Watch This Video From BFE Reader Jack Hoffman, Moments Before an Attack

Here's raw footage of Jack Hoffman rushing out to see what was going on around his property after hearing tree breaks. Jack writes: "Right after filming I had in the logs and rocks through at me right when I went back to the nest or bed really to take pictures of it. so yeah that made me shit my pants."


  1. Replies
    1. What is this kid on about? Makes know sense.

    2. Gotta let the kids get a few firsts to keep the torch burning.


    3. I feel like throwing rocks and stones at this dude for making me watch this video......

    4. Chewy

      Good to have u back. Hopefully u have been enjoying life and getting your whistle wet often


    5. Glad to be back.....discovered my Thorax!!!

    6. Interesting, hope it is a good story with a good ending.


  2. Ten Bigfoot terms that sound dirty but aren't:

    1. Pareidolia
    2. Sagittal
    3. Trackway
    4. Gigantopithecus
    5. Bluff Creek
    6. Krantz
    7. Slick Expedition
    8. Ape Canyon
    9. Skookum
    10. Squatch


    1. 13. DWA reach around in the dark

    2. Scat jar collecting


    3. Wild Man of the Navidad

    4. Professor Hoecke's Vaginal Wart Cream

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Replies
    1. Always talking about shit they can't share or prove or show. If you take away the "witness testimony" of these lying fools, you are left with a big empty bigfoot dish. Bigfoot is humans joking around, and sometimes lying for money. There is no ape.

    2. There are plenty of apes, you must be referring to Bigfoot which in fact is a type of human.

      Why are you so angry? Anyone would think you're getting increasingly disappointed or frustrated?? Don't be upset, there are many sources of evidence for this creature. They are outside of your immediate experience however, and you must therefore not insist everyone is lying, as that is trying too hard to deny such sources & you are therefore not helping yourself in finding the proof you demand.

    3. "Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"

    4. Scientific American issue of August 14, 1880, page 106:

      "Ancient American Giants.

      The Rev. Stephen Bowers notes, in the Kansas City Review of Science, the opening of an interesting mound in Brush Creek Township, Ohio. The mound was opened by the Historical Society of the township, under the immediate supervision of Dr. J. F. Everhart, of Zanesville. It measured sixty-four by thirty-five feet at the summit, gradually sloping in every direction, and was eight feet in height. There was found in it a sort of clay coffin including the skeleton of a woman measuring eight feet in length. Within this coffin was found also the skeleton of a child about three and a half feet in length, and an image that crumbled when exposed to the atmosphere. In another grave was found the skeleton of a man and woman, the former measuring nine and the latter eight feet in length. In a third grave occurred two other skeletons, male and female, measuring respectively nine feet four inches and eight feet. Seven other skeletons were found in the mound, the smallest of which measured eight feet, while others reached the enormous length of ten feet. They were buried singly, or each in separate graves. Resting against one of the coffins was an engraved stone tablet (now in Cincinnati), from the characters on which Dr. Everhart and Mr. Bowers are led to conclude that this giant race were sun worshipers."

    5. Magazine issues of 1880 are the most credible voices in the Bigfoot community

    6. It is when it's one of the most famous popular science magazines in the world.

    7. Joe fitzgerald at 10:02 thats why you are a welcome on this blog, you educate and inspirate< new word for the day, anyways,, thnx JOE . BIG DORIS.

    8. You have a friend in me Big Doris, much respect.

    9. So... by your words... Footers have not been able to provide better voices than an issue of a journal in 133 years. You gotta have worked hard!


    10. "Avoir une peur bleue de quelque chose." ^

    11. There is a 150 years worth of documented giant skeletons being found that then transitions into modern sources of evidence. If the institutions that have these giant skeletons put the countless specimens they have on display... Then you wouldn't have such an issue with the idea of giant hairy people hiding away in the deep wilderness areas of your country.

    12. I don't follow your logic, Joey.
      You always said that today we do not find Bigfoot bones because they bury their dead... then why 100+ years ago the Smithsonian and people in general, with primitive excavation technologies, were able to find their complete skeletons?

