Will Icon Films Edit Out The Lies For Nat Geo Tonight?

Tonight on the National Geographic Channel the two hour US version of the Icon Films/Channel-4 three part special airs under the title "BIGFOOT: THE NEW EVIDENCE" and from all the evidence so far it looks like they will be going right ahead and including the lies of commentator Mark Evans, which I discuss below.
I can see from the caption under Justin's picture on the Nat Geo site they are still spreading the falsehood that Justin claimed the hair sample he submitted to Dr. Sykes came from the juvenile that he shot, when he never made any such claim.
Dr. Sykes KNOWS this, and never claimed any such thing himself. So much for ever believing a damned thing that comes out of National Geographic again...
Read more here: http://bigfootzoologist.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-few-facts-concerning-icon-films-and.html
Probably not.
ReplyDeleteRight on man
DeleteYou don't get to do that here.
Delete1 cool thing about this" blog item' (4 lack of better term) ,, I discovered nadia moore"s blog,, Bigfootzoologist.. ... good reading & cool blog,,.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI'd like to see some populist jerks try to take Smeja's guns.
DeleteMoot whenever the samples came up no bigfoot because bigfoot doesn't exist.
DeleteFuck off, Daniel.
ReplyDeleteI'll taterhole you pal, don't mess.
DeleteI can hold my mud don't worry.
DeleteMy tater hole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.
DeleteIt is the rut here in southern Ohio, with this cold front moving through tonight it should kick them Bucks into Full Rut!!
DeleteI done shit me undies and I like it.
ReplyDeletePanties dick they're called panties
DeleteI got this on demand last night. I don't want to spoil it but Joe will be very dissappointed in Sykes findings.
ReplyDeleteI heard both Joe and Daniel were being interviewed on the Bigfoot New Evidence special tonight.
DeleteWell with all of this talk of shitting let me tell you how to really ruin A guys day. Get a few packs of bubble gum and before work starts chew up a few pieces and blow a bubble the size of a tennis ball. Now spit it into the shitter. It should look like a Portugese Man O' War jellyfish floating on top of the water. Repeat and do it to every shitter. The bubble keeps them from flushing down and men just hate to shit on top of them. This one fucker at my work would take a coat hanger and go pop all of them.
ReplyDeleteThis a prime example of childish response I hate. If you cant debate like an adult dont post at all. This is why I mainly stick to professional lists. There is not this childish vulgar language on them. They are Proffessional. Not just any riff raff.
DeleteHe's giving you real life tips, not just some dumb predator cloaking theories.
Deletelol...Debate what? Another stupid, moldy anecdote? Ok, Justin shot 2 bigfoots and held the dying baby in his arms..Robert Lindsay masturbated into his mom' best linen when he heard the story and then posted a picture of a cartoon that looked like Sidney Poiter with a smile on his face like he just masturbated...Justin was scared to take a picture or harvest any evidence because the bigfoots looked human so he went home and masturbated..He then met Randles on a masturbation blog and said he shot 2 bears and then Randles got the idea while masturbating to say they were bigfoots...
DeleteAfter everyone masturbated for 2 months, Justin and friends went to look for a body and--Surprise!--they masturbated on a dead bear that died right where the dead bigfoots were!! Everyone was so amazed by this coincidence they masturbated and sent the results to Melba, Bart and Sykes...Meba said it was a lemur but Bart and Sykes said it was bear contaminated by human dna...I wonder how human dna got on the samples....Can you figure it out and share your ideas after you masturbate?..Thanks...
Holy shit A++ that's the funniest fuckin story I've read in a long time not to long so people won't read too awesome
DeleteSo that's what those white thermal blobs were that Bart filmed!
Deleteanon 9:30 I must admit...that was a good laugh. I will go masturbate now too
Delete...Thanks guys...
DeleteI will await bill munns analysis on the film before making judgement
ReplyDeleteI will gladly include you in my unbiased peer reviewed by a titdoctor opinion if you send me some funds. Or bus fare.
DeleteUntil then the creature in the PGF is 100 percent living bipedal hominid.
On a completely related note, may I borrow a pint of blood, a cup of sperm and bus fare til the end of the month?
