Take THAT, skeptics: The largest land mammal in decades has just been uncovered

For years, the Bigfoot deniers have said that they'd believe there is such thing as a Bigfoot if only we hadn't found every large animal there is earth. Skeptics are wrong about this -- there are still many large animals out there that's really good at hiding. Cryptozoology about the study of hidden animals and it's all to easy to dismiss things based on the lack of physical evidence. We believe if you give researchers enough time, they will eventually produce something awesome, like a photograph you can't deny. For example, take a good look at the animal in the photo above. That. My friends is a trail cam photograph of Tapirus kabomani, or the Kobomani tapir. It is the fifth tapir found in the world and the first to be discovered since 1865. According to the Journal of Mammology, it is also the first mammal in the order Perissodactyla (which includes tapirs, rhinos, and horses) found in over a hundred years. Scientists are saying this is the largest land mammal to be uncovered in decades. The website, Mongabay, describes how they uncovered the animal:

Found inhabiting open grasslands and forests in the southwest Amazon (the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Amazonas, as well as the Colombian department of Amazonas), the new species is regularly hunted by the Karitiana tribe who call it the "little black tapir." The new species is most similar to the Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), but sports darker hair and is significantly smaller: while a Brazilian tapir can weigh up to 320 kilograms (710 pounds), the Kabomani weighs-in around 110 kilograms (240 pounds). Given its relatively small size it likely won't be long till conservationists christen it the pygmy or dwarf tapir. It also has shorter legs, a distinctly-shaped skull, and a less prominent crest.

"[Indigenous people] traditionally reported seeing what they called 'a different kind of anta [tapir in Portuguese].' However, the scientific community has never paid much attention to the fact, stating that it was always the same Tapirus terrestris," explains lead author Mario Cozzuol, the paleontologist who first started investigating the new species ten years ago. "They did not give value to local knowledge and thought the locals were wrong. Knowledge of the local community needs to be taken into account and that's what we did in our study, which culminated in the discovery of a new species to science."

The story of this discovery is just one more reason for Bigfooters to keep on searching. To learn more about this fascinating creature, check out the full article over at Mongabay: http://news.mongabay.com/2013/1216-hance-new-tapir-kabomani.html


  1. Replies
    1. Bill Munns almost won an eleventh science fair.

      Thats how scientific Bill Munns is. The rest is bullshit and pseudotalk.

  2. Whoa. Usually I say something snarky but that is actually really amazing. Lets go get a squatch now!

    1. I'll do it! Pygmy tapir is the most credible voice in the bigfoot community.

  3. And this relates to the magic monkey exactly how?

    1. Leave your mom out of it please...

    2. It does not in any way. But the footers need something to hang their hats on with the disaster the year of the sasquatch has turned out to be.

    3. 6:15 also avoiding the truth of this BEB post.

      Yipee for us what skeptards we have on board here.

      Yay for us.

      I would like to trade my skeptards in please.

    4. Anon 6 14: The year's not over yet!

  4. http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2013/12/17/Bigfoot-prints-that-of-tapir-Perhilitan-rubbishes-claims-made-by-villagers-in-Segamat.aspx

    Bigfeet tracks were actually a tapir.

    1. Conveniently sidestepping the point of this BEB post^^^

    2. No MMG, not really. This is not an "uncovered" species. I just pawned the article w/ another article about a bunch of gullible dolts who thought they had bigfeet tracks but it turned out to be a effing tapir. Isn't it ironic... Don't ya think?

    3. http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2013/12/17/Bigfoot-prints-that-of-tapir-Perhilitan-rubbishes-claims-made-by-villagers-in-Segamat.aspx


      Another hearsay claim by mysterious unnamed "investigators." Not even a photo to accompany the claims.

      This is the typical skeptardical reaction: to believe something is debunked via hearsay. Nothing could be more unscientific or pathetic.

      Try again, Krissy Krankshaft.

    4. Like rain on your wedding day ironic? Or is it more like a free ride after you have already paid?

    5. "Nothing could be more unscientific or pathetic."

      Except using hearsay claims to try to claim a myth is a real,living animal. That is truly pathetic.

      Come on MMG use what little intelligence you have.

    6. You get pawned daily believing in your magical ape beast. That's ok dork. I'd hate me too for crushing your dork ass dreams.

    7. He has been owned very hard today. Go easy on him. I suggest a water based lube.

    8. I got pawned daily till the gypsies finally bought me outright.

    9. Krissy Krankshaft's "20 years of skeptic joy" amounts to attempts to debunk fill-in-the-blank with a tool known as Hearsay. Skeptards hypocritically bleeve this is valid and reel sooper scientific like.

