Watch: Bigfoot Chasers - Joe's Bigfoot Story

In this episode of the Bigfoot Chasers, Joe retells his first Bigfoot experience. Watch this below:


  1. 1st the worst,2nd the best,3rd will be the hairy princess xx



    1. That would explain Joe. :) Just kidding, JF. Kind of.

    2. Well, they have to come up with some theory because the idea of human evolution is a 1000 foot tall pile of horse-shit! Carbon dating has failed, no cross-overs species. Life came from a being of a higher dimention allright, his name is GOD.

      Mathmaticians can easily run evolution into the ground. Evolution is a mathamatical impossibility. Space Aliens --- same problem---------- What lit the fire --- element to life?

      In 500 million years you couldn't get a flipper to evolve into 5 fingers?
      Think about TWO eyes evolving?????
      Don't you think if we evolved there would be a lot of Single eye creatures??????

    3. Hello The Bigfoot Patriot,i have to say i'm pretty much with you on that one,i do think all matter must have been created by God/consciousness it's the only answer that makes any sense xx

  4. Replies
    1. I think it's food for dogs

    2. Sometimes i see things in nature that scream intelligent design,can anyone explain to me how this could have evolved by natural selection? xx

    3. Hello Mike,like your videos on youtube,any more soon? xx

    4. Is it food for thought or thought for food?

  5. Wikipedia...

    "Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism. By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion."

    Yellow Journalism Examples -
    *Spanish American War - Yellow journalism helped to push Spain and the United States into war in 1898. The Maine, a US battleship, sunk from an explosion. Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst published false articles about a plot to sink the ship, thereby increasing tensions.
    *Samsung and Apple court case - A story claimed that Samsung paid a $1.2 billion settlement to Apple in nickels. The story originated as comedy, but an American journalist published it as true.
    *Baby Snatched by Eagle - This headline grabbed attention but the accompanying video was shown to be a fake.
    *World War I photo - The photo shows a man in front of a firing squad and the caption said the man was an enemy spy. The photo was a fake and the photographer was actually posing as the spy. It has since been used as a photo from WWII.
    *Prime Minister called a traitor - ABC News reported that Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu called Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin a traitor; but, the report was false.
    *OJ Simpson - Live reporting of the chase and capture of Simpson sensationalized this tragic case after Simpson was accused of murdering his ex-wife.
    *Tiger Woods - The news media had a heyday with the story of his affairs, including interviewing sex addicts.
    *Heidi Fleiss - She was convicted of prostitution and tax evasion and became very well known due to the media coverage.
    *Botox mom - This story of a mom giving her daughter Botox and waxings to keep her looking young was a hoax. The Sun, a British tabloid, paid her $200 to say she did it.
    *Octamom - A former stripper gave birth to octuplets and became a media sensation.
    *Crazed woman chases Brad Pitt - The headline is an eye catcher but she was really just running after him to take a picture.

    1890's headline examples of yellow journalism -

    "President Supports Child Labor Legislation"
    "McKinley Asks Congress to Annex Hawaii"
    "Populist Demand Change in the Gold Standard"
    "Spanish Authorities Butcher Innocent Cubans"

    1. "In many ways this era (late 1800's) foreshadowed the rise of the internet. Paper became drastically cheaper in the late 1800s, leading to a flourishing of the lower-end publishing business. Suddenly thousands of people had a forum for their views and stories that had previously been non-existent. Both Hearst and Pulitzer’s newspapers were dirt-cheap and appealed to the working classes of the era. More established papers such as the New York Times and the New York Press scoffed at the upstarts (the New York Press made the first accusation of “yellow journalism”), but the success of their methods was undeniable."

      Ok... Let's now look at the New York Times press releases of the time relating to the subject matter of giant skeletons...

    2. "On 10 August 1891, the New York Times reported that scientists from the Smithsonian Institution had discovered several large "pyramidal monuments" on Lake Mills, near Madison, Wisconsin. "Madison was in ancient days the centre of a teeming population numbering not less than 200,000," the Times said. The excavators found an elaborate system of defensive works which they named Fort Aztalan.

      "The celebrated mounds of Ohio and Indiana can bear no comparison, either in size, design or the skill displayed in their construction with these gigantic and mysterious monuments of earth -- erected we know not by whom, and for what purpose we can only conjecture," said the Times.

      On 20 December 1897, the Times followed up with a report on three large burial mounds that had been discovered in Maple Creek, Wisconsin. One had recently been opened.