      Make peace with your brain, bro

    13. I'm happy you asked that question. The industrial revolution took the land from the Natives and destroyed any knowledge of an advanced culture that had these people very closely affiliated. You cannot celebrate a culture and make it disappear for the sake of your at the same time.

      The industrial revolution exhausted the areas that had these remains (native burial mounds, etc) but you still have 70% of the country that's in wilderness, for the remains of these subjects to be concealed very evasively.

    14. So... are you saying that ALL the Bigfoot skeletons buried in areas that now have been colonized have yet been found?


    15. Just for information... America is not a dead nation... sometimes we replant groves, but sometimes we still eradicate some areas to industrially develop them

    16. Let's not forget that excavations were very rare 100 years ago so many skeletons would have remained under our feet, today we do excavations for nearly everything we do on the land, so we should find skeletons way easily.

      Make peace with your brain, if you have one

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. You're evading the point

      Are you suggesting that ALL the giant skeletons across ALL the USA were found?

    19. My God

      your stupidity must be an illness

      "Never argue with an idiot...."

    20. 1:15...

      I can document study, upon study that could prove you wrong that excavations were not rare.


      The US became a superpower far quicker than the other countries that have wild people residing in them. There are far greater areas in Asia & Russia for example for these people to conseal the remains without being pestered.

    21. 1:19...

      What am I evading exactly? I would highly recommend you read my posts properly, I have answered your question sir.

    22. Joe, plain and clear, I'm not talking of Asia

      Are you suggesting that ALL the giant skeletons across ALL the USA were found in the 19th century?

    23. That's unless you would like me to explain further?

    24. 1:25...

      No. There are also accounts I can find for you from the early 20th century.

    25. Doesn't change the question:

      Are you saying that ALL the giant skeletons across ALL the USA were found before WWI?

    26. Right I've tried being polite... Are you stupid or something boy? Can you not read??

    27. I want you to say YES or NO, it's simple. ALL THE SKELETONS WERE FOUND BEFORE WWI,

      YES OR NO

    28. Also... Can't you read between the lines of a comment? If Bigfoot are still a living people then how can all the bones be accounted for?

    29. All the skeletons existent before WWI were found by then, I'm not talking about Bigfoots dead after WWI.

      YES OR NO

    30. It's funny to see how Footers try to evade arguments when they are faced straightforwards

    31. If you would have read my comments... You pitiful individual, you would have the answer an obvious 'no'.

    32. Offensives are for people who is not able to argument or who hasn't arguments.

      Then why we EVER found another skeleton? Are you suggesting that the extensions of all the wilderness areas across the USA have remained the same from 100 years ago to now?

    33. Joe why are you so upset if you have to say two times the same thing? Maybe are you discovering the truth and this is what upset you?

    34. I have answered the questions that you are asking me, ha ha ha ha ha ha! Can you not understand that? I am honestly talking to complete idiots here aren't I? Could you not deduce that 'early 20th century' would account for the time period after the First World War?

      Go on YouTube.. 'America Unearthed: Giants of Minnesota' for a modern day account.

      As these people had to retreat further into wilderness areas to evade us, one could only assume they took their burial customs.

    35. still evading, your hahahah does mean anything.

      So, I'll make your point, as you don't because you know it's illogical.

      There are two periods. Before and after WWI.
      1. Bigfoots dead before WWI: some have been found and covered up, some are still there and nobody has ever had the luck to find one of them (haha!)
      2. After WWI, Bigfoots evade to wilderness areas and they live and die there. Limits of wilderness are have remained exactly the same from WWI times, so nobody has ever made excavations in wilderness areas because of restrictions and so nobody has ever found Bigfoot bones from there on.

      There is something wrong, I tell ya

    36. During 1918, archaeologists working in the Lovelock Cave owned by a guano mining operation discovered over 10,000 Neolithic artifacts. Many of the artifacts such as stone tools and sandals seem too large to have been made by standard sized humans. A man and women’s skeletons were retrieved in addition to several detached human bones. The male was said to be eight feet tall.

