Watch Out For These Hoaxes Today

If you're in the mood for a good laugh today, the YouTube channel, "Animals" is doing a hoax video blitz. While a few of their videos are ambiguous at best, most are just downright silly. Here are some we thought was a nice attempt:


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah!

      War on Joe!! Lollers!


    2. ^^^joe is playing MMG- type mind games. Look at the time, he obviously is posting his own anti-joe comnents just to get attention. Pathetic.

    3. He comments at 2:31 as himself, than right after, still ay 2:31, he anonymously declares war on himself.

    4. It's very difficult to play 'Mind Games' with a mindless idiot.

      Take your tiresome one man tirade elsewhere.

      Harbouring so much hate for folks you have never met is not healthy.

      Let it go.


    5. Sounds like a guilty man to me, mr. MMG.

    6. Yeah, take your own advice MMG! What does that stand for anyway? Man minded guy? Should we say ememgee? You're like king troll. You come unglued when you hear skeptics talk about the gigantic lack of evidence footers have in the real world. And no cry baby, testimonials don't count.

    7. Really MMG? So you know for a fact that joe isnt involed in that crap? And why do you even respond to begin with? That exactly what they want you to do. Ignore it.

    8. And another thing Muckity Muckle Grunt... Joe definitely doesn't need you to defend him. So stop you're trolling fat boy!

    9. Embarrassing.

      So obvious that the last four posts are from the same guy.

      Thanks for once again proving my point in such a spectacular fashion.

      Let it go my friend. Not sure what exactly you wish to prove but you will never win.

      And for the record.... Nothing fat about me. If we came face to face you would cow your head and quietly walk on by.


    10. I posted at 3:14 and that was my only post. I thought it was pretty obvious...for some.

    11. Ha ha ha ha!! I missed this totally! MMG clearing up!! Ha!!

    12. Congrats Bigdad. MMG. This ones for you as I sign off: "We're playing these mind games together, pushing the barriers,planting the seeds, playing the miiiiind guerrilla, while chanting the mantra, peace on earth, we've all been playing those "miiiiiiiiiiiiind games forever, like some kinda Druids, lifting the veil........" Merry as MMG. And goodnight to you all. I lost a dear friend. So I hope all of yours stay happy healthy and warm. M

    13. Sorry to hear of your loss Mike.Just remember the good times my friend.

    14. Will do Bigdad. She was with me for nigh on 4 years. Though we were separated by many miles. I just assumed we'd marry some day. Last night she slipped after work on Ice in Springfield MO and hit her head. Passed in her sleep. I joke around about women all the time. But I'll never date again. You have a Happy Holiday Bigdad. You're my favorite Texan ! M

    15. Perhaps. But somehow I don't feel MMG would find humor in that subject matter. Let it go. Lets enjoy the evening.

    16. I know MMG wouldn't say anything like that at all.Have a little heart there fake MMG.Geez man,lighten up.

      Mike,again,my condolences.

    17. ^ you know anon8:16 .. i like to mess with people, as much as anybody , what you said was fucked up an you owe M,B an apology me thinks..

    18. True dat.True dat.

    19. Sorry to hear about your loss Mike.

      There will be a whole bunch of us thinking about you over the holidays.

      Kindest Regards


    20. hey true dat guy, where I come from we got a name for traitors like you! kind of like wiggles except with a few letters mixed around or added. bitch punk!

    21. What the hell did TTDG do to deserve dat?lol

    22. And 2:59 and 8:16. Where I come from , in fact in my very presence, I have a name for fellows like you. Injured patients of resident hospitals.

  2. The best comedy on the Internet can be found on the bff

    1. Hey secure that sh*t Hudson.

      Some of the top Bigfoot Contactee's are on BFF.

      I find these individuals truly terrifying.


  3. Replies
    1. C'mon Russ....let's go find your sister.

    2. Where's Eddie? Doesn't he usually eat these things?

    3. Tis the season to be merry. Well, that's my name....No shit?

    4. Happy Christmas!

      Merry New Year!!


  4. Peace Pukwudgie Fitzgerald....has a nice ring to it, like sleigh bells.

    1. His lonely bitter side is rearing it's ugly head today.

    2. Pukwudgie - A 3ft tall troll-ish creature

    3. I will deal with you people and you will like it.

  5. Wooooooohoooooooo wooooooooooo wooooooooo my work is done now it's on

    1. Mike next time you care to do gay jokes use your own name

    2. Don't be upset when I'm being arrogant cause it's me love it or leave it

    3. Shit I've got every right I started with nothin and worked went to school and built everything if that's not reason enough for arrogance you haven't been payin attention

    4. And I don't mean mom and dad did everything I did I saw I was there if no one likes it bl

    5. I was wondering the same thing.

    6. Lol of course I just remembered today why I hate and why I love bein a dick because I've worked hard for where I am I earned the right to say fuck him her them they you not me

    7. And I may talk mad shit but you know what I put a name on it so you know exactly where it's coming from

    8. You okay, Mr. Bandini??????

    9. Harry Never posted anonymously on this forum. Are you ok?

    10. And I just read every single word you wrote above at 3:22 and have no idea what you are saying or where you are coming from when do you feel i posted gay jokes anonymously about you or anyone else? And if so. Lets be clear my Friend. Never happened. I don't swim in that shit. And I sign every post I've ever posted. Now everyone on here's been playing fairly nice. You can be as proud as you choose. But Id like to know why you mentioned me.

