This Is Disturbing...

See if you can figure out what's going on here. It's called, "December". If you still can't figure it out, you'll want to watch it again.


  1. should i bother watching this or not?

    1. Save yourself. It's fair to say this video is par for bigfoot evidence

    2. OH BROTHER! Just what we need another Christmas story, around Christmas time!

      I rather have watched a Big foot come along, and ate those fucking brats!

      Rick Dyer!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Made me jump. Its the tree's point of view getting cut down, transported and decorated for Christmas. Its creepy.

  2. Joe fitz keep up good work Canadian guy! Merry Christmas !!

    1. Hey TTL!

      Ha haaaa!! Much respect bro, hope all is well with you!!

    2. Hey Joe! How come you cut back on your comments?

    3. TTL stands for Taterhole, right?

    4. I didn't cut back, after about 220 comments the 'load more' option is at the bottom of the page to show more posts.

    5. Hey Joe. I see those 'excellent' fake MMG posts didn't fool you any.

      These tardy types are a 'bit much' old bean!


    6. On earlier post, skeptard said to Joe:

      "Bandini's archaeologist spouse whom spent time at Smithsonian and shot down your claims."

      And another hypocritical skeptard rings the bell, ring-a-ling-a-ring.

      OK skeptard, what you just did is appropriate a piece of hearsay, decide it is fact, and use it as a tool to claim another piece of information is hearsay, and not fact.

      They are both hearsay, yet you have blindly chosen and decided that one is fact.


      It is a gorgeous piece of hypocrisy you have demonstrated today, and we are all grateful for your blinding and expert display of the classic skeptard's dilemma and fantasy claims.

      This is the typical skeptard who seizes madly on any piece of hearsay in a hyperventilating obsession to try to disprove any claim, information, or evidence. We see this constantly on the skeptoid sites.

      SOP is someone "came forward", someone "spoke out", saying such and such was a hoax, and the raging skeptards instantly, greedily grab these pieces of hearsay and rush to tick the box next to whatever info or phenomenon it relates to, as 'debunked'.

      The classic skeptardical dilemma is the uncontrollable kneejerk mouth-frothing gasping preoccupation with nervously trying to discount any phenomenon or claim or evidence or information, with lousy loose-mouthed hearsay.

      They fall into this trap every time, and no exceptions: Patterson's fourth cousin twelve times removed "came forward" and "spoke out" about the PGF and said it was Patterson's enormous grandmother in "the suit" so "Ah ha! ah ha!" cries the dim-brained skeptard, "that's another piece of evidence debunked! I'll just check the box here next to it nice and tidy like and that's it, job done!!!! Oh how I love hearsay!! It is just so very scientific! It simply reeks of my cherished Scientific Method!!!!"

    7. Yes, when 'MMG' was singing the praises of the JREF, that was a bit of a clue, wouldn't you say, Watson?

    8. MMG! I have studied your style long enough to know an imposter a mile of bro!

      RAGING... Beautiful post, man you need to post more often, I've always said it!

    9. Elementary my dear Sherlock!

      Yeah wasn't too hard to deduce huh?

      Weak and lame doesn't quite cover it.



      ALL CAPS

  3. How can you kill a poor tree!!!! god damn it!!! for a stupid holiday like chrirstmas.. what a waste of life!!!!

  4. I see a Sasquatch at 0:03

    It can't be human, it's too much tall and big

  5. Damn squatch bone hiding white folks! I bet they subscribe to the Smithsonian!
    It is a giant conspiracy. Everyone's in on it but me...

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. A lot of things depend on our point of view......

  8. Awesome! "Lets celebrate life by killing a tree...makes perfect sense..."


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