      During the mid-20th century, archaeologists found seven feet tall skeletons in royal burials at Ocmulgee National Monument and Etowah Mounds National Historic Landmark. Both these town sites were ancestral to the Creek Indians, so the stories of the Spanish are quite plausible. Creek men today, especially in northern Alabama and Georgia, tend to be exceptionally tall.

    37. So why archeologists don't make these discoveries in our times too?

    38. I can't believe I'm having to explain this to you... But here we go; Bigfoot may have moved from such areas many hundreds of years prior to WW1. The burial mounds are an indicator that the claims that native peoples made about sharing the country with them are credible when you have the biological evidence to back it up.

    39. Why we do not find other burial mounds then? Some wilderness areas have been eaten by WWI to now, it's not that we stopped developing new urban areas from then on

    40. There are plenty of burial mounds still respected and in New England for example, this accounted for a significant land mass where native cultures had resided for tens of thousands of years. This was made way for 'civilisation', so I think you can imagine the amount of history of these people that has been wiped from the history books. What is left are the burial mounds that are still respected and the wilderness areas where these creatures may have resided for thousands of years before they resided on land that of which the Europeans desired from the existing tribes of the time.

    41. The point is that it's not possible that from 1918 we suddenly stopped finding these skeletons, there's no logical explanation for this if not with tentative conjectures that have absolutely no hard clues suggesting them

    42. Circleville Herald, June 21, 1937
      PAULS VALLEY, Okla. (UP)
      Excavation work along the Washita River near here where the skeletons of a tribe of giant Indians recently were discovered continues under the direction of the University of Oklahoma and Tulsa University anthropologists.
      A half dozen of the skeletons, more than 7 feet tall, were uncovered after a rise in the river had caused a section of a bank to give way. Dr. Forrest E. Clements, head of the department of anthropology at the University of Oklahoma, estimated the race existed 750 years ago. He believed the find might lead to the discovery of a race of Indians unknown to anthropologists.
      The excavations have attracted considerable attention and visitors will be permitted only on Thursday, those in charge said. Pottery, arrowheads and other relics have been found. The jawbone of an animal believed to have been a deer also was uncovered. The WPA is furnishing a crew of 20 men to assist in the work. Clements said a detailed study of the finds, along with a study of layers of soil, will be necessary before an accurate estimate of theage of the skeletons can be made.

    43. Doesn't change anything.
      It does not make sense that we've not found a single bone from 1937 til now

      Instead you're adding reason to my argument. If these findings have continued until the first half of the 20th century, there's no reason they have suddenly stopped and we did not make at least another finding in the modern era

    45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    46. That would count for finding few of them.
      Finding neither ONE BONE is statistically impossible. The USA are very large, as you like to point out.

    47. 2:39...

      Oh dear, you are the one in particular that really needs to learn how to read properly sir... I'm trying to be as nice as possible to you now. It's not very conducive to any debating situation if you can't do that bro, you can go round in circles like we're doing now... But I'm just happy to help.

    48. 2:47, I can't even understand you if I'm honest bro.

    49. Your last explanation would be plausible if the problem was that Bigfoot bones are very rare.

      But the fact that in the modern era (from the 30s) we never found a single bone anymore is statistically impossible. The USA are large and there can't be a "non disclosure agreement" for every single area into which Bigfoots are buried.


    50. This comment has been removed by the author.

    51. "Just use your imagination for a little second and just suppose Bigfoot is real and has been living in areas where civilisation has maybe never been?"

      You're ridicoulous. Civilization always moves. New urban areas are continuously created and new forests planted. Many wilderness areas of the 30s are now urbanized areas. Maybe you should have seen it if you lived in the US. To infer that Bigfoot lived only in areas that for pure lucky have never turned in civilizated areas is mad, TOTALLY MAD.
      Also, this goes your same claims of Bigfoots attacking road workers, loggers, etc.


    52. *This goes aganist your same claims

    53. In 1947 a local newspaper reported the discovery of nine-foot-tall skeletons by amateur archeologists working in Death Valley.

      What's 'mad' is you cannot grasp what the message is here... After all these threads I can conclude that you are a blithering idiot that can't really grasp what someone is suggesting... REPEATEDLY. Bigfoot are humans and therefore have different tempraments like humans. One may want to rip your head off, one may want to run away.