Footery dont come cheap,
Not only is Mark Evans a liar,, He is also a condescending brit,who looks down his nose at americans,! and,,,fags like RICTOR !!! HA, HA, HA,
ReplyDeleteWHERE is Mikey Merchant when hes needed ?
DeleteI think he gave up on us I haven't seen Shawn touting his shit in a while
DeleteMichael had a falling out with just about everyone, or perhaps everyone had a falling out with him. Either way he is not liked around here anymore.
DeleteThats unfortunate! as he sounded very cool on a blogtalk show a couple mos ago. oh well.
Deleteapparently Mike M. is on the "outs" with some of these guys. Well, most of them laugh and giggle like children anyways. They cannot be serious for 2 minutes on any of their Podcasts.
DeleteMike wants the truth, they want $$$, ask Ro.
Chris packham pwned footers and now mark evans has pwned footers. Good work. Keeping those footers in check.
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks lady
DeleteChris Hackham couldn't pwn a glass of water.
DeleteHis Strutting Orange Stick Man attempt at a Patty redux will put you straight into hysterical diapers.
more junk dna studies ...plus more lies from a guy who said he killed 2 bigfoots ...Smeja is the new Dyer
ReplyDeleteNO NOT junk DNA. It's Oxford University for crying out loud. I don't think you could wish for anymore credibility. Sykes has been published numerous times and has 6 books published about ancestry and how it relates to DNA.
DeleteSmeja the new Dyer? You're gonna die now. Them's serious words. You're gonna get shot like some grief stricken juvenile circus bears.
Delete30 pounds and stands 3 foot tall
DeleteSmeja shot him and watched him fall...
Hey a new hit song ...lol Smeja the mini me for dyer? lol
DeleteIt's too bad because I really like this blog, but the Troll to Bigfoot posts here are about 15:1. You'd probably get more hits on this site if you block all the knucle dragging, mouth breathing, sexist, racist, and juvenile trolls here. (Really do none of you have anything better to do?) Who knows you might even get some intelligent debate around here.
DeleteIt was like that in the before time from what I heard but apparently is was like the Bigfoot forum with the same 5 people posting propping up each others delusions with no debate so it was more like a 5 dude circle jerk with the biggest debate being is bigfeets human or ape am I right Tzeith I wasn't here in the before time long long ago
DeleteAnd if you don't mind me asking what is your degree in
DeleteOne thing these guys have taught me is if your belief isn't strong enough to stand up to scrutiny you should probably get a better belief system
DeleteWell that might actually change somewhat. For whatever you may think about Finding Bigfoot. (I love the show but I do get a lot of the criticisms) it has brought the topic of Bigfoot/Sasquatch out in the open. More people are coming forward with their experiences. And yes despite even though self appointed "bf researchers" shoot themselves in the foot in regards to the scientific community taking them seriously - there a few like Sykes who want to take a look at the phenomenon and figure out what exactly is going on. Because there is nothing we know for sure about bigfoot (despite what the footers and skeptic assert) it is fun to have the debate of "what if".
Delete@ harry... I don't have a degree, but I did attend 4 years of college with a science background. I consider myself a skeptical believer. I believe the species exists, I just don't buy the majority of claims as proof. So I'm skeptical enough discount all the bad photos and videos of blobsquatches, and the bad science such as Ketchum, but I am a believer because of the vast historical record of accounts around the world (going back to pre-Columbian time) and the amount of footprint casts (you can't fake dermal ridges).
DeleteWith that being said, I'm excited about what Sykes is going to find. He is the real deal in regards to DNA studies (genealogy is a hobby of mine and he highly regarded in ancestral DNA studies).
I do believe there is such a thing I'm just doubtful in the finding of it sorry if I come off abrasive I don't mean to be I really believed it was close to being found then I came here a little over a year ago and I've seen 5 hoaxes at the least since then and have become jaded that we are any closer to finding it and the only decent evidence is the Patterson gimmlin film and everything since has been blurry blobsquatch treesquatch rocksquatch and flat out lies all while holding their hands out for donations actually I digress Josh Gates found something amazing but that was the Himalayans
DeleteOk I'm sorry I just didn't want you strolling in calling us knuckle draggers mouth breathers and juveniles most is just in jest and I believe quite a few of us are educated so that's not fair to generalize but I agree the sexist racist comments do need to be stopped I've never seen show me your tits or get the fuck out work as a pic up line except for mardi gras and spring break
DeleteHa... yes not generalizing all...it's just after reading 15 -20 comments on poop jars and taterholes.... my urge to write an opinion, theory, or question on the topic at hand suddenly lessens for my comment would be lost in a sea obsurdity.
