Listen To The Bigfoot Tonight Show Featuring Justin Smeja, Ro Sahebi, Shawn Evidence, And Dead Bigfoot, 6PM PST

The Bigfoot Tonight show will be interviewing the Sierra Evidence Initiative team tonight at 6PM PST about Ro Sahebi's new documentary, Dead Bigfoot (Watch it today). The description and link to the show is below:

Justin Smeja is an avid hunter and licensed guide. Now known  as the infamous "shooter" in the Sierra Kills event, Justin has become an active member of the bigfooting community.

The newest member to the sasquatch community in the group, Ro Sahebi is a multimedia professional from the Los Angeles area. He has quickly made a name for himself as the producer and creator of the EXTINCT? Podcast and webseries, as well as being the editor of, and now co-founder of the Sierras Evidence Initiative.

Shawn Evidence entered the bigfoot arena in 2010 with the launch of the Bigfoot Evidence blog. Coming from the online gaming field, it was clear that he had a knack for the blogging world. Within 2 years, his blog has become the number one Bigfoot blog in the US

Link to show:


  1. Replies
    1. Daniel no esta aqui, only Zuul.

    2. I was off reading the 24 page Chinese Yeren publication on RHI but in the name of entertainment..,



    From a cryptozoologist that was tracking Yeren when Meldrum was still peeing in his pants.

    1. Mike Brookreson has a cold !

    2. Interesting that every instance was bear, macaque, or known animal misidentification.

      What does that have to do with bigfoot?

      The vast majority of sightings occur in black bear habitat.

    3. And all of the witnesses are 'indicted by their own words and behaviors'. Which is the polite way of saying they're a bunch of stinkin liars.

    4. "The Shennongjia region used to be cut off from the outside world. Thus it increased the likelihood of intrafamily marriages, leading to the genetic diseases suffered by many mentally handicapped. Among these patients, some suffered from spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA), who were called barons due to their hypophrenia. A SCA patient shows syndromes of small cerebral cranium, light brain weight, low forehead, well developed geisoma, or superciliary ridge of the frontal bone that forms huge brows, narrower and deeper maxilla than normal, and overgrowing occipital ridge at the back of the skull. The sufferers of SCA syndrome therefore have a skull that quite resembles those of primitive hominids. However they were used in hypes about the Monkey Boy and the Hybrid Wildman. Actually similar examples of SCA skull specimens can be found in the laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley when I was studying human fossils there."

      Fairly big that all these local experts and hunters were misidentifying known animals too.

      Big hit toward the credibility of the Chinese Yeren.

    5. And a big hit to Joe's giant skeleton fantasy. Joe's bigfeets are just inbred idiots!

      Check out the LONG ARMS on the Chinese Hybrid man!

    6. To put a little too fine a point on it-

      The wiki article for gigantism puts the height of sufferers from 7 to 9 feet tall. Where have we heard that before?

      Excess growth hormone ( acromegaly) may also be associated with hypertrichosis, or abnormal hair growth on the body. The pictires of people suffering from hypertrichosis on google images look more like Patty than anything else I have seen.

    7. It's also a little talked about fact that a skeletons size can be misinterpreted by over 12 inches in height because of the lack of connective tissues, ligaments, muscle, and cartilage. Archaeological fact right there.

    8. Hum?

      If you search online, you'll find they have an inner ear bone and foot bone that doctors and archeologists will all say is definitly human.
      Trouble is, they are 5x to big, est hieght of the guy would be 25 feet.HUh?

      They have giant stone monuments all over the world that Scientist can't tell us how they cut the stones or in particular, the stones where moved up to 100 miles? Huh?

      I have heard it siad that King Og's sword was found, 12 feet. About right as he was said to be 20 feet. Huh?

      Seen the "Footprint of God" vid on youtube from South Africa? The guy is Standing next to a pretty conviencing giant footprint in the stone. its about 5 ft. Lets use the ratio of 6 foot man has a 1 foot "foot1" ---------------------------------- So, a 5 foot "Foot" x 6 feet of hieght equates out to about 3o feet! Huh?

    9. What da fuq are you going all Dante about over here TBP?

      If you search online you can find anything about anything. Stop believing everything you read for once.

      "Did you guys know that there's a mean man named Kony in Africa and for a simple Facebook like we can stop him!!?"

      It's Rogers like you who repost stupid "I don't give Facebook my permission blah blah" on their Facebook feeds like that's going to do a damn thing when you willingly entered a contract with them and blindly accept ToS.

    10. And, "Thier were giants on the earth in those days. Men of old, men of renoun,"
      These are the same giants / neph variants that are responcible for Greek, Scandanavian, Eropean legends of giants and "gods".

      And we were as "Grasshoppers in thier sight!"
      These were the same Guys that had been whooping ass and at least "believed" God was with them! -------------------- Yet they saw somthing that scarred the crap out of them. That fear/ lack of Faith caused the 40 years of wandering in the desert. Huh?

    11. Well just saying Dan, 10 / 12 feet is nothing. Not even worth denying a 12 footer, ha ha ha ha.

      Hey If you listen to tonights podcast with Ro, Justin, Shawn and host. You can hear call in the second half. You can curse at me via youtube. Ha ha ha ha ha!