    54. Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist and frequent guest on Johnny
      Carson's TONIGHT SHOW in the 1960s (usually with an exotic animal with a
      pangolin or a lemur), once related a curious story about a letter he
      received regarding an engineer who was stationed on the Aleutian island of
      Shemya during World War II. While building an airstrip, his crew bulldozed a
      group of hills and discovered under several sedimentary layers what appeared
      to be human remains. The Alaskan mound was in fact a graveyard of gigantic
      human remains, consisting of crania and long leg bones. The crania measured
      from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown. Since an adult skull normally
      measures about eight inches from back to front, such a large crania would
      imply an immense size for a normally proportioned human. Furthermore, every
      skull was said to have been neatly trepanned (a process of cutting a hole in the upper portion of the skull).

    55. blabla bla
      all bones magicallt disappeared

    56. Also... Who's to say that the Bigfoot remains found at native settlements didn't merely account for a very small number of the actual amount that are located in the more 'natural environments' of the deep wilderness areas?

      If these inumerable skeletons were public knowledge, then the idea of these living wild today would not be so sensational to swallow, because you would not be alien to the understanding that giant people are real... What's a hairy wild version when you have 70% of the country covered in wilderness?

    57. Hey Ffn, Besides being an asshole, Your a "City Boy" i bet!

    58. you cannot argument without making offense to the other, uh? Uneducated boorish little motherfucker of a welsh

    59. Or they just don't exist, plain and simple. adieu.

    60. 3:33...

      Oh dear, are you drooling? Have you seen how many times I've had to repeat myself and you are talking of causing offense? I'm Welsh... You just stoopid boy.

    61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    62. "I cannot explain this! Must be a cover up then!"

    63. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

    64. You people learnt something today... Glad I could help.

      No hard feelings, yeah?


    65. Poor joe. That was brutal.

    66. Yeah we learnt that you are the biggest dumbass on Earth

    67. I don't think I have ever used so many references to such devastating effect.

      Ha ha ha!!


    68. have you ever made something by your own instead of keeping copy/paste someone else's shit without veryfing it? No? would be too hard, ya?
      If you don't know, using a reference in science means veryfing it in first person. Bet you did not know, desk "3000 miles far" researcher of my shoes.

      Over and out, bitchy looser

  4. Taterhole. Wait, is that dirty?

  5. figgern thar bez mega hogs agettin typickull hogs out thar lookin fer vittles

    1. Man you need to be on The X Factor or Americas Got Talent.You're as funny as a funeral.

  6. Another nothing for the bigfooters.

  7. Drop a few more F-bombs, it will really drive the point of your video home...... which is that you are a God damned moron.

    1. I thought we were supposed to behave for the Spike TV producers. Dafuq?

  8. Do the title of the video really say "BIGFOOT FUCKING"? Now that would be compelling, maybe sexually exciting for Joe too.

  9. this is as useful an old booger

  10. watchin out fer tham thar 3 toed critters – tham beez skoocooms critters eatin U right-up fer shure  gotz to shootin tham ritely proper lackd.

  11. cawt wild hogs, critters needin to bez shot on sight, makin mighty fine eatin

  12. ahm sayin Ifn U agittin catterwallin coulda bigfoots abouts

  13. this kid is a complete nut bag and a hairy one.....

  14. For sure was out on a walkabout and found me some fresh tracks near a stream that I was following! With my shotgun in hand walked out to where the tracks ended –

    1. And you fell off a fucking cliff, MORON!

    2. NO it lead to a swamp! SO I went back the way I came.........

  15. Art Bell gotz a MAP.......................

  16. next time just film yourself jacking off same thing....

  17. BUGS knows where the bigfoots are in TX.....

  18. G.W. knows where to goz in TX : )

  19. hum critters trax get U a hound dog and find that thar critter fer shure……….

  20. Replies
    1. I have to give it to you.You are an idiot.

    2. Them GRAYS be all abouts, U dont find them they find U............

  21. DUDE! weird shit here.............


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