      "In it was found the skeleton of a man of gigantic size. The bones measured from head to foot over nine feet and were in a fair state of preservation. The skull was as large as a half bushel measure. Some finely tempered rods of copper and other relics were lying near the bones."

      Giant skulls and skeletons of a race of "Goliaths" have been found on a very regular basis throughout the Midwestern states for more than 100 years. Giants have been found in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky and New York, and their burial sites are similar to the well-known mounds of the Mound Builder people.

      The spectrum of Mound builder history spans a period of more than 5,000 years (from 3400 BCE to the 16th CE), a period greater than the history of Ancient Egypt and all of its dynasties.

      There is a "prevailing scholarly consensus" that we have an adequate historical understanding of the peoples who lived in North America during this period. However, the long record of anomalous finds like those at Lake Delavan suggests otherwise.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thank you!!! He is an idiot!

    5. an exceedingly verbose idiot...but an idiot nonetheless

    6. Joe. Why do you never mention Hrdelicka's past history at Smithsonian? Just askin?

    7. The three traits of a delusional person (delusion is considered a serious mental illness):

      1) Certainty of belief ( held with absolute conviction)

      2) Incorrigibility of belief (not changeable by compelling counter-argument or proof to the contrary)

      3) Impossibility or falsity of belief content (implausible, bizarre or patently untrue)

    8. Joe, for the love of sweet little baby manbearpig, can you make a point without the long cut-and paste Wikipedia posts?

  6. Replies
    1. Michigan weather report. Cold with a chance of more cold, becoming cold-ass cold. Long range forecast: Cold, cold, cold-ass cold.

    2. I just saw TWC and it looks like summer will not be coming this year for Michigan, or autumn or spring. I love Detroit in the spring.

    3. Yeah, I remember the year we had spring. Back in '42, I think...

  7. GOOD MORNING fuckfaces if you hide in your attic don't do loud shit when the ss is outside

    1. It's colder than a well diggers taterhole in mid month of January here Harry.

    2. They're driving me nuts with all that crazy talk on the Indian thread only America thinks in linear thought European people think in circular time thought so this origin bullshit is gonna rage on till the end of time just like Bigfoot how about this there is no origin

    3. Sorry about that man it's 70 here I'm sweatin watching tv lol

    4. I kinda miss the seasons but I don't miss that 20 deg weather especially if it's not even December that doesn't look good when the real cold snaps

    5. I hear you Harry.My Grandma was full blood Cherokee.She was born in the early 1900s and had a twin that was given name Moonshine and Grandmas given name was Sunray.Her twin was given penicillin when they were tots and her twin died right there on the table.I just overlook what is said on here. Some people just like to argue just for the hell of it. I said that it was colder than a well diggers taterhole but what I meant was it's colder than a witches tit.

    6. How's your son doin where did he go after graduation

    7. Texas Harry.I should of not used Anon.My bad.I couldn't imagine the weather up state.though. Hell,down here we just aren't use to it.40 degree here is like freezing to

    8. Lol my brothers are freezing balls up in Chicago

    9. He's in Virginia taking a job training course for now.The wife thinks he won't be home till January but little surprise for her come Christmas.;-)

    10. Good for him she will be ecstatic I'm sure

    11. We have some trucks running produce up in Indiana right now and they were having problems.Send a pic of you with a Corona sitting under some palm trees to your brothers.I'm sure they would love that.I couldn't live up north.Shit,I'd freeze.

    12. Going to blow her mind.Going to be at the lake house and have him sneak in.Gotta go eat. Have a great day brother.

    13. Lol last year I sent them Christmas on the beach with people swimming and the wife and I drinkin Heineken

    14. Commuted my sentence to three him some liquor.;-)

    15. All the really stupid people freeze to death up north. They thrive in the south.

    16. It's funny how fast you acclimate to the weather I thought I'd die in the extreme summer but now 60 deg is cold to me

    17. Harry. When I finally moved here I left Chicago at 32 degrees and stepped off the plane to 92. Bigdad. It was colder than a well diggers ass In the Klondike.

    18. We can still make the Premeire of dead Bigfoot. Although Ro didn't exactly endorse the hotel near the golf course. Whose in??

    19. You lived in Chicago mike how do you go from Chicago to a ranch in tx

    20. Hey Mike.Went by your You Tube site and looks good.Phones about to die here in at y'all later.Mike,I'm multimike442 on You Tube.