      There is a word to describe this 20 year odyssey, activity and bleef. You will be familiar with it:


  5. For years, the Bigfoot deniers have said that they'd believe there is such thing as a Bigfoot if only we hadn't found every large animal there is earth.

    Really? Who has stated this?
    No one has because it would be a foolish statement and position to take.

    1. I would also point out this is hardly an unknown animal. It is well known to the world. This animal is not even in a place unusual for it. It is simply a sub-species that has been hunted for years. The comparison to a living myth is not valid.

    2. That's it, keep moving that goalpost at lightspeed, skeptard.

    3. What goalpost MMG? I have stated a simple fact. And the fact is this is not an unknown animal just discovered. It is simply a sub-species previously not studied.

    4. Don't forget the massive difference between the rainforests of the Amazon and the densely populated USA

    5. Get with it 6:41. Everyone knows bigfoot lives in city parks with the other homeless.

    6. "For years, the Bigfoot deniers have said that they'd believe there is such thing as a Bigfoot if only we hadn't found every large animal there is earth."

      Footards like to put words in skeptics' mouths so they can debunk something that no one has actually ever said.

      For example, during the weeks and months before the Sykes TV show came out they were continually copy/pasting a giant rant about how the skeptics would react to Sykes' earth shattering proof of Bigfoots, giving a point by point account of how they'd ignore or twist his discoveries in order to avoid the conclusions he would draw. Hilariously, they acted pretty much that exact way themselves when it turned out the evidence wasn't in their favor after all.

    7. We've also had a specimen of this 'new' tapir in a museum for over a century and we've had new skulls and genetic material for a decade. This species has been known to science for a LONG time, the only new thing is that it has been proved to be a separate species.

  6. I agree with the "take that" statement!!!!
    Chad W

  7. I took my daughter to the zoo a long time ago. We came to an exhibit with a Tapur.

    It's frickin' dong was hangin' out. roughly a foot or so....

    allllllllllllllllrighttttyyy...I think the Giraffes are right over here!

    Punctuation Guy

    1. One of them started spraying weird white stuff out of its back end once!! All over the glass! Nasteeeeee

  8. i know bigfoot and Kobomani tapir aint no bigfoot. for good measure i'm calling hoax on this. the thing already exists at the zoo.

  9. Megatron throwin' game tonight. fact people.

    1. ^Yeah, I thought the same thing. Those drops were ridiculous, more like Pettigrew than Calvin.

    2. Foz....

      Let me school ya a bit.

      Lions could win...But Megatron (still) "throws"

      Covers spread all that icky stuff. :/

      did you see the 2 passes right in his hands ?

    3. YEAH.

      Them ravens are nothin but headhunters


    4. Leave Megatron alone!
      He doesn't have to catch anything for you bastards!

      LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!

    5. That's it--I'm taking out my Jim Schwartz voodoo doll right now. Take that! And that!

  10. Squint your eyes and those two tapirs might look a little like a Bigfoot, especially if we shot a thermal.

    FLIR handy, Derek?

  11. Steve Alcorn's BIRDMAN is the largest land mammal in decades that has been discovered, duh.

    Unless it flies, I guess. And lays eggs.

  12. I would have kept that ugly thing covered.

  13. There once were some new little tapirs
    That made all the blog posts and papers.
    The size they exhibit
    Could never inhibit
    The Footers from getting the vapors.

  14. For the last time, Mulder:

    Skeptics have long-since demanded publication in a Scientific Journal.

    That Bill is an unqualified puppet and his co-author Meldrum owns RHI the deal is queered.

    Mlder has no hopes to hang his nipples on.

    NOT PROVEN bitch.

  15. its a tapier. what has it a different ear than the others. they would have been seen all the time .its only people in the ow who would know any difference
    it looks like a bog standard tapier to me

    its a big stretch from a known animal to a 9ft 600ps apeman


    1. Yea,almost as 'ridiculas' as your spelling.

      Why are you so cranky?
      Did you miss the short bus this morning?

  16. We're finding the large animals, but only the dumb ones. With that said, the dumbfounded skeptic should be the easiest creature to find. Wait, I just saw a bunch of them posting here. They just can't keep from putting their foot in their mouths repeatedly. Hell, some of them have had their foot in their mouth so long and so deep that they sit on their toes. But they just can't connect the dots to see what is happening around them.

    1. do you deny these are nothing more than shoe prints?

  17. Oh, so this proves bigfoot? LOL. "Any day now" say the stupid believers, "any day now".....

  18. Bigfoots are all abouts.... in the deep woods.....


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