Robert Lindsay Is Super Nice To Dr. Jeff Meldrum For Some Reason

It has been a while since Robert Lindsay has written about Dr. Jeff Meldrum. The last time he wrote about the famous professor of anthropology, things didn't go too well, and Meldrum defended himself quite nicely. The latest scoop Lindsay has on Meldrum is about a "Class B", possibly "Class A" sighting with Dr. John Bindernagel that happened a few months ago in Alberta, Canada. Can Lindsay's source be believed? We're not sure. Is Lindsay ever wrong? Yep. According to Lindsay, this possible "Class B" has been kept under wraps for "NDA" reasons, and why Meldrum had to sign an NDA is a mystery. Lindsay explains why he's digging into this story:

Although Meldrum has not spoken about it publicly, he has definitely spoken about it privately. I understand that he may be under some sort of an NDA about this incident though, so he may not talk about it much. The encounter must have occurred earlier this year because that area is now under 10 feet of snow and it’s colder than a meat locker up there. I believe the incident may have occurred in the Fall. The source also told me that the full story of their encounter(s) would go public in a while anyway. There is apparently a lot more to this story, and I am digging into it right now.

While there currently isn't much to the rumor, what we're most impressed by is Lindsay's niceness. This guy can be really nice to you if he wants to be. Look what he says about Meldrum:

I really do like Jeff Meldrum a lot, though he has some detractors or even enemies in the community for sure. To be more specific, there are those who absolutely despise him. I do think that Meldrum is a good man though, having spoken to him on the phone. He comes across as very sane and very warm. He’s like your best friend.

I also felt that he was very, very careful in all of his statements to me. It seemed he was hedging himself like a true scientist should. He has a public image to manage though and he doesn’t like things that mess up his public image. He is turning into a bit of an “actor,” but that is ok by me, and he actually does a good job of it. He has a very interesting personality and mind and that is clear if you listen to him or especially if you watch videos of him.

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Lindsay is a cheap opportunist

    Lindsay's writing is that of a 15 -16 year old, that being said one should realize that most people today have the writing skill of a 15 - 16 year old - NOTHING SPECIAL

    This is why he posts such outlandish material on his blog site - it gets a little more attention etc.

    But really read some of the things he writes, horrible

    1. Little Mr Lindsay wants some of Mr Big Meldrum. Yeah he's a closet homo erectus and wants old Jeffys boner

    2. ^ Haha, that's a good one. And it serves him right for bein' a bratty dickhead.

    3. You bet that Lindsay's a cheap opportunist. He has such an inflated ego that practically wants everyone else to kiss his ass. What a sick mind he has.

  2. Sounds like Joe, kiss your butt and compliment you one day...only to try and break you down and berate you with insults and ego the next.

    Is Joe actually Robert Lindsay??

    1. ^ You wish, you damn assumer. You don't know who he or she is. So don't fuckin' make any false assumptions him or her.

  3. Another bullseye for Robert "Sniper" Lindsay!!!!!

    1. Not easy slapping yourself on your own back now, is it Robert. That is not a question.

  4. Lindsay banned half of the commenters on his forum for criticizing him while he was being suckered by Rick Dyer. Robert Lindsay has never unbanned those commenters for being right while he was clearly in the wrong. Which means that Lindsay wishes to win his arguments by silencing those with opposing viewpoints. Which is right out of the Nazi propoganda books of WWII. Lindsay does not tolerate opposing viewpoints on his forum. Which all tends to provide absolute proof that Robert Lindsay bears a strong resemblance to the south end of a north bound jack ass. I mean, what person in their right mind will believe that the federal government will store a Bigfoot body for a private citizen, in a secure facility? Answer: The same person that has spent a portion of his life parading in public, as a cross dressing female, as Lindsay has admitted.

    1. Sounds like a fucking "Liberal" to me!

    2. He's still being suckered by Dick and anyone else posting a hoaxed video showing confirmation points that "hoaxers always get wrong".

    3. Banning and barring and controlling comments on one's blog, oh yes, just as Sharon Shill does. Though on the Bigfoot Field Journal site, she is allowed to post, while she has banned the BFJ guy from posting on her site.

      On a humourous note, Sharon Shill is now posting on the Crytomundo site as "shill". That's the way to do it, don't deny yourself, embrace your inner shill and go with it.

      If you want to make her explode, recognize that she is a lunatic fringe blogger. She doesn't like that.

    4. Hey, Anonymous who posted at 7:15:00 AM. You're totally right about Robert/Rob. He's a self-righteous lunatic he expects everyone to kiss his ass 'n' lick his balls. If he doesn't tolerate trolls shittin' on him, then he should post any shit online. Bit since he does, he should be prepared to have it thrown back at him.

    5. Oops. I meant "shouldn't" instead of "should" and "But" instwadof "Bit." Sorry about those mistakes.

  5. Lindsay is the Matthew Johnson of Bigfoot

    1. You sure are Robert. With your ear to the track, misidentifying the ordinary sound of a train coming, as God calling out your name. The world is not centered around Robert Lindsay.

    2. Lindsay should be in the top Five of the asshole list!

      Question; Who's number one?

    3. ^ Wrong, douche. It sounds like you suck Lindsay's dick. Since you seem to, you oughtta bo number one with Robert/Bob.

  6. Anyone know where to get one of the 'patty' scultures that Meldrum is looking at?

    1. That's not a patty sculpture. It's a scale model cast of Robin Williams' padded suit for Mrs. Doubtfire. No one has had the heart to tell Meldrum.

  7. Meldrum is a great snake oil salesman. Buy some cast copies (none of which were originally made by him) for 50 bucks or pay to go see him talk about the snake oil he has for sale.

    1. LOL

      awesome comparison... bigfoot claims full of all kinds of miraculous claims, with out much proof to back it up (or any proof rather) but the label is full of claims about everything!

      lol awesome

  8. Robert "Salty nuts" Lindsay is batting a thousand, wrong again.

    1. Well, he is a nutcase. Therefore, he should get therapy.


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