    21. Bigdad. I've got one of the best field researchers in the business coming down Dec 6. MK recommended him. Get down here with us. It's getting wild! M

    22. I was playing Kraftwerk at 140 db. Guess the SS is off designing some national healthcare database to track us.

    23. Harry. I spent 6 months living on Dearborn Avenure right off the miracle mile and Michigan Avenue. I just wanted to chill in the city. I lived with one of my old football buddies named Eric Collier. He had a nice home in Hinsdale. But like all Chicagoans. He wanted an inner city pad. They all love it. But you can't fucking drive down there. Longest I ever went without a car!

    24. I guess with a farm in the Ozarks in MO and a ranch in the Texas Hillcouuntry, I felt like at 42 I better see the city lights while I could still party enough to appreciate it. That city NEVER sleeps. Hard to wear your St Louis Cardinals gear in the street though.

    25. Anon 643 you shut your anti socialist mouth lol mike you lived right in the shittiest traffic place only people trying to prove status wish to live down there hinsdale is much nicer built 3 homes there the best is over by willow and 294 where mrs Brock lives heiress to the candy fortune

    26. But yes it never does sleep how long did you stay did you see the drake

    27. Yes, it is the resistance to socialism that makes it fail. Not the whole pathetically flawed thing.

    28. Take it to Facebook you pussies.

      We should start a pool on how many of Brookresons team will get horribly maimed or arrested looking for bigfoot. That would make great video.

    29. I vote that I will likely die. But not get maimed or arrested. I can't remember the last person who called me that. I thank you.

    30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    32. I can think of another subject that would make a fantastic video. Harry and I stomping a mud hole in your ass. A la Jay and Silent Bob strike back! So do be careful dear sweet Anon. I'm playing nice today. Perhaps you'd do best to get back to your video games.

    33. Fuck you flabby ass footers. Send your valentines to each other somewhere else.

    34. Aww your mental deficiency knows no bounds you can't even read a calendar I'm sorry

    35. Mike B. just got schooled by Harry. That's how it's done, boys and girls. Old school all day baby.

    36. Seriously if I was in charge socialism would really work.

    37. Schooled by Harry. He's an old friend. Someone trolled us. Harry called him out. You should check out hooked on phonics you utter dipshit. That's how reading works. The Queens English. And for a dumb ass like you. Queen should be most appropriate. Harry my man. Drop me a line any time. Gotta go. I saw you and Bigdad and dropped In. But it's recess now I guess. Enjoy your Sunday. M

    38. The guy who hates 'footers' hangs around on a bigfoot site.

      That's f*cked up and no mistake.

      The frightening thing is that is he's not alone.

      Good luck working with MK's researcher Mike. If he pulls out VHS camcorder kick him off your property!

      Hey HB!


    39. Lol that was funny MMG catch ya later man

    40. No doubt MMG. Always a pleasure. Both MKs video and audio man are invaluable. Stay In touch. M

    41. Dropped to 15 degrees here last night and the extreme wind caused whiteout conditions.

      I can't wait to go back to TN.

    42. Mike B., I'm the one who said you were being schooled. I was wrong. I like Harry and thought someone was bagging on him, so to Anon 7:49, chill out dude. You are taking this way too seriously.

    43. Lol thanks anon where you at Dan what state

    44. Ohhh I know a few people up there it's colder then shit up there right now

  8. Bigfoot located in east central Ohio.
    These aren't the bigfeets we're looking for.

    You can go about your business.

    Move along... move along.

  9. Replies
    1. That sum a bitch done run off with my rocks and pipe.You see him tell him to poop in a jar cause that'll be the last time,......

  10. i guess were not in kansas anymore..

  11. You know the thing about the self-aware disembodied taterhole fish, he's got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'. Until he bites ya and those black eyes roll over white. And then, ah then you hear that terrible high pitch screamin' and the ocean turns red...

  12. Listen up jar poopers, Bigfoot and Santa are coming down your chimney with a gifting bowl and jar of peanut butter.

  13. : ) G.W. knows where da bigfeets be in TX ....

  14. Aks my choice - gotz firepower and can take wear and tear and keeps on shootin

  15. SO if U looking for stopping power AKs over ARs for sure - AKs take lots of duty/grime in da bush and still keeps shootin. ARs get a little duty in it and U done. Used a AK after getting out of the Army and never had a problem in 10 years of use, so AKs for sure….. dependable 7.62 instead of .223 AR rounds.


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