Watch: Bigfoot Chasers - Stuck in a Tree

Our favorite Bigfoot hunters are back! In this episode of Bigfoot Chasers, Craig climbs up high to look for Bigfoot and runs into trouble.


  1. Replies
    1. I guess we all have our own lofty goals in life.

    2. Yep I sure do I got a degree on my wall and I help people my life is fulfilled

    3. To me, anyone being first, live with his computer, has no life, and is an ASSHOLE!

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. At least he knows what punctuation is and doesn't write like a third grader.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Now get help with the multiples and your set

    9. Wow, Harry, who did you piss off today?

  2. Good representation of Footards like Bobo

  3. ahm sayin Ifn U agittin catterwallin coulda bigfoots abouts

  4. If anyone finds Big foot, It will be the team, from THE FINDING BIG FOOT show. They are the best there is. Matt MoneyMaker knows everything about Big foot.

    He reminds of Quinn, from the JAWS movie, doesn't he?

    P.S. I just love his wife! I would do her in a minute! Wouldn't you?

  5. Matt needs to team up with Art and do the bigfoot dig in TX : )

  6. AKs da one take in the woods - Shot over a thousand rounds accurate and never had an issue with jamming or misfires. I take my AK on hog hunts. Takes down hogs with the first shot.


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