    12. You love Jesus and take the bible as fact, we get it.

      Hope you have a good time stoning gay people, crying about the devil in your child, and not jerking off.

    13. Worki on my computer tonight, should be up by tomorrow so I may check it out. I have a bunch of podcasts I have to get caught up on.

      I don't believe anything without hard evidence, doesn't matter if my own mother is telling me about it or the old teacher everybody trusts, it's that simple.

    14. Yes Campz you can find anything online and you can't bleeve all you find online, rather like the dreck you have been pasting ad nauseum today.

      Why not relinquish the standard operation posture of the skeptard by extracting skull from rectum, and attempt bipedalism?

    15. Oh, you mean the Relict Hominid Inquiry publication founded by Dr. Don Jeffery Meldrum and the home of one William Munns PGF analysis??

      Is that the 'dreck' that you are referencing?

    16. You kinda seem to be babbling tonight, you drinking?

      By the way Dan I never said a dam thing about stoning anybody, AND that pretty much makes you a sack of shit for suggesting I did.

      It's Gods perspective to judge the outcome for others. I'm just looking after my own space.

    17. If you are asking me if I'm drinking, no would be the answer. Got hammered Thursday night so that's good for me for a while.

      You should know by now if you come out blasting away about Christianity, Nephilim, God, or quoting scripture then you are going to get such responses from me. It's a knee jerk reaction to use the tenets of your religion against you whether you specifically bring up those principles or not.

      The problem with most Christians is they are 'just looking after their own space' and are gigantic hypocrites, so don't play that card.

      Look we can get along despite disagreeing on many things but if you start spouting off like a blind preacher on the street, expect backlash for it.

    18. I bring up things that i haved learned from a long process of reading , watching and my own experiences, Bible and otherwise. What naws at your insides is your own delima.

      How are you in such an opposition to a thing in which you do not believe?

      The resentment/ rejection of anything beyond the physical realm is blindingly present.

      However, your failure to achieve a goal, fullfill a dream, find a destination, truth or answer to a mystery is NO reason whatsoever to discourage me or others in thiers, nor is it any proof of such!(The Patriot)

      Man Darth, come back to the good side!

    19. Remember I'm not somewhere throwing stones at wht you believe.

      You Dan are somewhere throwing stones at what we believe! footers.

      You are the bad guy! Whats really wrong there Dan?I think we need to call doctor phill.

    20. If you consider asking for hard evidence of extraordinary claims and laughing at the backstabbing activities that go on in the field, me throwing stones then so be it. How dare I constantly ask for proof that could cooberate your groups claims.

      Maybe raising someone under an illogical evangelical bible thumper and living in the South can turn a person when they try to avoid the fray but it randomly shows up in places it shouldn't.

      Don't let me piss on your parade because I don't believe in hell, heaven, spiritual reincarnation, purgatory, or an afterlife. Religion is man made, no way around that. Just happens the area where core religions were founded is one of the largest psychadelic hot beds in the world...

      PS - Dr. Phil is not a real doctor. Where else have we seen frauds like that before?

    21. Well, I could get you baggin on Dyer, Fasano, the dope with all the talking or Dr, M for the owls. But all of us wiser footers know this shit is a liitle wierd, Hoaxed, over zealot and yes even BULLSHIT. I just keep looking for ANYTHING that might get me a little closer to the truth. But you are jumping on peole in this blog who are here to have fun. Why don'y you go after those directly (Dyer maybe) Who have it comming.

      90 % of your posts here are to peoole whom you have no idea who they are. It's like your swinging at a pinyata in the dark.

      Jeez, every person I know who dislikes or disbelieves in a subject justs walks away.

      You really do have some Anger / addiction issues. Getting enjoyment or satisfaction out of being so negative. Good luck Dan!

      There have been a few medical/ scientific / psychological papers written about what you are doing. Real psychologists DAN.

  3. I propose we kidnap Justin Smela, put him in a decent Bigfoot costume, release him in Area X, and let Bipto and his crew hunt him down.

    1. Wait, is he the one who randomly unloaded his shotgun in the direction of a bipedal creature?

    2. They saw what him and his buddy were doing in that truck- and their eyes were so freakin judgemental!

    3. Be vawy vawy quiet--we're hunting Smelas!

  4. "Sierra Evidence Initiative Team" That's rich.

  5. And now a word from Team Tracker hottie Alexes, with slobbery comment from Noel:

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Why have no charges been brought against this guy^^^ here for posting photos of his apparent genitals?

    3. Hahaha.

      Exactly what charges? I'm really interested to hear this one...

    4. Did you send these pics to a minor?

  6. No thanks, it's boring now. Duh.

  7. rictor is another footr 510[ithink]he stairs at the guy like hes about to rape the guy. the only predators in footery are him,roe and bart.flaming weirdos
    for anyone who hasn't paid their $5 to watch thi shit go to youtube and watch onesilot film. he took it at the film sight for a behind the scenes making of film. its way way better than the film and its free
    seriously check it askeptic,i thought it wasthe best bf film evermade
    onesilot made a great film
    this is shite

    pps what was the supriseending.ive watched te film and don't know what they are talking about??somebody tell me

    ppps smeja with his cut off checked shirt. if its good enough to shoot bigfoots in its good enough to wear to a film premier



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