DeleteSo I check in here every 2-4 days, but rarely comment.
^ HEY BRO ,, for approx 3 yrs I came to this blog for up to date, breaking news,, I NEVER read the comments,, intel about 4mos ago,, after that I could not take it any more !!!! SO NOW I TROLL!! AND I FUCKIN TROLL HARD,, against the randi skeptic"s ,,who try to shove thier shit down my throat,,, and the funny thing is ?? I could not give a RATASS about them,, but here they are,, trying to change our minds... STRANGE..the funny thing is we own them all !! WE SNAP OUR FINGERS ,, AND THEY JUMP !! LOL. .
Deletei have a ex wife that used to stalk me .sounds familiar.
DeleteIt's true 5:41, that when you call "Skeptard?" you get many replies, "Yes? Yeah? Huh? Me? Who?"
DeleteThey aren't even bright enough to avoid responding to the term.
The ensnare themselves in every word trap laid here.
Like the snap her fingers and you or you just might be stabbed I had one of those too 5' tall with a major Napoleon complex little people have the hugest balls
Deletejust like a lot of cops were picked on as little kids,, its fucked up.
Deleteunfortunately i cant spell and big foot aint reel
ReplyDeleteHe's not real. Bigfuts not real.
DeleteNat Geo won't censor it but the BFF will. Butthurt Footers = Butt Hurt
ReplyDeleteStop hurting my butt
DeleteYeah leave our butts alone you crazy butt pirate you
Delete4:32: wrong on two counts:
DeleteI'm not a footer, nor does my butt hurt.
I'm interested in the topic.
You are interested in painful butts.
Congratulations again.
Are you just discovering that NG is nothing but lies and outdated facts and political correctness? What most people dont know is that at least their magazine is 2 years behind the facts. I am a pilot. Quite some years ago I flew a NG photographer (BTW the vast majority are free lance so inject their own personal views into things)
ReplyDeleteAround the blue Ridge mountains of Va. taking pics of the fall foliage. She told me that the article with the pics would not be published until 2 years later. #1 that tells me their info is at least 2 years old and I have doubted NG for many many years. They are going to print what is Politically correct and not the truth. I know this first hand about African pieces as my son in law is Nigerian. Born in the US and raised since he was a baby to when they moved back to the US for high school and college. His grandfather was the Nigerian ambassador to the US. American publications and movie producers are nothing more then politically correct propagandists. Prime example is the complete so called "Artistic creativity" in the movie Tears of the sun which was completely made up by hollywood. Nothing was true. My son in laws tribe the ebjoes (sp?) lead the revolution. He is an ex marine intel officer. In 1967 I believe it was when the revolution started his tribe lead it. Our military did not have the technology then wasnt no where close to the way the movie depicted. What I am trying to say is dont believe a damned thing that NG or hollywood says about ANYTHING. It is all based on what is politically Correct and brijngs in the most theater goers at the time. I will admitt that Tears of the son was a good entertaining movie even though it was factually FAAAAAAAR from the truth. I just like Bruce WIllis. I have no idea what the select profile means. everyone wants to make everything as difficult and complicated as they can. Makes them feel Powerful. Its an ego trip for them. Therefore I am just posting my email and selecting a profile at random. I dont believe in posting something anonymously. That means "not trustworthy " to me. My email is squatch@ntelos.net. Anyone can email me and agree, disagree or indifferent as far as I am concerned. We may not agree but I welcome an intelligent non aggressive debate. I will delete any nasty replies.
Too much reading
DeleteHe's full of shit. Like NG or Hollywood or anybody else except 4 or 5 like-minded retards cares what he thinks.
DeletePompous ass.