    11. Right. Guess you couldn't decipher that stream of consciousness psychobabble either. Like the other commenters who were equally confused. I sent you an email. Self Made man like you can read it and respond at your leisure. In the interim. Brother. U can rest assured I won't be commenting on anything humorous or topical with your name attached to it. The obvious problem being I don't know which of your confused and conflicted personalities might reply. Savvy?

    12. Now here's my suggestion to you. Seriously consider giving me the same courtesy. And have a Merry Christmas.

    13. I always do MIKE if I've got something to say to you I Email you or I do mb this bitch knows who I'm talkin too I don't want to say his last name as he's never posted under a name it's someone I know from the real world dude don't even trip buddy you know damn straight I would email or post under your post I'm sorry about the drama that's happend in your life brother but please there's a reason you weren't the one tellin me at work I should do this with my life that with my life he should post under his name and stop being a pussy since he has soooooo much advice for me dude

    14. He should try practicing regular charity or make sure his kids aren't doin without before buyin bud before he tells people my business there's a reason it's cryptic to you mr brookreson you aren't the one I'm even talkin too dude sorry for the confusion

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. As for different personalities lol your damn straight you guys get the blunt end of what's on my mind depending on how good or shitty my day was somehow it's easier in writting for me merry CHRISTMAS mike sorry for the confusion but I purposely was cryptic so no one would be confused unless you also said I'm smug and arrogant in that case I don't know what to tell you

    17. No need. I got your emails. Thanks man. M

  6. Oh there's no place like Shawn's blog for the holidays

  7. just the word bigfoot is synonymous with hoax.

  8. We have a developing problem at the ferry docks where I work. Homeless down on thier luck vampires are now breaking into the womens used sanitary napkin disposal canisters. Times must be getting pretty bad.

    1. Harry, are more than one bigfeets called bigfeetses?

    2. I will have to redirect your question as I have renounced my bigfeets expert status

    3. chupacabras are known to visit used tampon canisters to when times are tough.

  9. i may have seen a bigfoot today. not sure he was tall and hairy. where do i report this,

    1. Please first make sure it's not an Italian or a greek

    2. Sounds like it could have been a Pukwudgie with Gigantism

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. ^ Dude please seek mental help. OK?



    1. Hi joe, on youtube do you have a site there, and if you do what is the name of it? Thnx, BD.

    2. oh youll get something alrite

      youll get a couple of broken branches a bear track and some shadows in the woods

      damning evidence really

    3. Mike B got a 1972 collectible Hot Wheel racing car stuck sideways in his anus!

    4. Damn, totally turned those Redlines Brown. There goes the value in that Hotwheel.

    5. Joe has just discovered the word "oxymoron" and now he throws it in the mix in every post, even when it does mean anything in that context.

      Little kid discoverin' da world

  11. well looks like the looney brigade have hijacked the "bigfoot and cameras" thread, its all mind reading and 6th senses and monkeys knowing what cameras are

    not sure how mmg et al put up with all that crap it makes footers look like complete lunatics, if footers are to get anywhere they really need to get rid of such ridiculousness

    wouldn't hurt to get rid of that costume "scientist" either

    1. don't forget to jettison DWA. he makes all footers and humans look insufferable

    2. Nathan Footer reminds me of my nephew. He is also a high functioning retard.

  12. Anyone seen or heard from H? I was just wondering how the ole taterhole was holding up through the holidays.

  13. "The line of tracks in the dust stretched out as straight as a string – like those of a man stepping off measured distances between two given points. This, I theorized, was because the person making them, in order to make the extended length of stride to match the size of faked track, had to concentrate on what would be the visual results of his efforts to reach the point where the tracks were to leave the road. The flexibility of movement that is expressed by irregularity – found in tracks during the normal line of travel – was missing. Instead, what I saw was a line of travel that was fixed and rigid! The, when I began examining the individual track itself, another thing became quite obviously wrong with it, but was also something that would have been missed unless looking for it. When the weight of any soft-padded foot of an animal is brought to bear on the feet, the foot expands, or spreads, under the pressure induced by the added weight. Then, when the body weight is removed as the animal begins lifting its foot to make its next stride, the toes of the foot contract, leaving a track with a featheredge – if made in the dust as these were. On these tracks, there was no evidence of any foot expansion or spreading of the toes, indicating the track [maker] had been made of nonexpandable material such as leather, wood, metal, or plastic. "

    1. Toe bending.

      Scar tissue.

      Dermal ridges.

      50 miles into wilderness areas.

      You were very welcome.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. It's been proven the dermal ridges can be easily faked

    1. It's not been proven that species traits of ridges, States apart from decades apart, planted to the yard put of millions of acres for people to find... Are faked.

  15. All bigfoot stuff is hoaxes. Or lies. Or imagination.

    1. Imagine this... A Bigfoot peaking through your window as your typing that, tutting and thinking; "if this numpty knew the half of it?!"

  16. Cajun injected deep fried Orang Pendek for Christmas this year. MmmmMmmmmm............Gooooooooood.

  17. For the record, I only lost three toes when I dropped my chainsaw.



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