that Giganto talk there's zero possibility of wild apes in the thousands running around the forests. Were that the case, who'd honestly think authorities would just sit quietly by and let people and their families hike freely around while unknown beasts roam the place. Nope. Common sense here folks, the myth is over it's something else...

    2. That is a lot of info you presume from a jaw bone. If you found a large horse jaw what would you think it was? I say, it's a large horse. Would you say it was a bipedal giant deer? I am not a Team Tracker member. I have had my theory for years. Sorry to disappoint so many of you. Thank you for posting my theory as we'll.

    3. You can tell a lot of information by just a jawbone. You can tell if it's bipedal, relative size, diet, genus, nutritional hardships, and perhaps extract DNA from it.

      You don't see a chimp mandible and go, "Damn I bet that thing could run 5 miles in a hurry!"

    4. So Jason you have never had any interaction with Dyer whatsoever?

      I can understand you wanting to distance yourself from that slime, but we know who you are.


    5. "That is a lot of info you presume from a jaw bone. If you found a large horse jaw what would you think it was? I say, it's a large horse. Would you say it was a bipedal giant deer? "

      My God, what I have to read...

    6. Jason you're way out, I'm sorry.

      Regarding the thing pasted above, go search the word Megalodon and look at how many things have been hypothesized by having substantially only some of his teeth...

      This is how it works in Bigfootlandia: we have absolutely no clue of how science works, but we make hypothesis and put them as absolute facts nonetheless

  7. What about all the side show circus freaks. IM sure at least one carnie had a sasquatch.

  8. Musky Dick Ryders Gay Ass Lover AllenSunday, December 15, 2013 at 7:25:00 AM PST

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  9. That him! That's what I saw! As a Bigfoot researcher, that's the face! That's the hairy man of the woods! Back in '79, I saw him!

    An angry Hippie!

    A Big foot researching Expert!

  10. What is bigfoot you ask? Bigfoot is you and me. You are bigfoot. I am bigfoot. Aren't we all the same color inside? Aren't we all?
    That is why we all must love the environment and the warming of the globally changing climate stuff.

  11. Replies
    1. According to Gerhard he must show himself to reveal this info

    2. It's in Mikey's amazing HD footage, but he doesn't want to let us see it


  12. Whether you guys like it or not Dr. Melba Ketchum has already solved this so-called mystery. Bigfoot is just a type of human being - he may be tall and hairy but he's human.

    1. You heard me - read the report and digest it before making stupid comments.

    2. Achim you must be new around here.

      Stupid comments is all we have.


    3. What report? Please provide a link or at least a citation.

  13. I thought they were a kind of people..WTF!!

  14. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Bigfeets are actually weresquirrels who come out during a full moon and tear down your bird feeder. During the day, they turn back into helpless little tree-rats and annoy people. At night, they annoy Matt Moneymaker, causing him to make millions of dollars acting a-fool in the woods. Look There's a squirrel, in the woods.


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