Not sure what i ate yesterday because i had Pompeii Ass this morning
Delete(clive squashy)
DeleteI'm still waiting for The Return of Bruno 2.
5:00 extract your skull from the wet slippery orifice you've crammed it into.
DeleteNG, local news, cable news, national news, world news, are for-profit businesses which depend on ratings, some on advertising.
If the truth and accuracy aren't conducive to ratings and cash, you will not get the truth and accuracy, you will get what sells. The object is cash, cash, cash, not truth or accuracy.
You are the dimwitted mainstream-spoonfed deluded hopeless pompous twerktard everyone feels sorry for.
Now get that skull and walnut-sized brain out of that wet orifice!
NatGeo is far more credible than you are.
DeleteI like turtles.
DeletePonies are pretty.
DeleteErrr, he's right actually and how it's only now dawning on Nadia is odd when Nat Geo's always been a debunking channel for the government. They're behind the Is It Real? series which purpose was to keep covering up, they're doing it on Area51 and you name it just like they're doing right now with new programmes on JFK promoting LHO as shooter. So they're basically telling the official lies they want the public to believe, it's mass misinformation and it's really bad these days think they're seen the public is slowly waking up so the scam recovery is going full force.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete^^^Science has spoken.
Delete5:12 is our deluded twerktard of the day.
#tooneytard approved
wow - comment removed by blog administrator? Didn't know they even read this part of the blog. What could have possibly been said to have been removed? I thought anything went on here ...as long as we are looking. ..oh yeah Taterhole.
DeleteWhat's with the racism dude? I bet you wouldn't say that to my face.
ReplyDeleteHello, Nadia. How you doin'?
ReplyDeleteSorry, she can't come to the keys she's currently in Narnia.
DeleteThis production was created to appeal to the masses. Embellishment, and exaggeration comes along for the ride. That's just the way it is. They are trying to entertain a population base, the bulk of which, has never even entertained the existence of Bigfoot as a possibility. It's insulting to this micro-community, or population segment, that is not integral to their production's success. Honesty is not a badge of honor for fringe subject documentary producers, they couldn't care less how the half truths impact bigfoot believers.
ReplyDeleteNadia strikes me as the type to twist in the wind a lot. What a waste of energy for her personally. Nadia as you grow up you will learn to choose your battles.
Cash is the object.
DeleteNow sit your pompous buttocks down and shut up.
^^^^Says the brilliant Taterhole, Poop in a Jar, Racist guy who desperately needs an overhand Right to the chops.
Delete(clive squashy)
DeleteI bet you couldn't lay a hand on Taterhole's chops.
I bet Taterhole would have a hole in his chops when I was done, as would (clive squashy), who is same Taterhole, Poop in a Jar, Randy California, Dick Ryder, could go on and on.
Delete(clive squashy)
DeleteDon't try and flatter me !
I will admit to Bob Wire, Walter Melon and the "I gets MayAaad" ! guy.
Deletejust like Rick Dyer - anything to make a good story.
DeleteIf the edited out all the lies there would only be about 5 minutes of material remaining.
ReplyDeleteDo what da V.P. Joe Biden – or as he known in these parts as “shotgun Joe” getz U a shotgun – buy a shotgun, takes a shotgun for U protection. Wise words indeed from shotgun Joe!
ReplyDeleteRick Dyer Killed a REAL BIGFOOT ! ALL you Haters will Seee!
ReplyDeleteNOBODY believes anything Rick Dyer or his stupid minions say or claim anymore...He. Is. Done.
DeleteSeems these limey blokes knocked the wind out of the Bigfoot theory? Brits, the one guy Mark Evans is vet and had show called a car is reborn , haz no clue what hes doing chasing Squatch..
ReplyDeleteI would love to lick my way across Nadia Moore's taterhole!
ReplyDeleteThar beez bigfeets abouts deep-deep in da woods – U got to beez on your guard as some locals have found out – one was out in da bush and heard some talk sounded like Indian dialectal as he was part Indian himself. Went and talk to his father who said it was an older dialectal that hasn’t been used in an age. His grandfather understood the meaning and asked where he heard it! They said it must be the stickman and they were watching your movements deep in da woods.