Watch this amazing video of artificial rain created by NASA

I don't care what anyone says: This is HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). It's a secret weapon used to achieve weather control and it isn't a conspiracy theory anymore, it's real! Watch NASA play god in this video:

Visit for more videos like this.


  1. Replies
    1. Where exactly? Lots of people would like to know.

  2. I'm finally an anon. Feels better than I imagined.

  3. I shall adopt the title lord lickerpuss

  4. You may call me lord, or LL for short.
    Regards, Lord Lickerpuss

  5. Once an anon, now a lord. Who would of guessed it?
    Regards, Lord Lickerpuss

    1. lord,,,,, " ASSFAG",,,, what is your next command?

  6. I just watched a commercial for Top Gear

  7. What does this have to do with proving HAARP, not a dang thing. The humidity was already at a high level and when they added more water vapor, it rained. It is simple science, simple physics.

    1. It's unbelievable how footers are marveled when they discover some basic laws of science

  8. Haarp is actually just over the horizon radio. Very low frequency transmission to large parts of the planet.

  9. This is MUCH too small of an effect to be HAARP. This was exactly as it was portrayed, putting a bunch of water vapor up in a small area where there is already high humidity. No surprise it rained locally. HAARP affects much wider areas.

  10. A 15 year old Top Gear clip with Jeremy Clarkson is the most credible evidence of Bigfoot existence

  11. Nothing but, idiotic childish comments! What's happening to America? We used to look up to you, and respect your country! But I come on here to learn about Big foots, and all i read is stupid, childish in-mature comments!
    Has these sites been taken over by retarded kindergarten children?

    1. Yes. Anonymous message boards with no moderation all end up like this. You may want to try Bigfoot Forums.


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